FY13 Plans - Tufts University Libraries


Collections FY13 Plans



Participate in the BLC e-book project; analyze usage data; monitor costs. All. Timeline:


Analyze usage of some key e-book packages (Wiley, Springer) and compare to print usage of same titles. Beverly Gobiel. Timeline: fall and early spring semesters.

Explore the possibility of participating in the Educause e-textbook pilot in FY14. Assess level of interest among faculty, administrators and students. If there is sufficient interest, work out a business model that includes technical and administrative support.

Laura Walters, with Gina Siesing from ESTS, and bibliographers and Karen Vagts as appropriate. Timeline: Completed by April.


Digital humanities:

Participation in the NEH Digital Humanities Institute. Chris Barbour (along with Chris

Strauber and Alex May) will be part of the summer institute where they will learn text encoding (TIE) using Caesar’s Commentary and explore other aspects of digital asset management. This will inform future work at Tisch.

Internet Archive: Chris Barbour is working with Heather Curtis to identify material from the American Missionary Society in New York for digitizing. Timeline: summer and fall.

Digital Commonwealth: Chris Barbour is working with the Art History Department to identify non-textual material to be digitized. These include rare Near Eastern architectural slides; lantern slides of European street scenes; and rare postcards that are out of copyright. In conjunction with Alex May. Timeline: fall and spring.

Identification of other digitization projects: Chris Barbour is working with the faculty who use Tisch’s rare books in teaching to identify materials to digitize for greater access for class work. Timeline: Ongoing.


Data/Digital Asset Management:

Work with the new social sciences data librarian to identify data sets to support the curriculum, both commercial and non-commercial, including GIS. Martha Kelehan.

Timeline: Ongoing.

Work with faculty on data curation for their own data, including data plans for granting agencies. Bibliographers. Timeline: Ongoing.

Work with the DAM group on building the digital asset management infrastructure at

Tufts. Collections role is primarily to identify appropriate content for curation. Laura

Walters. Timeline: Ongoing.


Graduate student award:

Establish a graduate student fellowship for support of thesis/dissertation research in the humanities, including history. We propose a summer grant to support living expenses similar to the Summer Scholar for undergraduates. We would award the fellowship to the graduate student who proposes the best use of Tisch’s collections. There would be a review panel consisting of Chris Barbour, Chris Strauber, Chao Chen, and faculty. We would do outreach through the A&S Graduate Dean’s office. Timeline: First award made for summer 2013. Cost: $3,500 (same as undergrad Summer Scholar).


Involvement in space planning:

Weed the print reference collection, weed the CDs/Floppies at the circulation desk.

Bibliographers. Timeline: By December 30.

Provide collections data as needed, including collections growth predictions.

Bibliographers. Timeline: Ongoing.

Prepare a report on special collections space needs. Chris Barbour. Timeline:

September 2012.



Begin the preservation of the most at-risk special collections according to the plan written in FY12. Chris Barbour. Timeline: Ongoing throughout FY13. Cost: We are waiting for confirmation that $15,000 has been given to the FY13 for this purpose.


Scholarly communications (aka Copyright/Fair Use/Open Access):

Work with the new Provost on the Provost’s Open Access Fund. Martha Kelehan and

Miriam Allman through the SCT. Timeline: At the Provost’s discretion.

Plan special events for Open Access Week in the fall. Martha Kelehan and Miriam

Allman though the SCT. Timeline: Fall semester.

Work with University Counsel to revise the university’s Fair Use policy to include more library specific events and draw from the ARL Code of Best Practices. Revise the SCT web pages accordingly. Martha Kelehan and Miriam Allman though the SCT. Timeline:


Draft a white paper on open access publishing at Tufts. Martha Kelehan with Deborah

Kaplan from the SCT. Timeline: FY13.


Interdisciplinary research support:

Begin a formal discussion with the CLT on supporting interdisciplinary research across the schools, particularly as regards the research themes initiated by President Monaco.

Develop goals and identify infrastructure needs. Laura Walters and the CLT, with input from the bibliographers. Timeline: FY13.

Create a plan for the support of the several new interdisciplinary majors and minors in

A&S and SOE, including Africana Studies, Cognitive Science, Asian-American Studies.

Develop goals and identify infrastructure needs. Bibliographers with input from R&I partners. Timeline: By April 2013.


Patron Access to Resources:

Explore alternatives to ILL for monographs and journals such as “Get It Now” and purchase of monograph request instead of ILL. If decision is made to move forward from a collections standpoint, explore ramifications for ILL and Acquisitions. Timeline:

Decision made and processes in place in time for implementation in FY14.

Explore the enhancement of the "Request a Purchase" process to include autogenerated email responses. With LITS. Timeline: Fall.

Provide access to the mobile platforms of appropriate databases. With LITS and ULTS.

Timeline: Summer and fall semesters.
