the full details here. - San Leandro Unified School District

San Leandro Unified School District
Educational Services 2013-2015
Instructional Innovator Learning Communities
Helping Students Develop 21st Century Skills
Timeline and Scope of Work
Phase I: January-June 2014
 Incorporate new technology hardware into the classroom
 Attend five professional development sessions once a month from February to June, TBD
 Implement the strategies that will be discussed and supported in the professional
development sessions that focus on the following competencies for teachers and students:
critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and
innovation, competency in a global community and digital literacy.
 Utilize the weekly site PLC and collaboration time to implement new learning through the
end of the 2013-2014 academic year
 Participate in online virtual support opportunities focused on how to use the new technology
in the classroom
 Migrate from Outlook Exchange to the Google Suite as an early adopter
 Create a classroom environment that promotes 21st century teaching and learning through
the infusion of technology hardware, software, and redesign of the classroom space
 Be open to receiving frequent coaching support during initial adoption phase as needed
 Deliver two presentations to colleagues at staff meetings to share about progress, successes
and challenges.
 Participate in a one hour focus group in June with the Educational Services team to inform
next phase of work
 Be provided up to 20 hours of release time to collaborate with Instructional Innovator
colleagues to support implementation of new learning (not required, but available)
 Participate in the early adoption of various education software which may include, but is not
limited to: Google Apps for Education, Renaissance Learning, Imagine Learning, Discovery
Streaming, Discovery Techbook, Imagine Learning, Plato, Classworks, and Edmodo
 Be willing to learn and utilize 21st century hardware that can be utilized to give students
San Leandro Unified School District
Educational Services 2013-2015
Instructional Innovator Learning Communities
Helping Students Develop 21st Century Skills
Timeline and Scope of Work
Phase II: Summer 2014
Phase III: August 2014June 2015
instant feedback and promote collaboration, which may include, but is not limited to: iPads,
Mac Computers, PC computers, iPods, Google Chromebooks
Be open to the integration of technology across curriculum, instruction, assessment,
administrative tasks, professional development, communication, and decision-making
Teachers will use technology as a part of their instruction, to give students timely feedback,
improve communications, utilize data to improve teacher efficacy and instruction, foster
engagement, and streamline administrative task
Help students shift to acquiring lifelong 21st century skills and become digitally literate
Deliver two presentation to colleagues at staff meetings to share abut progress, successes,
and challenges
Participate in a one hour focus group in June with the Educational Services team to inform
the next phase of work
REQUIRED to attend 3 day teaching and learning conference in focused instructional
methodology/featured practice and instructional technology (Dates TBD but tentatively
scheduled for 8/11-8/13)
Implement 5C framework, technology integration tools, instructional methodology/featured
practice, and SBAC aligned assessment practices
Participate in five professional development sessions throughout the 2014-2015 academic
year to support ongoing learning
Utilize the weekly site PLC and collaboration time to implement new learning throughout
the year
Receive ongoing instructional coaching to ensure effective implementation and
Serve as a demonstration classroom open to frequent visits by teachers and administrators
Deliver professional development and presentations at the site and district level to promote
initiatives across the district
San Leandro Unified School District
Educational Services 2013-2015
Instructional Innovator Learning Communities
Helping Students Develop 21st Century Skills
Timeline and Scope of Work
STIPEND Amount for 18-month commitment: $2500
SUMMER COMPENSATION: $250 per day for each mandatory summer training day