Catherine Bobo Verb Lesson Plan for CMS

Grade and Subject: 6th Grade Language Arts
Instructor: Catherine Bobo
Lesson Title “Get Ready to Learn About Verbs!”
Date 10/07/2014
Culture and Context
 This lesson is being taught to 6th grade language arts students at Crabapple Middle
School. The students are diverse racially, ethnically, by gender, and by learning
level. This lesson will be taught both to on-level and advanced placement students.
Grammar is an indispensable component in both written and spoken forms of
communication. Students must be able to learn the proper grammar conventions to
apply to forming proper linguistic syntax. Verbs must be taught in an effective way
for these 6th graders to be able to build upon the grammar knowledge they have,
and to provide a foundation for the grammar they will learn in higher grade levels.
 The proper use of grammar conventions in speaking and writing is required by the
Common Core State Standards for 6th grade students. My approach is to provide an
interactive lesson plan format that is relevant to what students are experiencing in
their own lives. In my examples of verb usage, I am using sentences that reflect
what students do in their own lives.
 It is important for students to feel that they are reflected in the curriculum and
lessons that they experience. It is also important to use engaging and interactive
modes of instruction.
 The students in the 6th grade age group like interactive and multi-sensory classroom
experiences. In my introduction I will show a verb video that includes a song with
the words displayed throughout the video. The students can choose to participate
with the video by “clapping, jumping, and shaking” with the corresponding lyrics. I
believe that the verb “rap” fits well into their academic, social, and cultural
characteristics as middle school students.
Identity and
 This lesson will help shape students identity as scholars by providing them with
further knowledge on the grammatical convention of verbs.
 This lesson will aid students in the comprehension, identification, and application
of verbs in their studies.
 This lesson is important because verbs are necessary components of all sentences.
Since sentences are the basic structure of most grammatical written and oral
communication, students should be able to identify and apply verbs.
 This lesson fits into the larger class curriculum by instructing on one of the
required grammar conventions required for their grade level. This lesson on verbs
will connect with previous and future various grammar conventions that are
interconnected. This lesson will introduce action and linking verbs. The students
will have other lessons on verbs throughout Unit 2. This lesson will be the first link
in the chain of verb instruction for 6th grade language arts.
 I will teach this lesson in an interactive way so that students will be engaged. I
believe that this lesson will provide a solid introduction to verbs without
overwhelming the students with information.
 The purpose of this exercise is to get students thinking about verbs, and to show
them some definitions and applications of verbs in everyday sentences that they
can relate to their daily lives.
 By utilizing guided notes that accommodate the PowerPoint, attention to the lesson
will be required for successful completion of the notes. I will have the guided notes
located at the center of the grouped tables. This should minimize time that would
be used in passing out papers and allow for more time for instruction. Students will
read the “Bell Ringer” board to read directions for getting their journals and the
guided notes from their table. I will have the main essential question, agenda,
activity, and wrap up written on the main dry erase board. I will utilize a clicker for
PowerPoint transitions.
Lesson Rationale
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of
Instructor: Catherine Bobo
Grade and Subject: 6th Grade Language Arts
Lesson Title “Get Ready to Learn About Verbs!”
Date 10/07/2014
standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Individual Education  There are students in these classes with IEP’s and 504’s.
 This lesson will be taught to both on-level students and advanced level students.
Plan Goal(s) and
I will provide adequate time for the students to view PowerPoints and to fill out their
/Accommodation (s) guided notes. I will also aid students in receiving the right information if they did not
get their guided notes filled out during the presentation.
This lesson provides differentiation with the use of guided notes, audio and visual
presentation, and collaborative peer experiences.
Academic Language
Language Functions
The key language demand will be for grammar instruction.
I will teach the students about both action and linking verbs.
The key vocabulary will be verbs, action verbs, and linking verbs.
Identify and apply
Verbs, action verbs, and linking verbs
Connect and action
PowerPoint, verb video clip, guided notes worksheet, student journals
PowerPoint on projector, clip, and clicker for transitions
The students will be able to have a visual aid with the PowerPoint to assist with
their guided notes. The students will also be able to interact with the video clip
 Why is grammar instruction necessary for 6th grade students?
 How does grammar better aid students in life-long learning?
 How does the use of proper grammar aid students in their everyday lives?
Lesson Objective(s)
Assessment Link
Introduction to
Body of Lesson
What are verbs?
What is an action verb?
What is a linking verb?
Students will know what a verb is and know how to identify action verbs and
linking verbs in writing or speaking.
 The assessment will require students to create sentences using action and linking
verbs and then identify the action and linking verbs in other student’s sentences.
 I will open the lesson by asking students, “What is a verb?” I will then have them
take a moment to either write an example of what they think a verb is or a
definition of a verb. I will then show the verb video to introduce the concept of
verbs to the students.
 The introduction should take 7 minutes.
 I will present a PowerPoint that defines action and linking verbs. I will have
examples of common action and linking verbs that students encounter in their
everyday lives. Students will complete guided notes as they follow along with the
presentation. This will provide both definition and identification of verbs in the
lesson. I will also have examples of both action and linking verbs in sentences for
students to see how they are applied. I will then have a collaborative class wide
verb find from sentences I have already developed. I will call on individual students
Instructor: Catherine Bobo
Grade and Subject: 6th Grade Language Arts
Lesson Title “Get Ready to Learn About Verbs!”
Date 10/07/2014
to identify verbs and the whole class will locate these verbs in their guided notes
and underline them.
The body should take 20 minutes.
The lesson will be closed with a partnered verb activity that will require them to be
able to both apply and identify linking and action verbs.
Students will have the opportunity to express themselves and interests using verbs
in their own sentences. Students will then exchange their journals, with the
completed sentences, and identify the verbs that were used in their partner’s
This closure should take 8-10 minutes to complete.
(Assessment Plan
for IEP Goals and/or
504 Plans)
 I will be able to ascertain if students learned what I intended by reviewing their
sentences and identification of the verbs. I will also be able to see firsthand how
students performed with the collaborative in class verb find by their participation
and accuracy in identification.
 I will assess their learning by reviewing their application and identification of
verbs from their journal entries of the partnered activity. This will not be a graded
assessment but a formative assessment.
 Students will exhibit an understanding of the lesson’s objectives by properly using
and identifying verbs in writing.
 I will provide feedback by reviewing and providing comments on the student’s
correct or incorrect use and identification of verbs.
 I will use their journal entry as “evidence collected” of the demonstration of the
students’ understanding and mastery of action and linking verbs.
Analyzing Teaching
 Self-reflection will be performed based on lesson plans strength and weaknesses. I
will use my own assessment of how the lesson plan went, along with the
commentary from my Mentor Teacher and University Supervisor.