AP© Human Geography Fall Semester Syllabus Instructors: Colleen Schmidt CSCHMID1@Houstonisd.org Charlie Swenson CSWENSON@Houstonisd.org Course Overview: AP Human Geography is a two semester course designed to fulfill the curriculum of expectations of a one semester COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY human geography course. “The purpose of the AP course in Human Geography is to introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences” (The College Board, 2013). During the academic year you will be exposed to eight themes surrounding human geography: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Geography: Its Nature & Perspective Population Cultural Patterns and Processes Political Organization of Space Agricultural and Rural Land Use Industrialization and Economic Development Cities and Urban Land Use Human Environment Course Objectives: •The student will develop a geographic perspective to better understand the intricate relationship between peoples and events at varying degrees of scale •The student will use interpretive abilities to develop spatial concepts at different scales •The student will use spatial concepts, geographic terminology and landscape analysis to examine human organization of space at multiple levels of scale. •The student will use and interpret maps, data sets, and geographic models from different sources to evaluate the human landscape. This includes sources from GIS, aerial photographs, and satellite images and data sets from NGO’s and Government agencies. Course Textbooks: Fouberg et al., (2009) should be brought to class daily. Fouberg, E., Murphy, A., de Blij, H. (2009). Human Geography. 9th edition. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Getis, A., Getis, J., & Fellman, J. (2009). Introduction to Geography. 12th Edition. McGraw Hill. Course Website: http://www.houstonisd.org//Domain/26269 (All materials for both Schmidt & Swenson’s class are available at this location). Grading Policies: Grading for AP Human Geography 65% Assessments 15% Unit Project 25% Unit FRQs 25% Unit MCQs 15% Reading Quizzes Each Tuesday and Thursday with no unit exam that week 6 MC questions 10% Vocabulary Quizzes Each Friday with no unit exam that week 5 MC questions and 2 you write the definition 10% Stuff Daily work/class activities A= B= C= D= F= Course Schedule: Monday August 26 – Friday December 20 (77 class days) Unit 1 – Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives Monday August 26th – Friday September 20 (18 class days) Unit Project Thursday, September 12th FRQs Thursday, September 19th MCQs Friday, September 20th Unit 2 -- Population Monday September 23rd – Thursday October 17th (18 class days) Unit Project Friday, October 11th FRQs Wednesday, October 16th MCQs Thursday, October 17th Unit 3 -- Cultural Patterns and Processes Friday October 18th – Wednesday November 13th (18 class days) Unit Project Friday November 8th FRQs Tuesday November 12th MCQs Wednesday November 13th Unit 4 -- Political Organization of Space Thursday November 14th -- Friday December 13th (18 class days) Unit Project Friday December 6th FRQs Thursday December 12th MCQs Friday December 13th Review for Final Exam Monday December 16th (1 class day) Final Exams Tuesday December 17th – Monday December 20th 90 - 100 80 - 89 75 - 79 70 - 74 69 BELOW Late Policy: All assignments are due ON TIME. Late work will be accepted up to seven days late and no later. The highest possible grade on late work is 50%. If you are on campus the day an assignment is due, then you are required to turn it in, even if you miss your geography period. It is your responsibility to come and to turn in your work even if you leave early or arrive late. Assignments due to www.Turnitin.com (Unit Projects) are due by 9:00 a.m. of the day they are due. Absences: You are expected to attend class every day. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to promptly gather the assignments that you missed. I will not remind you of missed assignments, you must take the initiative to find out what you missed. The assignments and lesson discussion are all available on the webpage. If you miss a test, YOU must schedule on the day of your return, a new test date, but keep in mind that the format of the retest is at the teacher’s discretion. It is your responsibility to reschedule your missed test in a timely manner. Any assignments not made up from an absence will result in a zero. Tests are schedule far enough in advance that absenteeism the day before a test will not allow for a postponement of your test. Retakes: Retakes are available under the CVHS re-take policy. You may retake a vocabulary quiz or test for a grade no higher than 70. Reading quizzes (due to a built-in curve) do not qualify for the re-take policy. You must notify the teacher in writing no later than 24 hours after grades have been posted and/or returned. Retakes will only be provided during an advocacy period of the instructors choosing. Academic Integrity: Cheating, copying, talking during tests, and plagiarizing will not be tolerated in this course. Any student displaying academic dishonesty will face the full consequences of their actions. In like manner, the student will receive a “P” in conduct and a zero on the assignment. There will not be an opportunity to make up the assignment.