PhD in CPA Co-Teaching Experience Approval Form

CCPA 651: Proseminar II
PhD in CPA Co-Teaching Experience Approval Form
Does the student have an MSW?:
An LMSW? (If yes, provide state and number of license):
An LCSW? (If yes, provide state and number of license):
Social Work Course Number and Section Number:
Social Work Course Title:
Social Work Course Instructor of Record:
Agreement by Social Work Course Instructor of Record: I have read the attached proposal
and (_____agree OR _____do not agree) to act as the faculty member for this co-teaching
experience as part of CCPA 651.
Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: __________
Approval by PhD in CPA Faculty Advisor: I have read the attached proposal and
(____approve OR ___do not approve) this co-teaching experience as part of CCPA 651.
Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: __________
Agreement by student to abide by co-teaching proposal: I have read the attached proposal
including any additions or changes made by the Social Work Course Instructor of Record and/or
my PhD in CPA Faculty Advisor and (___agree OR ____do not agree) to abide by it as written.
Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: __________
Approval by Social Work Department Chair: I have read the attached proposal and
(___approve OR ___do not approve) this PhD in CPA co-teaching experience as part of CCPA
Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: __________
CCPA 651: Proseminar II
PhD in CPA Co-Teaching Experience Guidelines
NOTE: The guidelines for, and expectations of, co-teaching faculty mentors and Ph.D. students
are outlined in the CCPA 651, Proseminar II: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
syllabus. The guidelines presented here are specific to Ph.D. co-teaching experiences in the
Social Work Department.
To qualify for a Ph.D. co-teaching experience in the Social Work Department, a CCPA Ph.D.
student must meet all of the following criteria:
a. The student must be matriculated in the CCPA Ph.D. program and must also have a
minimum GPA of 3.5 at the time of the request.
b. The student must have an MSW degree and a license to practice social work
(LMSW) to co-teach all generalist social work practice (SW 510, SW 511, and SW
512) and advanced social work practice (SW 521, SW 522, SW 523, SW 524, and
SW525) courses. Some social work practice classes, such as Psychopathology and
Psychopharmacology, require a clinical license to practice social work (LCSW). The
MSW degree is required for co-teaching experiences in all other courses in the MSW
program, except in extraordinary situations with the permission of the Department
c. The co-teaching experience will be completed with a full-time faculty member or
professional staff person in the Department of Social Work. Co-teaching
experiences cannot be completed with adjunct faculty members.
Policies and Procedures
a. To apply for a co-teaching experience in the Department of Social Work, the CCPA
Ph.D. student must submit a completed “PhD in CPA Co-Teaching Experience Approval
Form,” a copy of the syllabus for the course in which the co-teaching experience will
occur, and an acceptable proposal developed with the faculty member (Social Work
Course Instructor of Record) for the course in which the co-teaching experience will
b. Since the preparation of a proposal requires a great deal of thought and consideration,
planning should begin well before the registration period for the semester in which the
co-teaching experience will be undertaken. The co-teaching experience form and
proposal must be submitted and approved by the Department Chairperson at least four
weeks PRIOR to the start of the semester in which the co-teaching experience will
c. A copy of the approved student’s “PhD in CPA Co-Teaching Experience Approval Form”
and accompanying proposal must be placed in the student’s academic file and a copy
will be given to the instructor of CCPA 651.
The “PhD in CPA Co-Teaching Experience Approval Form” must be accompanied by a
typed proposal which addresses the following questions:
a. In what ways will the CCPA Ph.D. student contribute to the development of the
course syllabus, course content, and course assignments?
b. What 1 – 2 sessions of the course content will the CCPA Ph.D. student take
responsibility for, including the development and delivery of the content under the
supervision and guidance of the instructor of record?
c. What plan is in place for the CCPA Ph.D. student to independently grade one
assignment (the instructor of record will also grade the assignment) and compare the
results with the instructor of record? Identify the assignment and how the grading
similarities and differences between instructors’ ratings will be used to discuss issues
of reliability, validity and subjectivity of the grading criteria?
d. What is your schedule for meeting with the instructor of record for class preparation,
teaching of sessions, grading, and to discuss general classroom management and
issues throughout the semester?
e. How will co-teaching in conjunction with this particular course contribute to the
student’s program of study and professional development goals within the doctoral
Updated in May 2015