DATA Quantitative Qualitative INCLUDES A NUMBER MEASUREMENT Quantity Definition Volume Measure of the space that matter takes up Mass Measure of the amount of matter Temperature Measure of average KE (vibration of molecules) Length distance between two points Time Duration of an event Energy The ability to do work IS A VERBAL DESCRIPTION OF A SUBSTANCE Unit L (standard), mL = cm3 g Equipment Beaker, graduated cylinder balance °C, K thermometer m, cm, mm Meter stick or metric ruler sec Joule, Calorie Examples: Round Hot Color Shape Size (S, L, M) stopwatch calorimeter READING LAB EQUIPEMENT These 3 graduated cylinders have different levels of precision. Indicate which one shows a measurement of 4 mL, 4.3 mL, and 4.35 mL. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. #1: 4.3mL #2: 4.35mL #3: 4mL 10. 11. Therefore, graduated cylinder #__2_____ gives us the most precise measurement. RULE: Always read lab equipment one place value past the decimal value that you see! Ruler A: is calibrated to the tenths, so you estimate/read the hundredths Length of nail when measured with Ruler A: : 4.38cm Ruler B: is calibrated to the ones so you estimate/read to the tenths Length of nail when measured with Ruler B: 4.4cm TRY! A 40 cm 50 cm B 40 cm 41 cm Ruler A: is calibrated to the tens so you estimate/read to the ones Length of the line when measured with Ruler A: 48cm Ruler B: is calibrated to the ones so you estimate/read to the tenths. Length of the line when measured with Ruler B: : 40.8cm TRY READING EQUIPMENTS Place Value Completely Marked Off 36 335.3, Place Value to Estimate(Final answer) : 335.30g Place Value Completely Marked Off: *Place Value to Estimate (Final answer) 36.5mL SIGNIFICANT DIGITS: Determining Accuracy of Lab Equipment by Evaluating Measurements All digits that are read or estimated in lab are considered “significant digits”. Any measurement given in a lab report communicates three things to the reader: the numeric value of the measurement, the degree of calibration of the equipment and the unit the measurement was taken in. Here are some examples of determining significant digits from lab measurements: Measurement Equipment Read To: Equipment Calibrated to: # of significant (includes estimate) digits tenths place ones place 14.0g 3 ones place tens place 25mL 2 thousandths place hundredths place 0.035mL 2** ** notice that “place holder” zeros are not actually measured, so are not considered significant digits! Follow the examples above to complete the chart below: Measurement Equipment Read To: Equipment Calibrated to: # of significant digits ESTIMATED 233 °C ones Tens 3 17.666 g Thousandths Hundredths 5 12.1 mL Tenths Ones 3 0.00346 cm Hundred thousandths Ten thousandths 3 920.5 kg Tenths Ones 4 0.0250 L Ten thousandths Thousandths 3 127 g 13.555cg Ones Thousandths tens Hundredths 3 5 952m ones tens 3 Zeros at the end of numbers without a decimal are difficult to interpret. For example – in the measurement 850mL, it is unclear whether the graduated cylinder was marked off to the hundreds and the fifty was estimated, or whether it was marked off to the tens, and just happened to be on the line. Because of this, a decimal can be placed at the end of the number to indicate that the zero was actually measured. Another way to indicate which zeros were actually read is to draw a line over the last significant zero. Calibrated to hundreds Read to tens: 850mL Measurement Equipment Read To: Calibrated to tens Read to ones: 850. mL or 850mL. 850mL tens Equipment Calibrated to: hundreds # of significant digits 2 850. mL ones tens 3 1,200mL hundreds thousands 2 1,200 mL tens hundreds 3 34000 g Thousands Ten thousands 2 Hundreds Thousands 3 Ones Tens 5 Tens Hundreds 4 Tenths Ones 6 34000 g 34000. g 34000 g 34000.0 g PRACTICE: 1. Each diagram below represents a piece of lab equipment used to measure liquid volume. Use the student’s measurement to fill in the calibration boxes. Student’s measurement = 9 8.7 mL Equipment Read To: tenths Equipment Calibrated to: ones # of significant digits: 2 8 790 Student’s measurement = 787 mL Equipment Read To:ones Equipment Calibrated to: tens 780 # of significant digits: 3 280 Student’s measurement = 27Ō mL Equipment Read To: ones Equipment Calibrated to: tens 270 # of significant digits: 3