cert_rope_rescue_technician - University of Central Lancashire

Programme Specification
This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme
and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and
demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.
Sources of information on the programme can be found in Section 17
1. Awarding Institution / Body
University of Central Lancashire
2. Teaching Institution and
Location of Delivery
University of Central Lancashire:
3. University Department/Centre
School of Sport and Wellbeing
(Rescue 3 Europe)
4. External Accreditation
5. Title of Final Award
Rope Rescue: Technician
6. Modes of Attendance offered
Part time, blended
7. UCAS Code
8. Relevant Subject
Benchmarking Group(s)
Unit 25
National Fire Protection Association
9. Other external influences
National Fire Protection Association
Rescue 3 (UK)
Rescue 3 International
May 2013
10. Date of production/revision of
this form
11. Aims of the Programme
The principle aims of this module are to:
Develop the necessary skills, knowledge and judgement to be able to operate as a member of
a specialist rope rescue team.
Develop understanding of theoretical aspects of force, loads and mechanical advantage in
relation to rope rescue systems.
Provide a practical context for the appreciation and application of theoretical material.
Develop knowledge and competence inn constructing and operating complex rope systems.
Develop a working knowledge of the applicable Health & Safety Law
Academic Quality and Standards Unit
12. Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods
A. Knowledge and Understanding
1. Construct and operate rope rescue systems.
2. Describe the loads and forces that can be created within a rope rescue system and the
importance of system safety factors. Whilst operating the principles of applying appropriate
rope rescue systems
3. Apply theoretical mechanical advantage and practically construct simple, compound and
complex mechanical advantage systems
4. Describe a range of specialist rope rescue equipment and its inspection and maintenance
5. Apply a working knowledge of the applicable Health and Safety law
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lectures, workshops, seminars, case studies, self-directed learning. Significant aspects of online
Assessment methods
Multiple choice examinations, practical assessments, peer assessments, case studies, written tests.
B. Subject-specific skills
1. Construct and operate rope rescue systems.
2. Describe the loads and forces that can be created within a rope rescue system and the
importance of system safety factors. Whilst operating the principles of applying appropriate
rope rescue systems
3. Apply theoretical mechanical advantage and practically construct simple, compound and
complex mechanical advantage systems
4. Describe a range of specialist rope rescue equipment and its inspection and maintenance
5. Apply a working knowledge of the applicable Health and Safety law
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lectures, workshops, seminars, case studies, self-directed learning. Significant aspects of online
Assessment methods
Multiple choice examinations, practical assessments, peer assessments, case studies, written tests.
C. Thinking Skills
1. Construct and operate rope rescue systems.
2. Describe the loads and forces that can be created within a rope rescue system and the
importance of system safety factors. Whilst operating the principles of applying appropriate
rope rescue systems
3. Apply theoretical mechanical advantage and practically construct simple, compound and
complex mechanical advantage systems
4. Describe a range of specialist rope rescue equipment and its inspection and maintenance
5. Apply a working knowledge of the applicable Health and Safety law
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lectures, workshops, seminars, case studies, self-directed learning. Significant aspects of online
Assessment methods
Multiple choice examinations, practical assessments, peer assessments, case studies, written tests.
D. Other skills relevant to employability and personal development
1. Construct and operate rope rescue systems.
2. Describe the loads and forces that can be created within a rope rescue system and the
importance of system safety factors. Whilst operating the principles of applying appropriate
rope rescue systems
3. Apply theoretical mechanical advantage and practically construct simple, compound and
complex mechanical advantage systems
4. Describe a range of specialist rope rescue equipment and its inspection and maintenance
5. Apply a working knowledge of the applicable Health and Safety law
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lectures, workshops, seminars, case studies, self-directed learning. Significant aspects of online
Academic Quality and Standards Unit
Assessment methods
Multiple choice examinations, practical assessments, peer assessments, case studies, written tests.
13. Programme Structures*
14. Awards and Credits*
Module Title
Level 4
Rope Rescue: Technician
Certificate (20 credits):
Rope Rescue: Technician
15. Personal Development Planning
The programme incorporates significant aspects that relate to personal development planning. A
strong focus is placed on the transfer and application of skills and knowledge into the workplace.
Students are encouraged to develop their vocational skills through their work in the area and engage
in a professional practice module.
A personal tutoring support system is in place throughout the programme which supports students’
engagement and personal development.
The programme benefits from dual accreditation with independent awards being presented by the
University and Rescue 3 International / Rescue 3 (UK). Rescue 3 International / Rescue 3 (UK)
certifies each associated module and students will receive certification from Rescue 3 International /
Rescue 3 (UK) for each module they successfully complete.
Students must have successfully completed the Rope Rescue: Operator module or gained equivalent
experiential practice prior to being enrolled on this Certificate.
16. Admissions criteria
Programme Specifications include minimum entry requirements, including academic qualifications,
together with appropriate experience and skills required for entry to study. These criteria may be
expressed as a range rather than a specific grade. Amendments to entry requirements may have
been made after these documents were published and you should consult the University’s website for
the most up to date information.
Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter.
Students must be engaged with the area of Technical Rescue, as demonstrated through employer
sponsorship, work experience within the industry (paid or voluntary), prior experiential
learning/training and/or educational attainment. These criteria are not pre-requisites for admission but
will be considered along with previous life experience and a demonstrated enthusiasm for a career
within/related to the Technical Rescue Industry.
Access to a computer with a broadband connection and basic IT skills (ability to navigate web-pages
& produce basic Word documents), are essential to engage with the blended learning aspects.
Employer’s sponsorship of the student will contribute significantly to this demonstration of
17. Key sources of information about the programme
0. University Web Site: www.uclan.ac.uk/sport
1. Factsheet
2. University Prospectus
3. UCLan Sport open days and applicant days
Academic Quality and Standards Unit
18. Curriculum Skills Map
Please tick in the relevant boxes where individual Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed
Programme Learning Outcomes
Core (C),
Other skills relevant to
(COMP) or
Knowledge and
Subjectemployability and
Module Title
Option (O)
understanding specific Skills Thinking Skills personal development
LEVEL 4 TL1504
Rope Rescue:
Academic Quality and Standards Unit
A1- A5
B1- B5
C1- C5
D1 – D5