Carrie Anderson

Developing macroinvertebrate biological indicators of land
use in Southern Ecuador
Carrie Anderson
Team Two: Watershed Management of the Andean Paramo
Ecuadorian Seminar Project Proposal
University of Idaho
Supervising Faculty:
Dr. Frank Wilhelm
Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
University of Idaho
Carlos Iñiguez A.
Instituto de Ecología
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
April 2011
Stream quality has been steadily declining around the globe. This decline has been linked
to many different anthropogenic influences including direct and indirect pollution,
sedimentation, acidification, flow regulation, impoundment, and changes in land use (i.e.
deforestation, agriculture, urbanization, and mining). This trend has been particularly evident in
developing countries, such as Ecuador, where rapid population increases and economic
development have lead to degradation of water sources and stream networks. However, little
research has been conducted to develop and implement abiotic or biotic stream quality
monitoring frameworks in these developing countries.
This project, completed as part the the Ecuador Summer Research Program through the
Universty of Idaho in partnership with the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja in Loja,
Ecuador, will contribute to the establishment of biological indicator frameworks (a common
stream monitoring technique) which is currently lacking in Ecuador. Biological indicators are
taxa that are particularly sensitive to certain ecological conditions and can be evaluated for
presence/absence, diversity and abundance to classify the health of an ecosystem or a specific
ecosystem component. The proposed methods of this project are to sample both abiotic and botic
indicators of stream quality from impaired stream reaches and reference stream reaches in the
high elevation watersheds of the Andes mountains in Southern Ecuador using a randomized
sampling method. Abiotic variables that will be measured include: width, depth, slope, velocity,
discharge, stream temperature, DO, and pH. In addition, benthic macroinvertebrate samples will
be collected with particlar focus on Ephemeroptera, Plocoptera, and Tricoptera taxa due to their
sensitivity to degradation and poltion. Specific variables of the macroinvertebrate sampling
methods will be determined upon arrival in Ecuador through a small pilot study. The samples
collected will be analyzed to determine the following indices: abundance, richness, % EPT,
diversity, and evenness. Through statistical analysis, community assemblages of
macroinvertebrates in the reference stream reaches will be compared to those found in stream
reaches that are affected by different land uses. Presumed differences in assemblages will be
used to develop biological indicator frameworks based on land use.
On earth, life is dependent on clean, fresh water. Although approximately 75% of our
planet is covered in water, only 2.6 % of this is freshwater. Of this 2.6%, 68.7% is tied up in
glaciers and the polar ice caps, and 30.1% is stored as ground water, leaving a sparse 0.9%
available as surface water (streams, rivers and lakes)(Wetzel 2001; Brooks et al. 2003). It is this
0.9 % that sustains life by providing drinking water, food, and habitat. However, the quality of
surface water and the health of aquatic ecosystems are currently declining due to poor
management and direct human influence (Wilhelm 2009; Bücker et al. 2010). Pollution,
sedimentation, acidification, flow regulation, impoundment, and land use (i.e., effects of
deforestation, agriculture, and mining) are anthropogenic sources of aquatic degradation around
the globe (USEPA 2011; Pimentel et al. 1997). It is important to ensure that we monitor,
remediate, and protect the limited freshwater for the continued existence of all living organisms.
In the United States, the Clean Water Act (CFR 40, 1972) designates a water system as
impaired if it fails to achieve its designated use. Designated uses can include agricultural supply,
cold freshwater habitat, freshwater replenishment, groundwater recharge, contact and noncontact
recreation, preservation of biological habitats of special significance, and wildlife habitat
(USEPA 2002). Water quality is measured using a variety of techniques and indices, which
incorporate both biotic and abiotic components of aquatic ecosystems (Bücker et al. 2010;
USEPA 2002, 2011). Abiotic factors commonly assessed include stream discharge, pH,
alkalinity, electric conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and concentrations of
nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate (Fleischbein et al. 2006, Bücker et al. 2010), while biotic factors
include functional group representation, species richness, evenness, and abundance, and aquatic
flora and fauna assemblages which serve as biological indicators (Bücker et al. 2010; USEPA
2011; Grafe et al. 2002).
Biological indicators are taxa that are particularly sensitive to certain ecological
conditions and can be evaluated for presence/absence, diversity and abundance to classify the
health of an ecosystem or a specific ecosystem component (Cairns et al., 1993; USEPA 2002,
2011). Indicator organisms typically require conditions (within a narrow range) that render the
habitat as high quality, such as high DO, cold temperatures, and low turbidity. They generally
have a consistent and predictable response to disturbance or degradation and are a standard
technique used to evaluate the degree to which aquatic ecosystems are impaired or meet specific
designated uses (Bücker et al. 2010, Cairns et al. 1993). Of particular interest are organisms or
life forms which are long-lived with reduced mobility to provide a long-term integration of water
quality at a single location (Adams and Greeley, 2000; USEPA 2011). Because environmental
conditions (integrated over time) must remain within an organism’s tolerance, their
presence/absence combined with knowledge of their environmental tolerance forms the basis for
biomonitoring and bioassessment. Bioindicators are especially useful to evaluate lotic
ecosystems because of the potential transient nature of any single pollution event. A researcher
is ‘lucky’ to capture a pollution episode if they happen to be sampling at the time of the event, or
automatic samplers are in place and timed so they capture the constituent of interest. Types of
aquatic biological indicators include periphyton, macrophytes, fish, and benthic
macroinvertebrates (Barbour et al., 1999). Of these, benthic macroinvertebrates are ideal
indicators of watershed health because they are easy to sample and collect and have varying
tolerance levels to different types and concentrations of pollution.
Various invertebrate taxa and biological indices are used in bioassessment. These include
Trend Biotic Index – TBI (Woodiwiss 1964), Family Biotic Index – FBI (Hilsenhoff 1988),
Belgian Biological Index – BBI (De Pauw & Vanhooren 1983), and the Biological Monitoring
Working Party – BMWP (Armitage et al. 1983). One of the most descriptive, transferable, and
commonly used biological indices is the EPT index (Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera –
EPT) (Bücker et al. 2010; Grafe et al. 2002). This index evaluates the number of distinct
Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies), and Trichoptera (caddis flies) taxa in a lotic
sample. These taxa are particularly sensitive to changes in stream temperature, decreases in
dissolved oxygen, and high turbidity, and changes in their presence, abundance, and diversity are
generally correlated with the concentration of pollutants in aquatic ecosystems (USEPA 2002).
Another feature of many of these indices besides their universal application is the ease and speed
with which they can be collected. Multiple sites can easily be sampled in a single afternoon by
collecting invertebrates using nets and consistent sampling techniques. The sorting and
classification process, although tedious, is relatively easy given identification photos and
taxonomic keys. Limited calculations need to be completed to analyze the data collected from
the field samples, most requiring basic simple math. In some cases (e.g., Riverwatch) citizen
scientists are trained to collect biotic indicator information (USEPA 2010). This allows direct
involvement of the public in the scientific process and the monitoring of local and regional
Biological indices using bioindicators have been established in monitoring frameworks to
assess aquatic systems in most developed countries; however, few have been created or even
implemented in developing countries. Because many of these nations are experiencing rapid
declines in surface water quality due to population increase, land use conversion, unregulated
resource extraction, and economic/urban development (Thorn and Williams, 1997), a need exists
in these countries to monitor ecosystem health. Biological assessment, in the form of
bioindicators, may offer a readily available technique to detect degradation of valuable
ecological processes and resources (Bücker et al. 2010).
In the southern Ecuadorian Andes, the high elevation paramo ecosystem is a crucial part
of the hydrogic cycle on which a large part of the population depends as a source of water.
Cloud forests intercept moisture and precipitation at high altitudes, which recharges ground- and
surface water, and enters the hydrologic cycle, forming the water supply at lower elevations in
the watershed (Buytaert et al. 2006). Similar to other areas of the world, these high elevation
watersheds of the southern Andes are currently threatened by degradation from anthropogenic
activities including habitat destruction, water diversion, increased pollution, and changes in land
use (Bücker et al. 2010). For example, the provinces of Loja and Zamora are experiencing
expansion of the human population and urbanization due to population growth and economic
development (Beck & Müller-Hohenstein 2001). As a result, changes in land use (agriculture,
urbanization, and mining) are affecting previously undisturbed ecosystems. These impacts may
negatively influence not only water quality, but also biological health and channel morphology
of stream networks (Bücker et al. 2010). It is crucial that these high elevation ecosystems are
protected or managed to prevent degradation and failure of the vital hydrologic systems. Ecuador
currently has not set or enforced any water quality standards or designated uses (such as those
defined by the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States (USEPA)) for aquatic
systems and discharge of waste water. Thus, a need exists in this region to develop a system
with which to evaluate and monitor water quality and potential changes in stream ecosystems
due to human influences (Bücker et al. 2010).
The overall goal of this project will be to contribute to the assessment of stream quality in
high elevation ecosystems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes using a bioindicator framework.
My specific objectives, as part of an in-progress Doctorate thesis by Carlos Iñiguez A. at the
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, are to sample macroinvertebrates from streams in two
catchments with varying land use disturbances (one relatively undisturbed and one with mining
activity) to determine if a group of invertebrates exists that is indicative of land use and
presumably differences in stream habitat and water quality. I aim to relate biological measures
of taxa occurrence, abundance, richness, and evenness with abiotic parameters (derived from a
project by fellow student Emily Shimada) and connect this relationship to land-use activity and
catchment characteristics. I hypothesize that there will be a difference in abundance, richness,
evenness, and diversity of macroinvertebrate assemblages between the impaired site and the
reference sites, with the null hypothesis being no difference between sites. Also, I hypothesize
that there will be a difference in abundance of pollution intolerant species (Ephemeroptera,
Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) between the impaired site and the reference sites, with the null
hypothesis being no difference between sites. Given the constraints surrounding the present
project (time, unfamiliarity with catchments, and cultural barriers), I wish to start with endmember systems (e.g., near pristine and highly disturbed) along the disturbance gradient to
examine if a bioindicator approach is applicable in the Ecuadorian Andes.
I propose to sample and analyze the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two
watersheds of the Loja Basin in the Andes Mountains of southern Ecuador. Both watersheds
have been influenced by varying land uses along an elevational gradient. However, one of the
watersheds has been impacted by mining activities, increasing the sediment load downstream.
Upon arrival in Ecuador, I plan to collect samples from one stream reach above and below the
mining activity. In addition, I propose to sample two stream reaches of equivalent elevation and
gradient in a reference watershed. Time and access permitting, I may expand the sampling to
include other stream sites to expand the relevance and statistical rigor of my study. Samples will
be collected and analyzed as part of a collaborative study between the University of Idaho and
the Universidad Tecnica Particular De Loja (UTPL) through the Ecuador Summer Research
Program (See SUPPORT AND FEASABILITY section below).
Pilot Study
A small pilot study will be conducted prior to data collection for the formal study to i)
optimize sampling time (see below) and ii) examine between-sample variance to determine the
necessary number of replicates per stream reach to detect significance at a preset α. To determine
the optimal sampling time, a representative stream reach will be selected downstream of the
mining activity in the impaired watershed and ideally a Hess sampler will be used to collect
benthic macroinvertebrate samples within this representative reach (Hess sampler procedure
further described in the general methods section below)(Hauer and Lamberti 1996). The sampler
used will be subject to change based on the available equipment in Ecuador, and physical
characteristics of the sites. Triplicate macroinvertebrate samples will be collected for each of 15
seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, and 2 minutes. Care will be taken to keep all other variables in
the stream (i.e., flow, depth, and substrate) as homogeneous as possible between samples. Total
abundance of macroinvertebrates in each sample will be determined in the field and mean
abundance and standard deviation for each time step will be calculated (Gordon et al. 1992). The
goal will be to minimize sampling time, while maximizing/standardizing the number of
invertebrates collected. To determine the between-sample variance (i.e., site variance), a series of
up to 20 samples will be collected using the optimal time determined above. Cumulative
variance will be plotted versus number of samples and used to determine the number of samples
needed to detect between-site differences using a set α and inferential statistics.
Based on results from Bücker (2010) who sampled headwater streams in the Rio San
Francisco (to the east of Loja) using a 1 m2 quadrat, combined with the sampling area of a Hess
sampler, it can be estimated that approximately 4 - 5 and 13 – 14 invertebrates will be collected
in each sample from the impaired and reference streams, respectively. This indicates that in the
vicinity of 12 - 15 samples may be needed to detect differences using inferential parametric
Field Methods
At each of the four stream reaches (one above mining activity, one below mining activity,
and 2 reference reaches in another stream), the following physical variables will be sampled in
partnership with Emily Shimada: wetted width, depth, slope, velocity, and discharge. Wetted
width will be measured in meters; perpendicular to the flow of the stream from water’s edge to
water’s edge. Three transects will be measured per stream reach (top of the reach, midway down
the reach, and bottom of the reach). Depth will be measured systematically at pre-determined
intervals across each of the three transects used to determine stream width (Hauer and Lamberti,
1996). Slope will be determined using a tube level or a clinometer with the associated
trigonometric equations (depending on available equipment in Ecuador). Velocity (m/sec) of the
stream reach will be determined by observing the time it takes for a neutrally buoyant floating
body to travel a distance of 10 meters (Hauer and Lamberti, 1996; Bücker et al. 2010). This
observation will be replicated at least 3 times and the mean and standard deviation will be
determined. If a velocity meter is available, it will be used instead of the floating body.
Discharge will be calculated using Manning’s Equation (Brooks et al. 2003) based on the stream
dimensions, channel roughness, and velocity collected:
Q = 1/n (AR 2/3 S ½)
where Q is the discharge (in m3/sec). A is the wetted cross-sectional area of the stream (m2) and
is determined by dividing a cross section of the stream into vertical sections. The area is
calculated for each vertical section and all areas are summed (Brooks et al. 2003). R is the
hydraulic radius (in meters) and S is the energy slope. Manning’s n is a roughness coefficient
that represents the impact of channel roughness on stream discharge and is evaluated on a scale
of 0.01 to 0.08 (with 0.08 having a steep stream gradient, high velocity, and a substrate
consisting of cobbles – boulders) (Arcement and Schneider, USGS 1984), based on the
morphological characteristics of the stream (Brooks et al. 2003).
Emily and I will also sample stream temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH. These
variables will be measured using an YSI 556 multiprobe. The multiprobe is available for use in
Ecuador through the Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja.
In addition to these physical variables, I will collect benthic macroinvertebrate samples
from each stream reach using a randomized sampling method (Hauer and Lamberti, 1996).
Based on analysis of the pilot study (see above) and previous research conducted by Carlos
Iñiguez and Amilie Bücker (2010), approximately 12 - 15 samples will be collected per stream
reach. Ideally, samples would be collected using a Hess or Surber sampler with a 0.085 m2
sampling area in the field (Hauer and Lamberti, 1996). The sampler will be placed in the stream
and the substrate within the sampling area will be disturbed for the amount of time determined
by the pilot study (see above). The organic matter and macroinvertebrates dislodged during
sampling will be collected in the sampler net and sieved through a 500 μm screen to remove
excess water from the sample. The sample will then be preserved in 70% ethanol (95% ethanol
diluted with the stream water present in the sample to reach a 70% concentration) until analysis
in the laboratory (Hauer and Lamberti, 1996).
Laboratory Methods
Analysis of the invertebrate samples will occur in a controlled, laboratory setting. Access
to laboratory facilities will be pre-arranged through UTPL, and the following equipment will be
used: dissecting microscope, sampling trays, forceps, and a separately labeled Petri dish for each
species. Each sample will be distributed evenly into a clean, flat tray. A subsample will be
selected from each sample/tray using a randomized selection method. Subsamples will allow for
faster processing of each sample and reduce the overall time spent sorting samples. Each
subsample will be processed by removing organic matter and other unwanted material, sorting
macroinvertebrate species into separate/labeled Petri dishes, and classifying each species to the
lowest taxonomic level possible (Hauer and Lamberti, 1996). This process will be completed for
as many field samples as needed. Samples that are not processed in Ecuador will be transported
back to the United States for further analysis if necessary. International transport of aquatic
invertebrates is permitted and permits will be arranged as needed.
Biological Indices
Abundance, richness, %EPT, diversity, and evenness will be determined. These indices
will be evaluated for each sample and for each stream reach (Haur and Lamberti 1996, Krebs
1999). Richness will be assessed by summing the total number of taxa in each sample and reach
(Van Dyke, 2008). Diversity will be calculated using the Shannon – Wiener index:
H’ = - Σpi log pi
Where H’ is the diversity and pi is the proportion of the total number of individuals in the ith
species (Krebs 1999). Evenness is the measure of dominance by a single species or a group of
species within a stream reach. It is calculated using the Simpson Index:
C = Σipi2
where C is a measurement of dominance, and pi is the proportion of ith species in the stream
reach (Krebs 1999). Percent (%) EPT is the total number of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and
Trichoptera individuals divided by the total abundance of the sample and multiplied by 100 to
convert the proportion into a percentage (Hauer and Lamberti, 1996). This measure tells us the
amount of pollution intolerant individuals compared to the total number of macroinvertebrate
organisms in the sample.
Statistical Analyses
I will use a variety of statistical approaches to rigorously test the hypotheses and compare
the community assemblages of macroinvertebrates in all four stream reaches. Basic descriptive
statistics will be calculated for each sample and each stream reach including mean, standard
deviation, and variance (Gordon et al. 1992). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used to
examine if macroinvertebrate indices differ between the mining and reference reaches (O’Brien,
1979). Correlation and regression analyses will be used to examine possible relationships
between abiotic variables and biological indices (Gordon et al. 1992).
Ideally, a Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), a multivariate statistic that
evaluates the relationships between biological assemblages of species and their environment
using an ordination diagram, will be completed (e.g., Bücker et al. 2010). CCA can be used for
biological water-quality assessment and other management problems by ranking environmental
variables by importance (Braak and Verdonschot, 1995). This multivariate statistic is typically
very complicated to conduct and, depending on the amount of data collected for both the abiotic
and biotic variables of the reference and impaired streams, CCA may not be included in this
Biological indicators serve as a valuable tool for ecological assessment and classification
of streams in relation to the surrounding catchment. Because many aquatic macroinvertebrates
are sensitive to pollution (e.g., high sediment, low DO, high temperature), their abundance and
richness can be used as an indicator of overall stream quality (Cain et al.1992). Ecuador
currently has not developed an aquatic macroinvertebrate indicator framework for high elevation
watersheds or the paramo ecosystem and very little research has been done concerning water
quality in this ecoregion (Bücker et al., 2010).
This project aims to contribute to the development of an indicator framework in the
Ecuadorian Andes gaining a better understanding of the aquatic invertebrate assemblages in both
disturbed and undisturbed stream reaches. A long-term goal of such an indicator framework is to
widely implement it across similar landscapes to allow increased ecological monitoring of the
effects of land use and other management practices on stream quality.
This project will be completed as part of the Ecuador Summer Research Program through
the University Of Idaho, College of Natural Resources in partnership with the Universidad
Tecnica Particular de Loja (UTLP) in Loja, Ecuador. This is the inaugural year of this unique
program in which eight students from the University of Idaho (two teams consisting of one
graduate student and three undergraduate students) have been selected to conduct research for
two months in the high elevation ecosystems of the Ecuadorian Andes concerning watershed
management and the ecology of the Andean paramo ecosystem.
This project is being conducted in collaboration with Dr. Frank Wilhelm (Fish and
Wildlife, University of Idaho), Doctoral Candidate Carlos Iñiguez (Instituto de Ecologia, UTLP),
and fellow University of Idaho student, Emily Shimada. Emily is conducting research concerning
abiotic indicators of stream quality, also through the Ecuador Summer Research Program. Emily
and I will use the same catchments and study sites during field sampling. Lab facilities and
equipment have been made available at UTPL in Ecuador for sample processing and data
analysis. Carlos Iñiguez and his associate Adrian Leiva (invertebrate taxonomist) will provide
supervision and support while in Ecuador and orient Emily and I with the study area and the
facilities at UTPL. Dr. Wilhelm will provide support and collaboration concerning project
development and data analysis at the University of Idaho in addition to training in analysis
techniques and equipment use.
The Ecuador Summer Research Program (including travel, room and board, and research
expenses) is funded by a generous grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
4 oz Sampling Vials
Centrifuge capsules (long term invertebrate storage)
pH Buffer solution (4.0, 7.0, and 9.0)
Conductivity Calibration Standard
D - Net
Hip Waders
Other Expenses
Forceps (curved and straight)
Squirt Bottle
Petri dishes
Write in the Rain Paper
$25.00 (box of 100)
$25.00 (box of 100)
$50 - $75
$486 - $511
TIMELINE (timetable)
July 21, 2011
Fall 2011
Depart from Spokane, WA and arrive in Quito, Ecuador.
Aquatic macroinvertebrate field sampling and laboratory
Return to the United States.
Data Analysis
Spring 2012
April 2012
Compose completion report and design poster
Present Results
May 17, 2011
May 17 - 25, 2011
May 25 – July 17, 2011
40 CFR 131.10 Protection of the Environment
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Carrie Anderson
1080 W. 6 t h St.
Moscow, ID 83843
Submitted as part of an Ecology and Conservation Biology Senior Thesis Proposal:
Developing macroinvertebrate biological indicators of land use in Southern Ecuador
Majoring in Ecology & Conservation
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
Current Academic Status: Senior
Expected Graduation Date: May 2012
Current Cumulative GPA: 3.49
Cimarron High School, Cimarron, NM
Graduation Date: May 2008
Cumulative GPA: 4.25
Graduated as Class Valedictorian
Lab Technician, University of Idaho: CNR (March 2011 – present)
o Lab assistant for Dr. Beth Newingham and Ben Weisenger (Graduate Student) in the
Ecology Lab in the College of Natural Resources. Tasks include drying and weighing
dust samples as part of the Joint Fire Science Project, cleaning and sorting seed,
compiling research materials, and other duties as assigned.
Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, New Mexico
o Environmental Educator (Summer 2010)
- Instructor for the Roving Outdoor Conservation School (ROCS) Program: a 21
day backpacking program in which participants hike a total of 200 miles while
completing a variety of conservation and restoration projects as well as
participating in 20 experiential lessons covering land use, soils, geology, botany,
ichthyology, ornithology, dendrology, watershed/range/land management, fire
ecology, and Leave No Trace.
- Conduct research and development of interactive environmental education
lessons as a part of the Backcountry Environmental Education Initiative Program
o Program Counselor at Rich Cabins (Summer 2009)
- Living history interpreter, teaching homesteading history, folklore, and skills
(including cow milking and livestock care, gardening, and other pioneering
skills) from the year 1907, to groups of boy scouts participating in 12 day
backpacking treks.
o Program Counselor at Cyphers Mine (Summer 2008)
- Living history interpreter, teaching mining history, folklore, and skills (including
blacksmithing, gold panning, and leading tours of a gold mine) from the year of
1910, to groups of boy scouts participating in 12 day backpacking treks.
Research Experience
Conducted undergraduate research under the supervision of Dr. George Newcombe and
Melissa Baynes in the College of Natural Resources at the University of Idaho. We were
preparing and studying the heat tolerance of a series of fire adapted fungi and evaluating
the potential symbiotic relationship between these fungal species and the invasive species
Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) to mutually more effectively survive fire events. My role in
the project was to clean and prepare the various cultures of fungus as well as conduct heat
tolerance tests and record and organize the data collected. I also received experience in
inoculating vegetation with various types of fungus using a variety of inoculation methods.
Accepted into the Ecuador Summer Research program offered through the College of
Natural Resources. I am one of 6 undergraduate students and 2 graduate students who will
be conducting research in the Andes Mountains of Southern Ecuador for two months
during the summer of 2011. My project focuses on classifying high Andean aquatic
ecosystems along a disturbance gradient using a bio-indicator framework with aquatic
invertebrates. Disturbances of the research area include placer mining, traditional clay
mining, road construction, or wetland/lake complexes with introduced fish.
Activities and Organizations
University of Idaho
College of Natural Resources Dean’s List (2009, 2010)
University of Idaho Honors Program (2008-2009)
Inducted into Xi Sigma Pi Honors Society (2011)
Ecology Conservation Biology Club (President 2010 – to present, Secretary 20092010, Historian 2008-2009)
College of Natural Resources Student Affairs Council (Treasurer 2010-present)
Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Natural Resources (NR 101) and Introduction
to Fish and Wildlife Management (FISH/WLF 102) (2010)
Planned/Organized the College of Natural Resources Student Leadership Retreat
(2009, 2010)
Participated in the College of Natural Resources Student Leadership Retreat (2008)
Student Master of Ceremonies for the 2010 College of Natural Resources Awards
McCall Outdoor Science School work weekend volunteer (2008, 2009)
Make a Difference Day volunteer (2008, 2010)
Saturday of Service volunteer (2009)
Participated in Relay For Life Sponsored by The American Cancer Society (2009,
University of Idaho Club Volleyball Team (Fall 2008)
Co Academic Chair for McCoy Residence Hall (2008-2009)
Cimarron High School
Class Valedictorian
Selected for Highest Honor at Graduation as Superintendent’s Honor Student (2008)
Class President (2004-2005, 2006-2007, 2007-2008)
First Place in International WERC Environmental Design Competition (2005)
Davidson Fellow Scholar for a Superior Contribution in Science (2007)
Recipient of the Bausch and Lomb Science Award (2007)
Recipient of the Patricia Trodder Award for Sportsmanship (2004, 2006, 2007)
o Wilderness First Aid Basic (2009)
o CPR certified (2010)
o Leave No Trace Master Educator and Trainer