UW-Stout Eating Disorder Multidisciplinary Team Treatment and Referral Guidelines* At the University of Wisconsin-Stout, a multidisciplinary approach is taken to the treatment of eating disorders. Professionals around campus in the areas of physical, nutritional, and mental health work together to provide a student struggling with eating disorder symptoms with comprehensive care. The following are criteria composed by the UW-Stout Multidisciplinary Eating Disorder Team to assist the team in determining the appropriate level of treatment for a student with eating disorder behaviors. Based on these criteria, decisions will be made about whether to offer services on campus or to offer referral resources off campus. Eating disorder services on campus will incorporate nutrition, counseling, and medical resources. Considerations for a referral off campus for treatment: 1. Failure to maintain a percentage of body weight based on BMI of 18 or above, and continued weight loss 2. Severe depression involving suicidal ideation 3. Use of illicit substances to facilitate weight loss (e.g., cocaine) and/or the presence of restriction while engaging in frequent binge drinking. 4. Engaging in excessive physical activity that is of danger to self and/or prevents weight maintenance and/or gain. 5. Failure to maintain food intake to meet daily nutritional needs. 6. Continued or increased use of self-abusive behavior related to the eating disorder including but not limited to excessive purging behaviors. 7. Any additional criteria deemed appropriate by treatment team. 8. For individual circumstances, where an off campus community referral is warranted or preferred, off campus treatment may be recommended vs. on campus. Criteria for identifying and responding to students with serious health and safety risks: In some circumstances, students with eating disorders may present with a serious health and safety risk where a more immediate intervention is warranted. In these cases, appropriate treatment of a student’s eating disorder may require taking a leave of absence from school. Under these circumstances, the team may notify the Dean of Students Office and Student’s of Concern Team to share a recommendation regarding the individual’s immediate treatment needs and work in collaboration to facilitate appropriate referrals. The team has defined serious health and safety risk as a failure to maintain a BMI of 16 or above and one or more of the following criteria is met: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lack of ability to engage in services and/or noncompliance with treatment plan Failure to attend class or significant decline in academic performance Engaging in behavior that is disruptive to the university environment Significant abnormalities in metabolic /electrolyte change Physical symptoms including but not limited to cardiac compromise, dehydration, dizziness, fainting that affect student’s ability to function on campus. 6. Any additional criteria deemed appropriate by treatment team . Outside Referral Resources Emily Program (outpatient, intensive outpatient, intensive day treatment, residential) Stillwater, MN- 651-645-5323 St. Paul, MN- 651-645-5323 Burnsville, MN- 651-643-5323 St. Louis Park, MN- 952-746-5774 Duluth, MN- 218-722-4180 Anna Westin House (Residential Program), Chaska, MN- 952-361-4279 **Melissa Oliveraz- 651-645-5323 provides assistance for students without insurance Melrose Institute-Park Nicollet Hospital (outpatient, intensive outpatient, inpatient, residential) St. Louis Park, MN- 952-993-6200 Rogers Memorial (partial hospitalization, residential) Milwaukee Area (Oconomowoc, WI) - 1-800-767-4411 *Guidelines drafted in 2009/10 by: Jill Salsman, PhD, LP (Counseling Center) Lynn Murel, MD (Student Health Services) Lisa Eierman, MS, RD (University Dining Services) UW-Stout Eating Disorder Multidisciplinary Team Description of Services At the University of Wisconsin-Stout, a multidisciplinary approach is taken to the treatment of eating disorders. Professionals around campus in the areas of physical, nutritional, and mental health work together to provide a student struggling with eating disorder symptoms with comprehensive care. This approach has shown to be effective for the treatment of eating disorders and is consistent with treatment of eating disorders in a university setting. The members of team include a dietitian, counselor/psychologist, and physician. Team members recommend students to pursue the following treatment when choosing to address their eating concerns on campus: (1) Medical Care a. Schedule an appointment with a physician at Student Health Services (North Campus, Corner of Broadway and 1st Ave. West, 715-232-1314) for a medical evaluation to rule out physical complications associated with eating disorders. This physical evaluation involves blood work and an initial assessment of weight. b. Attend regularly scheduled appointments with your medical provider to monitor progress c. Medication management if applicable (2) Nutrition Care a. Schedule an appt with the dietician of University Dining Services (160, Price Commons, 715-232-3599) for nutritional assessment. This involves an assessment of eating behaviors and food intake. b. Attend regularly scheduled appointments with dietician to monitor progress c. Follow specific recommendations for food intake and exercise (3) Counseling Services a. Schedule triage appt at the University Counseling Center (410 Bowman Hall, 715232-2468). This appointment will involve a brief assessment of your current eating concerns and general psychological functioning. At the conclusion of your appointment, you will be assigned a therapist who can best support you and meet your treatment needs. b. Attend regularly scheduled appointments with assigned therapist. c. To the best you can, be open and honest with your therapist. d. Follow treatment recommendations. As a UW-Stout student wishing to address eating concerns on campus, I have been informed of and understand this multidisciplinary treatment process: Signed_____________________________ Date__________________ Witness______________________________ ****As part of the multidisciplinary treatment process, the team recommends the student sign release of information forms between treatment providers to coordinate services. The team may revise the plan for care and the goals for treatment based on continued assessment of progress.