apes ch 11 aquatic biodiversity sem 2

Apes chapter 11 aquatic biodiversity
Key Concepts
Economic and ecological importance
Effects of human activities
Protecting and sustaining aquatic diversity
Protecting and sustaining fisheries
Protecting and restoring wetlands
11-1 What Are the Major Threats to Aquatic Biodiversity?
Concept 11-1 Aquatic species are threatened by habitat loss, invasive species, pollution, climate
change, and overexploitation, all made worse by the growth of the human population.
We Have Much to Learn about
Aquatic Biodiversity
Greatest marine biodiversity
Coral reefs
Deep-ocean floor
Biodiversity is higher
Near the coast than in the open sea
In the bottom region of the ocean than the surface region
Human Activities Are Destroying and Degrading Aquatic Habitats
Habitat loss and degradation
Ocean floor: effect of trawlers
Excessive water withdrawal
Invasive Species Are Degrading
Aquatic Biodiversity
Invasive species
Threaten native species
Disrupt and degrade whole ecosystems
Three examples
Water hyacinth: Lake Victoria (East Africa)
Asian swamp eel: waterways of south Florida
Purple loosestrife: indigenous to Europe
Treating with natural predators—a weevil species and a leaf-eating beetle—Will
it work?
Invasive Water Hyacinths
Climate Change Is a Growing Threat
Global warming: sea levels will rise and aquatic biodiversity is threatened
Coral reefs
Swamp some low-lying islands
Drown many highly productive coastal wetlands
New Orleans, Louisiana, and New York City
Aquatic Biodiversity
Oceans cover 71% of the earth surface
63% of the fish are marine, 50% coastal, 12% deep sea, 1% open ocean, 37% fresh water
2003 Pew Oceans Commission recommendations:
Pass National Oceans Act
Double federal budget for ocean research
Base fisheries management on preserving ecosystem not on catch limits
Set up a network of marine preserves
Paterns of Aquatic Biodiversity
Coral reefs: Greatest marine diversity, followed by estuaries, deep-ocean floor
Biodiversity is higher near coast than open ocean
Biodiversity higher on bottom (benthic) than the surface (pelagic)
Lowest diversity is in the middle depths of the open ocean
The Importance of Aquatic Biodiversity
Globally a 6% of total protein and 1/5 of our animal protein comes from marine organisms
Algae used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
Algae, sea anemones, sponges, porcupine fish, puffer fish shark livers, mollusks used for
antibiotics and anticancer drugs
Algae and octopus is used for treating hypertension and coral for bone reconstruction
Human Impacts on Aquatic Biodiversity
Marine habitat loss and degradation
½ of wetlands are lost
¼ of coral reefs are severely destroyed; projected that by 2050 another 70% will be destroyed
Over a 1/3 on mangrove forest swamps are gone
Many bottom habitats are being destroyed by dredging and trawling
Human Impacts on Aquatic Biodiversity
¾ of commercial valuable fish are overfished
Industrial fishing can deplete a target fish population 80% in 10-15 years
Going after big fish has caused a directional selection to smaller fish
Up to 90% of fish catch is bycatch
Commercial extinction
Natural Capital Degradation: Collapse of the Cod Fishery Off the Canadian Coast
Catching and Raising More Fish
Fisheries: 55% from the ocean, 45% from aquaculture
Fishing methods: Trawling, purse-seine, driftnet, longline
Overfishing: Not enough breeding stock to maintain population numbers
Commercial extinction: Population numbers drop so low that it is no longer profitable to
Human Impacts on Aquatic biodiversity
Freshwater habitat loss and degradation
Nonnative species
Deliberate of accidental (ballast water)
Overpopulate with no natural predators
Asian swamp eel (Florida)
Purple loosestrife
Zebra mussel
Protecting and Sustaining Marine Biodiversity
Protect endangered and threatened species
International agreements
Integrated coastal management
Reconciliation ecology
Sustainable management of marine fisheries
1989 Turtle exclusion devices (TEDs)
2004 changes in longline fishing to reduce turtle kills by 65-90%
Protecting and Sustaining Marine Biodiversity
1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
1979 Global Treaty on Migratory Species
1995 International Convention on Biological Diversity
1972 U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act
1976 U.S. Whale Conservation and Protection Act
Commercial Whaling
Estimated 1.5 million whales were killed between 1925-1975
8 of the 11 major species reached commercial extinction
Giant blue whale and others are close to biological extinction
1946 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling established International Whaling
Commercial Whaling
1970 U.S. bans whaling and import of whale products
1986 IWC imposes moratorium on whaling
Commercial whale kills drop from 42,480 in 1970 to about 1200 in 2004
Japan, Norway, Iceland, Russia and some small tropical island countries still whale
Marine Sanctuaries Protect Ecosystems and Species
Offshore fishing
Exclusive economic zones
High seas
Law of the Sea Treaty
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
Establishing a Global Network of Marine Reserves: An Ecosystem Approach
Marine reserves
Closed to
Commercial fishing
Mining and waste disposal
Core zone
No human activity allowed
Less harmful activities allowed
E.g., recreational boating and shipping
Establishing a Global Network of Marine Reserves: An Ecosystem Approach
Fully protected marine reserves work fast
Fish populations double
Fish size grows
Reproduction triples
Species diversity increase by almost one-fourth
Estimating and Monitoring Fishery Populations Is the First Step
Maximum sustained yield (MSY): traditional approach
Optimum sustained yield (OSY)
Multispecies management
Large marine systems: using large complex computer models
Precautionary principle
Government Subsidies Can Encourage Overfishing
2007: World Trade Organization, U.S.
Proposed a ban on fishing subsidies
Reduce illegal fishing on the high seas and in coastal waters
Close ports and markets to such fishers
Check authenticity of ship flags
Prosecution of offenders
Some Countries Use the Marketplace to Control Overfishing
Individual transfer rights (ITRs)
Control access to fisheries
New Zealand and Iceland
Difficult to enforce
Problems with the ITR approach?
Consumer Choices Can Help to Sustain Fisheries and Aquatic Biodiversity
1997: Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), London
Supports sustainable fishing
Certifies sustainably produced seafood
Manage global fisheries more sustainably
Aquiculture: The raising of fish and shellfish instead of hunting or gathering
Fish farming: Cultivating fish in a controlled environment & harvesting them when size is right
Ranching: Raising fish for part of their life, then releasing to harvest when they return to
spawn (salmon)
11-4 How Should We Protect and
Sustain Wetlands?
Concept 11-4 To maintain the ecological and economic services of wetlands, we must maximize
preservation of remaining wetlands and restoration of degraded and destroyed wetlands.
Coastal and Inland Wetlands Are Disappearing around the World
Highly productive wetlands
Provide natural flood and erosion control
Maintain high water quality; natural filters
Effect of rising sea levels
We Can Preserve and Restore Wetlands
Laws for protection
Mitigation banking
Ecologists argue this as a last resort
Individuals Matter: Restoring a Wetland
Jim Callender: 1982
Scientific knowledge + hard work =
a restored wetland in California, U.S.
Marsh used again by migratory fowl
Protecting, Sustaining, and Restoring Wetlands
Wetlands protection (only 8%)
Mitigation banking (scam)
Wetlands restoration
Control of invasive species
Case Study: Can We Restore the Florida Everglades?
“River of Grass”: south Florida, U.S.
Since 1948: damaged
Paved over
Nutrient pollution from agriculture
Invasive plant species
1947: Everglades National Park unsuccessful protection project
Case Study: Can We Restore the Florida Everglades?
1970s: political haggling
1990: Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP)
Restore the curving flow of most of the Kissimmee River
Remove canals and levees in strategic locations
Flood 240 sq. km farmland to create artificial marshes
Case Study: Can We Restore the Florida Everglades?
Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) cont…
Create reservoirs and underground water storage areas
Build new canals, reservoirs and efficient pumping systems
Why isn’t this plan working?
11-5 How Can Protect and Sustain Freshwater Lakes, Rivers, and Fisheries?
Concept 11-5 Freshwater ecosystems are strongly affected by human activities on adjacent
lands, and protecting these ecosystems must include protection of their watersheds.
Freshwater Ecosystems Are under
Major Threats
Case Study: Can the Great Lakes Survive Repeated Invasions by Alien Species?
Collectively, world’s largest body of freshwater
Invaded by at least 162 nonnative species
Sea lamprey
Zebra mussel
Good and bad
Quagga mussel
Asian carp
Managing River Basins Is Complex
and Controversial
Columbia River: U.S. and Canada
Dam system
Pros and cons
Snake River: Washington state, U.S.
Hydroelectric dams
Pros and cons
Protecting, Sustaining, and Restoring Rivers
Disruption of water flow
Loss of biodiversity
Invasive species
Rebuilding Salmon Populations
Build upstream hatcheries
Repopulating streams
Build fish ladders
Transport salmon around dams
Reduce silt runoff
Restrict dam construction
We Can Protect Freshwater Ecosystems by Protecting Watersheds
Freshwater ecosystems protected through
Economic incentives
Restoration efforts
Wild rivers and scenic rivers
Sustainable management of freshwater fishes
11-6 What Are the Priorities for Sustained Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services?
Concept 11-6 Sustaining the world’s biodiversity and ecosystem services will require mapping
terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity, maximizing protection of undeveloped terrestrial and aquatic
areas, and carrying out ecological restoration projects worldwide.
We Need to Set Priorities for Protecting Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services
2002: Edward O. Wilson
Complete the mapping of the world’s terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity
Keep old-growth forests intact; cease their logging
Identify and preserve hotspots and deteriorating ecosystem services that threaten life
Ecological restoration projects
Make conservation financially rewarding