January 9, 2014 Tracking Number: 312384 Authorization Number: 6099 REGISTERED MAIL Northern Engineered Wood Products (2007) Inc. 1598 Sixth Ave Prince George, BC V2L 5G7 Dear Permittee: Enclosed is Amended Permit 6099 issued under the provisions of the Environmental Management Act. Your attention is respectfully directed to the terms and conditions outlined in the permit. An annual fee will be determined according to the Permit Fees Regulation. This permit does not authorize entry upon, crossing over, or use for any purpose of private or Crown lands or works, unless and except as authorized by the owner of such lands or works. The responsibility for obtaining such authority rests with the permittee. This permit is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Management Act to ensure compliance with Section 120(3) of that statute, which makes it an offence to discharge waste, from a prescribed industry or activity, without proper authorization. It is also the responsibility of the permittee to ensure that all activities conducted under this authorization are carried out with regard to the rights of third parties, and comply with other applicable legislation that may be in force. This decision may be appealed to the Environmental Appeal Board in accordance with Part 8 of the Environmental Management Act. An appeal must be delivered within 30 days from the date that notice of this decision is given. For further information, please contact the Environmental Appeal Board at (250) 387-3464. Administration of this permit will be carried out by staff from the Northern Region Skeena. Plans, data and reports pertinent to the permit are to be submitted to the Regional Manager, Environmental Protection, at Ministry of Environment, Regional Operations, Northern Region - Skeena, Bag 5000, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0. Yours truly, Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Ministry of Environment Environmental Protection Division Bag 5000 Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Northern Region - Skeena Telephone: (250) 847-7260 Facsimile: (250) 847-7591 6099 Enclosure cc: Environment Canada page 2 Date: January 9, 2014 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT PERMIT 6099 Under the Provisions of the Environmental Management Act Northern Engineered Wood Products (2007) Inc. Box 2890 Smithers, British Columbia V0J 2N0 is authorized to discharge air contaminants to the air from a panelboard manufacturing plant located in Smithers, British Columbia, subject to the terms and conditions listed below. Contravention of any of these conditions is a violation of the Environmental Management Act and may lead to prosecution. This permit supersedes and amends all previous versions of permit PA-6099 issued under Part 2, Section 14 of the Environmental Management Act. 1. AUTHORIZED DISCHARGES 1.1 The A-Frame Cyclone This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the A-Frame Cyclone (identified as #1 on the attached site plan). This cyclone operates alternately with the Cyclone Dust Recovery Baghouse referenced in Section 1.11. The site reference number for this discharge is E215975. 1.1.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum authorized rate of discharge is 290 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day. The frequency of discharge is intermittent. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 1 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1.1.2 Environmental Protection Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 1.1.3 115 mg/m3 Authorized Works The authorized works are a cyclone and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.1.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and the location of the point of discharge is Block 1, Plan 1657, Northwest ¼ Section 19, Township 4, Range 5, Coast District. 1.2 The Inside Dryer Twin Cyclones This section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Inside Dryer Twin Cyclones (identified as #2 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E215976. 1.2.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 850 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.2.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter & Condensable Organics 115 mg/m3 Discharge smoke opacity shall not exceed 20% for more than 6 minutes in any 60-minute period, and shall not exceed 40% at any time. “Opacity means the degree to which an emission reduces the passage of light or obscures the view of an object in the background, and is expressed numerically from 0 percent (transparent) to 100 per cent (opaque).” Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 2 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Environmental Protection (Wood Residue Burner and Incinerator Regulation, BC Reg. 519/95, dated December 07, 1995). Opacity shall be determined as an average of 24 consecutive observations recorded by a certified opacity reader at 15-second intervals, in accordance with the procedures specified in the Source Testing Code for the Visual Measurement of the Opacity of Emissions from Stationary Sources (Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, October 1994). Certification of opacity readers shall be in accordance with the procedure outlined in the aforementioned code and shall be valid for a period of six months, at which time the qualification procedure must be repeated by any observer in order to retain certification. 1.2.3 Authorized Works The authorized works are a sanderdust/natural gas fired Energex burner, a dryer, two cyclones, an induced draft fan, a stack and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.2.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. 1.3 The Refiner Cyclone This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Refiner Cyclone (identified as #3 as shown on the attached site plan). This discharge is authorized only when the Refiner – Flaker Baghouse referred to in Section 1.12, is taken out of service for a maintenance cleaning cycle. The site reference number for this discharge is E215977. 1.3.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 230 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 3 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1.3.2 Environmental Protection Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 1.3.3 115 mg/m3 Authorized Works The authorized works are a cyclone and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.3.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. 1.4 The Cross Cut Saw Cyclone The sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Cross Cut Saw Cyclone (identified as #4 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E215978. 1.4.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 360 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.4.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 1.4.3 115 mg/m3 Authorized Works The authorized works are a cyclone and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 4 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1.4.4 Environmental Protection Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. 1.5 The Mat Former Cyclone This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Mat Former Cyclone (identified as #5 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E215979. 1.5.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 360 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.5.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 1.5.3 115 mg/m3 Authorized Works The authorized works are a cyclone and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.5.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. 1.6 The Flaker Cyclone This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Flaker Cyclone (identified as #6 as shown on the attached site plan). This discharge is authorized only when the Refiner – Flaker Baghouse referred to in Section 1.12, is taken out of service for a maintenance cleaning cycle. The site reference number for this discharge is E215980. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 5 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1.6.1 Environmental Protection Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 360 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.6.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 1.6.3 115 mg/m3 Authorized Works The authorized works are a cyclone and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.6.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. 1.7 The Press Scale Vent Fan This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Press Scale Vent Fan (identified as #7 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E215981. 1.7.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 977 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.7.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 6 of 18 115 mg/m3 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1.7.3 Environmental Protection Authorized Works The authorized works are an exhaust fan and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.7.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. 1.8 Three Press Vent Fans This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from Three Press Vent Fans (identified as #8, #9, and #10 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E215982. 1.8.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 2931 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.8.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 1.8.3 115 mg/m3 Authorized Works The authorized works are three exhaust fans and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.8.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 7 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1.9 Environmental Protection The Outside Dryer Cyclone This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Outside Dryer Cyclone (identified as #11 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E220356. 1.9.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 1000 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.9.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter & Condensable Organics 115 mg/m3 Discharge smoke opacity shall not exceed 20% for more than 6 minutes in any 60-minute period, and shall not exceed 40% at any time. “Opacity means the degree to which an emission reduces the passage of light or obscures the view of an object in the background, and is expressed numerically from 0 percent (transparent) to 100 per cent (opaque).” (Wood Residue Burner and Incinerator Regulation, BC Reg. 519/95, dated December 07, 1995). Opacity shall be determined as an average of 24 consecutive observations recorded by a certified opacity reader at 15-second intervals, in accordance with the procedures specified in the Source Testing Code for the Visual Measurement of the Opacity of Emissions from Stationary Sources (Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, October 1994). Certification of opacity readers shall be in accordance with the procedure outlined in the aforementioned code and shall be valid for a period of six months, at which time the qualification procedure must be repeated by any observer in order to retain certification. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 8 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1.9.3 Environmental Protection Authorized Works The authorized works are a sanderdust/natural gas fired burner, a dryer, a cyclone, an induced draft fan, a stack and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.9.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. 1.10 The Mat Saw Recovery Cyclone This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Mat Saw Recovery Cyclone (identified as #12 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E234491. 1.10.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 90 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.10.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 115 mg/m3 1.10.3 Authorized Works The authorized works are a cyclone and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.10.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 9 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Environmental Protection 1.11 The Cyclone Dust Recovery Baghouse This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Cyclone Dust Recovery Baghouse (identified as #13 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E234695. 1.11.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 300 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.11.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 115 mg/m3 1.11.3 Authorized Works The authorized works are a baghouse and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.11.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4. 1.12 The Refiner-Flaker Baghouse This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the RefinerFlaker Baghouse (identified as #14 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E234696. 1.12.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 600 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 10 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Environmental Protection 1.12.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 115 mg/m3 1.12.3 Authorized Works The authorized works are a baghouse and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. 1.12.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4 1.13 The Air Density Separator Cyclone This sub-section applies to the discharge of air contaminants from the Air Density separator Cyclone (identified as #15 as shown on the attached site plan). The site reference number for this discharge is E275823. 1.13.1 Rate of Discharge The maximum rate of discharge is 400 m3/min. The discharge is authorized to occur up to 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 1.13.2 Characteristics of the Discharge The characteristics of the discharge shall be equivalent to or better than: Total Particulate Matter 115 mg/m3 1.13.3 Authorized Works The authorized works are an air density separator cyclone, fans, infeed system and related appurtenances located as shown on the attached site plan. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 11 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Environmental Protection 1.13.4 Location of the Source and the Point of Discharge The location of the facilities from which the discharge originates and of the point of discharge is as specified in sub-section 1.1.4 2. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Standard Conditions All air and gaseous volumes specified in this Permit are at standard conditions. These are: Standard Temperature Standard Pressure Water Vapour 2.2 293.15 K 101.325 kPa zero Maintenance of Works The Permittee shall inspect the authorized works regularly and maintain them in good working order. The Permittee shall notify the Director of any malfunction of these works. 2.3 Bypasses The discharge of contaminants which have bypassed the authorized treatment works is prohibited unless the approval of the Director is obtained and confirmed in writing. 2.4 Emergency Procedures In the event of an emergency which prevents compliance with a requirement of Permit PA-6099, that requirement shall be suspended for such time as the emergency condition continues or until otherwise directed by the Director provided that: (a) Due diligence was exercised in relation to the process, operation or event which caused the emergency and that the emergency occurred notwithstanding this exercise of due diligence; (b) The Director is immediately notified of the emergency; and Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 12 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Environmental Protection (c) It can be demonstrated that everything possible is being done to restore compliance in the shortest possible time. Notwithstanding (a), (b) and (c) above, the Director may require the operation to be suspended or production levels to be reduced to protect the environment while the situation is corrected. 2.5 Process Modifications The Director must be notified prior to implementing changes to any process that may adversely affect the quality and/or quantity of the discharge. 2.6 Fugitive Dust Control Fugitive dust created within the operation area shall be suppressed. The Director may amend the permit to require additional monitoring and/or control measures on fugitive dust sources. 2.7 Environmental Protection Plan Inspections of the discharges will be carried out by Environmental Protection personnel as a part of routine permit administration. Based on these inspections, monitoring data or any other relevant information, the Director may require the Permittee to submit an Environmental Protection Plan. The Plan shall detail specific action(s) to be implemented by the Permittee to protect the environment such as: a) undertaking additional monitoring, b) repairing/upgrading existing pollution prevention works, c) installing new pollution prevention works and d) implementing other pollution prevention measures. The terms of reference and timeline (schedule) of the Environmental Protection Plan, should such a plan be required, shall require the approval of the Director. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 13 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 2.8 Environmental Protection Episode Management Plan Based on the 2.5 ug/m3 rolling 24-hour average data reported online (http://www.bcairquality.ca/readings/index.html ) by the Air Quality Station located at St. Joseph’s School, Newpro shall: 1) At 11:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. review the 3 most recently reported 2.5 ug/m3 rolling 24-hour average results (*8:00, 9:00, 10:00 o’clock). 2) Should 2 or 3 of those reported data points be ≥ 15 ug/m3 and < 20 ug/m3, Newpro shall reduce the outside dryer temperature to ≤ 135 ˚C. 3) Should 2 of those reported data points be ≥ 15 ug/m3 and ≥ 20 ug/m3 Newpro shall reduce the outside dryer temperature to ≤ 135 ˚C. 4) The outside dryer temperature is required to remain ≤ 135 ˚C until such time as 3 consecutive 2.5 ug/m3 rolling 24-hour average data points are reported to be < 15 ug/m3. 5) Should 2 or 3 of those reported data points be ≥ 20 ug/m3, Newpro shall shutdown the outside dryer. 6) The dryer shall remain shut down until such time as 3 consecutive 2.5 ug/m3 rolling 24-hour average data points are reported to be < 20 ug/m3. 7) At any time that an Air Quality Advisory is issued for Smithers, Newpro shall shutdown the outside dryer. 8) Maintain outside dryer temperature recordings for inspection. 3. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Discharge Monitoring The Permittee shall obtain source monitoring of the Inside Dryer and Outside Dryer as authorized in Section 1.2 and 1.9 on an annual basis. In accordance with Ministry stack sampling protocol, a minimum of 3 tests shall be performed on each emission source. Analyses shall include the following parameters: Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 14 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Environmental Protection 1) Gas volumetric flow rates, gas moisture, and gas temperature. 2) Total particulate matter and condensable organic concentration. 3) Total gaseous methane organics concentration. 4) Formaldehyde concentration. 3.2 Inside Dryer and Outside Dryer Source Sampling Reporting The Permittee shall submit 1 copy of the source sampling report including the results of the source sampling program of sub-section 3.1 above, within 30 days of the annual stack tests being completed. 3.3 Episode Management Plan Reporting On an annual basis for the time period of October 1st to April 1st Newpro shall: 1) Complete the informational requirements of reporting Form #1 (attached) daily. 2) Complete the informational requirements of reporting Form #2 (attached) when increasing outside dryer temperature above 135 ˚C or when starting up the outside dryer. 3) Submit the above completed reports every 14 days. 3.4 Visual Monitoring of the Panelboard Plant Emissions Visual monitoring of the discharges from the cyclones, baghouses and other miscellaneous emission sources authorized by sections 1.1 to 1.13 inclusive of the Permit will be carried out by Environmental Protection Program staff as part of an ambient monitoring program for the entire plant operations. Based on these monitoring results the Permittee may be required to undertake source monitoring. 3.5 Source Testing Procedures - Particulates Sampling is to be carried out in accordance with the procedures described in the most recent edition of the “British Columbia Field Sampling Manual: 2003 for Continuous Monitoring and the Collection of Air, Air-Emission, Water, Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 15 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Environmental Protection Wastewater, Soil, Sediment, and Biological Samples” or by suitable alternative procedures as authorized by the Director. A copy of the above manual may be purchased from the Queen’s Printer Publications Centre, P.O. Box 9452, Stn. Prov. Gov’t. Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 9V7 (1-800-663-6105 or (250) 387-6409). A copy of the manual is also available for inspection at all Environmental Protection offices. 3.6 Sampling Facilities Sampling ports, electrical and pneumatic outlets, and where required, access ladders and platforms, are to be appropriately located and adequately sized for the discharge covered by Section 1.1, 1.3 and 1.4 of the Permit, such that source sampling may be safely and properly conducted. 3.7 Non-compliance Reporting The Permittee shall immediately notify the Director of any non-compliance with the requirements of this permit and take appropriate remedial action. Written confirmation of all non-compliance events, including available test results, is required by facsimile within 24 hours of the original notification unless otherwise directed by the Director. For any non-compliance with the requirements of this permit, the Permittee shall submit to the Director, a written report within 15 days of the noncompliance occurrence. The report shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: 3.8 a) all relevant information and test results related to the non-compliance b) an explanation of the most probable cause(s) of the non-compliance, and c) remedial action planned and/or taken to prevent similar non-compliance(s) in the future. Sharing of Ambient Monitoring Costs Northern Engineered Wood Products (2007) Inc. is required to contribute to the costs of the PM10, PM25 and meteorological monitoring programmes operated by Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 16 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Environmental Protection the Ministry of Environment (“The Ministry”) in the Bulkley Valley and Lakes District airshed. The cost sharing schedule is as follows: The Ministry shall pay 33% of the total cost. The remaining 67% shall be paid by holders of air permits within the Bulkley Valley and Lakes District airshed. This allows monitoring costs to be recovered based on both facility-based and other open burning emissions. The cost recoveries shall be payable by March 31 of each year for the previous 12 month’s monitoring. An invoice will be sent by the Ministry to Northern Engineered Wood Products (2007) Inc. each year for the duration of the monitoring programmes. Recoveries are payable to the Minister of Finance c/o the Financial Officer, Ministry of Environment, Skeena Region, P.O. Box 5000, Smithers, British Columbia, V0J 2N0. Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 17 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Environmental Protection SITE PLAN Date issued: Date amended: (most recent) Page 18 of 18 February 23, 1981 January 9, 2014 Mark P. Love P.Ag. for Director, Environmental Management Act Northern Region - Skeena Permit Number: 6099