OIH GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION No. 2458 TO BE ANSWERED ON 21.12.2015 Survey on illegal mines 2458. D. VIJAYLAXMI SADHO: Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE be pleased to state: (a) whether the Ministry had conducted any survey regarding illegal mines operational in Madhya Pradesh; (b) if so, when this survey was conducted and the outcome thereof and if not, whether such a survey would be conducted; (c) whether the Ministry has taken any action against any company, association, individual or group for violation of any provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 during the last five years; and (d) if so, the details thereof and the action taken in this regard? ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE (SHRI PRAKASH JAVADEKAR) (a) and(b):The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has not conducted any survey regarding illegal operational mines in Madhya Pradesh. As per the information provided by the Ministry of Mines, the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) reports on the incidents of illegal mining. Further, State Governments are empowered under Section 23C of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 [MMDR Act, 1957] to make Rules for prevention of illegal mining, transportation and storage of minerals. (c) and (d): The Ministryhas notified the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006, as amended from time to time, under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 which deals with the process to grant Environmental Clearance. The projects of mining of minerals require prior environmental clearance. The status of compliance of stipulated environmental clearance conditions of different projects, including mining projects, is monitored by ten Regional Offices of this Ministry in the Country. The Regional Offices have been delegated powers under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to file complaints in Competent Courts of Law. A list of violation cases and action taken against the unit since 2010 is enclosed herewith at Annexure I. *** ANNEXURE I ANNEXURE REFERRED TO IN REPLY TO PART (C) TO (D) OF THE RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NUMBER 2458 FOR 21.12.2015 BY D. VIJAYLAXMI SADHO REGARDING SURVEY ON ILLEGAL MINES ACTION TAKEN AGAINST THE UNIT SINCE 2010 S. No. 1. 2. Details of Project Direction under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 regarding Barui Bauxite and laterite mine (30000 TPA) of M/s Raghvendra Kumar Agrawal located at village Barui, Sub division Majhgawan, District Satna, Madhya Pradesh (11.099 ha) Direction under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 regarding KatharaKothar at village Katharakothar, District Satna, Madhya Pradesh (7.025 ha) Reference No. and date of Action Taken J-11015/193/2013-IA.II (M), dated 27.02.2014 J-11015/194/2013-IA.II (M), dated 17.02.2014 3. Direction under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 regarding Batahara Ochre & Laterite Mine (50000 TPA) of M/s Shri Sharad Kumar Bansal located at village Batahara, District Satna, Madhya Pradesh (11.655 ha) J-11015/195/2013-IA.II (M), dated 27.02.2014 4. Direction under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 regarding Barui Ochre and Bauxite mine (15000 TPA) of M/s Rakesh Agencies located at village Barui, District Satna, Madhya Pradesh (5.10 ha) J-11015/196/2013-IA.II (M), dated 27.02.2014 5. Direction under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 regarding Siddha Kothar Bauxite and Laterite Mine (30000 TPA) of M/s Rakesh Agencies located at village Siddha Kothar, District Satna, Madhya Pradesh (12.14 ha) J-11015/198/2013-IA.II (M), dated 17.02.2014 6. Direction under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 regarding Rock Phosphate Mine of M/s Madhya Pradesh State Mining Corp. Ltd. at Village Tigora, Dist. Sagar, Madhya Pradesh (52.80 ha) J-11015/180/2010-IA.II (M), dated 30.12.2013 7. Bhadanpur Limestone Mine (Expansion from 2 LTPA to 9 LTPA) of M/s Maihar Cement located at village Bhadanpur North Patti, Bhadanpur South Patti &Umrour, Tehsil Maihar, District Satna, Madhya Pradesh (217.681 ha) J-11015/171/2013-IA.II (M), dated 02.01.2014 8. Direction under section section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA notification 2006 regarding Ochre, white Clay, Laterite & Bauxite mine at M/s Rakesh Agencies, located at village SidhaKothar District, Satna Guidelines for consideration of proposals for grant of EC as per the EIA notifcaiton 2006 and its amendments regarding categorization. J-11015/01/2014-IA.II (M), dated 04.04.2014 9. Z-11013/35/2014-IA-II (M), dated 24.03.2014 10. Direction under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA notificaiton 2006 regarding siddha Kothar Ochre, white Earth, Bauxite M/s M.P. Mineral Supply co. at village Siddha Kothar, District, Satna J-11015/103/2014-IA.II (M), dated 20.06.2014 11. Direction under section 5 at the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA notification 2006 regarding nowgaon ochre, white earth & bauxite mine by M/s Rakesh Agency, at village Nowgaon Tehsil Majhgawan, District, Satna BaderakalaOrche, Laterite Mine with production capacity of 46698 TPA by M/s HiralalSunderlal Agarwal at village Baderakal District, Satna. J-11015/102/2014-IA.II (M), dated 20.06.2014 Direction under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) act, 1986 for violation of th provision of the EIA notificaiton 2006 regarding Nowgaon Ochre, white earth and bauxite mine with proposed production capacity of 20000 TPA by M/s Madhya Pradesh Mineral supply company at village nowgaon, Distt, Satna Bhadanpur Limestone Mine (Expansion from 2 LTPA to 9 LTPA) of M/s Maihar Cement located at village Bhadanpur North Patti, Bhadanpur South Patti &Umrour, Tehsil Maihar, DisrictSatna, Madhya Pradesh (217.681ha). J-11015/123/2014-IA.II (M), dated 15.07.2014 15. Direction for closure of the Unit under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA notification 2006 regarding rock Phosphate Mine of M/s Madhya Pradesh State Corp. Ltd. at Village Tigora, Distt. Sagar, MP (52.80 ha) J-11015/182/2010-IA.II (M), dated 30.12.2013 and03.07.2014 16. Siddha kothar ocher, white Earth Bauxite, Laterite and silica sand mine with production capacity of 15,000 TPA by M/s M.P. Mineral Supply co., located at village siddha kothar, majhgawan, District Satna, Madhya Pradesh (10.623 ha) J-11015/103/2014-IA.II (M), dated 20.06.2014 12. 13. 14. J-11015/78/2012-IA.II (M), dated 11.06.2014 J-11015/623/2007-IA.II(M), dated 25.08.2008 17. Direction for restriction of the mining activity as per MoEF earlier EC letter dated 2.08.2005 unit under seciton 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for violation of provisions of the EIA notification 2006 regarding Bhadanpur Limestone mine of M/s Maihar Cement located at village Bhandanpur North Patti, District-Satna. J-11015/171/2013-IA.II (M), dated 20.06.2014 18. Sejhatta - Hinouti Limestone Mine of M/s Prism Cement Ltd., Madhya Pradesh (1143.41 ha) J-11015/37/96-IA.II (M), dated 04.11.2015 ***