SU – Urgent Resolution on Applying the criteria for

Urgent Resolution on Applying the criteria for Humanitarian Visa in all EU Member
Submitted by Svensk Ungdom
Resolution spokesperson: Björn Bonsdorff
To be included in Policy Book: Chapter 2 Justice and citizens right
Tags: EU, refugees, asylum policy, humanitarian visa
Archiving resolutions: 2.07 Resolution on a Liberal Asylum Policy, adopted in April 2001 in
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Noting that
The dramatic increase in refugees and migrants wishing to seek shelter across borders has shocked the
whole world during the recent years. This development has also affected the EU. Although only a
fraction of the refugees try to reach Europe, it has become one of the deadliest routes. It is far noted
that the European Union has been paralyzed in combatting this humanitarian catastrophe that is the
biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War.
Considering that
Currently, asylum applications can only be filed on the territory of the recipient state, forcing asylum
seekers to risk their lives in the hands of criminal smugglers and traffickers to get to the territories. In
order to enter the EU through regular travel routes (such as by plane), non-Schengen nationals are
required to carry sufficient ID and travel documents, such as visas to travel to get their case tried.
However, EU embassies do not issue visas for travellers assumed to apply for asylum upon arrival.
By expanding the possibilities for people in grave humanitarian crisis to legally get to our territories
and get their case tried, humans in their most desperate needs would not have to resort to illegal and
often dangerous journeys before accessing the protection they deserve and that they are entitled to by
international law.
Humanitarian visas are already used very modestly in countries such as France and Switzerland as
well as some countries outside the EU. In Finland, the humanitarian visas already exist in the law, but
are almost never issued. Issuing of humanitarian visas has been promoted by, for example, the
Swedish Red Cross and by the Finnish Refugee Council.
Believing that
Humanitarian visas may offer a remedy by allowing third country nationals to apply in situ for entry to
the EU territory on humanitarian grounds, and thus ensuring that all EU member countries meet their
international obligations.
By allowing our European network of embassies in countries in crisis to issue such visas for applicants
in danger, it would make it easier for the EU to guarantee that we follow our responsibility to protect
them. By having common criteria for these visas, EU Member States could cooperate and share the
responsibility better, and contribute to our international obligations and the basic humanitarian values
all the EU countries stand for faster and with greater effort.
While humanitarian visas may require increased resources at embassies and visa administration, they
may in turn make the asylum process faster, safer and more just. By streamlining their work, all EU
Member States could be even more resource-efficient.
Humanitarian visas would constitute a humane option to the current catch-22 asylum policy, and help
decrease the number of senseless deaths on the path to safety.
LYMEC calls upon
for all EU Member States to commonly introduce a “humanitarian visa system” allowing
refugees to enter the EU territory legally, and thus be able to seek asylum on humanitarian
grounds upon arrival.
to adopt common criteria for these visas, and make it possible for asylum seekers to apply to
all of the EU countries in any EU embassy.