Regenerative Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Victor M. Ibrahim, MD, John Ferrell, MD, David C. Wang, D.O. REGISTRATION FORM Patient Name: ______________________________ Date:____________________________ Age:___________ Date of Birth:__________________ Gender: M / F Address: _________________________City:_____________________ State: ___Zip:_____ Home Phone:_________________ Work Phone: _________________ Cell Phone: _________________ _ Email Address:__________________ Emergency Contact:_____________________Relationship:____________ Phone:__________________Legal Guardian (if under 18): _____________ ROSM is an Out of Network Provider, but may assist with insurance reimbursement. All payments are due at the time of treatment. Primary Insurance: __________________________ Policy #___________________ Insurance Policy holder (name):______________________________ Relationship to Patient:_______________________ Date of Birth:_______________ Address (if different from above)______________________________________________ Assignment and Release of Information statement: I certify that the information given by me is correct. I understand that this information is entered into a database and I hereby authorize the release of information related to my medical care as requested by government agencies and/or insurance carriers. I hereby assign benefits and understand that in the absence of accepted insurance coverage, I/Legal guardian am responsible for full payment of services rendered. Litigation Disclaimer: It is understood and agreed that I am requesting examination and treatment for medical purposes only, and not requesting any information in connection with pending or proposed litigation. Authorized Signature/Guardian:____________________________________Date:____________ Regenerative Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Victor M. Ibrahim, MD, John Ferrell, MD, David Wang, D.O. REGISTRATION FORM Name_________________________________________Age______Birthdate______________ Chief Complaint:______________________________________________________________ Date of injury or symptom onset:__________________________________________________ Please describe the injury or problem:______________________________________________ Where is your pain? Please mark the drawing 0 = No pain 10 = Extreme pain Please indicate your pain level 1. Right now 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. At best 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. At worst 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. What makes it better?_______________ 5. What makes it worse?_______________ Circle the words which best describe your symptoms: Dull/Ache Shooting Awareness Sharp/Stabbing Gnawing Burning Numbness Throbbing Heaviness Weakness Tightening/Constricting What diagnostic tests have you had for this condition? (X-ray, MRI, EMG, etc.) Diagnostic test Date Results Please list all treatments that you have tried for you condition including physical/occupational therapy, massage, acupuncture chiropractic, injections, and medications (please list type of injection and/or medications). Circle which treatments have helped you the most. Past Medical History Please list any ongoing medical problems (High blood pressure, Diabetes, Thyroid disorder, Cancer, Bleeding disorder, Heart disorder, Asthma, Arthritis, Headaches) Past Surgical History(Procedure, Date) Current Medications, Vitamins, or Nutritional Supplements Medication Dosage Frequency Are you allergic to any medication? Y N If yes, please list. Family History Does anyone in your family have any of the following problems? Heart disease High blood pressure Cancer Nerve Disorders Stroke Diabetes Blood problems Other____________________________ Symptom Review (circle symptoms you have experienced in the past week) Chest Pain Leg Swelling Numbness Excess Sweating Breathing Difficulty Digestive Symptoms Tingling Hair Loss Visual Changes Rash Weakness Bruising Hearing Loss Urinary Symptoms Excess Thirst Excess bleeding Nervousness Sinus Congestion Joint Stiffness Mood Changes Other/Explanation:___________________________________________________ Please provide Physician information Primary Care Physician Name: Phone: Fax: Referring Provider Name: Phone: Fax: What is your occupation or former occupation? Are you retired or disabled? Are you single, married, partner, divorced, or a widow/widower? What type of physical activity do you do and for how many hours per week? Do you smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal substances? If yes, how often? Do you consider your current weight ideal? Y N If not, what is your ideal weight? Do you have any questions about healthy ways to control your weight? What are your goals or expectations from our treatment? What specific issues would you like addressed today? The information I have provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: Signature:____________________________________ Date:__________________ Regenerative Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Victor M. Ibrahim, MD, John Ferrell, MD, David Wang, D.O. WORKER’S COMPENSATION/PERSONAL INJURY CLAIM Last Name:_________________________ First Name:_________________________________ Address:______________________________City:__________________State:______ Zip:_____ Sex:____________SS#:__________________________D.O.B._________________________ _ Telephone: (H)_____________________(W)__________________ (C)____________________ Emergency contact:___________________________ Relation:___________________________ X-rays within 3-6 months:__________Location:________________________________________ Workers Compensation Information: Case Manager:____________________________________ Phone:______________________ Insurance Carrier:__________________________________ Claim #:_____________________ Address:______________________________City:__________________State:______Zip:____ _ Date of injury:______________ Address where injury occurred:___________________________ City:_________________________ State:________ Zip:________ Time:___________________ No Fault Insurance Information Name of Vehicle Ins. Company:____________________________________________________ Address:______________________________City:__________________State:______Zip:____ _ Name of Adjuster:_______________________________ Phone:__________________________ Policy #:______________________________________ Claim #:_________________________ Date of Accident:_______________________________ Injury:___________________________ Regenerative Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Victor M. Ibrahim, MD, John Ferrell, MD, David Wang, D.O. CONSENT FORM I, ___________________________________ understand that as part of my health care, ROSM will create and maintain a health records describing my health history, symptoms, examinations and test results,diagnosis, treatment, and any plans for future care or treatment. I understand that this information serves as a: • Mode of communication among the many health professionals who contribute to my care; • Source of information for applying my diagnosis information to my bill; • Basis for planning my care and treatment; • Means by which a third-party payer can verify that services reported were actually provided • A tool for routine healthcare operations such as assessing the quality and reviewing the competence of healthcare professionals • Anonymous data may be used to track clinical progress to use for research purposes I understand that I am entitled to a more complete description of this information uses and disclosures. I understand the organization reserves the right to change their notice and practices prior to implementation will mail a copy of any revised notice to the address above that I've provided. I understand that I have the right to object to the use of health information for directory purposes. I understand that I have the right to request restrictions as to how my health information may be used or disclosed to carry out treatment,payment, or healthcare operations and that the organization is not required to agree to the restrictions requested. I understand that I may revoke this consent in writing, except to the extent that the organization has already taken action in reliance thereon. I also fully endorse responsibility for all fees related to my care. I understand that my insurance provider may or may not reimburse me for these services, and I will remain wholly responsible for payment. I fully understand and accept the terms of this consent. Signature:________________________________________ Date:______________ Regenerative Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Victor M. Ibrahim, MD, John Ferrell, MD, David Wang, D.O. REGISTRATION FORM PAYMENT RESPONSABILITY I understand that I have a personal and primary obligation to pay for all medical services when rendered and I agree to pay all bills promptly. I further understand that although ROSM may submit a bill to my insurance company for payments as a service to me, that service does not relieve me of my personal responsibility to ensure that the insurance company makes payment according to the terms of my policy. I am aware that insurance payment/reimbursement may not cover the total balance due for the medical services I received. I agree to pay any outstanding on my account, if such action is deemed necessary. In addition, I agree to pay interest ($5.00 per service) on my outstanding account balance if this balance extends beyond thirty (30) days of receipt of my bill. I agree to pay any additional fees and/or costs incurred in order to collect payments on my account(s). Patient/Responsible party signature: __________________________________Date:_________ INSURANCE AUTHORIZATION AUTHORIZATION OF ASSIGNMENT: I hereby authorize ROSM to apply for benefits from my insurance company on my behalf for covered services by ROSM. Finally, I authorize the release of any medical or other information necessary to process claims submitted to my insurance company. Patient/Responsible party signature: __________________________________Date:_________ AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT: I authorize payment to be made directly to ROSM. Patient/Responsible party signature: ___________________________________Date:________ Regenerative Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Victor M. Ibrahim, MD, John Ferrell, MD, David Wang, D.O. REGISTRATION FROM MEDICARE INSURANCE ONLY I HEREBY AUTHORIZE ANY HOLDER OF MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT ME TO RELEASE TO THE HEALTH CARE FINANCING ADMINISTRATION AND ITS AGENTS, ANY INFORMATION NEEDED TO DETERMINE THE BENEFITS PAYABLE FOR RELATED SERVICES. I ALSO AUTHORIZE M.O.S.T AND DR.S’ GILBERT & OMOHUNDRO P.A. TO INVESTIGATE THE NON-PAID STATUS OF MY ACCOUNT WITH MEDICARE. Patient/Responsible party signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Please be advised that we have found that most insurance carriers have limited or no benefits for durable medical equipment (slings, braces, orthotics, etc). Therefore we must collect from you the fee for the equipment at the time of service. Custom made braces are partially covered by some insurance carriers. At the time of measuring you for the custom made brace, we will contact your insurance carrier to verify coverage and give you an estimate of your responsibility. Thank you for your cooperation. X_____________________ (Please Initial) Cancellation/Late Policy Please be aware that proper scheduling requires each patient to be on-time for their appointment. If the patient is more than 15 minutes late, the provider may exercise the right to refuse treatment for that appointment. The ROSM cancellation policy requires that the patient call at least 24 hours in advance of the appointment time. A fee of $ 25.00 will be applied if proper notice is not given. Patient/Responsible party signature _________________ Date ____/____/____ Victor Ibrahim, MD, John Ferrell, MD, David Wang, D.O. 600 Pennsylvania Ave SE. #202 Washington, DC 20003 Private Contract This agreement is between Victor Ibrahim, MD, John Ferrell, MD, OR David Wang, DO for services provided at 600 Pennsylvania Ave SE. #202 Washington, DC 20003 Beneficiary: _______________________________ Who resides at: ____________________________ Medicare ID #: _____________________________ and is a Medicare Part B beneficiary seeking services covered under Medicare Part B pursuant to Section 4507 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. The Physician has informed Beneficiary or his/her legal representative that Physician has opted out of the Medicare program effective on August 1, 2012 for a period of at least two years, to expire on July 31, 2014. The physician is not excluded from participating in Medicare Part B under [1128] 1128, [1156] 1156, or [1892] 1892 of the Social Security Act. Beneficiary or his/her legal representative agrees, understands and expressly acknowledges the following: Initial ______Beneficiary or his/her legal representative accepts full responsibility for payment of the physician’s charge for all services furnished by the ______Beneficiary or his/her legal representative understands that Medicare limits do not apply to what the physician may charge for items or services furnished by the physician. ______ Beneficiary or his/her legal representative agrees not to submit a claim to Medicare or to ask the physician to submit a claim to Medicare. Initial______ Beneficiary or his/her legal representative understands that Medicare payment will not be made for any items or services furnished by the physician that would have otherwise been covered by Medicare if there was no private contract and a proper Medicare claim had been submitted. Page 1 of 2 Private Contract _____ Beneficiary or his/her legal representative enters into this contract with the knowledge that he/she has the right to obtain Medicare-covered items and services from physicians and practitioners who have not opted out of Medicare, and the beneficiary is not compelled to enter into private contracts that apply to other Medicare-covered services furnished by other physicians or practitioners who have not opted out. _____ Beneficiary or his/her legal representative understands that Medi-Gap plans do not, and that other supplemental plans may elect not to, make payments for items and services not paid for by Medicare. ______Beneficiary or his/her legal representative acknowledges that the beneficiary is not currently in an emergency or urgent health care situation. ______Beneficiary or his/her legal representative acknowledges that a copy of this contract has been made available to him. Executed on: ____________________ Date By: ___________________________________ Beneficiary or his/her legal representative And: ___________________________________ John Ferrell III, M.D. ___________________________________ Victor Ibrahim, M.D. ___________________________________ David Wang, D.O. Page 2 of 2 Private Contract