Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles David Yopp University of Idaho Author Note Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to David A. Yopp, Departments of Mathematics and Curriculum and Instruction, University of Idaho, 313 Brink Hall, Moscow, Idaho 83844, Interactive Paper Session Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 8:30-9:45 AM Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Room 206 NCTM Research Conference New Orleans April 7-9, 2014 1 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles Abstract Findings from a generative study that develops a framework for describing the viability of the arguments prospective elementary teachers articulate are reported. Identified are three types of technical handles that appear important in articulating viable arguments for topics in a mathematics course for prospective elementary teachers. Inappropriate and inadequate technical handles are also noted. Key words: argument, technical handles, conceptual insights 2 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles 1. Perspectives or theoretical framework for the research This research reports on findings of a generative study that developed a framework form describing the viability of the arguments produced by prospective elementary teachers (PSTs) articulate for number sense and operation topics found in the elementary and middle grades. I use the term “articulated” argument because my perspective here is to analyze the final, communicated argument and its viability from a technical skills point of view. This work is an analysis of how the arguer culminates findings, observations, and insights into an argument. Identify are three types of technical handles that appear important in articulating viable arguments. Inappropriate and inadequate technical handles are also noted. The findings reconceptualize existing frameworks for constructive ways students handle data and insights during argumentation (Raman, M., Sandefur, Birky, Campbell, & Somers, 2009; Sandefur, Mason, Stylianides, & Watson, 2013) 1.1. Common Core and viable arguments Toulmin’s (1958/2003) argument analysis scheme has been use to describe teachers’ mathematical arguments (e.g., Giannakoulias, Mastorides, Portari, & Zachariades, 2010; Whitenack, Cavey, & Ellington, 2014). I find the model useful as an instructional framework for guiding prospective elementary teachers toward responding appropriately to conjectures. To me, “appropriate responses” are viable arguments for or against a mathematical conjecture/claim. My description of “argument” is based on both Toulmin’s use of the term and an adaptation of “viable argument” as described in CCSSM (2010). While CCSSM (2010) does not explicitly define viable argument, I assume this term is used instead of “proof” to note that there are acceptable argument types other than formal, mathematically logical ones. This assumption was compelling to me as I developed my framework. 3 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles I focus on arguments that can be modeled sufficiently using the core of the argument as described by Krummheur (2007). Such arguments have a claim, data, and a warrant. For me, this core is said to be viable if it (1) expresses a clear, explicit, unambiguous, and appropriately worded claim, (2) expresses support for that claim that involves acceptable data (foundation), (3) expresses an acceptable warrant (narrative link) that links the data to the claim, and (4) identifies the mathematics on which the argument relies. Acceptable data/foundations include examples, diagrams, prior results, definitions, narrative descriptions, stories, etc., provided that the representation of the data/foundation can be appealed to appropriately in the warrant. For instance, examples are acceptable when crafting arguments for generalizations when they are generic examples (Balacheff 1988; Sandefur, Mason, Stylianides, & Watson 2013; Yopp & Ely, under review). Examples are considered generic examples provided they are used as referents to illustrate objects, properties, and relationships shared by all possible examples. Viable examplebased arguments become possible when students generically appeal to those features expressed in the examples when supporting their claims (Yopp & Ely, under review.). Acceptable warrants (or narrative links) express how the data/foundation is used to support the claim. If the claim is a generalization, then the warrant must express how the data is used to represent all cases. In generic-example arguments, warrants must communicate how the examples are appealed to in representing all cases and communicate how the properties demonstrated in the examples are common to all plausible examples in the domain of the claim. Criterion (4), identifies the mathematics on which the claim relies, also needs elaboration. Mathematical claims are based on the meaning of the objects and operations involved in the claims and their truth relies on these meanings. These “meanings” are determined by definition, axioms, and theorems. Viable arguments must express these meanings, at least semantically. 4 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles Example-based arguments for existence claims, including those in CE arguments, fit into my viable argument framework as follows: a candidate example(s) is presented as the data/foundation, and a demonstration that the candidate(s) has the desired properties is presented as the warrant. For counterexample arguments, demonstrating that the candidate has the desired properties means showing that the candidate is in the domain of the generalization but does not satisfy the conclusion. At times, “that the candidate is in the domain of the generalization” is present without support and taken as self-evident. 1.2. Technical handles and conceptual insights Raman, Sandefur, Birky, Campbell, & Somers (2009) suggest movements, not always found in order, in creating a proof. The first is getting a key idea (a reinterpretation of that proposed in Raman, 2003) that gives a sense of belief and understanding that may or may not provide clues about how to write a proof. The second is a technical handle that gives a sense of “now I can prove it” and a way to communicate the ideas behind the proof. The third is a culminating of the argument into a standard form (relative to audience). Sandefur et al (2013) recast the Raman et al framework and report “two important components” (p. 328) to creating a proof as “(1) finding a conceptual insight (CI), i.e., a sense of a structural relationship pertinent to the phenomenon of interest that indicates why the statement is likely to be true, and (2) finding some technical handles (TH), i.e., ways of manipulating or making use of the structural relations that support the conversion of the CI into acceptable proofs” (p. 328). I used these conceptions as a priori lens to analyze my data and found that I needed to reinterpret them to represent my data. My analysis is different from the Raman et al and Sandefur et al analysis in that I focus on only what is in the articulated argument as a product of 5 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles argumentation when I analysis the “handlings.” Also, my data arose from PSTs who examined a conjecture and developed a claim, as opposed to proving or disproving a proposition given to them as in the Sandefur et al and Raman et al studies. The distinction is subtle but important. If I were to give students a mathematical statement to prove or disprove under a typical didactic contract, then the student is to go through some process to develop an argument for that statement or a counterexample for that statement. If I instead develop a standard in my classroom that appropriate responses to claims are to include a claim (including an alternative claim with a reduced domain), foundation, and narrative link, then the didactic contract has changed. Here, the claim is as much a part of the articulated argument as is its support. Under this contract, students are free to claim that the original conjecture is true or false or develop any number of alternative claims. A PST who confirms a proper subset of the cases in the domain of the claim is free to claim “the conjecture is true for these particular cases,” and is under no “contract” to develop an argument for the entire set of cases to which the claim applies. This would represent an “appropriate handling” of the empirical data in forming a claim. This makes the articulated claim a type of handling of data and conceptual insights. This alone makes my analysis and framework distinct from those developed by Sandefur et al and Raman et al. This focus helped me draw clearer distinctions between CIs and THs and offers a description of what the arguer was able to appropriately and viably express when culminating ideas, findings, and insights into an argument product. For this study, the term conceptual insights (CI) can refer to any one of the following: developing a sense or belief based in pertinent mathematical structure that a claim is true or false, developing a sense or belief based in pertinent mathematical structure about what might be 6 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles claimed (stated as true), or developing a sense or belief based in pertinent mathematical structure about why a claim is true or false or what causes the claim to be true or false. Through my narrowed focus on the articulated argument, I was able to identify three distinct but related “handles.” Technical handles of type 1 (TH1) describe the articulated claim in relation to the expressed data (foundation), CIs, or warrant (narrative link). Technical handles of type 2 (TH2) describe how the data or CIs are expressed relative to the claim’s type (e.g., existence or generalization). Technical handles of type 3 (TH3) describe the expressed link between the data or CIs and the claim (i.e., warrant). THs are first described without any connotation of whether or not the handles are constructive. Adjectives (e.g., appropriate, inappropriate, problematic, adequate, and inadequate) are applied to note a TH’s subtype and potential for viable argumentation. This framework will be further exemplified in the results section. 2. Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry for the research Research question: How can we describe the viability of prospective teacher’s articulated arguments from a “technical skills” point of view? The research question was addressed using a generative study (Clement, 2000) of data collected during a 10 week teaching experiment (Cobb and Steff, 1983) designed to improve preservice elementary teachers’ ability to construct viable arguments. Teaching experiments document the interaction between students and a learning trajectory, as well as the interaction between students and the teacher/researcher. These environments are well suited for generative studies that build models for how students might develop a particular mathematical practice and document challenges to that development. 7 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles The preservice teachers were given the viable argument framework described in Section 1.1 as a standard for argumentation and were given practice using the framework. PSTs were asked to investigate conjectures and respond with a viable arguments for approximately a one month period. Explicit instruction was given about the differences between generalitaions and existence statements, what constitutes a viable argument for each, and the mathematical practices of conjecturing, testing, and revising claims and arguments as described in Lakatos (1976). Students engaged in tasks collectively (groups of 4 or 5) both in class and by posting in an online environmnet through asynchronous computer mediated communications. Students were instructed that their response to tasks should articulate an argument and must express, at minimum, one of the following argumentation features: a claim, data or a foundation, a warrant, a backing, or a critique of another’s posted argument feature. Analysis methods were akin to those described by Miles and Huberman (1994) in which the analyst begins with a theoretical coding framework that is constantly compared to the data until a model that fits the data emerges. From the perspective of a generative study (Clement, 2000), I developed new elements or modifications to an existing theoretical model to explain data. A cyclic process of analysis, refinement, and reanalysis was used to test the emerging framework against the data (similar to the methods described in Sandefur et al., 2013). Such processes are consistent with studies involving task-based interviews in which the goal is to revise models for students thinking and developing thinking (Goldin, 2000). As conceptual themes emerged, the themes were verified through triangulation with multiple data sources. For example, as PSTs’ posts were memoed, emerging themes were triangulated with task-based interview data to confirm the technical handle codes. 3. Data Sources or Evidence for the Research 8 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles Data was collected from PSTs enrolled in a undergraduate mathematics content course for elementary school teachers during two iterations of the experiment (21 PSTs in year 1, and 18 PSTs in year 2). Five sources of data were collected and used to develop the framework: (1) students’ weekly posts in the online environment (2) teacher/researcher observations during inclass work (3) student writen responses to inclass tasks (4) task-based, clinical interviews (audio taped and transcribed) and (5) responses on paper-and-pencil assessments. This article only reports data from the online tasks. Because in online enviroments researchers have less control over the integretity of the data, all claims are about what the PSTs chose to present as arguments, not on the source of their ideas. Subsets of the data were verified through cognitive interviews with select PSTs to add to the integretity of the data and clarify ambiguties. PSTs responded to a variety of tasks over a one-month period, but for this article, only responses to the following tasks are reported: Task 1: Maria’s claim: if a numbers is a multiple of 3, then it is also a multiple 6. Write a viable argument for or against Maria’s claim. Task 2: Jamal’s claim: if a numbers is a multiple of 6, then it is also a multiple 3. Write a viable argument for or against Jamal’s claim. Task 3: Sophia says that the sum of 3 consecutive counting numbers is divisible by 3. Isabella says, “I think that the sum of 4 consecutive counting numbers is divisible by 4.” Write exemplary responses, which include viable arguments, for or against the claims. Task 4: Develop a viable argument for or against the claim for all natural numbers n , n2 + n + 41 is a prime number. 4. Results 4.1 Technical handles of type 1: stating appropriate claims 9 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles PSTs expressed appropriate TH1s when they communicated appropriately worded claims that follow purdently from data or conceptual insights they presented. PSTs expressed problematic claims we they worded the claim in a manner in which the meaning was ambiguous or the claim was false when redrafted using formal mathematical quantifiers. PSTs expressed inappropriate TH1s when they overgeneralized relative to the data presented. A representative case of a problematic TH1 is found in Mary’s argument below. Mary offers a claim that can be read as a generalization. Mary’s online response to prompt 1: Claim: Maria is incorrect in her claim; numbers that are multiples of 3 are not multiples of 6 as well. Foundation: 9\3=3[;] 9\6=?? although we would get a number from this, it wouldn't be an even number. Mary likely means there are multiples of 3 that are not multiples of 6 and is unaware that the literal interpretation of her claim is that all multiples of 3 are not multiples of 6. Regardless of her intent, there is a mismatch between the literal meaning of her claim and the foundation she presents. I view the problematic claim as a reflection of her technical skill in stating appropriate claims, not in her understanding of the situation. True, Mary likely has an inadequate knowledge of the mathematical registry and canonical ways of stating claims, but I also acknowledge that there are natural language ways of stating appropriate claims such as “some multiples of three are multiples of 6.” Several PSTs posted claims that use parts of the mathematical registry that are canonically associated with a generalization but expressed other information in their posts indicating they were presenting a counterexample. Ellen for example posted the claim “if a number is multiple 10 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles of 3 it is not a multiple of 6” then presented a collection of counterexamples. Other times, PST’s inappropriate claims were a clear case of overgeneralizing based on the data and CIs presented in the articulated argument. A representative inappropriate claim is found in Margaret’s work below. Here, the PST overgeneralizes based on her data: Claim: For all natural numbers n, n^2+n+41 will equal a prime number. Data: 98^2+98+41=9743 –prime; 11^2+11+41=173 –prime; 43^2+43+41=1933 – prime. Margaret returned to the discussion after a counterexample was posted by a peer and recanted her false claim. This provides evidence that she indeed overgeneralized. Yet, even after her peers noted that the claim Margaret presented is false, some revised the claim, and overgeneralized again by asserting that the expression is prime for all counting numbers except the counterexamples observed. Donna: Since Ray has proven that this doesn’t work when n=41 [and n=412], maybe we can rewrite the claim so it says something such as: Claim: n+n^2+41 will be a prime number if n is not equal to 41 or 41^2. I’m not sure if there is anything else that can be added to this point, but at least this claim covers what we have already discussed. My overarching analysis in this section is that all the PST whose work is presented express a lack of technical skill in stating appropriately worded claims relative to the data or CIs presented. If, for example, Margaret had the appropriate technical training, she might “handle” her data more appropriately by stating, “ n2 + n + 41 ” is prime for these three values.” I am not asserting that PSTs should not make conjectures, and even wild 11 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles guesses based on observerations, insights, and intuition. This is an important part of mathematical thought. I am asserting that PSTs should be trained in making unambiguous, appropriately worded claims, and that when it comes toime to culminate ideas into an argument to be articulated, they should only make claims that their data and CIs support and nothing more, unless perhaps they include qualifiers. Intuition-based claims and conjectures can be presented in prose outside the argument structure. 4.2 Technical handles of type 2: presenting adequate foundations Adequate TH2s were noted when PSTs expressed their data or CIs in a manner that could be appealed to appropriately when developing a viable argument for their claims. Adequacy of the TH2 is dependent on the type of claim presented (e.g., existence or generalization). Inadequate TH2s were noted when preservice teachers failed to express data or CI in a manner that can be appealed to appropriately when supporting the claim, and this is most often found when a generalization is stated. This code is most useful when the observer is confident about the type of claim being presented (i.e., existence or generalization). At times the ambiguity forces the observer to note both an inappropriate TH1 relative to the foundation and an inadequate TH2 relative to the claim. Without a cognitive interview, such arguments are double coded with two possible statuses. A representative case of an inadequate TH2 is found in Jody’s argument below. Jody’s response to prompt 2: Claim: If a number is a multiple of 6, then it is also a multiple of 3 Foundation: Multiples of 3: 6,9,12,15,18,21, ...Multiples of 6: 12,18,24,30,36 Narrative Link: This is true because 3 is a factor of six. It can be said for all; that if A is a factor of B, then B will also be a multiple of A. 12 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles In his narrative link, Jody expresses a useful conceptual insight that 3 is a factor of 6, and yet his foundation does not express this idea. His foundation is purely empirical and cannot be appealed to generically. Jody need not use a variable to represent this insight. A generic example such as 24 = 6 ´ 4 = 3´ ( 2 ´ 3) would express the relevant structure adequately for generic appeal when supporting the claim. Other PSTs presented similar arguments with examples that demonstrated that 3 and 6 are both factors of particular numbers (e.g., 24 = 4 ´ 6 and 24 = 3´ 8 ). These foundations fall short of adequacy because they do not show how the factors 3 and 6 are related and do not show the pertinent structure (3 is also factor of 6). This lack of structure in the foundation means we do not see how the claim’s conditions (multiple of 3) is used to demonstrate the conclusion (multiple of 6). 4.3 Technical handles of type 3: presenting adequate narrative links An adequate TH3 is expressed when an PST vaiably links the data or CIs to the claim, explaining how the data or insights are used to support the claim. An inadequate TH3 is observed when a PST presents an appropriate TH1 and an adequate TH2 but fails to explain how the data or CIs are used to support the claim or fails to explicitly discuss the mathematics on which the claim relies. A representative case is found in the work of Sarah who posts the following argument: Claim: Sophia is correct by saying that the sum of 3 consecutive numbers are [sic] divisible by 3. Foundation: A+(A-1)+(A-2)=B[.] B is divisible by 3. Ex. 9+8+7=24[.] 24/3=8. There is an infinite amount of situations where this is true. 13 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles Narrative: A+(A-1)+(A-2)=B always gives a number that can be divisible by 3. This works every time because of the fact that you are just moving on the number line. There are an infinite amount of situations stating that this is true. Sarah’s claim is clearly a generalization (e.g., “infinite situations”), and one might argue that that Sarah’s foundation is inadequate because she does not show how the representation of three consecutive is used to express the conclusion (e.g., 3( A -1) ). But, Sarah might wish to present such information in the narrative link. To be true to the foundation Sarah presents, I turn my attention to her narrative link. Although Sarah refers to her foundation in her narrative link, she does not appeal to it explicitly. She appeals to “moving on the number line” in her narrative, and it isn’t clear how “number line” is expressed in the foundation, if at all. Thus, Sarah expresses an inadequate TH3 because she does not explain how her foundation supports her claim. In her second argument, Sarah presents another generalization with a similar foundation: Generalization: The sum of 4 consecutive numbers is divisible by 2. Foundation: A+(A-1)+(A-2)+(A-3)= B [.] B is divisible by 2[.] Ex. 4+3+2+1=10[.] 10/2=5[.] Narrative: The sum will make 2 odd numbers, which then would be added and make one even number. The sum of 4 consecutive numbers will be even which will make it divisible by 2. Here Sarah presents a conceptual insight in her narrative link (that the sum of four consecutive numbers is equal to the sum of two odds), which the foundation does afford. This would require cases (e.g., A even and A odd) and an adequate narrative link would have to appeal to this explicitly. An adequate narrative link would also need to explain that four consecutive numbers 14 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles alternative between even and odd, and that the associative property is used to add the first two and last two consecutives. Finally, explicit mention of the assumed prior result that an even plus an odd is odd might be appropriate for this audience. Again, a reader might argue that Sarah could/should demonstrate more structure in her foundation (e.g., 3( A -1)). An analyst using Toulmin’s (1958/2003) full argumentation scheme might construct an idealized argument from Sarah’s work that places some of the missing features in the foundation and other information as backing (e.g., even plus an odd is odd). My analysis here attempts to be true to the argument Sarah chooses to articulate. Because I find ways to create a viable argument using the foundation Sarah presents, my analysis is that her TH3 is inadequate based on the presented generalization and foundation. As an aside, I wish to mention my views about the example’s Sarah presents in her foundation. Some authors have suggested that students who desire examples to complement a general argument might be expressing a lack of faith in the “proof” (e.g., Harel & Sowder, 1998), but this does not influence my analysis of Sarah’s handlings. I view the examples as superfluous in Sarah’s case because there is no appeal to them in her narrative. In sum, Sarah’s work expresses an inadequate technical skill in developing a coherent foundations and narrative links. Sarah has not adequately explained how the expressions in her foundations support her claims. Moreover, the mathematics on which the claims rely is not clearly articulated. We wonder, for example, what mathematics is behind the insight “moving on the number line” in the argument, if any. 5. Educational Importance of the Research 5.1 Putting the technical handles findings into an instructional framework 15 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles I am currently working implementing a teaching experiment that seeks to improve PSTs’ abilities to present viable arguments. The experiment includes explicit training on the mathematical registry for stating claims and training on develop adequate foundations and narrative links based on the types of claims stated. The framework has been useful in facilitating student reflections on and critiques of their arguments. Below are arguments and descriptions of their potential as tools for reflection and feedback using the framework. Deborah’s response to task 1: Claim[:] that Maria's claim could be correct. Foundation[:] 24 is the multiple of 1,3,2, 12, 6, 8, 4, and 24 Narrative[:] I am understanding that a multiple can be a number if two different factors are multiplied to get that multiple. So I can take a multiple of 3 and a multiple of 6 and say that 18 is a multiple of 6 and of 3 and that 6 and 3 are factors of 18. Not all multiples of 3s are going to work with 6, but a multiple is what you get after multiplying a number by an integer. It would be all the factors that equal a certain number for the multiple. Deborah’s argument is not well connected across features. Maria’s original claim is a generalization that multiples of 3 are also multiples of 6, and Deborah’s narrative link expresses ideas about both conforming cases and counterexamples to Maria’s claim. Her narrative link suggests the possibility of counterexamples, but none are given. Her foundation presents one conforming example, and her narrative link presents another. My first question for Deborah is whether or not she intents to make a generalization about a large or infinite class of multiples of 3, or whether she wishes to make an existence statement. If it is the former, I should guide Deborah toward an appropriately worded 16 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles generalization claim (e.g., every other multiple of 3 starting with 6 is also a multiple of 6) and help her develop a representation that can express the structure for all cases. If it is the later, I guide her toward stating an existence claim (either about conforming cases or counterexamples) and guide her toward either placing both examples in the foundation (there exist two…) or deleting one of the examples (there exists…). Another PST, Amy offers a refutation to Isabella’s claim that appears to be two arguments combined: Claim: There are numbers of 3 that are multiples of 6. Every other multiple of 3 will be a multiple of 6 starting with 6. Foundation: Multiple of 3: 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24... Multiples of 6: 6,12,18,24 Narrative link: We can see that some multiples of 3 are multiples of 6. By showing Maria that every other multiple of 3 is a multiple of 6 she can understand there can be numbers that are multiples of both but it is not always true. Since 3 is half of 6 then every other number will be a multiple of 6. Amy’s first sentence is an existence claim that is supported by some of her examples in the foundation and her first line in the narrative link that use the wording “some multiples of 3.” Her second sentence in the claim is a generalization and her narrative has pedagogical features. Amy’s narrative link ends with an observation that appears to be the CI for the generalization. The focus here can be on how to represent the structure of this CI in the foundation (e.g., 3´ (2n) = 6 ´ (n) ). Amy’s argument can be used as an example for instruction that suggests developing two separate arguments for refutations: a counterexample (CE) argument and an 17 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles argument for an alternative generalization. I can also use it to facilitate discussion about writing about pedagogy in prose outside of the argument structure. 5.2 Summary of importance By identifying three technical handles that appear to be important in articulating viable arguments, instructional interventions are suggested for future studies. Preservice teachers might benefit from instructional practices that emphasize these three technical handles as skills and useful moves in developing viable arguments. Preservice teachers might benefit from explicit instruction that distinquishes between claims that are appropriate based on data and CIs from those that do not follow prudently from the data and conceptual insights. Explicit instruciton that specifies types of representations of data and CIs that lend themselves to viable argument construction for generalizations could benefit learners who might otherwise not have access to these handles. Explicit instruction on adequate links between data or CIs and claims, particularly instruction that distinquish between generic and empirical warranting, could benefit learners as well. 18 Conceptual Insights, Viable Arguments, and Technical Handles 6. References Balacheff, N. (1988). Aspects of proof in pupils’ practice of school mathematics. In Pimm D. (Ed.), Mathematics, teachers and children (pp. 216-235). London: Holdder & Stoughton. Harel, G., & Sower, L. (1998). Students’ proof schemes: results from exploratory studies. In A.H> Schoenfeld, J. Kaput, & E. Dubinsky (Eds.), Research in collegiate mathematics education III (pp. 234-283). Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Clement, J. (2000). Analysis of Clinical Interviews: Foundations and Models Viability. In A. E. Kelly & R. A. Lesh (Eds.), Handbook of research design in mathematics and science education (pp. 517–546). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Cobb, P. & Steffe, L. P. (1983). 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