Harrisburg School District Chemistry Curriculum Map Unit Content Concepts Assessment Essential Questions Resources Introduction and Safety (Week 1, 1 Week) The science of chemistry Safety in the laboratory Students will be able to: Identify the uses and applications of chemistry in their daily lives Work in and around the chemistry lab in a safe, productive manner Chemistry scavenger hunt Safety quiz Lab- Introduction to chemical reactions and laboratory safety What is chemistry? How do we safely handle chemicals? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Introduction to chemical reactions and laboratory safety Various handouts Various websites Video- "Safety in the Chemistry Lab" Measurement and Factor Labeling (Week 2, 3 Weeks) Metric System Scientific Notation Mass Volume Density Percent Error Factor Labeling Students will be able to: Utilize metric nomenclature Convert values within the metric system Use scientific notation Appropriately measure mass and volume of an object Calculate density of an object Compare accuracy and precision Calculate percent error Convert units of measurement to other units of measurements using the factor Daily homework assignments Quizzes and tests Labs- Density What is good measurement? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Density Various handouts Various websites Vocabulary Metric System Scientific Notation Mass Volume Density Percent Error Factor Labeling labeling process Energy and Matter (Week 5, 3 Weeks) Energy Temperature Matter Elements and Compounds Mixtures Students will be able to: Identify the basic forms of energy Understand the law of conservation of energy Convert units of energy and calculate stored energy Compare the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature scales Understand absolute zero Convert temperature values Describe the five states of matter Compare physical and chemical properties of matter Understand the law of conservation of matter Interpret a phase diagram Differentiate elements from compounds from mixtures Compare heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures Describe techniques to separate mixtures Daily Homework Assignments Tests and Quizzes Labs- M&M Chromatography What is energy? What is matter? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- M&M Chromatography Various handouts Various websites Energy Temperature Matter Elements and Compounds Mixtures Atoms (Week 8, 3 Weeks) Dalton's Atomic Theory History of Atomic Structure Isotopes Radioactivity Radiant Energy Quantum Theory Spectra Atomic Orbitals Students will be able to: Define Dalton's atomic theory Relate the discovery of subatomic particles Calculate the numbers of electrons, protons, and neutrons for atoms and ions Diagram the structure of atoms and ions Identify isotopes Explain radioactivity and write decay equations of radioactive atoms Describe the motion of a wave Explain (and mathematically manipulate) the relationship between wavelength and frequency Explain (and mathematically manipulate) the relationship between the energy of radiation and its frequency Describe the different types of spectra and relate them to Bohr's model of the atom Daily homework assignments Tests and quizzes Identification of Metal Ions by Flame Testing What is an atom? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Identification of Metal Ions by Flame Testing Various handouts Various websites Dalton's Atomic Theory History of Atomic Structure Isotopes Radioactivity Radiant Energy Quantum Theory Spectra Atomic Orbitals Discuss Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in relation to the arrangement of electrons in an atom Describe energy levels and orbitals in an atom The Periodic Table (Week 11, 4 Weeks) History of the periodic table Parts of the periodic table Physical and chemical properties of the elements Trends of the periodic table Students will be able to: Show how and why the modern periodic table was developed Identify the major parts of the table (nonmetals, representative and transition metals, metalloids, etc...) Discuss the groupings of elements according to similar physical and chemical properties Understand why periodic trends exist Describe the four main trends (atomic radius, ionization energy, electronegativity, and electron affinity) Periodic Table Webquest project Oral Quiz Labs- Mendeleev Simulation; Alkali Activity Series What makes the Periodic Table so useful to chemists? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Mendeleev Simulation; Alkali Activity Series Various handouts Various websites Mendeleev Simulation; Alkali Bonding and Nomenclature (Week 15, 3 Weeks) Ionic bonds -electron transfer -charges and oxidation numbers Students will be able to: Identify and describe ionic bonds Name and write ionic compounds Daily homework assignments Tests and Quizzes Lab: Determination of Chemical Formulas; Geometry of Molecules What is the importance of a chemical bond? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Determination of Chemical Formulas; Geometry Ionic bonds -electron transfer -charges and oxidation numbers -nomenclature -nomenclature Covalent bonds -sharing of electrons -multiple bonds -nomenclature -polarity Lewis Dot Structures Molecular Geometry -VSEPR Identify and describe covalent bonds Name and write covalent compounds Identify polar bonds Interpret Lewis Dot Structures Predict Molecular Geometry of Molecules Various handouts Various websites Chemical Reactions (Week 20, 3 Weeks) Types of Reactions Balancing Reactions Predicting Products Students will be able to: Identify and describe direct combination, decomposition, single replacement, and double replacement reactions Write chemical equations (in words and with chemical symbols) Balance chemical equations Predict products of reactions Daily homework Tests and quizzes Labs- Equation Writing and Predicting Products How can chemicals interact? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Equation Writing and Predicting Products Various handouts Various websites Thermochemistry (Week 23, 2 Weeks) Energy, Heat, and Temperature (Review) Enthalpy Thermochemical Equations Students will be able to: Describe the relationships between energy, heat, temperature, and enthalpy Daily Homework Assignments Tests and Quizzes Labs: Heats of Solution How is energy related to chemical reactions? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Heats of Solution Various handouts Various websites Covalent bonds -sharing of electrons -multiple bonds -nomenclature -polarity Lewis Dot Structures Molecular Geometry -VSEPR Enthalpy Thermochemical Equations Enthalpy Diagrams Exothermic vs. Endothermic Stoichiometry (Week 25, 3 Weeks) Enthalpy Diagrams Exothermic vs. Endothermic Calorimetry Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Interpret thermochemical equations and enthalpy diagrams Explain heat changes in exothermic and endothermic reactions Use a calorimeter and mathematical equations to determine specific heat of a substance and heats of solutions Moles Molecules (Avogadro's number) Molar Volume Molar Mass Mole to Mole Ratio Stoichiometry Limiting Reactants Percent Yield Students will be able to: Define the quantity of a mole Define molar volume, Avogadro's number, and molar mass Convert between moles, molar volume, molecules, and/or mass for one substance Manipulate the relationships between moles, molecules, molar volume, and molar mass for substances in a chemical reaction Understand what a limiting reactant is and its effects on the amount of product for a chemical reaction Calorimetry Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Daily Homework Assignments Tests and Quizzes Mole Melodies Project Labs- Counting Small; Mass and Mole Relationships in a Chemical Reaction; Stoichiometry Using Copper What is a mole? How are chemical reactions limited? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Counting Small; Mass and Mole Relationships in a Chemical Reaction; Stoichiometry Using Copper Various handouts Various websites Molecules (Avogadro's number) Molar Volume Molar Mass Mole to Mole Ratio Stoichiometry Limiting Reactants Percent Yield Calculate percent yield for a chemical reaction Solutions (Week 28, 2 Weeks) Solubility -parts of a solution -saturation -solubility calculations -solubility curves -crystallization -soluble vs. insoluble (precipitates) -solubility rules Concentration -Molarity -Making Solutions -Dilutions Students will be able to: Describe the role of solutes and solvents in dilute, saturated, and supersaturated solutions Calculate solubility of common solids Interpret solubility curves Identify insoluble substances Mathematically determine the concentration of a solution Describe how to make a solution from a solid substance and from a more concentrated solution Daily Homework Assignments Tests and Quizzes Labs: Crystals In and Out; The Solution to Making Solutions What is a solution? What is concentration? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Crystals In and Out; The Solution to Making Solutions Various handouts Various websites Solubility -parts of a solution -saturation -solubility calculations -solubility curves -crystallization -soluble vs. insoluble (precipitates) -solubility rules Concentration -Molarity -Making Solutions -Dilutions Acids, Bases, and pH (Week 30, 2 Weeks) Acids Bases pH Indicators Neutralization Reactions Titrations Students will be able to: Identify and describe the characteristics and behavior of acids and bases Describe what happens in a titration and why Daily Homework Assignments Tests and Quizzes Labs: Drip, Drip, Drip What causes pH? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Drip, Drip, Drip Various handouts Various websites Acids Bases pH Indicators Neutralization Reactions Titrations Chemical Equilibrium The State of Equilibrium Students will be able to: Daily Homework Assignments What is chemical equilibrium? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our (Week 32, 2 Weeks) Equilibrium Expressions and Constants LeChatelier's Principle Strong vs. Weak Acids and Bases Buffers Describe what equilibrium means Set up equilibrium expressions for reactions and mathematically determine equilibrium constants Explain what will affect the equilibrium of a system and how Explain the difference between strong and weak acids and bases Relate the strength of acids and bases to equilibrium Describe how a buffer works Tests and Quizzes Labs: Chemical Equilibrium Gases (Week 34, 2 Weeks) Collision Theory Characteristics of Gases -Pressure -Volume -Temperature Boyle's Law Charles' Law Gay-Lussac's Law Avogadro's Law Ideal Gas Law Students will be able to: Describe the relationship between the motion of gas molecules, pressure, volume, and temperature Predict the effects of changes in pressure, volume, temperature, and molecules of gas according to Boyle's, Charles', Gay-Lussac's, and Avogadro's Laws Apply the gas laws to Daily Homework Assignments Tests and Quizzes Labs: An Investigation of the Properties of Gases Changing World Labs- Chemical Equilibrium Various handouts Various websites What is a gas? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- An Investigation of the Properties of Gases Various handouts Various websites Collision Theory Characteristics of Gases -Pressure -Volume -Temperature Boyle's Law Charles' Law Gay-Lussac's Law Avogadro's Law Ideal Gas Law real life situations such as tire pressure, hot air balloons, and scuba diving Use the Ideal Gas Law to mathematically predict the behavior of gases under varying conditions Organic Chemistry (Week 36, 2 Weeks) Hydrocarbons Functional Groups Biochemistry Students will be able to: Recognize fundamental organic compounds Describe fundamental characteristics of organic compounds Explain biological compounds as chemical substances Daily Homework Assignments Tests and Quizzes Labs: Making Soap What is organic chemistry? Text- Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World Labs- Making Soap Various handouts Various websites Hydrocarbons Functional Groups Biochemistry