STUDIES ON BRICK AND RCC COMPOSITE BEAMS BY USING METHOD OF INITIAL FUNCTION Piyush Kumar1 1 P.G. scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, M.M.M.U.T. Gorakhpur-273010 Email Id: Arvind Kumar2 2 Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering U.N.S.I.E.T. V.B.S.Purvanchal University, Jaunpur-222011 Email Id: ABSTRACT This paper present carried out on composite beams of RCC and Brick. In reinforced concrete beams, near the neutral axis less stressed concrete replaced by bricks. The concrete just above the neutral axis is less stressed and below the neutral axis concrete work as a shear transmitting media. In this study partially utilized concrete of RCC beam has been replaced by bricks in order to reduce the weight of structure and also achieve the economy, and by reducing concrete we have to save cement and by saving cement reduced the greenhouse gases emissions. So it is environment friendly. RCC and brick beams act like a composite beams. The brick replacement zone in composite beams is found out with the help of stress-strain block diagram, given in IS456:2000 used for limit state design of RC beams. We have method of initial function for analysis of brick and RCC composite beams. KEY WORDS: Brick filled, RC beams, method of initial function, composite beams I. INTRODUCTION Beams which are built of more than single material are called composite beams. Examples are sandwich beams, reinforced concrete beams and bimetallic beams, which consist of two different metals bonded together. Brick and RCC composite beams an attempt is being made to reduce the weight and cost of reinforced concrete beams, replacing concrete by lightweight materials like brick near the neutral axis. The behaviour of brick and RCC composite beams is same to that of reinforced concrete beams. Looking to the limitation of this types of structure is that bond in between brick zone and concrete layer at the brick concrete interface should be good and ensured having no slip occurs in between layers. In brick and reinforced concrete composite types of structure large depth of section obstructs the head room requirements. In such condition RCC beam is one of the alternatives, however, in RCC beams strength of concrete lying near the neutral axis is not fully utilized so partially utilized concrete in reinforced concrete beam and concrete has been replaced by bricks near the zone of neutral axis. Experimental work is conducted on the brick and reinforced concrete composite beam and shows the stresses in beams are maximum at bottom and top and zero at the neutral axis zone. So a cheap material like brick can be used near the neutral axis zone. Behaviour of this types of beam under the cyclic loading is determined and examine to find out similarity with conventional reinforced concrete beams. The experimental work was perform to obtained a stress-strain curve for masonry and found the Poisson’s ratio of the masonry and splitting tensile strength of bricks. The examine work was conducted on beams with light weight brick core with Ferro cement form and observed that beam to accomplish higher ultimate load when welded wire mesh is used in Ferro cement forms(Ezzat et al.2005). Method of initial function is used to analysis of reinforced concrete and brick composite beams and also free vibration of rectangular beams of arbitrary depth. This method is also used for study the composite beams under uniform and symmetric central loading and study behaviour of concrete beams. II. BRICK REPLACEMENT ZONE The replacement zone of brick in composite beam can be calculated by help of stress block diagram, given in IS456:2000 used for limit state design of RC beam. The replacement zone in RC beam, is near the neutral axis which is less stressed zone. Brick Replacement Zone in reinforced concrete Beams By equating total tension to total compression, Xu = (0.87 fy. Ast)/ (0.36fck.b) Xu = depth of neutral axis Ast= Area of tension steel ………………… (1) Depth of parabolic portion of stress block= [ 0.0020/0.0035].xu= 4/7xu depth of rectangular portion of stress block= [0.0035-0.0020/0.0035]xu= 3/7xu d = (2 x cover + diameter of bar) (2) d’ is the thickness of concrete layer available to maintain bond between steel and concrete. It is assumed the provision of thickness of concrete not less than the cover provided on each side of the tension reinforcement will satisfy the bond requirement. Xb =(4Xu/7)√ {1- (fbk/fck)} (3) dmin = 3Xu/7+Xb (4) dmax = D-d’ Brick replacement zone = dmax-dmin III. (5) ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE BEAM USING MIF The reinforced concrete and brick composite beams are examine by using method of initial function and it is an analytical method of elasticity theory. This method makes it possible to found exact solution of different types of doubts without taking any assumption about the character of stress and strain. The order of governing equation depends upon the stage at which the series representing the stress and displacement are truncated. According to MIF, the basic desired functions are the displacement and stress, the system of differential equation which is found from equation of Hooke’s law and equilibrium equations by replacing stresses by the displacements by using elasticity relations. In brick and rcc composite beam loaded at the top surface, the state of stresses and displacement at free bottom surface of the beam is given by; (6) (7) Let where, uT , vT ,YT and XT are the values of stresses and displacements at the top surface of the composite beam. Relating the stresses and displacements at the top surface of the layer to those at the bottom surface by successive application of the transfer matrix [Li] across each layer, one obtains where, The terms of the matrix [B] are evaluated after expending the exponential in the form of series The terms of matrix [B] are determined after expending the exponential in the form of series. The equation (8) relates the boundary conditions at the bottom surface and it is useful for deriving governing differential equations for a layered beem having a particular number of layer. The method adopted for analyzing layered beams involves the determination of initial functions at the bottom surface of the beam by relating them through the matrix [A] to the stresses at the top surface. The matrix has a form (10) Application of MIF Reinforced concrete and brick composite beam consists of the three layers. Top and bottom layers are of concrete and middle one is of brick. The area of reinforcement below the brick replacement zone is also changed into the equivalent area of concrete using modular ratio . Therefore the matrix [B] becomes (11) Where h1, h2 and h3 are the thickness of three layers. h1 and h3 are the thickness of concrete layers, and h2 is the thickness of brick layer. The conditions at top are given by: (12) Substituting the expressions (6) and (10) in the equations (8) we get: (13) (14) These equations are exactly satisfied by, (15) (16) (16) Where ∅ is an unknown auxiliary function substituting the value of u1 and v1 from the equations (15) and (16) in the equation (9), the differential equation governing the problem of Brick and reinforced concrete composite beam is obtained: (17) The order of the governing differential equation (12) depends on the order of the terms in the matrix [B]. The auxiliary function is chosen such that it satisfies the governing differential equation as well as the boundary conditions at the edges of the beam. Initial functions are found from equations (15) and (16). By operating on the initial functions by the transfer matrix [Li] successively across every layer, we can obtained the stresses and displacements, within the entire beam. Analysis of brick and rcc composite beam Consider a brick and rcc composite beam having three layers of thickness, h1and h3 are the concrete layers and h2 of brick layer. Geometry of beam section The following values of beam dimensions are chosen for the particular problem. h = 500mm, b =250mm, l=5000mm, h1 =70mm, h2 =260mm, h3=170mm The following material properties are taken: For concrete layers, E = 22000 N/mm2 μ = 0.20 G = 9200N/mm2 For brick layer E = 5000 N/mm2 μ = 0.17, G = 2200 N/mm2 where, E - Young’s modulus of Elasticity G - Shear modulus of Elasticity μ - Poisson’s ratio Loading and boundary condition The following condition of the simply supported edges are; X = Y = v = 0, at x = 0 and x = l The boundary conditions are exactly satisfied by the auxiliary function. A1sin ( ) IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A sinusoidal normal loading is assumed, on the top surface of the beam: P(x) = -P0 sin ( ) Taking P0 = 100N/mm and x = l/2 The value of auxiliary function is obtained from equation (17), using this value of auxiliary function the values of initial functions u1 and v1 are obtained from equation. (15) and (16). These values of u1 and v1 are substituted in expression (8) for obtaining the values of stresses and displacements. Y = -100.0 N/mm2 X = 0 V. CONCLUSION By saving concrete it saves cement and reduces the greenhouse gases and makes the environment green. Presence of bricks in less stressed zone has not a significant reduction in strength of reinforced concrete and beams. Concrete is replaced by brick in beam. By this replacement reduction in weight is achieved. Saving of cost is directly proportional to the percentage replacement of concrete. 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