Shieva Kleinschmidt University of Southern California Placement Permissivism and Logics of Location1 There are three options for how we can characterize regions (of space, time, or spacetime)2: either (i) some regions are mereologically simple (i.e., they have no subregions3 distinct from themselves) and all such regions are point-sized, (ii) there are some simple regions that are not point-sized, or (iii) there are no simple regions at all. In this paper I will develop problems that arise for the second of those options. I will show that if extended4 simple regions are possible, a liberal recombination principle is true, and some plausible assumptions are correct, then we will not be able to endorse a parsimonious logic of location – that is, we will not be able to endorse a theory of location that posits at most one locative primitive. To argue for this, I will show how the possibility of extended simple regions together with liberal recombination leads to the possibility of what I will call “Place Cases”, and I will show that Place Cases are incompatible with parsimonious logics of location. Though there are many ways in which one might respond to this incompatibility, I will provide reasons for opting to reject extended simple regions. Here is an overview of what will follow. I will begin in §1 with a presentation of logics of location, and I will describe some of the locative relations any such logic must account for. In §2 I will present “Place Cases”, which involve extended simple regions that contain objects smaller than those regions. I will show that these Place Cases are incompatible with every possible parsimonious logic of location, because such logics lack the resources to adequately describe the locative features of these cases. In §3, I will motivate the possibility of these cases, first by motivating the possibility of the materials I used to build the cases, and next by motivating recombination principles used to combine those materials. In §4 I will discuss several ways of attempting to respond to Place Cases, and I will focus on two of the most 1 I am grateful to Andrew Bacon, Matthew Davidson, Kenny Easwaran, Michael Hall, Hud Hudson, Jake Ross, Mark Schroeder, Ted Sider, and Gabriel Uzquiano for help with this paper, and to Peter van Inwagen for comments on this paper presented at the 2012 Carolina Metaphysics Workshop. I am especially indebted to Achille Varzi, who provided extensive, helpful feedback on multiple drafts of this paper. 2 In this paper I will focus on regions involving space, but analogous cases for temporal and spatiotemporal regions can be given. 3 For ease of exposition, I will be taking subregionhood to be parthood restricted to regions. Those who wish to resist this claim, thinking that subregionhood is merely analogous to parthood, are welcome to substitute in talk of subregions when I talk of parts of regions. 4 I will use ‘extended’ to mean ‘with size, and not point-sized’. Thus, the fusion of two point-sized regions will, for my purposes, count as extended (though not simple) in spite of being discontinuous and having zero measure. 2 tempting: rejecting the possibility of the cases via appeal to extrinsicality of shape, and accepting the possibility of the cases and revising our logics of location in light of them. I will argue against these responses as well as others, and I will point to the rejection of extended simple regions as our best alternative. 1. Logics Of Location There are many different ways in which entities5 can relate locatively to regions: an entity can be entirely within a region, partly in a region, exactly at a region, etc. A logic (or theory) of location aims to capture all of the different locative relations entities can bear to regions (be these places, times, or regions of spacetime), and describe how these locative relations relate definitionally to one another. Further, it should list the axiomatic constraints on the instantiation and combination of these relations. The logics of location currently endorsed in print are, almost6 exclusively, theoretically parsimonious: each says that, of all of the locative properties and relations, (i) at most one of them is indefinable, and (ii) none has a definition that appeals to anything beyond locative relations, mereological relations, and basic logical relations (such as identity).7 The first question to ask is, which relations are the locative ones these logics of location ought to account for? A rough but perhaps useful guide is this: they are relations corresponding to combinations of answers to these two questions, for some object somehow present in some region: “How much of the object is somehow present in the region, and how much of the region has the object somehow present throughout it?”8 Restricting our answers to “(at least) some” and “all”, we have four possible combinations of answers: Some/Some, Some/All, All/Some, I will use ‘entity’ as a fully general term for anything that exists (and I will sometimes use ‘object’ in an almost equally unrestricted sense, as a general term for anything that exists and is not a region). Our discussion will not be restricted to merely some kinds of entities, such as material things, events, universals, etc. Though there may be disagreement on what features entities of different sorts must have in order to bear particular locative relations to regions, the locative relations themselves should be accounted for in any adequate theory of location. 6 Arguably, Kit Fine (2006) and Peter Simons (2014) have presented theories that are not theoretically parsimonious, for they posit a difference between the way objects are located in space (and the way events are located in both time and space), and the way objects exist in time (as universals might be said to exist in space). However, both theorists endorse parsimonious logics of locative relations between objects and spatial regions, and my cases will be incompatible with those logics. 7 To read more on theories of location, see Varzi 2007, Gilmore 2014, and Kleinschmidt 2015. I will not discuss theories on which regions and objects bearing locative relations to them are not ontologically independent from one another, nor theories on which mereological relations are reducible to locative relations or vice versa (see Markosian 2014 for an example). These theories are also incompatible with the possibility of Place Cases, but for reasons independent of those I will discuss. 8 This is intended as a rough guide to a range of locative relations. It is not intended as a starting point if we have no understanding of any locative relations whatsoever (the questions themselves invoke locative relations), and it is not intended to generate a complete list. Further, different senses of ‘in’ and ‘all’ generate different relations. For more on this, see Kleinschmidt forthcoming. 5 3 and All/All. Each of these roughly corresponds to a different kind of locative relation. Though we may disagree about which relations should count as locative ones, these should certainly make the cut. And the leading theories of location each provide different ways to cash out these (or roughly these) relations, with Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi being the first to divide up the space of locative relations in roughly this way. Casati and Varzi (1999) believe we can define all locative relations in terms of a single primitive, exact location. Intuitively, this is the relation a thing bears to the region that is shaped just like it,9 the same size as it, and which the thing completely fills and does not spill out of. (Thus, all of the entity is in the region, and all of the region has the entity present throughout it.) They then provide the following definitions. x is generically located at r =df there is a part of x that is exactly located at a subregion of r. x is partly located at r =df there is a part of x that is exactly located at r. x is wholly located at r =df x is exactly located at a subregion of r.10 Josh Parsons (2007) presents a similar but not equivalent way of accounting for this space of relations. Parsons believes that we can define all the locative relations in terms of a single primitive, though he believes it does not matter which relation we take to be primitive. So, on one way of endorsing his system of location relations, we can take weak location as primitive. An object is weakly located in a region iff the region is not free of the object. So the object can be contained within the region or not, and it can fill the region or not. This is the easiest locative relation to instantiate. Parsons then give these definitions: x is pervasively located at r =df x is weakly located at every subregion of r. x is entirely located at r =df x is weakly located at r and not weakly located anywhere disjoint from r. x is exactly located at r =df x is pervasively and entirely located at r.11 Generic and weak location roughly correspond to our Some/Some answer: with each relation, at least some of our object is located within at least some of our region. Partial and pervasive location each roughly correspond to the Some/All answer: with each, the object fills the relevant region. Whole and entire location each roughly correspond to the All/Some answer: 9 If you think objects are extended in time as well as in space, the region they exactly occupy will be temporally extended as well. Casati and Varzi 1999, p. 120-121. See Varzi 2007 for more on this system and how it relates to other theories of location. 11 These definitions are from Parsons 2007, p. 203. 10 4 with each, the region in question contains our object. And exact location, for both theorists, corresponds to the All/All answer; all of the object is within the region, and the object is present throughout the region. As their definitions show, however, they disagree about how to best capture these relations. Casati, Varzi, and Parsons do, however, agree that each entity can have at most one exact location. Many have called this into question, wanting to allow for the possibility of multilocation, where entities (such as immanent universals, 12 subatomic particles, 13 or timetravellers14) can be, in some sense, exactly present at more than one location. Thus, when Casati, Varzi, and Parsons say that “all” of an entity is within a region, they may mean this in in no sense present in any region disjoint from that region. However, when the multilocation theorist says that “all” of an entity is present within a region, they may mean simply that the parts of the entity within that region fuse to make the entity. This allows for the possibility of the entity also having parts present outside of the region. Hudson (2001) presents a logic of location that allows for multilocation; his primitive, located at, is similar to exact location but is non-functional. In what follows, for simplicity I will use Parsons’ terminology and definitions, though I will mainly rely on our intuitive notions of the relations these systems point to. And the arguments I give will apply to any parsimonious logic of location. The important take-away from this section is that leading proponents of logics of location believe that we can capture all of the locative relations using at most one locative primitive together with Mereology and basic logic. Now on to the cases that challenge this. 2. The Problematic Cases The Place Cases I will discuss all have this feature: each involves some object, x, and some mereologically simple region, r, such that r fails to have a subregion completely free of x (since r is simple, its only subregion is itself), and yet, intuitively, x does not fill r. In §2.1, I will present such a Place Case and a counterpart of it. In §2.2 I will argue that no parsimonious logic of location can distinguish between the case and its counterpart with respect to locative features. I will make claims about what some of those locative features are, but what is crucial to my 12 Armstrong 1997 Parsons Unpublished 2003 14 Effingham and Robson 2007, Gilmore 2009, and Kleinschmidt 2011. 13 5 argument is merely that there are some locative differences that our parsimonious logics of location are blind to. 2.1. Place Cases The most straightforward example of a Place Case is the following: Almond in the Void: There is an extended, simple region, r, and an almond (and its parts) which is smaller than r and seems to be entirely located in r.15 Region r is otherwise empty, and there are no other regions.16 In this case, the almond does not fill the region, although every subregion of the region (namely, the region itself) is not free of the almond. To make it especially clear that the object is not exactly or pervasively located at the region, imagine a variant of the case in which there are two almonds in the region. If one almond in the region would fill the region, then two almonds in the region should each fill the region, and they will be superimposed. But intuitively, if the region is big enough, both almonds could be within the region without this happening. On another variant case, an extended simple region contains something that is, intuitively, point-sized. Something point-sized is not big enough – or, if we worry about how to specify its size: it is not made of enough matter – to fill an extended region. But still, the region does not have any subregions that are free of the object.17 I will set aside these variants and focus on Almond in the Void, but each of these cases would be sufficient to cause the problems I have in mind. The almond case and its variants can be contrasted with their less problematic counterparts (hereafter, ‘Place Case Counterparts’), which do not differ from the problematic cases in terms of (I) the number and kind of entities involved, (II) the mereological properties and relations that are instantiated, and (III) facts about which regions are free of the object. They 15 I have purposely avoided invoking non-relative size. And, if complex objects in extended simple regions seem particularly problematic, consider a simple object in the extended simple region instead. 16 One might worry that this requires the possibility of a world containing just an almond and some regions. But I do not require that my cases correspond to worlds; they can correspond merely to world-parts. 17 Another variant: a region that is extended, simple, and discontinuous, which contains a (zero-dimensional) grain. In this case, it is even easier to see that the object does not fill the region: the region is discontinuous and the object is not. 6 do differ, however, in either the size of the regions or the size of the objects. The unproblematic counterpart to Almond in the Void is: Almond in its Shadow: There is an extended, simple region, r’, and an almond (and its parts) which is exactly the same size and shape as r’, and which seems to be entirely located in r’. Region r’ is otherwise empty, and there are no other regions. In this case, the almond is intrinsically the same as it was before. And the region has the same mereological features (it is simple, as before). But the region has been shrunk down to perfectly fit the almond (or the almond has expanded to fill the region). Not only is no subregion of the region entirely free of the almond (as before), but in this case, the almond fills the region. So, intuitively, the locative relations in Almond in its Shadow and Almond in the Void are different. 2.2. The Conflict In Almond in the Void, the almond is present in the extended region but does not fill it, even though the region has no subregions that are free of the almond. We want to say that the locative relations the almond bears to the region are different in this case than in the Almond in its Shadow case, where the almond does fill the region it is in. Because we are assuming a parsimonious logic of location is correct, we are allowed only one locative relation that is not defined in terms of the others. Suppose we take this to be a relation that is held fixed between the cases. For instance, suppose we take the primitive relation to be weak location, or entire location. Almond in the Void and Almond in its Shadow do not differ with respect to instantiation of either of these relations. But the mereological and basic logical properties and relations are all also the same between the cases. Because all of our other locative features are defined in terms of these properties and relations together with our primitive weak or entire location relation, and these are all held fixed between the cases, the instantiation of exact and pervasive location relations must be held fixed between the cases as well. So we either have to say that the almond fills its region in both the Shadow and the Void case, or that it fills its region in neither. But intuitively, it does not fill its region in the Void case, and it does fill its region in the Shadow case. 7 If we want to avoid this result, we might take as basic a relation that we think differs between the cases, such as pervasion or exact location. Suppose, for instance, following Casati, Varzi, and Parsons (on one reading), we take exact location as basic and define the other locative relations in terms of it. For instance, following Parsons, we would say something like: an object is weakly located at a region iff that region mereologically overlaps with the region at which the object is exactly located.18 But then we will have the result that, in the Void case, our almond is not weakly located anywhere. Because it is not exactly located at any region, and our definition of weak location requires the entity to be located somewhere, the almond will not even be weakly present in any regions. It may as well be the number seven for all of the locative relations it bears to spacetime. This is unacceptable. And we will get the same result regardless of which relation we choose to take as primitive (be it exact location, pervasion, or Hudson’s located at relation) and which relation we’re defining in terms of it (be it generic location, weak location, etc), if the instantiation of the non-basic relation requires instantiation of our primitive relation. Suppose we want our primitive locative relation to be one that is instantiated in one of the Void or Shadow cases and not the other, but we do not want all of our non-basic relations to each be instantiated in exactly one of those cases. To achieve this, we can define our non-basic relations more permissively, so that an object can stand in a non-basic relation to a region even if the object does not stand in the primitive relation to any region. For instance, we can take exact location as basic, and then say: an entity, x, is weakly located at a region, r, iff if x is exactly located somewhere, then r mereologically overlaps a region at which x is exactly located. If we say this, we can claim that, though there is no region at which our almond is exactly located in the Void case, the almond is nonetheless weakly located in the extended simple region. This is because the condition for weak location at a region will be vacuously satisfied: since the almond is not exactly located anywhere, it is vacuously true that if the almond is exactly located somewhere, then the extended simple region overlaps the region at which it is exactly located. However, there are two problems with this. First: the number 7, if it is immaterial, will satisfy this condition for being weakly located at every region. Consider any region, r: if the number 7 is exactly located somewhere, then r mereologically overlaps that region. Since 7 isn’t located anywhere, the conditional is vacuously satisfied. So, 7 is weakly located everywhere. Parsons 2007, p. 204. If we follow Casati and Varzi in taking exact location to be primitive, we’ll take an entity to be generically located in a region iff the entity has a part that is exactly located at some subregion of that region. 18 8 Here is the second problem. We can imagine a variant of the Void case in which there is another region disjoint from the original one, which is the same size and shape and is empty. Almond in the Void+: There is an extended, simple region, r, which contains an almond (and its parts). The almond is smaller than r, and r is otherwise empty. There is exactly one region disjoint from r: an empty duplicate of r. Using our more permissive definition of weak location, in this Void+ case the almond will count as being weakly present in both regions, though it is clearly weakly present only in one. The general problem is that, if we opt for a definition of a non-basic locative relation that does not require instantiation of the basic locative relation, then we will not be able to get correct results about which regions entities bear the non-basic locative relation to.19 So the basic moral is this: if we endorse a parsimonious logic of location, we get at most one basic location relation. If we take that to be a relation that is held fixed between the Shadow and Void cases, we will have to say that all the non-basic relations are the same between the cases, too. If instead we take our basic relation to be one that is instantiated in exactly one of the cases, then for any non-basic relation, if the non-basic relation is defined in a way that requires instantiation of the basic relation, the non-basic relation will not be instantiated in the other case. If instead the non-basic relation is defined more liberally, then we will not always get the right results about which regions objects bear the non-basic relation to. More formally: The Argument For Almonds: 19 The example just presented involved taking as basic a relation that the almond stood in to a region in only the Shadow case. But similar difficulties arise when we take as primitive a relation the almond stand in only in the Void case. For instance, suppose we posit a new relation like this one: being weakly located at a region without filling it. If this is basic, we can say: if an object bears this primitive relation to a region, then it is weakly located there. And if it bears this primitive relation to a region, then it does not fill the region. So we can claim that the almond does not fill the extended simple region in Almond in the Void, though it is weakly present in every subregion of that region. Unfortunately, here, we have taken as basic a relation that no object bears to any region in Almond in its Shadow. Thus, there are not any locative differences between this almond and a genuinely immaterial object like the number 7. Any definition of a non-basic locative relation will give the same treatment to each: either both stand in the relation to a region in Almond in its Shadow, or neither does. And we face this dilemma: for any non-basic locative relation, if, by definition, its instantiation requires the instantiation of our basic relation, then the almond in Almond in its Shadow will not bear the non-basic relation to any region. Alternatively, if the non-basic relation is defined more permissively, then the almond will bear it to all relevantly similar regions in any cases like Almond in its Shadow+ (i.e., Shadowlike cases with multiple regions that are intrinsic duplicates of one another). 9 1. If a parsimonious logic of location is correct, then there is at most one basic locative relation, and instantiation of this relation is either held fixed between the Shadow and Void cases or it is not. 2. If a parsimonious logic of location is correct and instantiation of the basic locative relation is held fixed between the Shadow and Void cases, then everything (including the basic locative relation) we have available with which to define the non-basic locative relations will be held fixed between the Shadow and Void cases. 3. If everything (including the basic locative relation) we have available with which to define the non-basic locative relations is held fixed between the Shadow and Void cases, then the instantiation of all locative relations will be held fixed between the cases. 4. It’s not the case that the instantiation of all locative relations is held fixed between the Shadow and Void cases. 5. Either (a) every non-basic locative relation is defined so that its instantiation requires instantiation of the basic relation, or (b) there is some non-basic locative relation that is defined so that its instantiation does not require instantiation of the basic relation. 6. If instantiation of the basic locative relation is not held fixed between the Shadow and Void cases, then (a) is false, for it would entail that in one of these cases no non-basic locative relations are instantiated. 7. Option (b) is false, for if it were true of some non-basic relation, we would not have the resources in every case to pick out which regions entities bore that relation to.20 8. So, no parsimonious logic of location is correct. Premises 1, 2, 3, and 5 are truths of logic and/or are taken to follow from stipulations about what it is for a logic of location to be parsimonious and stipulations about Place Cases. Premises 4, 6, and 7 are based on our intuitions about locative features in particular cases described above. 20 We may consider is locatively excluded from to be a locative relation, and one that does not require the instantiation of any other locative relation in order to itself be instantiated. In that case, feel welcome to restrict our domain of locative relations in premises 5, 6, and 7 to what we might call “positive” locative relations, which involve at least some of an object being within at least some of a region. (That is: we’re excluding relations corresponding to answers of “none” that we may have given to the questions at the start of §1.) 10 3. Motivation There are multiple routes to the possibility of my cases. The two pieces of motivation I will discuss will involve these components: (A) positing the possibility of a continuous extended simple n-dimensional region, and the possibility of a continuous object that is smaller than the extended simple region, and (B) endorsing some principle(s) telling us how possibilities can be recombined to generate other possibilities.21 I will forego discussion of motivation for extended simple regions, and simply direct the reader to literature on that topic.22 In addition to requiring that extended simple regions are possible, (A) also requires the possibility of some objects that are smaller than some of those extended simple regions. Here is one route to thinking that such objects are possible. It is plausible that the number of spatial dimensions is contingent; for instance, even if space is, say, three-dimensional, it seems possible for it to be four-dimensional. If there are extended simple regions, and the dimensionality of space is contingent, it also seems plausible that the dimensionality of the smallest simple regions is contingent. For instance, we may believe that simple regions are extended a Planck-length in every dimension there is. Finally, we it is plausible that, for any world, there is some possible object as small as that world’s smallest region. These claims jointly entail the possibility of some possible object that is smaller than some possible simple region, and these are the components of (A). Let us now turn to options for (B). First, consider Lewis’s Patchwork Principle23 (roughly formulated): The Patchwork Principle: Necessarily, for any two possible chunks of spacetime and their inhabitants, and any way of making them adjacent (that is, any way of arranging them so there is zero distance between them without their being superimposed), there is some world in which chunks of spacetime just like those, with inhabitants just like those had by the originals, are adjacent in that way.24 This entails that if, possibly, there is a normal region (with whatever mereological features you think regions tend to have) that contains an almond and is otherwise empty, and 21 It is important to note that, since we only require the analytic possibility of Place Cases to cause problems for parsimonious logics of location, these principles of recombination need only be true with respect to generation of analytically possible cases. This makes the principles much harder to reject. See §4.3 for more discussion of this. 22 See Tognazzini 2006, McDaniel 2007, Dainton 2010, and Spencer 2010. See Gilmore 2014 for an overview of arguments for extended simple regions. 23 Lewis 1986, pp. 87-89. 24 A more formal statement of this version of Lewis’s principle can be found in Hawthorne, Scala, and Wasserman, 2004. They call this “A Combinatorial Principle for Objects”. Also, note that in appealling to distance relations I may be presupposing that any spaces this principle appeals to or produces have a metric. I am happy to work with a version of the principle that is restricted in this way. 11 possibly there is an empty extended simple region (say, of 1 cubic foot), and there’s a way for these regions to be arranged so that there is zero distance between them, then there is some world in which a normal region containing an almond is zero distance from an empty simple region of 1 cubic foot.25 So Lewis’s principle gives us is that, if our ingredients of our Almond in the Void case are possible, then possibly they are right next to one another. We may now supplement Lewis’s principle with: The Pushing Principle 26 : If some object, x, is contained within an otherwise empty region, r1 (i.e., r1 is not free of x, and every region disjoing from r1 is free of x), and r1 is adjacent to an empty region, r2, and there is an empty continuous path from where x is in r1 to the interior of r2, and both this path and r2 are large enough, of the right shape, and of the right orientation relative to r1 for x to fit through the path and into r2,27 then possibly, x moves28 from r1 to r2 without undergoing intrinsic changes. As Joshua Spencer (2010) says, if an object has a large enough chunk of empty space in front of it, then regardless of the mereological structure of the space and of the object, it does not seem that anything would (at least, in all such cases) stop us from pushing the object into the new region.29 And it does not seem that the region or object would have to undergo intrinsic changes due to this move. Applied to the almond next to an extended simple region, it’s hard to see what would stop you, at least in all such cases, from simply pushing the almond into the empty simple region. Endorsing this principle together with Lewis’s principle allows us to generate Almond In The Void. However, we might worry about motion through regions with unusual mereological structures. That is, we might not think it is clear how motion across extended, simple regions would work.30 And it does not seem that the motion is actually doing any work in generating these possibilities anyway. Instead, the key idea is that it is the size and shape of regions and objects that determine whether they can stand in location relations. So, instead of appealing to Note that the adjacency in Lewis’s Patchwork Principle does not guarantee contact; for instance, two open three-dimensional regions can be at zero distance from one another with a plane between them. For contact, entities must be adjacent and have the right match of topological features. 26 This is a generalisation of what Spencer (2010, p. 180) appeals to in his argument that extended simple objects can be located at extended simple regions. 27 It is spectacularly difficult to give fully general, minimally sufficient conditions for an object’s being able to fit through a path and into a new region. For example, see discussion related to Leo Moser’s Moving Sofa Problem (Moser 1966, Wagner 1976). 28 Feel free to read “possibly, x moves” in terms of temporal and modal counterparts if you prefer. 29 Spencer 2010, p. 180. 30 We might attempt to capture motion within extended simple regions via appeal to differences in distance relations between the object and regions outside of the one containing it, but this will not work in all cases (for instance, it will not capture motion of an almond within an extended, simple region that is the only region in its world). 25 12 the Lewisian Patchwork Principle and the Pushing Principle, we might just endorse what I call Possible Placement Permissivism, which says: Possible Placement Permissivism: For any x, l, r1, and w1, if x bears locative relation l to region r1 in world w1, than for any region r2 and world w2, if r2 in w2 is both empty and the same size and shape that r1 is in w1, then there is some world, w3, in which there is an intrinsic duplicate of x (from w1) that bears l to an intrinsic duplicate of r2 (from w2). That is, if an object bears some locative relation to some region, then for any possible, empty region of the same size and shape, an intrinsic duplicate of the object can bear the same locative relation to an intrinsic duplicate of the empty region. So, if an almond in my refrigerator is contained within a region of 1 cubic foot, and possibly, there exists an empty extended simple region of the same size and shape, then possibly, an intrinsic duplicate of my almond is contained within an intrinsic duplicate of the extended simple region. Thus, Almond in the Void is possible. Lewis’s principle allowed us to recombine possible entities, generating possibilities where intrinsic duplicates of those entities are adjacent to one another. Similarly, Possible Placement Permissivism also allows us to recombine possible entities, generating possibilities where intrinsic duplicates of those entities bear particular locative relations to one another. The central idea behind Possible Placement Permissivism is this: whether an object can fit in a region is simply determined by how big the region and object are, and perhaps also by whether there is anything causally preventing the object from being in the region (such as a territorial God who keeps regions like this empty in all possible worlds). Which proper parts an object has, and which proper subregions a region has, are not relevant to whether the object can fit in the region. 4. Responses There are many ways we may attempt to respond to Place Cases. In this section, I will describe several of the most tempting options, and give reason for favoring the rejection of the analytic possibility of extended simple regions. 4.1. Revising Our Logics of Location One initially tempting option may be to simply accept the possibility of Place Cases. That is, perhaps we would like to accept the possibility of extended simple regions that can contain 13 objects that are smaller than they are, and revise our logic of location accordingly. This response will require giving up any parsimonious logic of location we may have hoped to endorse: we will have to take more than one locative relation to be primitive, or we will have to appeal to something outside of locative relations, Mereology, and basic logic in giving our definitions (though it is not clear what else we might appeal to that will do this work). Here is an example of how we might opt for an additional locative primitive. Suppose we take both weak location and exact location as primitive, and we do not endorse any principles that require that if an object is weakly located in a region, then it is exactly located in some superregion of that region. Then, in the Almond in the Void case, our logic of location will allow for the almond to be weakly located in the extended simple region, but is not exactly located at the region. We can say that the almond is exactly located at the region contining it in the Shadow case, but not in the Void case, while claiming it is weakly located at that region in each case. We can get similar results with other choices about which locative relations are primitive. There are some restrictions on which relations we can take as primitive to get the right results in Place Cases and their counterparts, and if we think multilocation is possible, we will need at least three locative primitives to get the correct results in all cases. 31 However, the most pressing problem for revising our logics of location in this way is due to questions about recombination. If we have multiple primitive locative relations, we face a dilemma: either we can freely recombine instantiation of these primitive relations (as we might allow free recombination of color and shape), or we cannot. That is: we must decide whether the instantiation of any of our primitive relations places any restrictions on instantiation of any other primitive locative relation. If not, we will have some very odd consequences: for instance, if weak location and pervasive location are each primitive and place no restrictions on each other, it will be possible for an object to be pervasively located at a region while only weakly located at some of the subregions of that region. Similarly, if exact location and weak location are each primitive and place no restrictions on each other, it will be possible for an object to be exactly located at a region but not weakly located there. These results are at least as bad as the worst predictions our parsimonious logics made about Place Cases. Further, the consequences are so odd that we do not want to allow for even their analytic possibility. Obviously, we will want some restrictions on how our primitive locative relations can be co-instantiated, and these will have to be analytically 31 For more on this, see Kleinschmidt forthcoming. 14 necessary restrictions. The problem with this is that it is not clear how we will explain or ground these restrictions. With a parsimonious logic of location, we have definitional relations between all of our locative relations, and this explains why facts about how one relation is instantiated restrict how other relations are instantiated. Without these definitional connections, we lose our ground for these analytically necessary restrictions. Thus, revising our logic of location by positing multiple primitive location relations is not only less parsimonious, it also either entails the analytic possibility of some very strange cases, or it requires analytically necessary connections that we no longer have the grounds to posit. 4.2. Appeals to Extrinsicality of Shape One may instead hope to reject the possibilty of Place Cases. For instance, one who thinks that shape and size are extrinsic believes something along these lines: necessarily, what it is for an object to have a given size/shape, s, is for the object to be exactly located at a region with size/shape s.32 My Place Cases seem to require there to be an object that is smaller than every region it is contained within, and which has a shape that is unlike that of any region in its world. Such an object does not seem to be exactly located anywhere. But if size and shape are extrinsic, how can an object have a size when it does not have an exact location? It seems that this would require an object to have a size that is not inherited. Thus, it seems we cannot endorse both the extrinsicality of size and shape and the possibility of Place Cases. In actuality, the situation is far less grim. Instead of producing any incompatibility, Place Cases can be taken to simply leave us with a size and shape deficit: objects without exact location may simply lack non-relative size and non-relative shape. So, for instance, in a case where an extended simple region contains something we would have thought was zerodimensional, we cannot say the inhabitant of the region is point-sized. This view also brings with it a kind of size-difference and shape-difference blindness: we will not be able to posit any differences in the sizes and shapes of an almond and a palm tree when both are located within an 32 The extrinsicality of shape has recently been argued for by Kris McDaniel (2007) and Brad Skow (2007), using a Humean principle of liberal recombination which says roughly: there are no necessary correlations between the intrinsic, inessential features of ontologically independent relata of fundamental relations. This same principle has recently been used by Kris McDaniel (2007) and Raul Saucedo (2010) to argue for the possibility of extended simples and for the possibility of some mismatches of the mereological structure of regions and the mereological structure of the entities located at them (such as when a simple object is located at an extended region that is not simple, or when a composite object is located at an extended simple region). If the extrinsicality of shape is incompatible with the possibility of Place Cases, it seems there will be some tension for the Humean who wants to endorse both arguments. However, I argue in Kleinschmidt 2015 that one can endorse the argument for extended simples and mereological mismatches without also endorsing the argument for the extrinsicality of shape. 15 ocean-sized extended simple region. These are very strange results, but they are not incompatible with the extrinsicality of shape. Place Cases do not require us to claim that objects contained within extended simple regions have non-relative sizes and shapes. Rather, they merely require that some objects are present within regions but do not fill any regions. This seems to require, at most, facts about relative size. Here is how we might attempt to meet the modest goal of predicating relative size- and shape-facts in these cases. If we claim that objects can inherit size and shape properties from regions they are exactly located at, perhaps non-located objects can inherit relative size and shape properties from regions they bear other locative relations to. For instance, perhaps for an object to be no larger than size s is just for the object to be contained within a region of a size no larger than s. And perhaps for an object to be larger than size s is for the object to fill but not be contained within a region of a size larger than or equal to s. So, if we believe shape is extrinsic, Place Cases produce some very strange results. Nonetheless, the extrinsicality of shape is not incompatible with Place Cases, so endorsing the extrinsicality of shape is not sufficient to give us the tools needed to reject the possibility (especially the analytic possibility) of Place Cases. 4.3. Rejecting Essential Components of Place Cases There are other ways one may hope to reject the possibility of Place Cases. For instance, one may believe that some of the ingredients used to generate Place Cases are metaphysically impossible, or that the principles of recombination used to generate Place Cases are false. However, there is a problem with any response to Place Cases that involves merely rejecting their metaphysical possibility: Logics of Location involve claims about how locative relations relate definitionally to one another, and those are analytic claims. Thus even the mere analytic possibility of a violation of one of these connections would be problematic. So, to defend our Logics of Location from the problems raised by Place Cases, merely rejecting the metaphysical possibility of Place Cases will not be enough; we must reject the analytic possibility of the cases. This is harder: for instance, even if one thinks the principles of recombination I presented are not good guides to metaphysical possibility, it is much harder to claim they are not plausible as ways of generating analytic possibilities. 16 One may attempt to reject the analytic possibility of Place Cases because they think that any possible extended simple regions must be same size as the smallest possible simple objects. For instance, one may take the smallest objects and all extended simple regions to be of a Planck length in some fixed number of dimensions. Thus, we will not be able to constuct a case where an extended simple region contains an object smaller than it. However, there are two difficulties with this response to Place Cases. First, though such a claim may be plausible when restricted to metaphysical possibility, it is not clear why we would want to accept it when taken to be about analytic possibility. Second, there are cases that generate many of the same worries our Almond in the Void case, while taking all of the smallest regions and objects to be of the same size. Consider: Out of Place Tiles: The smallest simple regions and simple objects are all extended one unit in each of n dimensions. However, the objects do not line up neatly with any of the regions. No object fills any region, though each object has multiple regions that fail to be free of it. This case does not require that some world contains extended simple regions and objects that are smaller than those regions. But it will generate the same problems for logics of location that our Place Cases have raised: it entails that there is some region such that all of its subregions fail to be free of an object (since the region is simple, it has itself as its only subregion), yet the object does not fill the region. To respond to Place Cases and Out of Place Tiles, one may simply reject the analytic possibility of such cases by rejecting the analytic possibility of extended simple regions. For instance, one may adopt the response I prefer and claim that the very notion of extension of an entity can only be understood in terms of distance relations between distinct parts of that entity. Thus, ‘extended simple’ involves a contradiction in terms. To conclude this discussion, I will present what I take to be the strongest objection to this response, and mention two replies to that objection. Here is the objection: one may argue that we do not actually need extended simple regions to generate many of the worries that Place Cases raise. For instance, consider this case involving gunky regions (i.e., regions with no simple parts).33 33 This is a variant on a Stoic mixing case from Daniel Nolan (2006), though it should be noted that I am using the case for purposes other than those for which it was intended. 17 Grains in Gunk: Region r is a one-dimensional, gunky region such that every subregion of r has a continuous, extended subregion. Uncountably many red and white point-sized grains are distributed across r. Between any two red grains there is a white grain and between any two white grains there is a red grain, and indeed every continuous, extended subregion of r contains some white and red grains. Further, the fusion of all of the grains fills r: it is the same size as r, has the same shape, and is completely contained within r while not spilling outside of r.34 There is also a fusion of all and only the red grains, Red, and a fusion of all and only the white grains, White. Note that, if every subregion of r has some continuous, extended subregion, then r will not have any subregions that are completely free of Red. Nonetheless, Red does not fill r: if it did, and we treated Red and White in the same way, both would fill r and, contrary to intuition, Red and White would be superimposed. So, one may think, Grains in Gunk causes many of the problems for parsimonious logics of location that Place Cases do. In fact, I have presented this case as an objection to Parsons’ logic of location35, and Matthew Leonard has developed the objection and applied it to several logics of location36. There are two responses one may give to this case. First, even if Grains in Gunk is possible, it is not strong enough to rule out every possible parsimonious logic of location.37 For instance, Peter van Inwagen38 has pointed out that we can construct Whiteheadian points and use these to describe the different locative features of our red and white grains; that is, we can talk of each point-sized grain as being contained within a unique, infinite series of subregions of r. We can then claim (though this would be contentious) that an object fills a region, R, only if, for each infinite series of embedded subregions of R, the object has a part contained in every member of that series. This sort of logic is incompatible with Place Cases, but is compatible with Grains in Gunk. So Grains in Gunk is not as problematic as Place Cases are.39 Second, we may simply take Grains in Gunk to be analytically impossible. One of the crucial claims needed for the case to generate problems was the stipulation that every subregion of our gunky region had at least one continuous, extended subregion (that is, it has no thoroughly discontinuous subregions). But Peter Forrest (1996), Frank Arntzenius (2008), and Jeff Russell (2008) have presented worries that gunk without thoroughly discontinuous parts is in conflict with some analytically true axioms of Mereology. One option in responding to Place Cases, 34 One may believe that a plurality of points, no matter how dense and continuous, cannot fill a gunky region. This is one way to reject the possibilty of this case. 35 See Parsons 2007, p. 207, fn. 7, and the corresponding section of his paper. 36 Leonard 2014. 37 Thank you to Andrew Bacon and Peter van Inwagen for pointing this out in discussion. 38 Peter van Inwagen presented this point in comments on this paper given at the 2012 Carolina Metaphysics Workshop. 39 For more discussion on this topic, see Kleinschmidt forthcoming. 18 then, is to say that extended simple regions are analytically impossible, and that gunky regions do not produce similar worries because any such regions, as a matter of analytic necessity, must have thoroughly discontinuous subregions. So, we have seen why we may be tempted to posit the analytic possibility of Place Cases, and the way in which these cases are incompatible with parsimonious logics of location. And we have discussed the shortcomings of attempting to respond to this incompatibility positing by multiple locative primitives in our logic, appelaing to the extrinsicality of shapes of objects, and claiming that any extended simple regions must always be the same size as the smallest objects. However, we still have the option of rejecting the analytic possibility of extended simple regions, a response that is most effective when supplemented with the rejection of certain kinds of gunk. Further, the explanation of the analytic impossibility of extended simple regions, via appeal to an understanding of extension that involves non-zero distance between distinct parts, seems natural. Thus, absent strong reason to opt for an alternate understanding of extension, I recommend this option for defense of our parsimonious logics of location. Works Cited Armstrong, David. 1997. A World of States of Affairs, (Cambridge University Press). 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