CHAPTER I - MyNeonClass

A. Background of the Study
Public water or tap water in our community is now added with chlorine which
kills pathogenic (disease causing) microorganisms that the water or its transport pipes
might contain. This is one of the top reasons why people choose to buy mineral water as
their drinking water. But people with less income or those who don’t have enough money
to buy mineral water, prefer to have tap water or public water as their drinking water.
Chlorine is primarily used as a disinfectant. Chlorine is often added to public
water supplies to kill harmful bacteria, mold and algae, reduce odors or bad taste and
remove minerals like iron. Chlorine was first added to water supplies in the 1800's to kill
widespread diseases and epidemics such as typhoid and cholera. But despite its power to
disinfect water, it can be harmful.
Chlorine is ingested in tap water and may be inhaled and absorbed through the
skin during showering. Chlorine can be harmful because it forms trihalomethanes
(THMs). THM is produced when chlorine reacts with organic matter in water. The
known toxin chloroform is a THM.
Chloroform is a probable carcinogen and has been linked to liver and kidney
cancer in laboratory animals. It has been also linked to miscarriages and birth defects in
laboratory animals.
This study is of interest to the researchers because they would like to know the
effects of chlorine using monggo plants as the indicator for chlorine.
B. Statement of the Problem
Due to the addition of chlorine to tap water or public water, the water that is being
used to water the plants, is also added with chlorine. Chlorine is added to everything from
household cleansers, plastics, swimming pool and washing machines. The same chlorine
found in bleach is an excellent disinfectant for drinking water. Chlorine damages not only
the human internal organs but also our external body parts. It brought bad effects to living
things so by using monggo plants as an experiment tool we will determine how it affects
to plants.
Main problem:
Is there any significant difference in the physical characteristics of monggo plants
watered with chlorinated water and monggo plants watered with unchlorinated water?
1. Is there any significant difference in the leaf color of the monggo plants
exposed to varying concentrations of chlorine?
2. Is there any significant difference in the leaf texture of the monggo plants
exposed to varying concentrations of chlorine?
3. Is there any significant difference in the height of the monggo plants exposed
to varying concentrations of chlorine?
4. Is there any significant difference in the number of leaves in the monggo
plants exposed to varying concentrations of chlorine?
5. Is there any significant difference in the germination rate of the monggo plants
exposed to varying concentrations of chlorine?
C. Objectives of the Study
This study aims to:
1. Determine the effects of chlorine to the growth of monggo plants.
2. Determine thehazardous concentration of chlorinated water to monggo plants.
3. Determine if monggo plants can be used as an indicator to chlorine.
D. Hypotheses
1. Chlorine will affect the monggo plants.
2. The physical characteristics of the monggo plants will vary in the
concentration of chlorine.
3. The higher the concentration of chlorine the yellower the leaves will be.
4. Monggo plants watered with unchlorinated water will germinate faster.
5. Monggo plants watered with unchlorinated water will grow taller.
E. Significance of the Study
This research paper aims to let the people know the effects of chlorine to monggo
growth.Chlorine help people make their daily activities easier but make their lives
shorter. Inhalation, drinking or any contact with chlorine is hazardous to our health.
Monggo plants were used as an experimental tool to determine which concentration of
chlorine is suitable for the growth of the plants. This study can help people measure the
concentration of chlorine in tap water and prevent them from drinking tap water with
high amounts of chlorine.
F. Scope and Limitations of the Study
Monggo plants were used in the experiment because it is affordable and
available in the market and it grows fast. One hundred monggo seeds were used in the
whole experiment having two trials at all. In each trial, there were fifty monggo seed
were used. Tap water was used in the experiment. The study was conducted over a twoweek observation period. The experiment was held in the residence of Tan. The
measuring of chlorine was done in the MSU-IIT IDS Chemistry Laboratory due to the
presence of analytical balance which gives accurate measure of chlorine.
G. Definition of Terms
It is used in disinfecting water, as a
disinfectant and bleach. In this study it is
amounts to make chlorinated water
Mungbean commonly called monggo, is
the cheapest source of vegetable protein
with protein content of 20-25 percent. It
is an excellent crop for green manuring,
because it matures early, grows fast and
produces abundant vegetative tops. This
will be used in the experiment.
A flattened structure of a higher plant,
typically green and blade-like, that is
attached to a stem directly or via a stalk.
Plant Height
The length of the plant from base to the
tip of the stem in centimeters. Refer to
Figure 6.
Germination Period
The time in which a sprout emerges
from the seed. Refer to Figure 7.