Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Carlton Fire BAER Soils Resource Report State, Private, and Other Non-Federal Lands Contributors: Scott Bare, Soil Scientist, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Spokane Valley Service Center Eric Choker, Soil Scientist, Washington State Conservation Commission, Spokane Conservation District Bill Oakes, Range Specialist, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Eastern Washington Region Todd Reinwald, Soil Scientist, Forest Service, Mt. Hood National Forest Soil Specialist Report Page 1 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Resource Assessment ................................................................................................................................... 3 Geology and Soils ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Vegetation................................................................................................................................................. 7 Invasive Species ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Rangeland Resources ................................................................................................................................ 8 Findings and Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 9 Risks to Values .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Emergency Treatments ........................................................................................................................... 10 Long-Term Treatments ........................................................................................................................... 15 References .................................................................................................................................................. 18 Appendices.................................................................................................................................................. 19 Treatment Maps ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Soil Specialist Report Page 2 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Introduction The Carlton Fire Complex started on July 14th from four lightning caused fires (Stokes, Gold Hikes, French Creek and Cougar Flat) burning over 250,000 acres, consisting of federal, state, county, tribal, and private ownership. These fires grew into one larger fire later in July. Hot weather, windy conditions, and dry fuel moistures coupled with mountainous terrain combined to create high intensity fire behavior. Several towns were threatened and approximately 300 homes were consumed and critical infrastructure destroyed. This report summarizes fire and potential post-fire effects to soil resources, and includes concerns relative to invasive plants and range lands. It focuses on non-federal burned over lands which comprise about 167,344 acres. The assessment of fire effects to soil, vegetation, and rangeland resources was conducted by a multi-jurisdiction team of soil and range resource specialists. The objectives of this report are to: 1. Evaluate the effects of the fire on soil resources 2. Identify critical soil resource values at high risk of irreversible damage 3. Identify both emergency and long-term treatments that could rehabilitate or protect soil resources from irreversible damage Resource Assessment Soil related resources assessed here and select ancillary issues include a characterization of their inherent properties and a general description of how they were affected by the fire. Geology and Soils The burned area lies in the Columbia Intermontane Province within the Columbia plateau and on the eastern slope of the Cascade Mountains. The Cascade Mountains, Eastern Slope, is a transitional area between the Cascade Mountains to the west and the lower lying Columbia Basalt Plateau to the south and east. It has some of the landforms typical of both the mountains and plateau. The mountainous areas consist mainly of Pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks cut by younger igneous intrusives mantled with thick surficial deposits of Pleistocene aged drift and till deposits from the Okanogan Lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet (USDA 2006, USDA 2008). Major landforms include terraces, moraines, foothills and mountains. Valley bottoms and riverine systems with their associated floodplains are dominated by quaternary alluvium. Dominant soils within the burn area are well drained and have a xeric (dry) soil moisture regime and mesic (warm) and frigid soil temperature regimes. Mesic soils are present at lower elevations, and support shrub/steppe plant communities; where forested they occupy south and some west aspects and support Ponderosa pine/grass and shrub vegetation. Frigid, forested soils are on north and east aspects and support mixed conifer (Douglas fir and Ponderosa pine) and forb/shrub understory vegetation. Soils on the terraces, ground moraines, foothills and mountains consist of medium to very coarse textures of granitic colluvium and residuum and outwash and till derived from mixed sources; but Soil Specialist Report Page 3 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 dominantly granitic in origin. Thick deposits of till and outwash overlie bedrock composed of granite, schist and metasedimentary rock. In areas where the till mantle has thinned; soils have developed in residuum and colluvium derived mainly from igneous (intrusive), metamorphic and some metasedimentary rock. The surface of the soils are influenced and mantled with volcanic ash from air fall events from various sources (dominantly from Mt. Mazama). Generally, the surface textures are medium and coarse and have moderate and high infiltration. Subsoil textures range from medium to very coarse and have moderate to very rapid permeability. In subsoils in which a dense layer is present, permeability is restricted. Surface and subsurface rock fragment content ranges from 0 to over 65 percent and range in size of gravel, cobbles and stones. Many areas within the burn area have rock outcrop, cobbles, stones and boulders on the soil surface. Soil depth ranges from less than 20 inches to greater than 60 inches to restrictive layers. Dominant restrictive layers are unweathered (hard) and weathered (soft) bedrock generally granitic in origin and dense (compacted), non-cemented subsoil layers formed in till parent materials. Dominant soils are Haploxerolls, Inceptisols and Andisols and are represented by the Conconully, Kartar and Parmenter soil series respectively. The erosion hazard within the fire perimeter varies by soil type. Their texture, structure, rock content, permeability, and slope are principle factors in their susceptibility to surface erosion. The following table displays the proportion of relative erosion hazard on the non-federal lands within the fire USDA 2008, USDA 2010). Soil Erosion Hazard Rating* STATE (acres) TRIBAL (acres) Grand Total (acres) 36,739 16,478 150 53,703 183 39,786 32,229 211 72,409 Severe 69 15,602 21,304 5 36,981 Not rated** 78 2,236 1,195 19 3,529 Soil Erosion Hazard LOCAL (acres) Slight 336 Moderate PRIVATE (acres) Grand Total 666 94,363 71,207 386 166,621 **not rated due to non-soil components (miscellaneous land types) such as: rock outcrop, riverwash, rubble land, badland and water. Erosion rates were quantified further using an erosion prediction tool known as ERMiT that was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research branch of the Forest Service (Robichaud et al. 2006). Using the ERMiT model, overall erosion rates were estimated. These estimates are used for comparative Soil Specialist Report Page 4 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 purposes when applying for emergency funding. For non-federal lands, erosion rates were estimated to be: Forest lands Average = 2.77 tons/acre, Maximum = 10.8 tons/acre Rangelands Average = 3.08 tons/acre, Maximum = 7.8 tons/acre Soil Burn Severity: Fire effects to soil resources are often identified by Soil Burn Severity (SBS). There are typically 3 severity categories assessed, and their arrangement and distribution mapped within the wildfire perimeter. The categories identified on non-federal lands within the Carlton Fire that were observed can be defined as follows: High soil burn severity: About 4% of the non-federal lands in the fire were determined to be in the high soil burn severity category. The canopy and understory were consumed and the litter layer was only partially consumed. The most severely burned slopes occur where pre-fire vegetation density and fuels accumulations were highest, within the Carlton fire these were typically on steep north-facing aspects and at the heads of watersheds. Even under these conditions, soil structure was intact and unconsumed fine roots were present within the upper 4 inches of the mineral soil surface. Moderate soil burn severity: About 16% of the non-federal lands in the fire were determined to be in the moderate soil burn severity category. In range areas with moderate soil burn severity the vegetation was consumed. Soil structure was intact and unconsumed fine roots were present within the upper 4 inches of the mineral soil surface. Low soil burn severity: The majority (70%) of Forest and rangeland soils were determined to be in the low soil burn severity category. These burned over soils exhibited good surface structure, contain intact fine roots and organic matter, partially intact litter and duff layers, and are already exhibiting recovery as grasses and forbes are visibly sprouting. One factor evaluated in an effort to define the extent of high soil burn severity was water repellency, or a measure of soil hydrophobicity. Slight to moderate soil hydrophobicity (water repellency) occurred in both moderate and high soil burn severity under both forest and rangeland. Strong (persistent) water repellency was observed in some moderate and high soil burn severities. Where observed, the water repellent layer generally occurred at the soil surface directly below the ash layer and partially consumed litter layer within 0.5 to 1.0 inch from the soil surface. Water repellent surfaces were also observed in some unburned areas. The majority of field observations indicated weak (low) repellency at the soil surface and to depths of 4 inches. Based on data collected in the field, the following was used to develop the following ratings: High SBS areas averaged 20 percent strong water repellency. Moderate SBS areas averaged 10 percent moderate water repellency. Low SBS areas and unburned areas had 2.5 percent water repellency. Water-repellent soils (weak, moderate, and strong repellency combined) are estimated to comprise about 8,075 acres of the total non-federal burned areas. They are mostly located on the steep upper slopes of the Benson, Chiliwist, Cow, Finley, Frazier, French, Whitestone drainages. Reduction in infiltration is estimated to be 2- 7 % of observed samples in the moderate and high soil burn severity Soil Specialist Report Page 5 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 burn areas. Infiltration was not reduced in the low burn severity areas, which characterizes the majority of the non-federal lands in the Carlton fire. Potential Physical, Chemical and Biological Fire Effects on Soil Resources: Fire effects on soil productivity range from beneficial to damaging, depending on fire severity, soil type, and site history (Neary et al, 2005). Adverse fire effects increase as burn severity increases and the effects are often proportional to the amount of surface litter and soil organic matter consumed. The sensitivity of soils to fire effects is influenced by soil texture, soil moisture, organic matter content, rock content, soil depth, depth of surface layer and erosion potential. Important and sensitive soil layers include soils formed under range vegetation and Ponderosa/grass & shrub sites have soils with thicker, humified layers compared to the soils formed under a mixed conifer vegetation type. Pre-fire soils in forested areas have important thick litter and duff layers protecting the mineral soil surface. Soils with a thick volcanic ash mantle have properties and qualities that are important for soil productivity. Loss of these layers due to erosion can reduce soil productivity and can contribute to sedimentation. Physical Effects: Loss of litter layer, soil and soil organic matter Loss of soil structure Hydrophobicity (formation of water repellent layer) In extreme cases, destruction of clay minerals Chemical Effects: Increase in pH Loss of cation exchange capacity Loss of nutrients by volatilization, in fly ash, or by leaching Increase plant available N (ammonia) under low severity burns Oxidation reactions from extremely severe burning can discolor the surface soil Potential for increased release of heavy metals in contaminated soils Biological Effects: Direct mortality of soil micro and macro organisms and loss of their habitat with soil heating Burning of Duff, Litter, and Soils Severe Burning of the litter, duff and soil affects soil cover, infiltration, soil micro and macro organisms, and nutrients: Loss of effective ground cover leaves soil susceptible to erosion especially in soils formed in decomposed granitic materials Mortality of some soil organisms and combustion of surface soil organic matter Volatilization or release and increased mobility of some soil nutrients Debris movement and dry ravel may increase when small organic debris dams are burned out Increased water repellent (hydrophobic) soil limits water infiltration. Surface hydrophobicity significantly increases accelerated runoff and erosion. Additionally, when a hydrophobic layer forms below a surface layer, the risk of the surface layer “slicking off” is increased. Soil Specialist Report Page 6 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Vegetation Within the fire there are two dominant cover types, forest and rangelands. The two types co-mingle across much of the area. Forest lands comprise about 35% of the non-federal lands and are made up of several conifer associations. The lower elevations are dominated by dry site Ponderosa pine plant communities with a bunchgrass/shrub understory. Mid-elevations are transition zones where Ponderosa pine and Douglas-fire plant communities are dominant. The upper-most elevations are comprised of dry site mixed conifer plant communities, which were comprised of various mixes of Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, and western larch depending on the aspect. About 5% of the forested cover types were considered to have been burned at a high intensity. Fire intensity on about 19% of the forest was considered to be moderately, and the remaining 76% was considered to be of low intensity. Rangelands comprise an estimated 65% of the no-federal lands in the fire. They can be characterized as shrub-steppe cover types dominated by blue-bunch wheatgrass and antelope bitterbrush plant communities. They transition into the forest cover types, extending upwards with elevation depending primarily on aspect. Reestablishment of the antelope bitterbrush on the shrub-steppe plant community will likely be prolonged where older stands were consumed. High-fire intensity occurred across about 2% of the rangelands. Moderate burn intensity covered an estimated 36%, and low intensity burn occurred across the remaining 62%. Another important cover type that occurs in the area is riparian stringers dominated by mature quaking aspen stands. Although there is no mapped inventory, they are crucial wildlife habitat, and many of these were burned over and mortality is nearly complete. Invasive Species The burn condition in the state and private lands varied in severity. The majority of the affected land for State and Private land was listed in the Moderately Burned Severity category totaling 75%, compared to 17% Light Burned Severity, and 8% High Burn Severity. The focus is to treat soils that are in the high and moderate burn severity where soil erosion may affect critical values, soil productivity, and invasion of noxious weeds and invasive species. High soil burn severity areas within the Carlton Fire areas are subject to spread of noxious weed communities and invasive species. Many of the noxious weed and invasive species have the potential to out compete native plant communities during post fire recovery. The treatments designed are to protect sensitive native plant communities and supplement remaining native seed banks that promote native plant community recovery and reduce the potential for invasion of noxious weeds into areas disturbed by fire suppression activities and in all burn severity areas. Invasive Weed species known to occur in and near the Station Fire area Scientific Name Soil Specialist Report Common Name Class Page 7 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team Bromus tectorum Verbascum thapsus Linaria dalmatica ssp. dalmatica Linaria vulgaris Cynoglossum officinale Euphorbia esula Cirsium arvense Carduus nutans Onopordum acanthium September 2014 Cheat grass Common mullein Dalmatian Toadflax B Yellow Toadflax Houndstongue Leafy Spurge Canadian Thistle Musk Thistle Scotch Thistle B B B C B B Well known pathways of weed spread such as roads, trails, and drainages occur within the fire area. In addition, the area receives frequent strong winds which are capable of spreading weed seeds, and high levels of use by the public who inadvertently act as vectors for noxious weed spread. Because of dozer lines, hand lines, roads, and previously infested areas the encompass approximately 256,108 acres of state, federal, and private land. The newly burned soil is vulnerable to rapid establishment of noxious weeds and invasive, non-native plants. Add to this the presence of 152.6 miles of new dozer lines, (areas of soil disturbance), and 26.7 miles of hand lines, and it is clear that without prompt action, the potential for an explosion of invasive weeds on high and moderately burned soils, along with the dozer and hand lines is extremely high. The Washington State Noxious Weed List controlled by the State Weed Control Board. It contains all of the Statewide Class A noxious weeds. Class A weeds are of very limited distribution in Washington State and are in a category of mandatory eradication of the entire plant. Class B weeds are more widespread, but need consideration and required control: means required to stop seed production. Class C weeds are fairly widespread and not considered feasible to require eradication. However, it does not mean the species doesn’t warrant severe concern and eradication action at the local scale. Washington State Weed Board: Okanogan County Weed board: Rangeland Resources The rangeland and grazeable woodland areas burned were mostly in shrub/bunchgrass (jointed species), mixed conifer/sod-forming grasses (non-jointed species) and aspen ecotypes. The intensity of the burn varied from low to high, forming a mosaic pattern with some areas unburned. The high intensity burned areas showed complete mortality on conifer, aspen, shrubs and all grass and forb species. The moderate burn killed most of the conifer, aspen and shrubs while leaving some plant crowns of the grasses alive. Much of the low burn intensity areas occurred in rangeland and open canopy woodlands with a shrub and grass/forb vegetative component. Brush stubs remained and live root crowns were of grasses and some forbs were observable. After two rainfall events in August, green up was observed at many sites, with bunchgrass sprigs growing from burned crowns. This is very promising for plant Soil Specialist Report Page 8 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 survival, recovery and rehabilitation, and is an indicator of the inherent resilience of the rangelands that were burned over. Ecotypes found within the Carlton Complex Fire. Common Name Botanical Name Bitterbrush/Bluebunch Wheatgrass Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Sagebrush/Bluebunch Wheatgrass Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Ponderosa Pine/Pinegrass Grazeable Woodland Ponderosa Pine/Bitterbrush Grazeable Woodland Mixed Conifer/Pinegrass Grazeable Woodland Purshia tridentata/Pseudoroegneria spicata Artemisia tridentata/Pseudoroegneria spicata Pinus ponderosa/Calamagrostis rubescens Pinus ponderosa/Purshia tridentata Mixed Conifer/Calamagrostis rubescens The fire burned over many miles of perimeter/boundary and interior fences of federal, state and private land. Much of it was destroyed or damaged beyond repair, so were many water developments. A comprehensive inventory of these developments has not been compiled. Findings and Recommendations The multi-agency BAER team underwent a comprehensive exercise to identify critical values at risk. Native or naturalized plant communities at risk of invasion by invasive or noxious weeds were identified as critical values where the magnitude of consequence is likely to be major. Soil productivity was also identified to be a resource likely to be at high risk. Treatments to address these values included both emergency measures and longer term actions. Longer term actions address critical soil values, however the magnitude of consequences to them is moderate and less likely. Treatments and rehabilitation actions were identified and developed using examples and guidance provided in the Burned Area Emergency Response Treatments Catalog (Napper. 2006). Digital copies can be located on the internet at: Risks to Values The findings of the BAER team September 4 through September 10, 2014. Two major issues exist: (1) the potential for weeds to spread at a faster rate from existing infestations as a result of the fire, and (2) the risk of new invasive species introduction. These introductions could come from heavy equipment, vehicles, fire engines, base camps, firefighting crews. Areas of special concern are along dozer and hand lines. In addition, post fire operations pose and additional seed source of noxious weeds. There are a total of 152.6 miles of completed dozer lines and 26.7 hand lines. Type State Private (miles) Other (inc. other Agencies) Total (miles) (miles) Dozer Lines 46.9 58.7 47.0 152.6 Hand Lines 8.9 .9 16.9 26.7 Soil Specialist Report Page 9 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Emergency Treatments See Treatment Maps in the Appendices It is necessary to conduct noxious weed detection surveys to evaluate the potential for spread from existing populations and from the activities associated with fire suppression. The following actions are recommended to reduce the risk of irreversible damage to native vegetation from noxious weed and invasive species to spread in the burn area: Conduct weed detection surveys to identify and remove newly discovered infestations adjacent to existing weed infestations. Conduct weed detection surveys and remove newly discovered infestations along dozer & hand lines, and inside and around noted polygons of high and moderate burn severity areas that are designated for reseeding. Treat areas with herbicides, mechanical practices. Seed dozer lines with native seed to discourage repeated ground disturbance and further weed spread from ORV recreation/ activities. Map DR-4188 in the Appendix shows the locations of the dozer lines and other fire lines in relation to the burn area. As of September 10, 2014, there was a total of 152.6 miles of completed dozer lines. The dozer lines extend far beyond the final burn perimeter as they were built in anticipation of the fire spreading even further. All dozer lines should be considered contaminated with weed seeds. Location / (suitable) Sites: The proposed treatments are designed for dozer and hand lines on state land (only) that were untreated, where noxious weed pressure is expected to be high on native plant communities. In addition, the BAER Team proposed sights to enhance soil productivity lessen soil loss down slope and lower possible future mass flow events in reaches that may affect critical values (personal property, and infrastructure) in or near proposed seeding sites. Design/ Construction Specifications: Native seed mix is to be applied on dozer lines and identified polygons. Seeding to occur in areas identified by field survey, and severe burn severity and susceptible or known infestation areas. Use seed mix recommended by local seed company AgTech. Apply Aerial seed mix at a rate of 25 lbs/ac, hand/ broadcasting at a rate of 15 lbs/ac. using the “NRCS Critical Area Planting Standards 342” as a guide. Seed mix is to be applied to dozer lines by hand or 4-wheeler where applicable. Seed mix will be applied to polygons identified by aerial application. Seeding should occur in late fall or early winter to allow seed to naturally stratify. Application can be broadcast or aerial dropped directly on snow surface. Soil Specialist Report Page 10 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Seed mix rate determined using NRCS Critical Area Planting Standards 342 as a guide and consult. Treatments include 47 acres of dozer lines and 2760 acres of identified polygons within the high burn severity areas. Areas in polygons are subject to high probability of noxious weed intrusion, (See map for treatment locations) Rangeland Seed Mix Common Name Scientific Name Bluebunch Wheatgrass Pseudoroegneria Sheep Fescue Pubescent Wheatgrass Festuca Ovina Thynopyrum intermedium spp. barbulatum Poa secunda Poa canbyi Sandberg Bluegrass Canby Bluegrass Quantitiy % 45 @ Total amount for Mix 12 lbs 20 5 2 lbs 2lbs 25 5 6 lbs 2 lbs Quantitiy % 35 20 20 15 10 @ Total amount for Mix 9 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 1 lbs Forest land Seed Mix Common Name Bluebunch Wheatgrass Mountain Brome Idaho Fescue Sherman Big Bluegrass Canby Bluegrass Scientific Name Pseudoroegneria Bromus Carinatus Festuca Idahoensis Poa ampla Poa canbyi Purpose of Treatment and Specifications Wildfire causes disturbance that provides a receptive opportunity for the spread of noxious weeds & invasive species. Noxious weeds and non native species introduction and spread are of concern in the Okanogan National Forest that can affect its’ natural biodiversity in the scrublands and forested lands. The potential for noxious weed invasion, competition, and modification of native plant communities exists. Treatment is necessary to reduce the establishment and control the spread of noxious weeds and invasive species. Native communities in both the rangeland and forest land are susceptible the following: Diffused Knapweed, Dalmatian & Yellow Toadflax, Cheatgrass, Hounds tongue, Musk & Scotch Thistle, Mullen, and Leafy Spurge. Additional species listed in local area The BAER team recommends chemical treatment for spaying of noxious weeds & invasive species along with cultural treatments. A field survey is needed to determine sites along roadsides, when found and in and near selected polygons. Noxious weed and invasive plant treatments are often site-specific. They include mechanical, cultural, chemical or biological control methods. The focus is not on eradication in this situation but control and Soil Specialist Report Page 11 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 management until native species come back. The recommended treatments may lessen future infestations. More than one treatment method may enhance noxious weed control; one such approach is to use plant competition along with biological controls like Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This help to restoring disturbed sites to prevent weed reoccurrences and provide competition for the weeds is essential. Treatment Methods: Chemical Mechanical Biological Treatments Cultural Treatment Chemical Chemical spaying for noxious weeds and invasive plants is dependent on the size of infestations and site conditions. Mechanical Mechanical Control treatments help disrupt weed growth. Mechanical weed control is the oldest method used. Treatments often used are tillage, hoeing, hand pulling, cultivation, mulching, and mowing. Common Mechanical Tillage works by disturbing the root system by dislodging or cutting the root system resulting in desiccation of the plant. Tillage easily controls small weeds and most effective in hot, dry environments. Often repeat tillage when new shoots emerge (typically every two weeks). This can help to control weed growth but often take one or two growing seasons. Mowing is another treatment that reduces annual weed growth. Like tillage it must be performed numerous times. Mowing however will not prevent seed production as the plants tend flower again closer to the ground. This has been often noted with Spotted and Diffuse Knapweed. The knapweed plant will adjust to the level of the mower and go to seed. Biological Control Biological control is the use of living organisms to suppress weed populations to an acceptable level. The insects used are natural enemies of the targeted species that come from the weed's native ecosystem. The use of biological controls impacts its targeted species in two ways: Direct Impact - destroys vital plant tissues and functions Indirect Impact - increases stress on the targeted species to reduce the plants ability to compete with desirable plants. Soil Specialist Report Page 12 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 The use of bio-controls may take several years to become established in order to make an impact on the targeted species. Using multiple treatments like chemical spaying outside a known boundary along with IPM’s are often used to keep pests in a targeted area. Cultural Weed Control Cultural weed control treatments used with other treatments provide sound practices for land use in a variety of settings. The planting desirable vegetation, use of goats or livestock along with good grazing management are known methods of cultural weed control treatments. The planting of cereal grain crops, grasses, or in combinations that compete for sunlight, water, and soil nutrients with weeds. Rapid establishment is vital to success providing the best chance to resist noxious weed and intrusive species invasions. Disturbed sites, roadways, and fence lines are most susceptible and often where invasions occur first. Invasions start when seeds are brought in by vehicles, or when soil disturbance occurs from operations. Note: not all treatments intended for noxious weed or invasive plant eradication. For more information consult Noxious Weed Control Board or local Cooperative Extension Agent in your area. Emergency Treatment Goals Emergency- Keep out noxious weeds, prevent weed spread, and secondary long term benefit of soil stabilization. Seeding to occur on infested or sensitive areas to prevent the spread of invasive species, noxious weeds Noxious Weed & Invasive Species Treatments • Emergency Treatment- • No Action • Chemical Treatment- 4 wheeler with boom, hand spraying • Prevention- noxious weeds & invasive species (chemical spraying, hand pulling, seeding) • Erosion Control & Soil Health (Hand seeding, broadcast seeding, aerial seeding) • Mechanical- noxious weeds & invasive species (mowing, hand removal) • Biological- noxious weeds (species specific) Emergency Treatment Aerial Seeding Seeding to occur on moderate to severe burned areas where the risk of invasion from noxious weeds and invasive species is high secondary long term benefit of soil stabilization & soil health Seeding Areas- Noxious weed and Invasive species Soil Specialist Report Page 13 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Emergency Treatment: Performed 1st year with secondary long term benefits Application (Aerial): $20.00 /ac Seed Mix: rate (25lbs/ac) $10.75 lb ($268.75/ac) “Estimated Cost for Aerial Seeding” (Flight + seed cost) $290.00 / ac Frazier Creek 920 ac $267,000 Cow Creek 560 ac $162,500 French Creek- (Buckhorn Mountain) 640 ac $185,600 Finley/Chiliwist (Thrapp Mountain) 640 ac $185,600 Total Acres 2760 ac Estimated Total Cost $800,700 *(Pending species availability & pricing) Dozer Line Seeding Treatment Emergency Treatment 1st Year Application: (Hand Broadcast & 4-Wheeler) Dozer line (20’) width Approx 114 acres Seed Mix: (15 lbs/ac) $10.75 /lb ($161.25 /ac) “Estimated Cost for Seeding” $18,383 Seed mix prices provided by local company Ag Tech, Okanogan, Washington *(Pending species availability and pricing) **See Field Survey Monitoring and Rapid Response for labor & equipment costs Seed Mix: (15 lbs/ac) $10.75 /lb ($161.25 /ac) “Estimated Cost for Seeding” $513.13 Seed mix prices provided by local company Ag Tech, Okanogan, Washington *(Pending species availability and pricing) **See Field Survey Monitoring and Rapid Response for labor & equipment costs Hand Line Seeding Treatment Emergency Treatment 1st year Application: (Hand Broadcast) Dozer line (3’) width Approx 3.3 acres Emergency Treatment- Seeding (Native Seed Mix) on Dozer Lines (20’) width State Land: 47.0 miles 114 ac Seeding & Spraying Private: 59.0 miles 142 ac * No Action Other Land: 46.0 miles 111 ac * No action Chemical Spraying Soil Specialist Report Page 14 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Field Survey for detection and rapid response to identify sites and treatment Dozer lines Roads High burn areas Long-Term Treatments Long Term- Soil Stabilization, Prevention seeding to occur in order to out compete noxious weeds & invasive species and erosion control Long Term TreatmentsChemical Spraying Field Survey for monitoring and treatment *Recommend seeding, spraying Note: Water bars should be addressed by fire suppression repair not BAER considerations water bar installation on all slopes greater than 15% with 150’. Field Survey- Monitoring and Rapid Response, Evaluation & Maintenance: Chemical & Seeding Labor 1 Supervisor (1.5 Months) $5,000 4 Technicians (3 Months) $6,000 2 Vehicle Rentals (3 Months) $9,000 2 Lease (4-Wheeler) $9,000 Equipment $1,200 Incidentals $1,000 *Estimated Cost * (2 year practice) Emergency $31,200.00/1 yr *Kept in house or contracted out* Long Term $31,200.00/2 yr Total $62,400 Chemical TreatmentsEmergency Treatment 1st year with secondary long term benefits Chemical Applications and Estimations Application: Chemical Application **Estimated 1500 ac Chemicals: $32.00 /ac *Estimated Cost for 1500 ac Chemical Application (2 year practice) Emergency $48,000/ ac 1 yr Long Term $48,000/ac 2 yr Total $96,000 **Estimated until Field Survey & Rapid Response Team survey occurs ***See Field Survey Monitoring & Rapid Response for labor & equipment costs Soil Specialist Report Page 15 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Seeding Rates: Forested Land: (see addendum) NRCS Seed Planting Guide Rangeland: (see addendum) NRCS Seed Planting Guide **Contact local source seed supplier for native mixes Rangeland Management to Protect Long-term soil productivity and grazing resources: All pastures will need a period of rest to allow for growth and establishment of forage species. There are areas within the fire perimeter that did not burn or very low intensity but due to the location of these areas it is felt best that they be rested also. There is a large unburned island of land, with multiple ownerships, surrounded by the fire but this is considered outside the fire perimeter. Livestock grazing should be managed on site specific, location by location basis depending upon unburned infrastructure and usability. After the second year of rest (2016), assessment and successful evaluation, grazing should be deferred till the end of soft dough stage following the critical period for bunchgrasses and could resume during dormant season of the third year (2017). Recommend following NRCS Range Technical Note 34, Grazing Management Guidelines, November 2009 for grazing guidelines and strategies. These standards should be monitored each year and documented to track progress toward meeting the desired conditions required to return livestock grazing. If more site specific standards are developed for the individual pastures they will be monitored in the same manor to ensure they are being implemented. Variables to work with in Grazing Management: Time/timing of grazing periods o Season of use (when) o Duration or length of grazing periods (how long) Intensity of grazing (how much) – utilization and residual Frequency of grazing periods (how often) Space/Area of landscape Animal Numbers – stock density, class of livestock, wildlife Rest/Recovery Periods Prescribed Grazing is managing the harvest of plants by grazing animals, both livestock and wildlife. Prescribed Grazing is very much a learning-tool: Plan the grazing – Manage the grazing – Monitor and evaluate the results – Adjust the grazing plan (adaptive management). To manage land and natural resources effectively, it is recommended to measure the changes that occur, evaluate the results, and revise activities, as needed, to move toward desired outcomes. If you don’t measure carefully, you can’t manage effectively. What to monitor depends upon resources available, goals and objectives, and action items set out in the conservation plan. Soil Specialist Report Page 16 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Long-Term/Effectiveness Monitoring and Short-Term Monitoring: A combination of short-term and longterm monitoring should be utilized whenever possible. Long-term monitoring focused on the objectives is used to generate a “trend record” while short-term monitoring is used to establish an “annual-use record” keeping track of the management applied each year and the effects of that management. A representative key area of each vegetative type/key species burned in the fire should be chosen. An appropriate assessment for these communities should be conducted in the second year and then yearly until normal grazing can be resumed. Designated monitoring areas (DMA) in riparian zones should be established to measure the impacts of the fire on vegetative communities and monitor the condition and health of streams. The burned area, now lacking desired vegetation that would normally compete with noxious weeds, is vulnerable to expansion existing noxious weed sources and other invasive species (e.g., Cheatgrass). Even in the low intensity burned areas, it will still take at least one growing season (Summer 2015) until native vegetation can reestablish and compete with existing unburned noxious weed populations. Noxious weed monitoring should be conducted annually, to include known infestations and to record new species that may have been introduced during suppression and rehab. This will target areas within and adjacent to the burned areas. Treatments will be conducted to reduce or prevent further spread of invasive and noxious weed species. All Dozer and Hand lines within the burn area will be seeded by hand and then monitored to document recovery needs. After a discussion with forest and district specialist it was decided that the standards for rehabilitation was applicable to the entire fire area and the entire area should be rested for the required two years. Where wildfire has burned within an allotment, burned areas should be evaluated to determine if rest from livestock grazing is necessary for recovery of desired vegetation conditions and related biophysical resources. When sagebrush cover types are determined to need rest from livestock grazing following a wildfire, areas should be rested for a minimum of two growing seasons. Evaluate whether additional rest is needed after two growing seasons. Base this determination on the following factors: a) The ecological status of the sagebrush community prior to the wildfire, b) How Long the shrub steppe community had a density or canopy closure greater than15 percent prior to the wildfire, c) The severity and intensity of the fire, d) The amount, diversity and recovery of forbs, grasses and palatable shrubs that are present after 2 years of rest in relation to desired conditions. The dominate communities within the rangelands are bitterbrush/sagebrush/bunchgrass. In areas other than shrub steppe cover types, such as ponderosa pine/ mixed conifer/pinegrass and aspen communities appropriate rest period should be determined. Base this determination on the following factors: Soil conditions, the amount, diversity and recovery of forbs, grasses and palatable shrubs that are present after 2 years of rest. Pasture infrastructure that was damaged or destroyed in the fire will need to be repaired to implement grazing management strategies. Many miles of fencing will have to be replaced and salvage of damaged fence material recovered. A high percentage of fencing along pasture boundaries of the burn area will need prompt replacement to keep livestock from trespassing onto the burned area, and before residual grazing strategies can resume. It is very important to re-establish control of livestock and carrying capacity at an optimum, sustainable level to provide a proper recovery timeframe. Replacement of interior fence will be very important for the maintenance and recovery of rangeland quality, production, and habitat conservation. Soil Specialist Report Page 17 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 References Napper, Carolyn. 2006. Burned Area Emergency Response Treatments Catalog. San Dimas Technology & Development Center San Dimas, California. National Technology & Development Program. Watershed, Soil, Air Management. USDA. Forest Service. 0625 1801—SDTDC December 2006. Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Pierson, F.B.; Hall, D.E.; Moffet, C.A. 2006. Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) Ver.2006.01.18 [Online at <>.]. Moscow, ID: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station [accessed 5 June 2006]. USDA 2010. Soil Survey of Okanongan County Area, Washington. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Available online at: Current data accessed September 7, 2014. USDA 2008. Soil Survey of Okanogan National Forest Area, Washington. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Accessible online at: Current data accessed September 7, 2014. USDA 2006. Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Available online at: Current data accessed September 14, 2014. Soil Specialist Report Page 18 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team September 2014 Appendices Treatment Maps Soil Specialist Report Page 19 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team Soil Specialist Report September 2014 Page 20 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team Soil Specialist Report September 2014 Page 21 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team Soil Specialist Report September 2014 Page 22 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team Soil Specialist Report September 2014 Page 23 of 24 Carlton Fire Multi-Agency Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Team Soil Specialist Report September 2014 Page 24 of 24