MediumTerm Scheme of Work Subject: English: National Heritage Number of Sessions: 24 Class: All KS3 (6-8) The lower ability in KS3 will also be studying English as a Second Language for at least 50% of their timetable. Curriculum References: At the end of this unit; Most children will be able: To give a short, practiced presentation (using aids) on a given subject and accept constructive criticism. Some children who have not made much progress will be able: To say a few words in front of a group and listen to feedback Some children will have developed further and will be able: Thinking Skills Social Skills Communication Skills Self-Management Skills Research Skills To Give a 2-minute speech and debate with another pupil on a prepared subject. Learning Objectives: Week 1 To be able to have a group discussion about a new topic and appreciate others’ point of view. Flags: To understand that there are the layers of meaning in words. To be able to present information researched in a clear, coherent fashion. (2 lessons) Reading/Grammar Lesson Textbook Lesson Week 2 To be able to collate information from different discussions and copy correctly into books. Planned Learning Experiences: To be given a selection of images that show important, historical objects/games/buildings… from the UAE. They will choose a speaker within the group and then feedback their discussions. To look at the importance of flags and what they represent. To look at different images of flag and think about the layers of meaning that they hold. Relate this to texts. Pupils are given information to research in the lesson. They are practicing condensing and remembering information. In 30 minutes they have to figure out the best way to present their information. Basic grammar practice. To work from the text book ‘International English’ and complete the workbook. To look at Art and artists of UAE and the impact they have. Assessment Opportunities of Learning Outcomes: The pupils will be given an assessment on the speeches that they give at the end of the week. These will be assessed against the English National Curriculum levelling system. Success Criteria: Cross-Curricular Links: Level 3 – Level 6 (including sub-levels) Drama History Geography Level 3 – Level 6 (including sub-levels) Drama History AF2: Talking with others Listen and respond to others, including in pairs and groups, shaping meanings through suggestions, comments and questions The pupils will be given an assessment on the speeches that they give at the end of the week. These will be assessed against the English National Curriculum levelling system. To be able to collate information and use a dictionary. To be able to work collaboratively to produce a presentation. (2 lessons) Reading/Grammar Lesson Textbook Lesson To read information given, use a dictionary to find unknown words and begin to note down new vocabulary. Pupils will choose a role within their group and then become that character for 2 lessons. They must complete their given task towards the group project. Basic grammar practice. To work from the text book ‘International English’ and complete the workbook. To learn about important women of The UAE. To look at how women are succeeding around the world and think about where women of The UAE should be in 20 years. To write a speech as one of the women studied this week and explain why they think they are important role models. To give speech. Basic grammar practice. To work from the text book ‘International English’ and complete the workbook. Week 3 To be able to extract the most important information from a text and summarise in point form. To be able to develop a character and give a speech. Reading/Grammar Lesson Textbook Lesson Week 4 To show an understanding of the main points in a text. To understand the importance of recognizing audience when creating a text To be able to listen and comment on a talk given by a peer. Reading/Grammar Lesson Textbook Lesson Week 5 To create a leaflet for a beauty pageant for camels. To look at the importance of camels to The UAE To create an advertisement for Camping in the Desert. To give a speech on why falconry is an important pastime of people from The UAE. Basic grammar practice. To work from the text book ‘International English’ and complete the workbook. To look at Yas Water World and discuss the importance to Abu Dhabi. AF3: Talking within role-play and drama Create and sustain different roles and scenarios, adapting techniques in a range of dramatic activities to explore texts, ideas and issues The pupils will be given an assessment on the speeches that they give at the end of the week. These will be assessed against the English National Curriculum levelling system. AF3: Talking within role-play and drama Create and sustain different roles and scenarios, adapting techniques in a range of dramatic activities to explore texts, ideas and issues The pupils will be given an assessment on the speeches that they give at the end of the week. These will be assessed against the English National Curriculum levelling system. Level 3 – Level 6 (including sub-levels) Drama History Level 3 – Level 6 (including sub-levels) History Level 3 – Level 6 (including sub-levels) Drama History Geography AF2: Talking to others Talk in purposeful and imaginative ways to explore ideas and feelings, adapting and varying structure and vocabulary according to purpose, listeners, and content The pupils will be given an assessment on the speeches that they give at the end of the week. To be able to create a text showing a knowledge of audience. To research a given topic ready for debate. To be able to work with a partner to achieve a common goal. To be able to develop ideas and speak with an appropriate tone. Reading/Grammar Lesson Textbook Lesson Week 6 To be able to give a 2 minute speech practicing all skills learned throughout this halfterm. To look at Yas Marina Circuit and discuss the importance to Abu Dhabi. To look at Ferrari World and discuss the importance to Abu Dhabi. In pairs, pupils must have a small debate with another pair on which entertainment area is the most important to Abu Dhabi. Basic grammar practice. To work from the text book ‘International English’ and complete the workbook. These will be assessed against the English National Curriculum levelling system. Pupils to choose from one of the given subjects and begin to plan for speech in lessons 3 and 4. To be continued for homework. Pupils to create a leaflet that other pupils can read while they are giving their speech, It will offer extra information and link to speech. Should they choose to do a powerpoint for homework, this is fine. To give speech for end of unit assessment. To give speech for end of unit assessment. Basic grammar practice. Main assessment of unit of work. To work from the text book ‘International English’ and complete the workbook. AF2: Talking with others Listen and respond to others, including in pairs and groups, shaping meanings through suggestions, comments and questions Level 3 – Level 6 (including sub-levels) Drama History AF1: Talking to others Talk in purposeful and imaginative ways to explore ideas and feelings, adapting and varying structure and vocabulary according to purpose, listeners, and content About the Scheme of Work and Assessment: The main theme of this scheme is work is to learn how to work with more independence away from the teacher. The tasks set are aimed at developing the Speaking and Listening Skills aspect of English in Key Stage 3. The work will be aimed at Level 2 up to Level 5 depending on set and ability. If a pupil is on a level 2 now, I would assume them to be working towards a level 3 by the Winter Break. There will be small written and reading assessments, but the main objectives and outcomes will be based around the speaking and listening capabilities. Attached is a list of the levels and Assessment Framework Grids that the teacher will be levelling the pupils on. There are no text books to work from; the lessons are original and as interactive as possible, creating an interesting, purposeful learning environment. Respect and Courage are also something the pupils will be experiencing on a day to day basis, both of themselves and each other. The lessons will be open to change as and when. If, for example, a group of pupils do not achieve the required level of understanding, then another lesson will need to be planned in order to ensure all pupils are able to access the curriculum as expected. This will be recognised through continuous, formative assessment and then summative at the end of the unit of work. A sub-level is where a pupil may achieve some of a level, but not all. This would mean that they achieve (for example), a level 4c for up to 33%. If they achieve 66%, then they would receive a level 4b. All of the points in a level crossed off with confidence would be a level 4a. Once a level 4 is achieved, then they will move into the Level 5 criteria. Speaking and Listening Level 2 I can show some confidence when speaking and listening about topics that interest me. I sometimes consider the listener and try and change what I am saying to suit them. I can explain some of my ideas clearly. I have a growing vocabulary. I try and listen carefully and sometimes am able to respond appropriately. I know that some situations require more formal ways of talking and vocabulary than others do. Level 3 I can talk and listen in some different situations, I am able to communicate and explore ideas verbally. I generally understand the main points of a discussion. I can show that I have listened carefully through making comments or asking questions. I can sometimes change the way I speak in order to suit my listener. I know what standard English is and when it should be used. Level 4 I can talk and listen in a range of different situations. When I speak, I usually think about my audience and make sure that what I'm saying is appropriate. I can develop my ideas when I'm speaking. I listen carefully in discussions and sometimes ask questions. I sometimes use standard English vocabulary and grammar Level 5 I talk and listen confidently in many different situations, including some formal situations. I think carefully about who I am speaking to make sure what I am saying is appropriate. When I speak, I am able to interest my listeners by varying my expression and vocabulary. When others are speaking I listen very carefully and ask questions to help develop their ideas. I often use standard English in formal situations. Level 6 I change the way I talk in a wide variety of different situations so that what I say is always appropriate. My vocabulary and expression is varied and lively when I speak. I take an active part in discussions and can assume different roles. I show a sensitive understanding of others' ideas. I use standard English fluently in formal situations. L E V E L S 3 4 5 6 AF1 Talking to others Talk in purposeful and imaginative ways to explore ideas and feelings, adapting and varying structure and vocabulary according to purpose, listeners, and content In most contexts • develop ideas and feelings through sustained speaking turns • organise talk to help the listener, with overall structure evident • adapt language and non-verbal features to suit content and audience AF2 Talking with others Listen and respond to others, including in pairs and groups, shaping meanings through suggestions, comments and questions AF3 Talking within role-play and drama Create and sustain different roles and scenarios, adapting techniques in a range of dramatic activities to explore texts, ideas and issues AF4 Talking about talk Understand the range and uses of spoken language, commenting on meaning and impact and draw on this when talking to others In most contexts • respond to the speaker’s main ideas, developing them through generally relevant comments and suggestions • attempt different roles and responsibilities in pairs or groups In most contexts • show understanding of characters or situations by adapting speech, gesture, and movement, helping to create roles and scenarios In most contexts • recognise and comment on different ways that meaning can be expressed in own and others’ talk Across a range of contexts • speak in extended turns to express straightforward ideas and feelings, with some relevant detail • structure talk in ways which support meaning and show attention to the listener’ • vary vocabulary, grammar, and nonverbal features to suit audience, purpose, and context Across a range of contexts • express and explain relevant ideas and feelings, with some elaboration to make meaning explicit • shape talk in deliberate ways for clarity and effect to engage the listener • adapt vocabulary, grammar, and nonverbal features in ways well-matched to audience, purpose and context Across a range of contexts • explore complex ideas and feelings in a range of ways, both succinct and extended • maintain generally controlled and effective organisation of talk to guide the listener Across a range of contexts • show generally clear understanding of content and how it is presented, sometimes introducing new material or ideas • take on straightforward roles and responsibilities in pairs and groups Across a range of contexts • convey straightforward ideas about characters and situations, making deliberate choices of speech, gesture, and movement in different roles and scenarios Across a range of contexts • show understanding of how and why language choices vary in their own and others’ talk in different situations Across a range of contexts • recognise significant details and implicit meanings, developing the speaker’s ideas in different ways • sustain roles and responsibilities with independence in pairs or groups, sometimes shaping overall direction of talk with effective contributions Across a range of contexts • show insight into texts and issues through deliberate choices of speech, gesture, and movement, beginning to sustain and adapt different roles and scenarios Across a range of contexts • explain features of own and others’ language use, showing understanding of effect of varying language for different purposes and situations Across a range of contexts • engage with complex material making perceptive responses, showing awareness of the speaker’s aims and extending meanings Across a range of contexts • demonstrate empathy and understanding through flexible choices of speech, gesture, and movement, adapting roles convincingly to explore ideas and issues Across a range of contexts • analyse meaning and impact of spoken language variation, exploring significant details in own and other’s language • adapt vocabulary, grammar, and nonverbal features to meet an increasing range of demands • adopt group roles and responsibilities independently, drawing ideas together and promoting effective discussion