Charge Conference 2015 Lay Leadership for Mt

2015 Lay Leadership for Mt. Salem UMC
Lay Leader: Neil Lentz
Lay Servants: Neil Lentz, Susan Lentz
Lay Member of the Annual Conference: Barbara Bolza
Church Council
Chair: Barbara Bolza
Lay Leader: Neil Lentz
Secretary: Joyce Shimp
Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (PPRC): Bernice Carr
Finance Committee: David Craig, Austin Edison
Trustees Committee: Neil Lentz
Nurture Committee: Fay Parramore
Worship Committee: Vicky Hill
Outreach Committee: Cathie Duffy
Hospitality Committee (Benson Hall): Sara Fox
Nomination Committee: Joyce Shimp
Tower Treasurers: Barbara Bolza
Pastor: SunAe Lee-Koo
Committee on Lay Leadership (Nominations)
Chair: Pastor
Vice Chair: Joyce Shimp
Church Council members (each committee chair)
Hospitality (Kitchen) Committee
Chair: Mary Alice Wilkinson
Vice Chair: Sherron Guyer
Sandy Crystal, Barbara Bolza, Julie Short
Finance Committee
Chair: David Craig
Secretary: Sandy Crystal
Treasurer: Austin Edison
Dave Craig, Sara Fox, Sherron Guyer, Troy Sheaffer
Lay Leader
Trustees Committee
Chair: Neil Lentz
Secretary: Austin Edison
Cathie Duffy, Troy Sheaffer, Dave Campbell, Susan Lentz,
Fay Parramore, Will Moore
Lay Leader
Tower Treasures Committee
Chair: Barbara Bolza
Betty Jackson, Nancy Wright, Sherron Guyer,
Frank Holloway,
Members at large:
Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (PPRC)
Chair: Bernice Carr
Joyce Shimp, Susan Lentz, Shawn Wilkinson,
Cathie McCloskey, Joan Knotts, Richard Kiger
Lay Leader
Nurture (In-Reach Ministry) Committee
Chair: Fay Parramore
Vice Chair: Joyce Shimp
 Welcoming Ministry in charge: David Parramore,
(Marie Hurd, David Craig and more volunteers)
 Luncheon and Fellowship in charge: Fay Parramore
 Visitation (Nursing homes, New comers, Cards, calls) in
charge: Susan Lentz
(Nancy Wright, Joyce Shimp, Marie Hurd,
Austin Edison…)
 Membership & History in charge: Joyce Shimp
(Fay Parramore, Carol Guyer)
 Christian Education in charge: Richard Kiger
(Bernice Carr, Vickie Hille, Vernon Robbins,
Shawn Wilkinson, Joan Knotts, Nancy Wright…)
*Sunday School for children: Shawn Wilkinson
Lay Leader
Outreach/Web ministry Committee:
Chair: Cathie Duffy
Vice: Will Moore, Jr.
(Mary Alice Wilkinson, Jean Boyer, Cathie McCloskey)
Worship Committee
Chair: Vickie Hill
Vice Chair: Troy Schaffer
 Music Director: Barbara Commodari (Choir members)
 Altar Guild: Hazel Raduszewski, Sandy Lord
 Holy Communion: Cathie McCloskey, Jean Boyer
 Scripture Reader(s) in charge: Nancy Wright
 Worship Leader in charge: Cathie McCloskey
(Neil Lentz, Richard Kiger, Vickie Hill, Vernon Robbins,
Troy Sheaffer, Barbra Taylor, Susan Lentz)
 Children’s Time in charge: Vernon Robbins
(Linda Schivo, Justin Koo, Troy Sheaffer)
 Ushers in charge: David Parramore
(David Craig, Marie Hurd)
Lay Leader
Nomination Committee:
Chair: Pastor
Bernice Carr (PPRC), David Craig (Finance),
Neil Lentz(Trustees), Fay Parramore (Nurture),
Vicky Hill (Worship), Cathie Duffy (Outreach),
Mary Alice Wilkinson (Hospitality), Barbara Bolza (TT)