CRCM: a promising tool for studying the hydrological cycle in a changing climate by Biljana Music Ouranos Various approaches of hydroclimatic analysis at watershed scales The traditional method to simulate the hydrological regime of a watershed is to use a hydrological model, driven by observed meteorological data, which is calibrated by optimizing an ensemble of parameters to fit the observed flow as closely as possible to the simulated regime. The perturbation or “delta” technique is often used to assess the future hydrological regime of a watershed. A series of observed meteorological variables are perturbed by the projected changes of the climate models, which are then used as inputs in hydrological models. It is also possible to use a more direct method where outputs from the climate model (debiased or not) are used as inputs in the hydrological model. However, these techniques do not account for the feedback processes that operate at the surface-atmospheric interface via exchanges of various fluxes between the atmospheric and the terrestrial branches of the water cycle. A promising alternative for estimating watershed hydrological responses to global warming is to use hydrological variables directly from the land-surface scheme that are embedded in a regional climate model (RCM). This approach allows modellers to assess the future hydrology of a watershed while taking into consideration the important interactions between the land-surface and the atmosphere. As RCMs operate based on the concept of water and energy conservation, an internal consistency of the simulated climatic variables is assured, which is a major advantage of this approach. The spatial resolution of RCMs is continually increasing, resulting in a better representation of small scale processes. Thus, a more detailed description of the spatial variability of soil and vegetation properties – which have significant effects on the hydrological cycle – becomes possible. At the same time, physical parameterizations designed to capture the complex phenomena of the subgrid-scale processes are improving continuously. The Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM4), developed by Ouranos, is one of the best performing models among the numerous climate models worldwide. In recent years, the Ouranos Climate Simulations’ team has produced a great number of climate simulations at a spatial resolution of 45 km. Data from this vast databank proves to be very useful for not only purely scientific studies, but also for concrete applications. In 2008, Ouranos and the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) launched a collaborative study with the general objective of assessing the impact of climate change on the water resources of several British Columbia watersheds by using the raw outputs of the CRCM. At the same time, PCIC initiated complementary studies using a hydrological model (VIC), calibrated on the same watersheds. The systematic conceptualization for the overall project shown in Figure 1, which summarizes Figure 1. Schema of the different methods for evaluating the the methods that are now available to assess the hydrological response of a watershed to global warming (Music et al. 2010). effects of global warming on runoff, has been developed at Ouranos (Music et al. 2008; Music et al. 2010). Note that runoff is one of the principal components of the hydrological cycle that can be considered as a measurement of water availability. On the same track, a collaboration agreement between Ouranos and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) was concluded at the beginning of this year. The results of these studies were integrated in several research reports (Rodenhuis et al. 2011; Music & Sykes, 2011; Shrestha et al. 2011). RCM projections and associated uncertainty In Rodenhuis et al. (2011) and Music & Sykes (2011), the results from the application of method “b” (Figure 1) are presented. Changes in the hydrological regimes of the investigated watersheds, due to global warming, were assessed using the raw outputs from the CRCM. Figure 2 shows the hydrological change signal for the 2050 time horizon over four watersheds (Upper Peace, Fraser, Columbia et Campbell) located on West North America, derived from the operational version of the CRCM (V4.2) as a response to a forcing following the SRES-A2 green gas emissions’ scenario (Nakicenovic and Swart, 2000). Uncertainty associated with future greenhouse gas emissions, climate model imperfections, and variability and nonlinearity of the climate system requires that the complex issue related to the estimation of uncertainties associated with the projections be addressed. First, the effects of the internal variability of the Canadian Global Climate Model (GCM) on hydrological variables at the watershed scale were assessed. This internal variability can be used as an estimate of the Figure 2. Changes projected in precipitation (P), runoff (R) and snow water climate system’s natural variability resulting equivalent (SWE) under the SRES-A2 scenario from an ensemble of the from nonlinear interactions between its CRCM simulations (between the period 1961-1990 and 2041-2070; in %) and various components. Then, the regional the uncertainties related to the natural variability. The bar graphs associated repercussions of the internal variability on with each watershed (Upper Peace, Fraser, Columbia and Campbell) hydrological variables were estimated using illustrate (Rodenhuis et al., 2011) the balance in projected changes (in mm/day) of evapotranspiration (EVAP), runoff (RUNOFF) and precipitation the CRCM. (PCP). To obtain a preliminary estimate of the effect of the GCM selection, which imposes the lateral boundary conditions in regional model simulations, several GCMs were used to drive the CRCM (Figure 3). These GCMs differ in their physics and dynamics as well as in their spatial and temporal resolutions. The effects of the internal variability of the CRCM and its physical parameterization were also studied. This analysis was accompanied by an evaluation of the ability of three different versions of the CRCM (V3.6, V3.7, V4.2) to adequately simulate each of the water budget components of the investigated watersheds. Newsletter – OURANOS – September 2011 2 Figure 3. Comparison of the projections for one of the priority Ontario Power Generation watersheds (under the SRES-A2 scenario) derived from the CRCM (symbols starting with CRCM), from the GCMs used to drive the CRCM (symbols starting with CGCM and ECHAM), and from the other CMIP3 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3) GCMs. The box plots refer to the CMIP3 GCM projections, where the red solid/dashed lines show respectively the ensemble median/mean (Music and Sykes, 2011). References Rodenhuis, D., B. Music, M. Braun, and D. Caya. 2011. Climate Diagnostics of Future Water Resource in BC Watersheds, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, University of Victoria, 74 pp. Music B. and C. Sykes. 2011. CRCM Diagnostics for Future Water Resources in OPG Priority Watersheds, Ouranos/Ontario Power Generation, 48 pp. Music, B., D. Caya, A. Frigon, M. Slivitzky, A. Musy, R. Roy and D. Rodenhuis. 2010. Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) as a Tool for Assessing Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change at the Watershed Scale, Proceedings of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts: MilutinMilankovitch 130th Anniversary Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia. Music B., A. Musy and R. Roy. 2008. The Impact of Climate Change on Hydro-Electricity Generation, CEATI/Ouranos, 96 pp. Nakicenovic, N., and R. Swart (Eds.). 2000. Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Cambridge University Press, 570 p. Shrestha, R.R., A.J. Berland, M.A. Schnorbus, A.T. Werner. 2011. Climate Change Impacts on Hydro-Climatic Regimes in the Peace and Columbia Watersheds, British Columbia, Canada. Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, 37 pp. (pdf available). OURANOS 550 Sherbrooke West Street, 19e floor, Montreal (Quebec) H3A 1B9 Telephone : 514-282-6464/ Fax : 514-282-7131 Newsletter – OURANOS – September 2011 3