Duck and Hen lesson plan - Foundation Phase

Duck and Hen
Preparation for Reading
Ask the following questions to get learners talking about the topic of the story and their
Do you have friends?
What are the good things that you do with your friends?
Can two different people become friends?
Shared Book Reading
Use the big book to read the story. Show the learners the cover of the book asks them to
tell you about what they see in the picture. Point to the title of the story and read it .Tell
them briefly about the story. Read the story from beginning to end pointing to the words.
Do this slowly so that learners will be able to hear. Let learners join in and read together.
Pause and explain difficult words when necessary.
Recognising words and making sentences
Use the enlarged strips of the first few sentences of the story. Do the following with the
The teacher shows the learners how to recognise each word as they read it by pointing
to the words and saying them as they read.
Read the sentence slowly 2 or 3 times. Point slowly and say the words clearly so the
learners can follow you.
You can then ask individual children to come up and point to words and say them at the
same time. Engage as many learners as possible, it is always better to start with best
readers. Help them and praise them at all times for their effort.
Cutting up words groups
Learners work in pairs
Once they can read the sentences properly, you can then get them to point to each
group of words in the sentence and to cut them out, they do this by following
teachers questions e.g.
who? Did what? Where?
Duck / flew / over the fence.
They must say the first group of words, then cut them out of the strips
each group has.
Then ask the children to put the word group they have cut out of the sentences back
into the sentence, and then ask them to read the sentences pointing the words. They
then cut out next word group and repeat the process until they have finished the
sentence in this way.
Then the children jumble all the word groups in the sentence and put
them together again in the right order. Help them with cues. They should then read
the sentence again.
Do this for each sentence.
Recognising words in and out of the sentence
When they have put each sentence back together check that they can recognise each
word by itself, first of all in the sentence, by asking them to point to words as you say
After that, you should cut out some words from the sentence and hold them up for all
the learners to see, asking to read the words. Do it for the whole class and then ask
individual learners to read the words.
Spelling and forming Letters
Help the learners practise spelling by cutting up words into letter patterns as
demonstrated e.g. ‘du’ and ‘ck’ = duck.
Learners should then practise writing these letter patterns in their white board or
exercise books.
When they can remember the letter patterns they can write the whole word. Show
them the word, then ask them, then turn it over and ask them to write it. The learners
can check their spelling themselves when you show the word again. They can correct
their mistakes. Always praise their efforts.
If learners have difficulty forming words, then help them.
Sentence Writing
When the children can write and spell the words, you can help them write the whole
They can then write all the sentences, one by one.
After that, jumble all the sentences on their cardboard strips and ask them to put
them together in their right order.
Then they can write the whole paragraph.
Rewriting Stories
You can work with the learners to rewrite the story taking from the original story that is
copied in big chart and change characters, settings and problems. For example, they can
start by changing the title of the story to any other animals e.g. ‘Cat and Dog’.
They use the same characters they have chosen until they have change the whole story. You
can underline words that you want them to change e.g. Duck and Hen were friends- Cat and
Dog were friends.