Church of St Edward, King and Martyr, Cambridge NEWLETTER

Church of St Edward, King and Martyr, Cambridge
8.00 am
11.00 am
5.00 pm
10.30 am
5.30 pm
Holy Communion (BCP)
Sunday at Eleven
Meditative Eucharist
Holy Communion (BCP)
3rd August
“Loaves and Fishes”
10 August
World War 1 Commemoration Service
17th August
“Crumbs under the Table”
24th August
St. Clare
31st August
John Bunyan
Susan Hollins
Alison Hennegan
President: Susan Hollins and
Sermon: Malcolm Guite
Sermon: Malcolm Guite and
Prayers: Brother Christopher Martin SSF
Malcolm Guite
3rd August
Feast of the Transfiguration
‘the World is charged with grandeur of God:
the Transfiguration for the everyday”
Sermon: Malcolm Guite
10th August
ACTS: 4 Essential Elements of Prayer
1: Adoration
Sermon: Susan Hollins
17th August
ACTS: 4 Essential Elements of Prayer
2: Confession
Sermon: Malcolm Guite
24th August
ACTS: 4 Essential Elements of Prayer
3: Thanksgiving
Sermon: Susan Hollins
31st August
ACTS: 4 Essential Elements of Prayer
4: Supplication
Sermon: Malcolm Guite
Malcolm’s Sabbatical will be starting at the beginning of September and we will have an opportunity to wish
him well on his travels and in Durham after “Sunday at Eleven” on 31st August, when refreshments will be
served in the Trinity Hall Chapel of the Church. If anyone would like to help with the refreshments please let
Judith Tonry know.
Susan Hollins’ Licensing by the Bishop of Ely will take place in the Church at 3.00 pm on Sunday, 7th
Parish Lunch: our Autumn Parish Lunch will be taking place on Sunday, 7th September at Trinity Hall, prior
to Susan’s Licensing. This is earlier in September than usual, so that Susan’s friends and family, as well as
those who have supported the Church over the past few months, have the opportunity to join us for lunch
before attending the service at 3.00 pm. We are expecting to be busier than usual, so please put your name
down on the board at the back of the Church or let Judith Tonry or Jillian Wilkinson know you are coming. It
would be helpful if all those who are able bring either a salad or a pudding to augment the meat and drinks
provided by Trinity Hall, again please let us know what you will be bringing.
Taizé Service: this ecumenical service will be held monthly during the summer on 4th August and 1st
September and will resume weekly services in October. Services are at 9.00 pm on Monday evenings. For
further information please contact Giulia Conto (
“On the Edge” is taking a break for the summer.
The Christian Meditation Group will continue to meet on Fridays at 5.30 pm.
The Pastoral Support Group is taking a break for the summer.
Little Eds: our children’s group will be taking a holiday in August.
The Women’s Group is taking a break for the summer.
Churchyard: We will be meeting again for litter picking and light gardening at 11.00 am on Saturday, 30th
August followed by a mug of soup and bread. Children are encouraged to come but must be supervised. If
you are planning to come, it would be helpful if you could let Judith Tonry know so that she can provide
enough soup!
I’ve been waiting for this time since mid-March and now it’s here I’m very glad to be in Cambridge and very
excited and eager to begin with you a new time of life together.
Some weeks ago, at the early stage of packing up and of making mental lists, I wondered how it is that the
transfer of service provision of the basic utilities from one address to another is so slow, very inefficient and
strewn with mistakes that necessitate many extra phone calls. Pondering upon this serious matter while trying
to contain frustration, the phrase ‘all things are timely’ came to mind. Since then, in the midst of moving,
unpacking and finding a place for things in this house, this phrase has echoed in my mind. It reminds me of
Julian of Norwich’s similar phrase ‘all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well…’ although this
phrase has a different emphasis. However the general sense in both the phrase that came to my perception,
and Julian of Norwich’s statement of perception is that there is timeliness in all things. Of course this runs
entirely counter to our sense of time and of timeliness, and especially so in our world where violence of many
kinds is rife. How can this violence be timely? By contrast with timeliness in our global experience, we may
understand and experience that a unique timeliness (Jung wrote of Sychronicity) has indeed operated in our
personal lives in ways that leave us feeling rather amazed. Meanwhile, in seeking to understand that ‘all
things are timely’ I chose to set aside frustration at the slowness of giant utility companies to undertake
simple tasks, and to wait for the services to be set in place, which, of course they have been, although I’m still
waiting for the great switch-on of the broadband service.
In other ways my experience of moving house has also been one of timeliness as I’ve had to reduce the
material goods which have supported, or cluttered, my family’s life for many years. We’ve said goodbye to
school files, university papers, toys, and a particular item of furniture for which we’ve had a ‘soft spot’ just as
the furniture in question had for us, lulling us to sleep along its increasingly squashy length, while being the
spot where a certain Labrador (Theo first of all, and more recently Reuben) could often be found. In sifting
through so many papers, photographs, and various archives, my memory and feelings have been stirred to
times past so that time itself has felt far more elastic, eternal even, and thus far less linear. As T S Eliot writes
in ‘Little Gidding’ “This is the use of memory: for liberation – not less of love but expanding of love beyond
desire, and so liberation from the future as well as the past.”
In the months of waiting to arrive here, now, I’ve been deeply aware of your troubled recent time and of the
excellent and careful work that is in place at present to help the healing of wounds and to enable a letting-go
which has the potential to be richly creative for our life together as God’s people here at St Ed’s.
Over the coming weeks I shall look forward very much to meeting you, worshipping with you and settling in to
this new time together.
“All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well” (Julian of Norwich)
Vicar-Chaplain: Susan Hollins (01954 269676, 07918 671476, Clergy: Malcolm Guite
(694249,, Alan Cole (892286,, Pastoral Assistant: Ann Kember (565094,; Churchwardens: Judith Tonry (892160,, Charlie Bell (07962 021067,; Treasurer, Geoffrey Barnes (362004,; Little Eds: Dani Redhead
(; Sunday Morning Singers: Philippa Pearson (
Church phone: (01223) 362004. Church website: