Guidelines – How to plan an accessible event

Enable York Guidelines for
Accessibility for Meetings and Conferences
Enable York was formerly known as Access York and prior to that as the Advisory Committee
on the Handicapped and Learning Disabled.
In 2014, as a result of a visioning session facilitated by Learning & Organizational Development
it was decided that the committee be reorganized under the auspices of York’s Centre for Human
Rights. It was agreed that this move would facilitate increased representation of faculty and staff
with disabilities and allow for more direct lines of communication with offices and units able to
resolve the access issues that members of the York community with disabilities encounter.
It was further decided that the name for the committee should be changed from Access York to
Enable York in order to reflect the committee's mandate and a more comprehensive approach to
the issue of access. The Membership of Enable York meets regularly towards the goal of
reducing barriers to education, employment, social participation and services at York University
for persons with disabilities.
This document titled, Guidelines for Accessibility for Meetings and Conferences is a revised
version of the ‘Access York Recommendations for Accessibility for Meetings and Conferences
document adopted by the Access York Operations Committee in January 2013. Access York
developed and adopted the Recommendations document in the spirit of ensuring accessibility is
maintained first and foremost throughout all activities organized, supported and sponsored by
Enable York.
In April 29, 2015, Enable York adopted a revised version of this document to reflect the changes
in the name and mandate of Enable York (formerly Access York). The guidelines adopted in this
document were informed in part from the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
(AODA). Enable York recommends that other committees, departments, organizations and
events at York University will adopt a similar policy.
There are a number of areas that need to be considered when advocating for access and removing
disabling barriers.
Language refers to text, speech, signed and other non-spoken languages, and representations
(advertising, media, and other non-text communications such as Braille, tactile communication).
Enable York recognizes the need for all persons to be treated with respect, dignity and without
prejudicial, demeaning, or stereotypical language, and this is equally important in respect of
persons with disabilities. Language as a means of communication is never without significance.
It is full of meaning and power, intended or otherwise. It designates what is valued and what is
considered without social worth. Language can both facilitate and/or create barriers to the full
participation of all members of the York University community.
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We also recognize that language related to disability, like disability itself, can be variable. The
language of disability needs to be consistent with principles of inclusivity, respect and nondiscrimination. The intent of these guidelines is not to be prescriptive of language use, but to
encourage understanding of the effects of language within the framework of the principles of
diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Person first and disability first language has been alternated in
these guidelines. In our interactions, however, it is advisable to take cues regarding language
preference from the person with a disability. Person first language emphasizes the person as a
whole, and the impairment as only one aspect of the person. Disability first language is often
used as a way to remind non-disabled persons that disability is not something that comes second
to the person, but is integral to their identity. As well, Enable York recognizes that there are
occasions when neither of the aforementioned is acceptable in the promotion of equity and
inclusion and in those cases the person is reminded to take his or her cues from the individual
being addressed.
These guidelines are applicable to all York University staff, faculty, students and visitors.
All members of Enable York will share in the responsibility to identify and discuss language use
that may be historically oppressive or hurtful. Such terms are used frequently without intent to
hurt; however, because of their history and power, often do. Therefore, it is up to our
membership to be open and aware enough to discuss openly these issues and their impact. This
may be accomplished during the meeting or in a private conversation following the meeting. In
all cases, members are reminded to treat each other with dignity and respect.
Participants will ensure that speech is loud, clear and free of unnecessary jargon. In addition,
stating clearly one’s name before speaking will be practiced in order for individuals to know at
all times who is speaking. Persons will be encouraged to wait for their turn to speak to avoid
multiple speakers talking at the same time. It also is recommended that persons keep their
mouths clearly visible when talking (e.g., no gum-chewing). Members of committees will be
respectful and allow sufficient time for participants who require the use of technology for
Any member who would like to provide handouts for Enable York members must email the
committee at least 48 hours in advance in order to facilitate appropriate time for conversion of
text into accessible material. Please use Plain Text or Doc Formats. Do not use ‘PDF’ files as
they are not screen reader accessible. Handouts should be available in large print if requested.
Handouts should be free of excessive pictures unless needed. If pictures are present on handouts,
the presenter should take extra care to describe the pictures verbally.
Any member who would like to show audiovisual material to the membership should ensure the
video is accessible for all members. Any video should be captioned. Subtitles often present when
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persons speak different languages should be read aloud. Pictures or images without audio
material should be verbally explained.
Members who would like to present PowerPoint presentations should abide by these basic
guidelines to ensure their material is fully accessible:
 Slides should be clear
 The use of multiple colours and artistic text is discouraged
 Light background (white) with dark writing (black) is most readable
 Text should be in Arial or Times New Roman – at least font size 20
 Aim for 20 words per slide
 Avoid underlining headings and lists should be numbered (no bullet points)
 Left justification only
 Use of pictures and graphics should be limited but if required, they should always be
explained in detail verbally
Presenters need to be aware that not everyone will be able to visually see their slides. Therefore,
they must ensure they make sufficient effort to read aloud the comments on each slide.
PowerPoint presentations should be made available to members in advance if requested (and in
different formats - paper copy or otherwise).
The use of assistive devices and technology is welcomed at Enable York meetings.
Enable York will make every attempt to book rooms that are considered barrier-free for persons
with physical/medical disabilities. Rooms with sufficient space will be considered over all
others. Attention to space needs in comparison to number of persons present will be considered.
For example, a meeting room may hold 30 persons; however, this number of bodies may not
allow all members to adequately move around the room as it restricts space to accessible paths.
Therefore, when situating furniture, Enable York members are asked to consider their placement
to enhance mobility around the room for persons with differing space needs (e.g., those who use
mobility devices such as canes, walkers or wheelchairs). Access to doorways and stairs
(elevators) will be prioritized. Rooms with easily movable furniture will be booked to allow for
varying mobility devices. Participants with limited mobility will be assisted in obtaining
refreshments if they request assistance. Enable York is committed to maintaining scent-free
spaces, and to accommodating dietary needs at meetings and events.
Enable York understands that accommodations often relate to flexibility. Enable York meeting
times will consider input by all members regarding the best time of day to hold meetings. We
will attempt to pick a time that will accommodate the majority of its members. We will also
change the meeting times to ensure adequate accommodation. In addition, if members cannot
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attend meetings, we will make every effort to ensure they are provided with the material from the
meeting and that they are consulted in convenient manner about important issues discussed at
meetings. We will also make use of technology to ensure equitable access to meetings,
conferences and other information. For example, members will be ‘skyped’ in if needed. Or
meetings can be audiotaped for later review. We will also ensure to take regularly scheduled
breaks every hour of at least 5 minutes. In addition to the inclusion of regularly scheduled
breaks, Enable York will commit to avoiding meetings that occur for an extensive period of time
(greater than 3 hours), given difficulties associated with participation for long time periods.
Enable York will provide reasonable accommodations for those who require support services at
meeting, conference and events. This includes, but is not limited to, interpreters, note takers,
service animals and attendants. If members have specific support staff or attendants they wish to
accompany them to events or meetings, we will be in full support of their wishes. For each event,
there shall be a designated coordinator to receive and respond to requests for reasonable
With all these best practices in place, our goal is to reduce the number of disabling barriers
present for our members. However, we recognize that at times, there may be conflicts or
disagreements about how to implement these best practices. In the event of conflicts or
disagreements, priority will always be given to ensuring equitable access to the person, as
outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code. Further, every individual has an unequivocal right
to feel safe, respected and free of any harassment, oppression or discrimination based on
disability, race, gender, class, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, cultural background, etc.
When these instances occur, we will employ every resource to ensure an adequate solution for
the member, including seeking support from the Centre from Human Rights and any other
appropriate group on campus.
Enable York members often identify themselves as persons with disabilities. As such, during
meetings, members often share their personal experiences of access, discrimination or other
challenges. Members of Enable York should consider this information to be confidential.
Members are also not permitted to discuss another member’s disability status or individual
experience with persons outside of Enable York at any time without expressed permission.
Minutes will be taken in a manner that protects the confidentiality of Enable York members
unless permission is granted to do otherwise.
Each member of Enable York is encouraged to commit not only to required training as outlined
in the AODA, but also seek additional training in the areas of Diversity, Disability, Access,
Legal Rights and Responsibilities and Human Rights.
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Enable York will ensure accessible practices are followed in the recruitment of members.
Members will be allowed to submit application materials in format that accommodates any
disability. For example, we are happy to communicate with participants over the phone, internet
or in person. In addition, members will be recruited based on their experience with disability,
which can be defined very broadly including personal experiences, employment, educational or
political. In ensuring full participation of members who identify as persons with disabilities, we
will ensure that priority of membership will be offered to persons with disabilities. We will also
make attempts to ensure valid representation occurs across varying disabilities and other
minority group statuses.
Members of Enable York Executive Committee shall commit to attending the yearly student
roundtable for students with disabilities in order to ensure connections are maintained between
students with disabilities and members of Enable York. Decisions that impact a large number of
persons with disabilities members should always ensure opportunities for feedback from persons
with disabilities prior to the decision being made. This may be achieved through email,
announcements at the student roundtable, memos, or focus groups/surveys.
Each of these best practices will be applied as best possible. It is up to each individual Enable
York member to become aware of these practices and adopt them within his or her own life.
Finally, as Enable York members, we take on the responsibility to remind persons of when these
practices are not being followed or considered. We do this, not in the spirit of condemnation, but
rather as opportunities to learn and grow from each other so that changes can take place over
Adopted: January 25th, 2013
The Access York Operations Committee
Revised: April 29, 2015
Enable York
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