1 Learning Target Unit Sheet Biology Unit 4: Genetics Part I What is the difference between a gene, a DNA molecule, a chromosome, and a Essential Questions 1. chromatid? Objectives Standards Addressed 2. How do haploid and diploid cells differ? 3. What are the five phases of the cell cycle? 4. What are the four stages of mitosis? 5. Who is the father of heredity? 6. Why is a garden pea a good subject for genetic study? 7. What is the difference between a Punnett square and a test cross? 8. What five factors influence patterns of heredity? 9. Why do mutations cause genetic disorders? 10. What are some examples of genetic disorders? Students will… 1. Differentiate between a gene, a DNA molecule, a chromosome, and a chromatid. 2. Differentiate between homologous chromosomes, autosomes, and sex chromosomes. 3. Compare haploid and diploid cells. 4. Predict how changes in chromosome number of structure can affect development. 6. Identify the major events that characterize each of the five phases of the cell cycle. 7. Describe how the cell cycle is controlled in eukaryotic cells. 8. Relate the role of the cell cycle to the onset of cancer. 9. Describe the structure and function of the spindle during mitosis. 10. Summarize the events of the four stages of mitosis. 11. Differentiate cytokinesis in animal and plant cells. Core Content SC-HS-3.4.5 (DOK 3) Students will: 1. explain the relationship between sexual reproduction (meiosis) and the transmission of genetic information; 2. draw conclusions/make predictions based on hereditary evidence/data (pedigrees, punnet squares). Multicellular organisms, including humans, form from cells that contain two copies of each chromosome. This explains many features of heredity. Transmission of genetic information through sexual reproduction to offspring occurs when male and female gametes, that contain only one representative from each chromosome pair, unite. SC-HS-3.5.1 (DOK 3) Students will: 1. predict the impact on species of changes to 1) the potential for a species to increase its numbers, (2) the genetic variability of offspring due to mutation and recombination of genes, (3) a finite supply of the resources required for life, or (4) natural selection; 2. propose solutions to real-world problems of endangered and extinct species. Species change over time. Biological change over time is the consequence of the interactions of (1) the potential for a species to increase its numbers, (2) the genetic variability of offspring due to mutation and recombination of genes, (3) a finite supply of the resources required for life and (4) natural selection. The consequences of change over time provide a scientific explanation for the fossil record of ancient life forms and for the striking molecular similarities observed among the diverse species of living organisms. Changes in DNA (mutations) occur spontaneously at low rates. Some of these changes make no difference to the organism, whereas others can change cells and organisms. Only mutations in germ cells have the potential to create the variation that changes an organism’s future offspring. 2 ACT Quality Core Standards/KY Combined Curriculum Document College Readiness Standards C. Delving Into Heredity by Investigating How Genetic Structures and Processes Provide the Mechanism for Continuity and Variety Among Organisms 1. Genetics a. Describe the basic structure and function of DNA, mRNA, tRNA, amino acids, polypeptides, and proteins (e.g., replication, transcription, and translation) SC-HS-3.4.5 SC-HS-3.4.1 SC-H-UD-S-3 b. Describe the experiments of major scientists in determining both the structure of DNA and the central dogma f. Describe the basic process of meiosis SC-HS-3.4.5 SC-H-UD-S-4 g. Identify and explain Mendel’s law of segregation and law of independent assortment SC-HS-3.4.5 SC-H-UD-S-3 h. Explain how the process of meiosis reveals the mechanism behind Mendel’s conclusions about segregation and independent assortment on a molecular level SC-HS-3.4.5 SC-H-UD-S-4 i. Define and provide an example of the following: genotype, phenotype, dominant allele, recessive allele, codominant alleles, incompletely dominant alleles, homozygous, heterozygous, and carrier SC-HS-3.4.5 SC-HS-3.4.6 SC-H-UD-S-4 j. Explain sex-linked patterns of inheritance in terms of some genes being absent from the smaller Y chromosome, and thus males (XY) having a different chance of exhibiting certain traits than do females (XX) SC-HS-3.4.5 SC-H-UD-S-4/5 k. Construct and interpret Punnett squares and pedigree charts (e.g., calculate and predict phenotypic and genotypic ratios and probabilities) SC-HS-3.4.5 SC-H-UD-S-4 l. Infer parental genotypes and phenotypes from offspring data presented in pedigree charts and from the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of offspring SC-HS-3.4.5 SC-H-UD-S-4 m. Describe the mode of inheritance in commonly inherited disorders (e.g., sickle cell anemia, Down syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, PKU) SC-HS-3.4.5 SC-H-UD-S-4/5 n. Complete a major project relating to recombinant DNA, cloning, or stem cell research SC-H-UD-11 Interpretation of Data 401. Select data from a complex data presentation (e.g., a table or graph with more than three variables; a phase diagram) 402. Compare or combine data from a simple data presentation (e.g., order or sum data from a table) 403. Translate information into a table, graph, or diagram 501. Compare or combine data from two or more simple data presentations (e.g., categorize data from a table using a scale from another table) 502. Compare or combine data from a complex data presentation 504. Determine how the value of one variable changes as the value of another variable changes in a complex data presentation 505. Identify and/or use a simple (e.g., linear) mathematical relationship between data 506. Analyze given information when presented with new, simple information 602. Identify and/or use a complex (e.g., nonlinear) mathematical relationship between data Scientific Investigation 401. Understand the methods and tools used in a moderately complex experiment 501. Understand the methods and tools used in a complex experiment 504. Determine the experimental conditions that would produce specified results 701. Understand precision and accuracy issues 702. Predict how modifying the design or methods of an experiment will affect results 3 Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results 401. Select a simple hypothesis, prediction, or conclusion that is supported by a data presentation or a model 402. Identify key issues or assumptions in a model 501. Select a simple hypothesis, prediction, or conclusion that is supported by two or more data presentations or models 502. Determine whether given information supports or contradicts a simple hypothesis or conclusion, and why 503. Identify strengths and weaknesses in one or more models 504. Identify similarities and differences between models 701. Select a complex hypothesis, prediction, or conclusion that is supported by two or more data presentations or models 702. Determine whether given information supports or contradicts a complex hypothesis or conclusion Key Vocabulary Allele Autosomes Carrier Centromere Chromatin Chromosomes Chromosomal disorders Co-dominance Color blindness Crossing over Diploid Dominant Embryo Fertilization Gametes Gametogenesis Gene Gene expression Genetic Code Genotype Haploid Hemophilia Heterozygous Homozygous Incomplete dominance Karyotype Law of Independent Assortment Law of Segregation Meiosis Monosomy Mutation Oogenesis Pedigree Phenotype Probabilities Punnett square Recessive Sex Chromosome Sex-linked genes Spermatogenesis Trait Trisomy 4 Evidence(s) Learning Targets….I can statements…. I can describe the basic structure and function of DNA. I can describe the basic structure and function of mRNA, and tRNA. I can describe the basic structure and function of amino acids. I can describe the basic structure and function of polypeptides and proteins. I can describe the processes of protein synthesis (e.g., replication, transcription, and translation) I can describe the basic process of meiosis. I can identify and explain Mendel’s law of segregation and law of independent Assortment. I can explain how the process of meiosis reveals the mechanism behind Mendel’s conclusions about segregation and independent assortment on a molecular level. I can define and provide an example of the following: genotype, phenotype, dominant allele, recessive allele, codominant alleles, incompletely dominant alleles,homozygous, heterozygous, and carrier. I can explain sex-linked patterns of inheritance in terms of some genes being absent from the smaller Y chromosome, and thus males (XY) having a different chance of exhibiting certain traits than do females (XX). I can construct and interpret Punnett squares and pedigree charts (e.g., calculate and predict phenotypic and genotypic ratios and probabilities). I can infer parental genotypes and phenotypes from offspring data presented in pedigree charts and from the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of offspring. I can describe the mode of inheritance in commonly inherited disorders (e.g., sickle cell anemia, Down syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, PKU). I can complete a major project relating to recombinant DNA, cloning, or stem cell research.