Major higher educational programme Field of study: 021000.68 Geography. Specialty: Coastal Oceanology. Degree: master. Study mode: full-time. The period of study specified by the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education is 2 years. The study load of the bachelor’s programme specified by the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education is 120 ECTS points. The programme is meant to develop the students’ faculties in the fields of development of professional competencies, students’ creative qualities on the basis of indepth study of the environment in the coastal zone of the sea; formation and development of skills in expert-analytical activities in the field of coastal zone; development of the practical skills in formulating and solving problems at various institutional levels; implementation of educational activities based on advanced research and information technology; orientation of the educational programme on the needs of national, regional and foreign labour markets; implementation of cross-border cooperation in European integration. The list of courses included in the curriculum of 021000.68 Geography. Specialty: Coastal Oceanology. Fundamental general scientific courses. Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences Semester: 2, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 108 The course aims to study and prove the general regularities in the development of modern methodology of scientific knowledge in the field of natural sciences and interdisciplinary research; to study the philosophy of ecology and learn how to improve methodological culture of environmental researchers. The objectives of the course are to familiarise students with the current state of philosophical and methodological research results in scientific activity in foreign and Russian science; to understand the process of ecological awareness in broad socio-cultural contexts; to give a general idea about the specifics and the role of ecological forms of motion of matter in the formation of the modern picture of the world. Foreign Languages Semester: 1, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 108 The course aims to form students' ability in intercultural communication; to develop language proficiency to succeed in the chosen field of professional activity. The objectives of the course are to master the lexical, grammatical, syntactic, phonological and orthographic aspects of a foreign language; to master pragmatic component (discourse competence, functional competence). Computer Technologies in Geography Semester: 1, ECTS points: 2, Hours: 72 The course aims to form knowledge of current computer technologies used to gather specific information and its network sources; to develop the skills in using computer technologies in work (research and teaching), to use computer tools and technologies for scientific communication. The objectives of the course are to familiarise students with the computer resources of general and special purpose; to train for independent planning and application of these technologies and resources. Compulsory general scientific courses. Methods of Marine and Hydrophysical Research Semester: 2, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 108 The course aims to examine the principles and methods of diagnosing the state of the sea water and its physical processes. The objectives of the course are to study the principles of hydro-fields interaction; physical and numerical modeling of fluid motion, theoretical aspects of remote diagnostics, as well as the methods of marine hydro-physical measurements. Methods of Marine Geophysical Research Semester: 2, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 108 The course aims to study informational support and development of new techniques and technologies for marine geophysical research; methodological support and geological mapping on the shelf of the Russian Federation. The objectives of the course are to teach to conduct marine geophysical research on the shelf and in the deep water areas of the Russian Federation; to examine the methodology and technologies for marine geophysical research. Elective general scientific courses. Business Communication Training Semester: 1, ECTS points: 2, Hours: 72 The course aims to develop communicative competences necessary to organise constructive communication in professional activities in accordance with the norms of modern business etiquette. The objectives of the course are to form a systematic and science-based understanding of the socio-psychological and informational nature of business communications; to develop practical knowledge and skills in business communication; to improve students’ language proficiency. Business Communication Basics Semester: 1, ECTS points: 2, Hours: 72 The course aims to form a comprehensive understanding of the theory of communication as a modern scientific discipline, to provide students the basic theoretical knowledge of the theory of business communication, to develop necessary professional competence. The objectives of the course are to acquaint the students with the basic aspects of the communication theory including communication models; business communication process and its structure; models of mass communication; applied communication models, theories of negotiation, communication processes, and the theory of argumentation. Fundamental field-oriented courses. History, Theory and Methodology of Geography Semester: 1, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 108 The course aims to examine the most common features of geography development, its evolution as a world science; to study how external factors and processes of a developing society influence the shift of the scientific interests in geography, areas and scope of its practical application. The objectives of the course are to provide insight into the methodological foundations of the geography; to familiarise with the levels of methodology (and specifically philosophical and scientific one); to examine the main stages of the geographic research; to learn about the main theoretical achievements (laws, principles, concepts), problems, hypotheses and new ideas of the geographical science. Compulsory field-oriented courses. Modern Problems of Oceanography Semester: 1, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 108 The course aims to study the oceans as a single natural system, its spatial structure, the interaction between subsystems of various scopes in the ocean as well as with other elements of the planetary natural environment, including the atmosphere, the coasts and the ocean floor. The objectives of the course are to examine the characteristics of seawater, structure and dynamics of the ocean waters, modern problems of oceanography and their possible solutions. Marine Biotic Communities Semester: 2, ECTS points: 4, Hours: 144 The course aims to study the basic regularities in organisation and functioning of marine biotic communities, as well as diverse forms of species’ co-adaptation and their ecological niches in different natural and geographical ecosystem types. The objectives of the course are to inform about the major historical stages and modern methods to study marine biotic communities; to explore the forms of interspecific relationships, types of structural and functional organisation of biotic communities. Coastal Zone Lithodinamics and Costal Protection Methods Semester: 1, ECTS points: 4, Hours: 144 The course aims to consider lithodynamic coastal processes, coastal lithodynamic activity and recommended effective technical solutions for coastal protection. The objectives of the course are to study coastal and littoral deposits, methods of shelf formation and dynamics of the sea coasts. Satellite Methods of Regional Oceanographic Research Semester: 1, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 108 The course aims to demonstrate how to monitor the sea level at the coastal stations; to explore the nature of the oscillations. The objectives of the course are to teach to integrally use all kinds of available data; to apply the acquired data for solving applied problems in fisheries oceanography. Marine Biogeochemistry Semester: 2, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 108 The course aims to examine the geochemical processes in the marine environment, agents migration and impact of the marine geochemical environment on the global environment. The objectives of the course are to study biogeochemical cycles and methods to study objects of the marine environment; to teach to conduct environmental chemical analysis. Hydrophysical Processes in the Coastal Zone of the Ocean Semester: 2, ECTS points: 4, Hours: 144 The course aims to examine hydro-physical processes in the coastal zone of the ocean; to study comprehensive research of wave processes occurring in the coastal zone. The objectives of the course are to familiarise with the development of experimental techniques and theoretical models of hydro-physical processes; to teach how to measure the form of wavy surface, velocity fields of air and underwater currents, to use the latest technology for tracking hydro-physical processes; to teach how to model the interaction of various hydrophysical processes and simulate hydrodynamic processes near the ocean border. Coastal Ecosystems and Protection Semester: 2, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 103 The course aims to examine the features of the coastal ecosystem, its functions and role. The objectives of the course are to explore the alternative ways of farming that reduce the pressure on protected areas which preserve the biodiversity of coastal ecosystems; to inform about the threats for coastal ecosystems and methods of their prevention and solution; to examine the causes of biodiversity loss. Elective field-oriented courses. Dynamics and Mixing Processes in the Coastal Zone Semester: 1, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 103 The course aims to examine the chemical composition and physical properties of the sea water, mixing and turbulence, wave formation mechanisms; to study the theory of tides, water masses and structure of coastal waters, currents and general water circulation. The objectives of the course are to form an idea about the main water masses, methods of oceanographic research and analysis; to teach to assess the role of wind mixing water, currents, variations of the levels in the formation of coastal ecosystems. Quaternary Geology of the Baltic Sea Region Semester: 1, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 103 The course aims to acquaint students with the characteristics and basic laws of relief formation and development in the Baltic region as well as the formation of the relevant unconsolidated deposits of the quaternary system. The objectives of the course are to study the classification and characteristics of landscape elements and genetic types of quaternary deposits, methods and basics of quaternary system stratigraphy, the main directions and principles for the use of quaternary geology to search and explore mineral deposits and to conduct geotechnical studies; to teach how to read maps of quaternary deposits and make them by decrypting aerial photographs; to explore the quaternary deposits of the Baltic Sea region and the history of their formation. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Baltic Sea Region Semester: 1, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 103 The course aims to study the geological and physical chemical conditions of the minerals in the Baltic region, patterns of their distribution, the major genetic and industrial types of mineral deposits. The objectives of the course are to teach students to understand the essence of geological processes and to examine the genesis of mineral deposits in the Baltic region; to be able to make conclusions on possible deposit and origin relying on fragmentary data; to examine the geological structure, conditions of occurrence and formation of mineral deposits in the region; to examine the industrial use of minerals in the region. Geomorphology of Sea Coasts Semester: 1, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 103 The course aims to form theoretical and practical knowledge about the structure of the sea coast which is the basis of other oceanographic disciplines and geography of the ocean as a whole. The objectives of the course are to study morpho-structural plan of sea coats and classification of their forms; to examine endogenous and exogenous factors of formation of relief and geological coast structures; to master the methods of compilation and processing of the geomorphological materials. Regional Issues of Complex Coastal Zone Management Semester: 2, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 103 The course aims to familiarise students with the world and Russian experience in implementing and developing systems of complex coastal management; the basic ideas, mechanisms of coastal zone management which ensure sustainable development, as well as to learn about the regional issues related to the coastal zone management. The objectives of the course are to form holistic view of the coastal zones of the Earth, their structure, internal and external interconnection, functioning, dynamics and development; to examine the regional concept of the coastal zone management of the Kaliningrad region. Eco-management, Eco-audit and Consulting Semester: 2, ECTS points: 3, Hours: 103 The course aims to form the basic knowledge of environmental management, audit and consulting services; to provide an understanding of the basic principles of management; to develop initial practical skills of environmental audit and consulting; to show the possibility of self-employment and business activity in the environmental market. The objectives of the course are to study the principles, methodologies and practices of environmental management, marketing, audit, consulting and certification; to examine the Russian and foreign legal and regulatory environmental management and audit; to study the international experience of the environmental management and marketing in existing control systems; to develop environmental audit skills. Oil Pollution of the Baltic Sea Semester: 2, ECTS points: 2, Hours: 72 The course aims to give an idea of the major polluters of the Baltic Sea - oil and petroleum products. The objectives of the course are to acquaint students with the basic ways of how oil pollution gets in the environment of the Baltic Sea; to examine the effects of oil pollution and measures to eliminate it; to study the measures to mitigate the negative factors of anthropogenic impact on the Baltic Sea and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region; to develop the skills in local monitoring of oil pollution. Ecological Monitoring of the Marine Environment Semester: 2, ECTS points: 2, Hours: 72 The course aims to form the skills in the field of environmental monitoring and assessment of the marine environment. The objectives of the course are to learn to assess the degree of environmental hazard which industrial pollution of various types causes; to give an idea how to predict the effects of industrial pollution of the marine environment for ecosystems and human health; to study the general principles how to take measures aimed at improving and restoring the quality of the marine environment.