The political structure
of France at this time
was an absolute
monarchy. Louis XIV
reigned from 1643-1715
and he absolved all
power from ministers,
princes, and nobility.
Philip IV inherited the
Charles I of England The government of the
Spanish throne at only 16
was monarch during United Provinces was
years of age, and because of
this time. He
decentralized. Each
his youth, he left the
initiated the English province controlled its
effective powers of kingship Civil War, where he
own internal affairs.
in the hands of his former
fought the forces of
Within each province
gentleman of the chamber,
the English and
the towns were also
the Count Olivares.
Scottish Parliament. largely self-governing.
Olivares directed the
At this same time, he Only foreign policy,
Spanish government and
used his position as
the army and some
presented to the king a
head of the English religious matters were
number of plans for a farChurch to pursue
controlled by the
reaching reform of
religious policies
provinces jointly.
government and society. In
which generated the
Holland was the
1639, riots and open
richest and most
rebellion broke out in
of reformed groups
powerful province. It
Catalonia. As a result, the
such as the Puritans. was ruled by the States
liberties and privileges of
Charles was
of Holland, a body
Catalonia were fully
defeated in the First
composed of the
restored in 1652. The revolt
Civil War (1642–
delegates of eighteen
of Catalonia gave the
45), and Parliament towns; a delegation of
Portuguese their opportunity expected him reform the nobility also had a
to seize power in Lisbon and
to a constitutional
vote. The States met
proclaimed the Duke de
monarchy; however, four times a year, but
Bragança as King John IV
he instead remained there was a permanent
of Portugal. In 1647,
defiant by
official known as
popular revolutions broke
attempting to forge
the Pensionary. (Until
out in Naples and Palermo
an alliance with
1618 he was known as
(Sicily), and soon these two
Scotland and
the Advocate).
cities were in the hands of
escaping to the Isle
Because the
revolutionary governments.
of Wight. This
Pensionary formulated
Philip IV came to terms with provoked the Second
and implemented
Holy Roman Empire
The HRE had a limited
elective monarchy while
maintaining itself as a state
composed of many states.
elected emperor (Kaiser),
was the sole sovereign and
monarch. The exercise of his
power was considerably
limited, however, by a body
representing the member
states, the Imperial Diet
(Reichstag). It was a limited
monarchy as well because
any exercise of the Emperor's
powers that was not purely
executive, required the assent
of the States of the Empire—
a principle formulated at the
peace of Westphalia in 1648.
the United Provinces,
recognizing their full
independence by the Treaty
of Münster in 1648. In
1668, Spain formally
recognized the
independence of Portugal.
Cost of Versailles,
palaces, Louis’ court,
and wars put France in
an economic crisis.
Jean-Baptiste controlled
general finances time.
High tariffs were placed
on exports bring foreign
Manufacturing was a
major implementation
during this time.
Civil War (1648–49)
and a second defeat
for Charles, who
was then captured,
tried, convicted, and
executed for high
Credit was a widespread
There was a large
tool of Spanish business in
fiscal deficit for the
the 17th century. In Antwerp
kingdom from the
was where European
reigns of Elizabeth I
commerce and its bankers
and James I. He was
financed most of Charles V's unable to wage wars
and Philip II's wars on
overseas and
credit. The use of "notes of
England was least
exchange" became
taxed country in
commonplace while
Europe. He had
Antwerp's banks became
great difficulty
increasingly powerful
acquiring funds from
leading to speculation which
treasury. He
exaggerated price shifts.
The total lack of regulation obsolete feudal taxes
and pervasive corruption
as well. A
meant that small landowners significant amount
could often lost everything,
of his money was
at any time. Estates in Spain
gained from the
steadily grew larger while
Scottish nobility.
the economy became
policies (as well as
resolving disputes
between the various
delegates) he became
very influential. This
was especially true
because although the
Pensionary was
theoretically elected
for five years, in
practice he was
tenured for life.
Holland was at its
economic height
during the 17th century
as a result of an influx
of economic
stimulation as well as
Holland and the
Netherlands together
had agriculture,
manufacturing, and a
great number of
exports with which to
increase the purse of
the government.
The Holy Roman Empire
experienced great economic
decline during this period as
the Thirty Years’ war
resulted in the separation into
several states of Germany
and the HRE. This
breakdown contributed to
why the economy did not and
was not able to flourish like
neighboring countries.
increasingly uncompetitive.
Especially during the reigns
of Philip III and IV,
speculative crises shook
Spain’s economy.
The majority of social
In the 16th and 17th
life revolved around
centuries, El Greco and
Versailles where the
Diego Velázquez
nobility, officials,
represented the pinnacle of
aristocrats, king, and
Spanish painting. Spanish
members of the
fashion consisted of a great
government were all
use of black, making
housed. At the high
Spanish fashion preeminent
social point of the 17th in Europe during the Golden
century, King Louis
Age (the middle of the 16th
most appreciated
century to the middle of the
Classicism, a high
17th century). In literature
regard for classical
it was a great period of the
antiquity, as setting
theatre with Lope de Vega
standards for taste which (1562-1635), Tirso de
the classicists seek to
Molina (1570-1650) and
emulate. Classic
Calderón (1600-1681).
painters of the 17th
Poetry and the novel were
century in France
immortalized by Góngora
included Nicolas
(1561-1627) and Don
Poussin and Claude
Quixote of Cervantes (1547Lorrain who sought to 1616). In music the
create baroque style
'zarzuelas', 'églogas' and the
paintings. Salons and
'comedias harmónicas'
academies, theatre,
belonged to musical drama
prose, and poetry were for which contemporary
also popular during this dramatists wrote.
England’s social
customs and cultures
were mostly
centered around the
higher society
bourgeoisie. Tea
engagements and
male outings were
quite traditional
staple events for the
English. Also,
fanish had a major
impact on social
customs as the slip
and “balloon” dress
became popular for
those of the upper
The Low Countries
witnessed a cultural
development that stood
out from neighboring
countries. With some
exceptions (notably
Dutch playwright Joost
van den Vondel)
the Baroque movement
did not gain much
influence. Its
exuberance did not fit
the austerity of the
Calvinistic population.
Overall, in the 17th
The accepted religions of the
century, levels of
HRE were Roman
tolerance were
Catholicism and
sufficiently high to
Lutheranism as a result of
attract religious
the Peace of Augsburg which
refugees from other
was signed in 1555.
countries, notably
Following this,
Jewish merchants
Calvinism was also officially
from Portugal who
recognized as a religion of
brought much wealth
the states due to the signing
with them. The
of the Peace of Westphalia in
revocation of the Edict
1648 following The Thirty
of Nantes in France in
Years’ War.
1685 resulted in the
immigration of many
French Huguenots,
many of whom were
shopkeepers or
scientists. Still
tolerance had its limits
A. The three states which declined in central Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries were Poland, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire.
Louis did not want to
allow Protestants to
practice their faith in
largely Catholic France.
He revoked the Edict of
Nantes which destroyed
Hugenots churches and
closed Protestant
The country of Spain has
deeply rooted religious roots
in Roman Catholicism.
Dating back to the 500s, the
majority of the Spanish
population has greatly
identified with the Roman
Catholic faith and religion.
Arminian theology
was considered
heretical during this
time and put at risk
the reintroduction of
Roman Catholicism.
Charles was
sympathetic towards
the teachings of
however, and he
wanted to move the
Church of England
away from
Poland had been in decline since the middle of the 17th century. Much of the decline was internal, lack of reforms, political
instability and too much power of the local nobility when rest of Europe was moving toward absolutist model. The biggest
problem came from series of war with Sweden called in Poland a great Swedish flood (1655). Majority of the polish cities and
countryside was devastated. The country lacked skilled leadership and was unable to save nation from outsiders. The Ottoman
Empire declined when it faced series of defeats at the hand of Austria. The siege of Vienna was very costly and within the next 20
years, Ottoman Empire not only lost much of the Hungary, but also prestige. Hapsburg were clearly decided to push Ottoman out
as far they can from Hungarian plains to the Balkan Mountains. At the same time, Russia was becoming stronger and started to
conquering areas around Black Sea that were vassals of Ottoman Empire. Sweden declined due having overextended possession
around Baltic sea and was defeated by coalition of states in Great Northern War. In this war, it had lost almost all its conquests
from the 30 year war. It eliminated Sweden as European power and Sweden could not recover quickly. Sweden lacked manpower
to maintain colonial empire and underestimated the strength and size of Russia and Poland. The army was worn out as it marched
through much of the Northern/Central Europe and Ukraine and it could not be replaced quickly. While Swedish army was far
better equipped and had gained several decisive battles in Poland and Ukraine, it could not match the coalition forces that were
determined to get Sweden out of Baltic coast. The defeat of the Great Northern War sealed fate of Sweden as a European
B. The three states which rose in central Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries were Poland, Prussia, and the Austro-Hungarian
C. The causes and effects of the English Civil War are as follows:
Lack of money
Parliament’s unwillingness to provide to the
Foreign affairs of the 30 Years’ war caused
fear for the English people
Charles’ combative and egotistical personality
Britain became a republic/commonwealth
The new model army was created
Charles I is beheaded
Dismissed the Long Parliament
Oliver Cromwell took over as leader
Calling off and on Parliament caused
resentment for Charles and his Parliament
Charles’ marriage to a French woman caused
anger and skepticism over if he was a
William Laud, Archbishop of Caterbury,
made church reforms out of line with the
beliefs of the people
The English Prayer Book gained great
The Protestant Church developed religious
Puritanism became stronger in England
The Puritans closed theatres, banned dancing,
denied the playing of music, and other pastimes
The strictest religious observances were demanded
of the entire population, especially on Sundays
All graven images which could possibly be
associated with Catholicism were destroyed
1. Stuarts: A prestigious British family that was greatly involved in politics and had great opposition to the Whig party.
The party was formed
2. Whigs: The party was formed in opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson and his Democratic Party.
The Whigs supported the supremacy of Congress over the presidency and favored a program
of modernization and economic protectionism. This party was named after the American Whigs of 1776, who fought
for independence and because "Whig" was then a widely recognized label of choice for people who saw themselves as
opposing tyranny.
3. Tories: The first Tories emerged in 1678 in the Kingdom of England due to their opposition of the Whigsupported Exclusion Bill which set out to disinherit the heir presumptive and future king to be James, Duke of York.
This party ceased to exist as an organized political entity in the early 1760s, although it was used as a term of selfdescription by some political writers. A few decades later, a new Tory party would rise to establish a hold on
government between 1783 and 1830, with William Pitt the Younger followed by Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of
1. Politique is a ruler who governs without letting his or her personal feelings get in the way of doing what was best for
his/her country. This aided in establishing a modern state in France because now rulers had the country’s best interest
in mind allowing them to rule void of bias, selfish wants, and self benefit, in order to allow the economy to flourish,
freedoms to the enjoyed by its people, and a balanced and efficiently run government.
2. Henry IV played a major role in establishing the basis for a modern state in France because he regularized state finance,
promoted agriculture, drained swamps to create productive crop lands, undertook many public works, and education,
even establishing a university. He also protected forests from further devastation, built a new system of tree-lined
highways, and constructed new bridges and canals. There was a 1200 m canal built in the park at the royal Château at
Fontainebleau. In addition, the king renewed Paris as a great city, with the Pont Neuf, which still stands today,
constructed over the Seine River in order to connect the Right and Left Banks of the city. Henry IV also had the Place
Royale built and added the Louvre to it. King Henry's vision also extended beyond France, and he financed several
expeditions of Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Monts and Samuel de Champlainto North America that saw France lay claim to
Canada. All of these policies, reform, and changes ultimately led to an increase in employment, better education,
increased construction, and environmental protection, all contributing to a modernized state.
3. Cardinal Richelieu was integral in establishing the basis for a modern state in France because of
the authoritarian measures he employed to maintain power. He censored the press, established a large network of
internal spies, forbade the discussion of political matters in public assemblies, and had those who dared to conspire
against him prosecuted and executed. He has even been referred to as the "father of the modern nation-state, modern
centralised power [and] the modern secret service." His stubborn refusal to let courtly intrigues and foreign interests
dominate the government combined with his ideas of a strong nation-state and aggressive foreign policy helped create
the modern system of international politics. The notions of national sovereignty and international law can majorly be
traced, at least in part, to Richelieu's policies and theories, especially as enunciated in the Treaty of Westphalia that
ended the Thirty Years' War. Richelieu helped states and governments recognize the importance of control in his
modern-day, as well as how to best keep such an order while not too greatly infringing upon peoples’ rights.
4. The Fronde contributed to the modern state in France because of its result in the alteration of aristocratic governments
into absolute monarchial governments. The Fronde was divided into two campaigns, the Fronde of the parlements and
the Fronde of the nobles. The Fronde des parlements broke out directly after the Peace of Westphalia, and the nuclei
of armed bands under aristocratic leaders that had terrorized parts of France had been hardened in a generation of war
in Germany where troops still tended to operate autonomously. Louis XIV realized that he must reorganize French
fighting forces under a stricter hierarchy because leaders ultimately could be made or unmade by the King. Fronde,
therefore, resulted in the disempowerment of the territorial aristocracy and the emergence of an absolute monarchy.
5. Louis XIV was a major player in establishing the basis for a modern state in France because
6. Jean Baptiste Colbert In January 1664 Colbert became the Superintendent of buildings; in 1665 he became ControllerGeneral of Finances; in 1669, he became Secretary of State of the Navy; he also gained appointments as minister
of commerce, of the colonies and of the palace. In short, Colbert acquired power in every department except that of
war. The state, through Colbert's dirigiste policies, fostered manufacturing enterprises in a wide variety of fields. The
authorities established new industries, protected inventors, invited in workmen from foreign countries, and prohibited
French workmen from emigrating. To maintain the character of French goods in foreign markets, as well as to afford a
guarantee to the home consumer, Colbert had the quality and measure of each article fixed by law, punishing breaches
of the regulations by public exposure of the delinquent and by destruction of the goods concerned, and, on the third
offense, by the pillory. When he had severely punished guilty officials, he turned his attention to the fraudulent
creditors of the government. Colbert had a simple method of operation. He repudiated some of the public loans, and cut
off from others a percentage, which varied, at first according to his own decision, and afterwards according to that of
the council which he established to examine all claims against the state. Much more serious difficulties met his
attempts to introduce equality in the pressure of the taxes on the various classes. To diminish the number of the
privileged proved impossible, but Colbert firmly resisted false claims for exemption, and lightened the unjust direct
taxation by increasing the indirect taxes, from which the privileged could not escape. At the same time he immensely
improved the mode of collection on his own.
1. Peace of Augsburg - was
a. Political: A treaty between Charles V and the forces of the Schmalkaldic League, an alliance of Lutheran
princes, on September 25, 1555, at the imperial city of Augsburg, now in present-day Bavaria, Germany.
b. Economic: This had minor effects on the economic situations of countries involved, but the princes won
meaning economic growth was to them.
c. Religious: It officially ended the religious struggle between the two groups and made the legal division of
Christendom permanent within the Holy Roman Empire. The Peace established the principle Cuius regio, eius
religio, which allowed German princes to select either Lutheranism or Catholicism within the domains they
controlled, ultimately reaffirming the independence they had over their states. Subjects, citizens, or residents
who did not wish to conform to the prince's choice were given a period in which they were free to migrate to
different regions in which their desired religion had been accepted.
2. Treaty of Utrecht
a. Political: This treaty was a result of the dispute in order to determine who would succeed Charles II of Spain
after his death.