School Newsletter - Magdalen Gates Primary

Weekly Newsletter: 09/11/2015
Well done to
Year 2
who received the
£10 in assembly today.
Their attendance for
the week was……..
School attendance % last week was: 97.4%
I Love My Job
A massive thank you to Trinity (EYFS) and Finleighs (Y6) mum who led our first I “l Love My Job” assembly on
Monday. Remember we would love more parents to volunteer and I promise it is not scary! Please do come
and have a chat with on the gate to find out more.
Today we have had a road safety assembly and we will welcome Radio Norwich in the next few weeks to lead a
Road Safety Assembly.
Pupil Voice Video and Parents Involvement
We will be recording a Pupil Voice Video in school for our school website on Wednesday 18 th and Thursday
19th November. All parents will have received a permission form with regard to filming – we do need these
returned to school asap. Many thanks.
We would also LOVE some parents to volunteer to be interviewed about their viewpoint on what makes us the
successful school we are! Please come and see me on the gate if you can help or alternatively give me a ring if
that is easier – I really would appreciate some volunteers.
Parents for Lunch
We would love to welcome parents in for lunch with their child on the following dates:
Monday 16th November: EYFS at 11.50am and Year 1 at 12pm
Tuesday 17th November: EYFS at 11.50am and Year 2 at 12pm
Wednesday 18th November: Year 3 and Year 4 at 12.30pm
Thursday 19th November: Year 5 and Year 6 at 12.30pm
If you would like to have a hot lunch please complete the booking form attached as normal for your child
and also add a meal order on the relevant day. The cost of adult meals is £2.60. Please ensure you pay Jill in
the office .
Year 3 to How Hill
Most of Year 3 are heading off to How Hill for a two night residential this week! I am sure they will have a
wonderful time. A massive thank you to all the staff who are accompanying them.
Year 5 Class Assembly
We would love to see lots of Year 5 parents and extended family on Friday 13th November for our first class
assembly of the Year – 9am in main hall.
Anti-Bullying Week Workshop
Would you like to find out more? Please come along to our workshop on Thursday 19th November at
Anti-Bullying Week
This week the children will be partaking in lots of activities linked to Anti-Bullying which is the week
beginning 16th November.
Children in Need – THIS FRIDAY!
This Friday the school will be raising money for the BBC’s annual, Children In Need. Flyers for this event went home
last week and we hope that many of the children would have taken up this years Sponsor Challenge of “Give it up”
for 24 hours. Children will be allowed to wear non uniform on Friday and dress up as their favourite Super Hero for
a donation of 50p. There are lots of events going on in the school this Friday – a movie will be available to watch for
50p at lunchtime and there will be a class “friendly” Bake Off. Prizes galore! The office will also be selling the official
Children In Need bracelets at £1 each.
KS1 Climbing Frame
Please can I ask that all parents supervise their children on the climbing frame before and after school
especially if it is a rainy day as the bridge and pole do become very slippery.
Christmas Coffee AM
We will be hosting our annual Christmas coffee morning from 9-10am in the main hall on Friday 4th
December, please do come along and have a cup of tea and a festive cake.
Christmas Events
The run up to Christmas is always busy at school; we have lots of festive fun happening throughout
December, please keep a close eye on the diary section of the weekly newsletter to make sure you do not
miss anything!
Open Morning
We had a very successful open morning, with lots of current and prospective parents visiting the school
last Thursday.
Severe Weather
As the weather is starting to become much colder in the forthcoming weeks, please ensure your child is
suitably dressed for playtimes. We will endeavour to keep the school open at all times but please do listen
to Radio Norwich and Heart FM if the weather becomes very severe regarding school closures.
Diary Dates
Tue 10th
Wed 11th
Thur 12th
Fri 13th
Mon 16th
Yr 6
Yr 3
Yr 3
All School
Yr3 & Yr 4
All School
EYFS & Yr 1
9-12pm Cinema City trip
9:20-10am Maths Cafe
leave for How Hill
2pm-3pm Maths Cafe
2pm -3pmMaths Cafe
Back from How Hill
9am Assembly – parents and extended Yr5 family very welcome.
Cinema Trip
Radio Norwich Road Safety “Be Seen” Assembly
Parents invited to Lunch