Transit Tech Ohio Cost Benefit Analysis Narrative Executive Summary: Attached as part of the Transit Tech Ohio TIGER application is a cost benefit analysis spreadsheet that shows exactly how benefits and costs were calculated for the project. The summary tab is a summary of the net present value of both benefits and costs. Analysis was completed with a discount rate of both 3% and 7%. The benefits of the project are clear and will be discussed in more detail below. Figure 1 shows a summary of the issues the project solves and the benefits that arise from those solutions. Figure 1: Project Benefit Matrix: Current Change to Type of Status/ Baseline/ Impacts Baseline & Alternatives Problem to be Addressed Manual Automated Reduced scheduling of scheduling vehicle bus routing software operating cost Manual scheduling of bus routing Automated scheduling software Staff time savings Population Economic Affected Benefit by Impacts Summary of Results (3% Discount Rate) Page Reference in BCA 1,768,329: Population of counties served by Ohio’s Rural Public Transit Systems 1,768,329: Population of counties served by Ohio’s Rural Public Transit Systems Monetized value of reduced operating cost $11,397,860.78 “Operating Cost Savings” Qualitative Qualitative Page 2 below In addition to the benefits of the project, the costs can be seen in the cost benefit analysis spreadsheet. The total construction cost of the project is $7,339,860 and is broken down by year in the cost benefit analysis spreadsheet. Maintenance and operations costs estimates are also shown. 1 The useful life of the project was defined as five years, as can be seen in the cost benefit analysis spreadsheet. The basis for this useful life is ODOT’s Useful Life Standards from the Office of Transit which states that the useful life for computer hardware and software is five years. Measurable Project Benefits: The measurable benefits of the project fall into one category, Operating Cost Savings. The monetary values of this benefits can be found in the cost benefit analysis spreadsheet. Based on discussions with WSOS Community Action, it was determined that the average operating cost savings of adding scheduling software to an agency that does not already have scheduling software is 25%. Similarly, the benefit of upgrading scheduling software was found to be 10% reduction in operating cost. These percentages, as well as the 2013 operating costs for each agency, were used to calculate the operating cost savings from the Transit Tech Ohio project. The calculations can be found in the Agency tab of the attached cost benefit analysis spreadsheet. The operating cost include fuel savings, maintenance, and labor hours which ultimately allows the transit agencies to do more with the resources they have. What may have been accomplished previously through pencil and paper or through a labor intensive excel process, will now be accomplished through software automation. The software will automatically re-route a bus schedule to allow for the additional passenger trips. Advanced scheduling is typically done very well, it’s the day of service is where scheduled fall apart. Vehicles break down, now shows or cancellations. Dispatchers spend their time firefighting and not proactively improvising the system. The result will be more people on the bus and less single occupancy vehicles. The dispatcher can utilize the software to know where exactly any individual bus is and re-route any bus to accommodate an additional passenger along their existing route and update the driver’s electronic manifest. A small gain in system productivity will improve system performance through the number of trips completed per service hour. Qualitative Benefits: In addition the benefits that can be measure, Transit Tech Ohio also provides qualitative benefits that cannot be measures. This benefit is the human element efficiency, which refers to the amount of time saved by the transit agency staff members by utilizing the software. The software will be able to optimize routes, but also reduce agency staff time in the development of contract invoicing/billing and program reports. What would normally be done by pencil and paper or through excel, will now be automated through the software saving staff time. Most agencies will end up utilizing the time gained through the increased efficiency of their staff member to perform additional functions within the agency including safety and asset management. Because of this complexity it was decided to not perform a cost benefit analysis on the human element. 2 Operations and Maintenance Costs: Operations and maintenance costs were calculated based on conversations with Ecolane. Yearly software maintenance cost for a transit agency with 10 demand response vehicles was $7,000. This value was used as an estimate for all 34 agencies, to estimate software maintenance costs of $238,000. Additionally, cellular data service was estimated to cost $59 per vehicle per month after discussions with an existing transit agency about their current service costs. For 582 vehicles the cellular data service comes to an operations costs of $412,056 per year. Benefit Summary: The Transit Tech Ohio project produces large benefits in excess of cost. At a 3% discount rate, the benefits of the project exceed the costs by more than $1.7 million while at a 7% discount rate the benefits exceed the costs by more than $800,000. 3