Name______________________________ Morelli|APWH

Name______________________________ Morelli|APWH Period___ Date___________
Unit 6 Assignments (through the Cold War)
HW #6.1 Intro to Period 6/20th Century/Periodization – Strayer pp. 973-977
Due Thursday, 3/13
 Review the Period 6 APWH Key Concepts. Period 6 of the APWH Curriculum
Framework breaks from the patterns of key concepts in most of the other periods
that have economic, social, and political continuities and changes. The key concepts
for Period 6 are science and the environment, then politics, and finally, economics
and society. Based on your reading of this section, why do you think this is?
 Strayer states that “the First World War launched the twentieth century.” Do a quick
Google search on the following events, and pick one to defend as a better marking
point for the “start” of the twentieth century. Be able to discuss: Why do you think
the APWH Curriculum Framework would switch the periodization from 1914 to
o 1898 (Spanish-American War)
o 1903 (Wright brothers airplane)
o 1914 (World War I breaks out)
o 1911 (Crumbling of the Qing Dynasty)
o 1917 (Russian Revolution)
HW #6.2 Chinese Upheaval
Due Friday, 3/14
Complete the Document Study on Changing China, Strayer pp. 958-959, and watch the
Khan Academy Video Lecture “Overview of Chinese History from 1911-1949” found at Be prepared to discuss:
 How did Chinese nationalism develop and change from the late nineteenth century
through 1949?
 To what extent do the proposals presented in the document study represent plans to
“Westernize” China? Or might they rather be considered “modernizing” efforts?
What is the difference between the two concepts?
 What connections exist between modernization of China, the Chinese upheaval from
1911-1949, and the concept of nationalism?
HW #6.3 World War I: European Civilization in Crisis
Due Monday, 3/17
Read Strayer pp. 981-990. Take notes, and be sure to answer the margin questions on pages
983 and 986.
HW #6.4 Total War.
Due Tuesday, 3/18
Complete the World War I Poetry Assignment and read the handout on the Armenian
Genocide. To what extent is the Armenian Genocide an example of Total War?
HW #6.5 Settling the Score
Due Wednesday, 3/19
Prepare for Paris Peace Conference Simulation. Read your assigned materials and prepare a
list of demands/what you want out of the conference.
HW #6.6 The Global Depression
Due Thursday, 3/20
Read Strayer pp. 990-994. NB: This is a really light night! I encourage you to make a dent in what is
going to be an awesome Nationalism CCOT…
HW #6.7 Democracy Denied: Ideologies of the Axis Powers.
Due Friday, 3/21
Read Strayer pp. 994-1003 AND read the “Ideologies of the Axis Power” primary sources.
Use the docs and textbook reading to answer the following questions in complete sentences
on a separate sheet of paper:
a. What similar emphases can you find these 3 documents? What differences
can you identify? Consider especially the relationship between individual and
b. In what ways did Mussolini, Hitler, and the authors of the Cardinal Principles
find fault with mainstream Western societies and their political and social
c. From what economic, social, political conditions did the ideas in these
documents arise? Why did they achieve such widespread popularity?
HW #6.8 Nationalism CCOT Essay (see separate assignment sheet)
Due Monday, 3/24
HW #6.9 The Second World War
Due Tuesday, 3/25
Read Strayer pp. 1003-1016, using the margin questions to guide you (pay special attention
to the Summing Up So Far question on page 1012). Then, answer the Big Picture Questions
on page 1017.
HW #6.10 Russian and Chinese Communist Revolutions Compared, Part 1
Due Thursday, 3/27
Read Strayer pp. 1035-1054 and review document studies on 1069-1085. As you read make a
chart comparing communism in Russia and China. You can use Key Leaders and SPICE as
your categories if you find this helpful.
HW #6.11 Russian and Chinese Communist Revolutions Compared, Part 2
Due Friday, 3/28
Write the Comparison Essay of Russia and China’s Communist Revolutions; you MUST
include quotes from the above Strayer pages and document studies. This should be typed
and fully written out according to the APWH Comparison Essay Rubric.
HW #6.12 A Global Divide: The Origins of the Cold War
Due Monday, 3/31
Read Strayer pp. 1054-1060. Answer the Margin Questions
HW #6.13 Proxy Wars Research
Due Thursday, 4/3
See separate Assignment Sheet on proxy wars research assignment in Iran, Angola, and
HW #6.14 The Evolution (and End) of Communism
Due Friday, 4/4
Read Strayer pp. 1061-1067
HW #6.15 Review of Period 6 Test
Due Monday, 4/7
HW #6.16 Period 6 Objective Test – Counting for MP4
Due Tuesday, 4/8
HW #6.17 Period 6 Compare and Contrast Essay (Effect of World Wars on World
Regions) – Counting for MP4
Due Wednesday, 4/9
HW #6.18 The Great Departure: Investigating the Twentieth Century
Due Thursday, 4/10
Read the chapter by Marks entitled “The Great Departure” and note the following
terms/themes: the Great Departure, third world developmentalism, green revolution,
consumerism, global free trade, migration, the end of history, the (continuing) gap, the clash
of civilizations.