May 2012 - Home of Geography

May 2012
Letter from Commission Chair
This is my final message as Chair of the Gender and Geography Commission as I finish
my 4-year term in August 2012. I am delighted to inform everyone, however, that
Shirlena Huang from National University of Singapore has agreed to be nominated for
the position for 2012-2015.
I have really enjoyed these past four years. Our Commission’s theme has been ‘Gendered
perspectives: connecting across difference’ and in various forums we have addressed how
gender but also other axes of embodied difference matter. We have continued to have one
of the most extensive listserves with approximately 550 subscribers representing 45
countries, and thanks to Jan Monk, we circulate a twice annual newsletter.
Over the past four years the Commission has also been actively involved in meetings
including in Tunis, Szeged/Timisoara, Dehli, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Singapore and Rio de
Janeiro, and we have collaborated, both formally and informally, with other Commissions
including Dynamics of Economic Spaces Commission (Barcelona), Political Geography
Commission (Sicily), and Geographical Education Commission (Hamilton, NZ).
Members of the Gender and Geography Commission have produced a variety of
publications. Recent examples are International Research in Geographical and
Environmental Education 2011, vol. 20(3) on ‘Perspectives on teaching geography and
gender in a postsocialist, neo-liberal dominated world’ (ed. Jan Monk); Annals of West
University of Timisoara, Series Geography, 2011, vol. XIX on ‘(Re)thinking gender,
post-socialism and neo-liberalism’ (eds. Sorina Voiculescu and Robyn Longhurst); and
2011 Espaço, gênero e poder: conectando fronteiras (eds. Joseli Maria Silva and
Augusto Cesar Pinheiro, published in Portuguese). This range of publications illustrates
the Commission’s commitment to creating knowledge in gender geography beyond the
US and UK, widening the involvement of geographers from non-English speaking
I would like to thank Commission Steering Committee members who finish their term in
August 2012. This includes Elisabeth Buehler (Switzerland), Mariama Awumbila
(Ghana), Shahnaz Huq-Hussain (Bangladesh), Susana Maria Veleda de Silva (Brazil),
and Sorina Voiculescu (Romania). I would also like to welcome new members Orna
Blum (Israel), Anindita Datta (India), Lynda Johnston (NZ), Ragnhild Lund (Norway),
Ann Oberhauser (USA), Joseli Maria Silva (Brazil) and Anke Strüver (Germany). I
would also like to thank continuing members Holly Hapke (USA, Commission
Treasurer), Claire Dwyer (UK) and Mireia Baylina (Spain).
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my special thanks to those who over
the past four years have organized meetings. I would also like to extend a warm welcome
to Shirlena Huang as incoming Chair and wish her, and everyone else, a successful and
enjoyable term. I look forward to meeting you all at upcoming meetings in Germany (2325 Aug 2012 Hamburg and 26-30 Aug 2012 Cologne) and Japan (1-2 Aug 2013 Nara and
4-9 Aug 2013 Kyoto).
(For more detailed information on the Gender and Geography Commission’s activities
2008-2012 a report will soon be made available on the website
Robyn Longhurst
University of Waikato
Inaugural Latin-American conference: ‘Space, Gender and Power’, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil
On 8-11 November 2011 the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography hosted the
hugely successful inaugural Latin-American conference on ‘Space, Gender and Power’ at
Pontificia Universidade Católica in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Organised by Dr Joseli Maria
Silva and Dr Augusto César Pinheiro da Silva the conference attracted approximately 50
local delegates as well as delegates from a range of countries including Portugal,
Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, United States, Israel, and
New Zealand. Simultaneous translations enabled Portuguese and English speakers to
communicate about issues of geography and gender. The conference began on the
evening of 8 November with a keynote address from Professor Janice Monk. This was
followed over the next three days by various panel presentations and working groups on
the topics of ‘School, sexuality and gender’, ‘Gendered spaces and power’, and
‘Geography, gender and sexuality’. Three prizes were awarded for Best Student
Presentations. Emmanuele Ribeiro won the ‘Gender and power’ award, while Ana Paula
Tatagiba received the award for ‘Education’ award, and Fernando Arcos took out the
‘Sexuality’ award.
Robyn Longhurst
We are delighted to report that Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon was honored by the
Autonomous University of Barcelona on March 8, 2012, with the major university-wide
award given each year for International Women’s Day. The award recognizes her
sustained contributions to research and teaching on gender themes in geography, her
graduate and undergraduate teaching on gender, and her mentoring of young scholars in
gender research. During her career, Maria Dolors has authored or edited some 20 books,
over 100 articles, and supervised 20 doctoral dissertations, many of them by women, and
about twice that number of masters projects. She has been a constant leader in promoting
international ties and perspectives in gender research, hosting international events and
scholars in her department, serving as the founding Secretary of the Commission on
Gender and Geography, and for some years translating its bi-annual Newsletter into
Spanish. Among her other contributions to international dialogue in gender studies in
geography have been her participation in the European Union supported ERASMUS
teaching programs in the 1990s and her initiation and securing of funding support for the
2006 conference, “Feminist Geographies Around the World” which led to the special
journal issue of Belgeo in 2007.
Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon and Ana Ripoll Aracil, Rector of the Autonomous
University of Barcelona , March 8, 2012.
At the General Assembly of the International Social Science Council (ISSC) held in
Japan in December, 2010 Ruth Fincher (University of Melbourne) was elected to its
Executive Committee for a three-year term. Ruth was nominated to represent the
International Geographical Union. A former Chair of the Commission on Gender and
Geography, Ruth has been serving as a Vice-President of the IGU for 2008-12.Though
eligible for election to a second term as IGU Vice President, she has instead taken on this
role in the ISSC in order to further the interests of the discipline of geography within the
ISSC leadership. The appointment comes at a time when the ISSC is engaging with
issues of global environmental change. We congratulate Ruth on her election which
acknowledges her leadership skills and thank her for her sustained and excellent service
both to the Commission and the IGU..
The collection edited by Sylvette Denèfle (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de
ToursUniversité François Rabelais) and Safaa Monqid (Centre d'Études et de
Documentation Économiques, Juridiques et Sociales Lieu (Egypt) (see below, New
Books) is an unusual volume in that it includes chapters in both English and French with
a trilingual glossary on women’s issues (Arabic, English and French.) The book was
developed with the support of UNESCO from a 2010 conference in Cairo and addresses
themes on the city as a space appropriated by women, gender-based violence against
women in the public sphere, and roles for women in local government. Chapters address
places not widely represented in studies of interest to feminist geographers including the
Mahgreb, Teheran, Mauritania, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan and the Mediterranean littoral of
The Economic and Social Research Council (UK) has awarded a two-year grant to Rosie
Cox (Birkbeck, University of London) for research on “Au-pairing after the au-pair
scheme: New migration rules and childcare in private homes in the UK.”. The project
will run from May 2012-2014.
Congratulations to Anindita Datta (Delhi School of Economics) who has been awarded
the Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia (Phase 2) (EMEA 2) scholarship for academic
mobility. She will be collaborating with Prof Helle Rydstorm. at the Department of
Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden,
Susana Veleda da Silva (Universidade Federal de Rio Grande) is currently on a
sabbatical leave at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is conducting
comparative research on women factory workers engaged in the preservation and
production of fish products:in Brazil and Spain. The project explores the sexual division
of labor, paying attention to issues such as productive and reproductive work in the
family, precarious employment, and strategies of resistance and emancipation. The work
builds on research she carried out in Brazil in 2008-2010 and aims to be a contribution to
the objectives of the Second National Plan for women. In a second project, she is
continuing work on issues related to relocation of families associated with port expansion
in the district of Getulío Vargas district on Rio Grande, Brazil.
Mondira Dutta (Centre for South, Central Southwest Asian and Southwest Pacific
Studies, School of International Studies, Jawarhalal Nehru University) recently
completed the project on "Mapping the Vulnerability to Trafficking of Women and
Children in India" under UN Women and National Commission for Women. She
anticipates publication by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government
of India.
Congratulations to Karen Schwiter who was awarded the 2011 Wiley–Blackwell
Publishers Area Prize for New Research in Geography for her paper ‘Anticipating the
transition to parenthood: the contribution of Foucaultian discourse analysis to
understanding life-course patterns’ (Area 43 397–404). It was recognized “as a
theoretically sophisticated, methodologically rigorous and empirically rich piece of work,
one that epitomises the kind of research the journal wishes to publish..”
Martina Angela Caretta, (Human Geography, Stockholm University) has been funded
by the Swedish International Development Cooperation for her doctoral research on
current expansion and past dynamics of small-holder irrigation farming in African drylands. She will be investigating current use of historical irrigation systems in two small
villages, one in Kenya, the other in Tanzania. The research involves collaborators at the
University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and the British Institute in Eastern Africa and
Jomo Kenyatta University (both in Kenya). Her work will take a gender perspective on
local divisions of labor with goals of understanding gendered agricultural knowledge,
gendered perceptions and adaptations to climate variability and landscape capital
formation. For further information see or
Tovi Fenster (former Chair of the Gender Commission) has been nominated at a
Director of the Tel Aviv University Institute of Diplomacy and Regional Cooperation.
The India Institute, Australia funded gender-focused project recently completed by Gopa
Samanta (Burdwan University, India), on the theme "Whose Empowerment? A Study of
Microfinance Institutions and Financial Inclusion of India's Rural Women.”
Congratulations to Mercè Agüera Cabo (University of Girona (Spain) who has been
awarded her doctorate for her dissertation on “Environmental governance from a gender
perspectiveL Theoretical reflextions and case studies” under the supervision of Josepa
Bru. Further information is available at
Katherine Brickell (Royal Holloway, University of London) has been awarded a threeyear research grant (2012-14) by the UK ESRC/Department for International
Development (DFID) Joint Scheme for Research on International Development She will
study lay and institutional knowledges of domestic violence law in rural and urban
Cambodia. She also won funding from the ESRC to supervise PhD in collaboration with
the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts on 'Empowering Girls to Claim
Rights? Non-Formal Education and the "Stop the Violence" Campaign in Kenya".
Nora Chiang (National Taiwan University) reports that in “retirement” she is enjoying
teaching “Gender, Society and Space” to a class of 18 students that includes two
international women students from Germany and mainland China as well as four men
students from her department.
Eriko Ikeya has received a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society
for the Promoton of Science for 2010 to 2012.for research about the realities, background
and problems in childcare support in Japan compared with the United Kingdom.
Feministiches Geo-Rundbrief No. 51 (2012) has a review (in German) of a multi-lingual
literature with substantial biobliography on gender in rural spaces. The newsletter can be
obtained by contacting Michaela Scheier (
Lynda Johnston (University of Waikato) has been consulted by newspaper and radio for
her expertise and community commitments. She was interviewed by Waikato Times for
the article (published 6 September 2011) ‘Council accused of anti-gay behaviour’ on gay
pride and the rugby world cup. She was also interviewed by Jim Mora on Radio New
Zealand National (6 September 2011) on Hamilton Gay Pride Festival, Hamilton City
Council and the rugby world cup.
Ajay Bailey has received a grant from the Gratama Stichting for a project ‘Care from
India, exploring Indian nurse migration and reception in Northern Netherlands’. He has
also obtained a separate a grant from UNFPA-India to conduct research on 'Ageing and
wellbeing in migrant households in Dharwad, Karnataka” together with Dr. Jyoti Hallad
(Population Research Centre, Dharwad) and Prof. K. S. James, (ISEC, Bangalore). Both
are prt of the ‘New India Program’ of the Faculty Spatial Sciences, University of
Groningen, The Netherlands.
Datta, Ayona. 2012. The Illegal City: Space, Law and Gender in a Delhi Settlement.
Farnham: Ashgate.
Denèfle, Sylvette and Safaa Monqid (eds) 2011. Gouverance locale dans le monde arabe
et en Méditerranée: Quel rôle pour les femmes? /Local governance in the Arab World
and the Mediterranean: What Role for Women. CEDEJ Mourire-Le Caire.
Dutta, Mondira. 2012. Understanding Gender Equality in India, 2012. National
Commission for Women, Government of India and UN Women, South Asia.
Fenster, Tovi..2012. Whose City Is It? Planning, Knowledge and Everyday Life, Tel
Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad (in Hebrew)
Hardi, Choman. 2011. Gendered Experiences of Genocide: Anfal Survivors in KuridstanIraq. Farnham: Ashgate.
Jain, Devaki and Diane Elson (eds). 2011. Harvesting Feminist Knowledge For Public
Policy: SAGE: New Delhi and Thousand Oaks, CA.
Kulpa, Robert and Joanna Mizielinska. 2011. De-centering Western Sexualities.
Ashgate, Farnham
Lahiri-Dutt. 2012. Gendering the Field: Towards Sustainable Livelihoods for Mining
Communities. ANU E-press.
Mazali, Rela. 2011. Home Archaeology, Tel Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad
Publishers (Hebrew)..
Pande, Rekha, and Theo Van der Wende. 2012. Globalization, Technology Diffusion and
Gender Disparity: Social Impacts of ICTs. Hershey PA: IGI Global.
Pini, Barbara and Belinda Leach. 2011. Reshaping Gender and Class in Rural Spaces.
Farnham: Ashgate.
Raju, Saraswati. 2011. Mapping the World of Women’s Work: Regional Patterns and
Perspectives, ILO, New Delhi Office
Regulska, Joanna and Bonnie. Smith (eds) 2012. From Cold War to the European
Union: Women and Gender in Postwar Europe. London and New York: Routledge.
Schurr, Carolin and Jeannine Wintzer (eds). 2012: Geschlecht und Raum feministisch
denken. eFeF Verlag: Bern.
Silva, Joseli Maria, and Augusto Cesar Pinheiro (eds). 2011. Espaço, Gênero e Poder:
Conectando Fronteiras. Ponto Grosso: Todapalavra.
The full listing of chapters is available at the publisher’s site.:
Silva, Joseli Maria; Ornat, Marcio Jose; Chimin junior, Alides Baptista.(eds) Espaço,
gênero e masculinidades plurais: conectando fronteiras. Ponta Grossa:Todapalavra,
2011. The full listing of chapters is available at the publisher’s
Taylor, Yvette. 2012. Fitting into Place? Class and Gender Geographies and
Temporalities. Farnham: Ashgate.
Wastl-Walter, Doris. 2011. The Ashgate Research Companion to Border Studies.
Ashgate: Farnham.
Whitzman, Carolyn., Chrystal. Legacy, Caroline. Andrew, Fran. Klodawsky, Margaret.
Shaw, and Kalpana Viswanath. 2012 (in press). Building Inclusive Cities: Women’s
Safety and the Right to Public Space. Abingdon: Earthscan-Routledge:
(This book documents cutting edge practice and builds theory and grassroots activism
across continents around a rights-based approach to women’s safety in cities in the
context of poverty reduction and social inclusion.)
Yacobi, H. and Fenster, T. (eds.) (2011) Remembering, Forgetting and the Construction
of Space. Tel Aviv: Hakkibutz Hamuhad (in Hebrew)
Abbruzzese, Teresa V. and Gerda R. Wekerle. 2011. “Gendered spaces of activism in
exurbia: Politicizing an ethics of care from the household to the region.” Frontiers: A
Women’s Studies Journal 32 (2): 86-231
Anderson, Kay. 2012. “Rethinking the ‘human’ : in memory of Fay Gale.” Geographical
Research 50 (1): 3-14.
Aveling, Emma Louise. 2012. “Making sense of ‘gender’: From global to the local
Cambodian ground. “ Health and Place 18(3):461-67.
Bailey, Ajay. 2011.”Left at sea: HIV vulnerability among migrant fishermen in Goa,
India. International Maritime Health, 62(2): 116-22.
----. 2011.”In search of livelihoods: migration and mobility from Karantaka to Goa. In :
Irudaya Rajan (ed.), India Migration Report 2011. Routledge,
Barbir, Jelena and Maria Prats Ferret. 2011. “Assessment of the agricultural and domestic
water usage by the women of N'hambita village, Sofala province, Mozambique.” Studia
Universitatis ''Vasile Goldis'' Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life Sciences Series), 21 (2): 409–16.
Baylina, Mireia and Maria Prats Ferret. 2010. “The Second International Conference on
Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Barcelona 2009: A Report.” Children's
Geographies, 8 (4): 437 - 440.
Baylina, Mireia, Anna Ortiz Guitart, and Maria Prats Ferret, Maria. 2011. “Children
Living in the city. Gendered experiences and desires in Spain and Mexico.” In Louise
Holt (ed.) Geographies of Children, Youth and Families. An International perspective,.
Oxon: Routledge, pp.153-66
Blumen, Orna. 2102,.“Home-work relations and the spatialization of care: Wives on the
margins of the Israeli high-tech industry.” Gender, Place and Culture 19 (1) 102-117.
Brickell, Katherine, 2012) “Mapping’ and ‘doing’ Critical geographies of home”.
Progress in Human Geography 36(2): 225-244.
Brun, Catherine and Ragnhild Lund (in press) “Working gender after crisis: partnerships
and disconnections in Sri Lanka after the Indian Ocean tsunami (Trabajando sobre el
género después de la crisis – asociaciones y desconexiones en Sri Lanka luego del
tsunami del océano Índico) Gender, Place & Culture. DOI
10.1080/0966369X.2011.625080 (Available online: 26 Oct 2011)
Bühler, Elisabeth (2011): Geschlechterungleichheiten. In: Rita Schneider-Sliwa (ed.)
Schweiz. Geographie, Wirtschaft, Geschichte, Politik. WGB, Darmstadt. ISBN 978-3534-22439-5: p. 114-117. Available online at ZORA (Zurich Open Repository and
Cançado, Adriana Terezinha Mello. 2012. “Violência sexual contra crianças e
adolescentes: Um estudo do incesto na perspectiva de gênero.” Revista Latino-Americana
de Geografia e Gěnero 3(1) 154-63..
Cardoso, Diogo da Silva. 2012. “’Mulheres fortes e com estilo’: Protagonismo musical e
territorialidades femininas no moviemento underground cristão.” Revista LatinoAmericana de Geografia e Gěnero 3(1) 117-126.
Casellas, Antonia. 2012. En homenatje a Julie Graham.” Documents d’Anàlisi Geografia
Castro, Sheila and Josué da Costa Silva. 2011. Qual espaço para discutir gênero? (Which
space to discuss gender?) Vol. 1. IX ENPEGE (Encontro Nacional da Associação de
Pos Gradução e Pesquisa em Geografia ( Proceedings of the National Association
Graduates in Geography.
Chant, Sylvia (2012) “Gender and urban housing in the global South.” In Susan J. Smith
(ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Oxford: Elsevier.
----. (2012) “Household organisation and survival in developing countries.” In Susan J.
Smith (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Oxford: Elsevier.
----. Chant, Sylvia (2012) “The feminisation of poverty: A global Concept for a globalising
world?” in George Ritzer (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell Encylopedia of Globalisation, Vol 2. pp.
646-49. (New York: Wiley-Blackwell). .
Chung, Yian. 2012. “Singaporean husbands and their international marriage
experiences.” Area 44 (1): 76-82.
Costa, Benhur Pinós da, 2012. “Pequenos cidades e disversidades culturais no interior do
Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O caso das microterritorializações homoeróticas an Santo
Ăngelo e Cruz Ata-RS.”: Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gěnero 3(1) 37-53.
Datta, Anindita, 2011. “Space, gender and social value” in Ashok K. Dutt, Vandana
Wadhwa, Baleshwar Thakur & Frank J. Costa (eds.).Facets of Social Geography International and Indian Perspectives, Cambridge University Press.
Estevens, Ana. 2012. “Review: Arquitectura y politica: Ensayos para mundos
alternativos. Femininino.” Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gěnero 3(1) 19394..
Evans, Ruth: 2011. “’We are managing our own lives...” Life transitions and care in
sibling-headed households affected by AIDS in Tanzania and Uganda.” Area 44(4): 38496.
Fagnani, Jeanne..2011. “Work-family life balance: future trends and challenges, in The
Future of Families to 2030, Paris, OECD Publishing, pp. 119-188. DOI
----. 2011. “The development of family services: A precondition for promoting economic
growth and sscial development in Europe (Lo sviluppo dei servizi alle famiglie: una
condizione per la crescita economica e lo sviluppo sociale in Europa).”In Claudio De
Vincenti (Ed.), Fair, Robust and Sustainable. A Recipe for Europe’s Growth (Equa,
robusta e sostenibile. Una ricetta per la crescita dell’Europa), Roma, Published by the
Foundation for European Progressive Studies, pp. 136-147 and pp. 333-344.
----. 2012. Recent reforms in childcare and family policies in France and Germany: What
was at stake? Children and Youth Services Review 34 (3): 509-516.DOI information:
Fagnani Jeanne. and A. Math. 2011. “The predicament of childcare policy in France:
What is at stake? Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 19 (4): 547–61.
Fernandes, Verónica Daminelli.. 2012. “Mulher Rima com dor? Algunes considerações
sobre a naço do prazer ‘masculino’ e do sofrimento ‘femininino’ Revista LatinoAmericana de Geografia e Gěnero 3(1):85-93.
Fluri, Jennifer. 2011. “Capitalizing on bare life: Exception and gender politics.” Antipode
Garcia Ramon. Maria Dolors. (2011) “Un recorrido a través de la geografía crítica: de la
geografía agraria a la geografía de género. Revisa Scripta Nova: Revista electrónica de
Geografía y ciencias sociales. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 5 December, 15, nº
383 (2). <
----. (2011) “Geografía asimétricas del poder en geografía feminista:cuestionando la
hegemonía anglosajona” in Silva, J. and Pinheiro, A.C. (eds) Espaço, Gênero e Poder
:conectando fronteiras., Ponta Grossa, Todapalavra Editora, pp.105-119.
Gõkariksel, Banu. 2012. “The intimate politics of secularism ans the headscarf: the mall,
the neighborhood, and the public square in Istanbul.” Gender, Place and Cilture 19 (1):120.
Grabowska, Magda and Joanna Regulska. 2011. "Redefining well-being through actions:
Women's activism and the Polish state." In Transforming Gendered Well-Being in
Europe: The Impact of Social Movements, Alison E. Woodward, Jean-Michel Bonvin and
Merce Renom, (eds). Aldershot: Ashgate..
Granúzzio, Patricia Magri. 2012. “Mulheres homosexuals e as relações vividas na escola:
entre visibilidades e invisibilidades.” Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gěnero
3(1): 127-44.
Guedes, Juliana Freitas de Cerqueira and Ihering Guedes Alcoforado. 2012. “Questão
ambiental e gênero: Algunas aproximaçoes ao longo do tempo e do espaco.”Revista
Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero 3(1): 177-84.
Heimtum, Bente. 2012. “The friend, the loner, and the independent traveller: Norwegian
midlife single women’s social identities when on holiday.” Gender, Place and Cilture 19
(1): 83-101.
Hoogstra, Gerke J. 2012. “Gender, space and location changes of jobs and people: A
spatial simultaneous equations analysis.” Geographical Analysis 44(1): 47-64.
Ikeya, Eriko. 2011. “Institutes of child education and child care in the United Kingdom:
Field survey at London.” Bulletin of Kochi National College of Technology. 56.pp. 17-30
( in Japanese with English abstract )
Jesus, Diego Santos Vieira de .2012. Aqui jaz o amor: o nascimento do homem a
produção das masculinidades e as relações internacionais. Revisto Latino-Americana de
Geografia e Gěnero 3(1): 17-29.
Johnston, Lynda and Robyn Longhurst. 2012: “Embodied geographies of food, belonging
and hope in multicultural Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand.”. Geoforum 43: 325-331.
Kark, Ruth and Fischel, R. 2012. “Palestinian women in the public domain during the late
Ottoman and Mandate periods, 1831-1948.” Hawwa, Journal of the Middle East and the
Islamic World 10: 77-96.
Kent, Stuart and Jon Barnett. 2012; “Localising peace: The young men of Bougainville’s
crises.” Political Geography 31(1): 34-43.
King, Russell, Adriana Castaldo abd Juli Vulketari. 2011.“Gendered relations and filial
duties along the Greel-Albanian remittance corridor,” Economic Geography 87(4): 393418.
Klanarong, Nisakorn, Anchalee Singhanetra-Renard, and Pechdau Tohmena. 2011.
"Mental Health of Thai Female Migrants Working in Food Shops on Langkawi Island,
Malaysia", China-USA Business Review 10 (2) (Serial Number 92):150-160.
Koskela, Hille (2012, forthcoming). “’You shouldn’t wear that body’ – the problematic
of surveillance and gender. In K. Haggerty, D. Lyon and K. Ball (eds.) International
Handbook of Surveillance Studies. Routledge: London.
Krabachnik, Peter, Joanna Regulska, and Beth Mitchnek. 2010. “Where and when is
home?” Journal of Refugee Sudies. 23(3): 315-36.
Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2011. “Digging women: Toward a new agenda for feminist
critiques of mining.” Gender, Place and Culture (DOI 10 1080/0966369X2011,572 433
Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, Radhika Krisnan and Nesar Ahmad. 2012.”Land acquistion and
dispossession in private coal companies in Jharkand.” Economic and Political Weekly
48(6): 38-48.
Lan, Diana. (2011) “Las mujeres pobres y el circuito espacial de la violencia doméstica
en Argentina”. In Joseli Silva, Marcio Ornat, and Alides Chimin Junior, (eds) Espaço, e
Género:. Feminilidades ibero-americanas. Todapalavra Editora. Brasil. Pp. 169-191.
----. (2011) “Género y violencia: una ostentación de género en cada concepto”. En
Silva, Joseli y Pinheiro da Silva, Augusto (org.).Espaço, Género e Poder
ConectandoFronteiras. Todapalavra Editora., Brasil . pp.121-136.
----. (2011) “Espacio y Género”. I Seminario Internacional Novas territorialidades e
desenvolvimento sustentavél. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife. Brasil. 9-10
de junio.
Lange, Thilde and Katherine Gough. (in press) “ Diverging pathways; Young female
employment and entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa. DOI 10.1111/j 1475-4959
Lund, Ragnhild and Smita Mishra.Panda> (2011) “New activism for political
recognition. Creation and expansion of spaces by tribal women, Odisha, India.. Gender,
Technology and Development 15(1): 75-99
Maia, Helder Thiago Cordeiro.. 2012. ”Acorda Alice: Aluga um filme pornó –uma leitura
dos banheiros masculinos de UFBA.” Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gěnero
Mazali, Rela, 2011. "Gelir Vergisi, Ramallah," Kultur ve Siyasette Feminist Yaklasimlar,
15., October 2011. [Turkish translation of Chapter 6 of Home Archaeology (see above,
book list)
---- 2011. “Owning and ending the production of shame.” In Zeina Zaatari ed., Telling
Our Stories: Women’s Voices from the Middle East and North Africa, Global Fund for
Women. pp. 80-83.
Mills, Suzanne E. 2012, “Restructuring in the forest sector and the reshaping of women’s
work identities.” Canadian Geographer 56(1): 39-57.
Miranda, Joana. 2012. “Review: Migrant belongings, memory, space, identity.” Revista
Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gěnero 3(1):190-92.
Monk, Janice and Marcella Schmidt di Friedberg. 2011. “Mary Arizona (Zonia) Baber:
1862-1956,” Geographers Bibliographical Studies 30: 68-79.
Morrison, Carey-Ann.2012. “Solicited diaries and the everyday geographies of
heterosexual love and home: Reflections on methodological process and practices”.
Area 14(1): 68-75.
Nagy T., Timár J., Velkey G. 2012: Gender-aspektusok a területfejlesztésben? –
Kiegyensúlyozatlan nemi arányok az észak-alföldi régióban [Gender aspects in regional
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