Dystopian World Overview

Dystopian World Overview
Include the following components in the description of your dystopian society. Check the rubric for
additional details on the expectations for the project. There are three separate components—1. Writeup, 2. Poster, and 3. Propaganda video. Once you complete the first stage, you will receive more
details on each component.
1. Name of Your Dystopian Society Choose a creative and appropriate name to represent your new
society. Explain in your write-up your choice in a way that makes the reasons for the name clear.
2. Declaration of Independence Write a brief statement in your write-up describing the reasons for
the formation of your dystopian society (post-apocalyptic, future, etc.). In other words, what
specifically went wrong in our current society? Why did this world feel the need to form a “more
perfect” society?
3. Dystopian Motto and Seal Create a slogan or motto that inhabitants of your dystopia will follow,
and develop a government seal. Explain in your write-up the meaning and significance of the
motto and seal you choose. Include your slogan and seal in your propaganda movie and on your
4. Dystopian Animal What animal would symbolize your dystopia? Explain your choice in your
write-up and include a picture of the animal in your propaganda movie and on your poster.
5. List of Rules Develop a list of at least 7 rules that all community members will follow. Provide a
rationale for each rule in your write-up and include the list in your propaganda movie and on your
6. Governing Body How will the government of this dystopia be structured? Will you have anarchy,
a monarchy, a plutocracy, or a dictatorship? How will your dystopia make decisions? Explain in
your write-up and include a diagram of the structure in your propaganda movie and on your
8. Citizens Create one person that would be the focus of your dystopian world; at least one should be
a protagonist. Each member of your group must create at least one person. Use what you learned
about the protagonist and antagonists from your novel to create your characters. Use the handout
Attribute Web to help you and then select actors that would represent the personality and
physicality of your characters. Use pictures on your poster along with a brief description.
9. Journal Entries Each member of your group will write one journal entry describing three days in
your dystopia. Choose days when different events will be occurring—for instance, a day when a
community member goes to school or work and a day when the person does not. Your entries
might include details on work, family, worship, school, entertainment, and so on. You can choose
to be one of the characters you create or another member of the society. Include in your write up.
See other side for an example of how you might design your poster
Poster (20 points) to include
24” x 36”
 Name of World
 Seal, Motto, Animal
 Rules
 Journal Entry
 Government Structure
 Citizen names, traits and
Write Up (40 points)
 Citizens traits and
Binder, new page for each
 Name of World
 Declaration
Propaganda Movie (20 points)
 Meaning and significance of
60 seconds
 Name of World
 Explanation of animal
 Seal, Motto, Animal
 List of rules and reason for
 Rules
 Government Structure
 Government structure
 Copy of journal entries
List of Rules
Simon, age 17
List Traits here
Motto and Seal
Blink, age 15
List traits here
Rain, age 9
List traits here
Your journal entries would be attached here. They would
be typed with a 12 pt font and double spaced so they are
easy to read. Each will include an entry date and the
characters name that it’s written by.
Dystopia Poster Rubric
Write Up
Total: _______/80
Exceeds Standard
Meets Standard
Needs Improvement
explanation of name,
declaration, motto, seal,
animal, rules, gov’t structure,
and character traits are clear,
detailed, and make sense
together as a complete society
explanation of name,
declaration, motto, seal,
animal, rules, gov’t structure,
and character traits go together
as a complete society.
explanation is not complete,
some things don’t seem to fit
together as a complete
Journal entries cover three
days of daily life that show
lots of examples of what life is
like for a member of the
society. It is full of details that
make it come alive and reveal
a lot about the dystopian
Journal entries cover three days
of daily life that show some
examples of what life is like. It
has details that make it seem
real and reveal some things
about the dystopian world
Journal entries cover limited
time and events. There is not
much detail included so the
reader doesn’t have a clear
picture of the society
contains correct spelling and
contains mostly correct spelling
and grammar.
contains many spelling and
grammar errors.
Images create a distinct
atmosphere or tone that
matches what is described in
the write up. The images
communicate symbolism
and/or metaphor and give a
clear impression of the society
the characters live in. The
poster is neat, organized, and
easy to read. There are very
few grammar/usage errors.
Images create an atmosphere or
tone that matches some parts of
the description. All information
is present but not as developed
as in the ‘exceeds standard’
category. The poster is neat,
organized and easy to read.
There are limited
grammar/usage errors.
The images may create some
atmosphere, but it’s not a
clear message. Some items
are missing. The poster is
easy to read, but not much
effort was put into
construction. There are
careless grammar/usage
The video contains all the
required elements as well as
additional features that
enhance the message. There
are clear, successful attempts
to use persuasion techniques,
and the message strongly
reflects the society you
The video contains the required
elements. There is an attempt to
use persuasion techniques and
reflects the society you created.
The video contains most of
the required elements. The
attempts to use persuasion
techniques and attempts to
reflect the society you