Mindsets in the Classroom: Building a Culture of Success and Student Achievement in Schools by Mary Cay Ricci, 2013 Green Gables Elementary Online Book Study December 2014 - April 2015 12 hours Enduring Understanding: When students believe that dedication and hard work can change their performance in school, they grow to become resilient, successful students. Read Chapter Entry Online Response Questions Application Assignment Pages Topic 1 1-30 Chapter 1: 1. In what areas do you think you have a fixed mindset? In Share your results and goals online: What are what areas do you think you have a growth mindset? Complete the Mindset Beliefs & Mindsets and 2. Do we as a society believe in a growth mindset? Why or Implementation Self-Assessment prior to How Do They why not? beginning the book. Share your responses. Affect the 3. Based on the data on Table 1 on page 11, what implications Write a learning goal statement for the Classroom? for teaching mindset are made clear? What does this mean book study based on your self-assessment for classroom instruction and culture? results. Chapter 2: 4. What is one new idea or learning you have gained as a What are result of these two chapters? Some Ways to Begin Building *I have the MindUp Curriculum(mentioned on page 19) for K-2 and a Growth 3-5 if you would like to see it. Mindset Culture? 2 31-54 Chapter 3: Why is a Differentiated, Responsive Classroom Important to a Growth Mindset Culture? 1. How does a teacher’s mindset about a student’s learning ability directly connect to the responsiveness and effectiveness of instruction? 2. What differentiation practices from the chapter are currently in regular use in your classroom? Which are hit and miss? Why? 3. What is one new idea or learning you have gained as a result of this chapter? Application Assignment: Use the Teacher Checklist for Planning Differentiated, Responsive Instruction on page 54. Check off all differentiation strategies currently in consistent use in your classroom instruction. Choose ONE Differentiation Idea from this chapter to try in your classroom that is NOT consistently used. Share what you tried, what went well, and what you might do differently next time. Differentiation Ideas: 1: Preview & Preassess 2: Curriculum Compacting 3: Flexible Grouping 4: Anchor Activities 3 55-65 Chapter 4: Why is Critical Thinking Important in a Growth Mindset Class Culture? 1. Compare and contrast your definition of critical thinking with the one presented in the book on pages 55-56. 2. What is one new idea or learning you have gained as a result of this chapter? 5: Acceleration and Enrichment 6: Formative Assessment Application Assignment: How can you “remodel” a current or upcoming lesson to infuse critical thinking with the content? Share your ideas around one lesson after exploring these critical thinking sites for educators and students. Be sure to check the remodeled lessons section. Critical Thinking Links for K-3 Teachers: http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/elementaryeducators-k-3/802/ Critical Thinking Links for 4-6 Teachers: http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/elementaryeducators-4-6/809 Children's Guide to Critical Thinking Video Series http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/for-youngstudents-elementary/k-6/792 4 67-74 Chapter 5: How Can Students Learn from Failure? 1. According to Daniel Pink how do extrinsic rewards in inhibit growth mindset in students? 2. What is one new idea or learning you have gained as a result of this chapter? Application Assignment: What are some ideas you have for implementing “learning from failure” in your classroom environment and culture? http://www.joebower.org/2011/06/rethinkingfailure.html http://lessonplanspage.com/effective-failureteaching-students-the-power-of-mistakes/ http://tryengineering.org/lesson-plans/failureseeds-innovation http://bizkids.com/lesson/lesson-213 5 74-95 Chapter 6: What 1. What messages should parents hear about growth mindset? Brainstorm a list from the chapter here then use it to do your Application Assignment: Write a short newsletter article educating parents Messages Should Parents Hear about Growth Mindset? 6 97-146 Chapter 7: Can Gifted Education and a Growth Mindset Belief Coexist? Chapter 8: What are Some Ways to Help Students Adopt a Growth Mindset? Chapter 9: What are Some Ways School Staff Can Maintain a Growth Mindset School Culture? Chapter 10: Summary application assignment. 2. According to the author, how does the label “gifted” or “highly capable” manifest a fixed mindset? Why should we use it sparingly, if at all? 3. What, if any, modifications could be made to our school and/or district approach to highly capable students at the elementary level? 1. What are some ideas you have for working in lessons on growth mindset so that it integrates with your upcoming curriculum topics? 2. What standards could you model or assess with these lessons? 3. What ideas do you have for implementing a sustainable school system for maintaining a growth mindset culture here at Green Gables? 4. What is one new idea or learning you have gained as a result of these three chapters? of your students about the brain and growth mindsets, including tips to support a growth mindset at home. Extra Credit: Include in your article an attempt to educate parents about the ideas presented in chapter 7. Application Assignment: Select one lesson or strategy idea for teaching growth mindset to students and try it with your students. Reflect: share what you tried, what went well, and what you might do differently next time. Growth Mindset Lesson Sequence/Ideas: 1: Preview & Pre-assess about the Brain 2: The Brain is like a Sponge 3: Building a Neural Network 4: The Brain is like a Muscle 5: Taking Care of Your Brain 6: Collection Strategy 7: Introduce Growth Mindset Terminology 8: Concept Placemats 9: Teaching Optimism 10: Growth Mindset Reminders in Environment