2015-2016 Proficiency Explanation This English class will focus instruction and evaluation on students' proficiency and mastery of skills from the four areas of English Language Arts as designated by the Common Core: Reading, Language, Writing, and Speaking and Listening. My goal is to prepare students for their high school coursework and required state assessments, as well as college and beyond. Defining Proficiency A student is proficient in a skill if they can demonstrate, and repeat, a thorough knowledge, understanding, and performance of the skill. Scoring and evaluation will be based on the proficiency levels of the student in each of the skill areas. What this means for students: Each semester, you will have to demonstrate your proficiency at designated skills (targets). Scored assessments throughout the semester are the opportunities you will have to demonstrate proficiency at the skills of the class. Your grade will be based on the average of your two highest scores earned per target. See “Classroom Policies and Procedures” below for more detailed information. As you learn, you build proficiency through practice. This class will allow you to practice, improve, and get teacher feedback without being penalized for practice assessments that are not perfect. The purpose for doing each assignment is to get feedback on your skill proficiency and to prepare for scored assessment opportunities. Scoring Rubric Each skill will be assessed on a 0-4 scoring rubric to indicate the level of proficiency that the student has demonstrated. 0 = no evidence of proficiency 1 = working toward proficiency 2 = nearing proficiency 3 = proficient 4 = highly proficient Classroom Policies and Procedures Grading Policy a. Each semester, specific targets will be evaluated in each of the 4 areas. The highest two scores for each assessed target will be averaged. b. The central writing targets are weighted doubly in accordance with their complexity and difficulty. c. Your overall semester grade is the average of each category brought together to create one overall average. d. Averages then convert to percentages based on the following: Top 2 Target Scores 4;4 4;3 3;3 2;3 2;2 2;1 1;1 Target Scores Average 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2 1.5 1.0 Percentage Grade Equivalent 100% 93% 86% 79% 72% 65% 60%