IGMtgMin100414 - Dallas CEA-HOW

Those attending: Tricia, Ginna, , Christy K., Zinda
In the Chair’s absence, Zinda - Intergroup Secretary, called the meeting to order and opened
with the Serenity Prayer.
The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed with a minor correction made, changed
and sent to IG Chair; Ginna made the motion to approve the minutes after change to reflect
that a treasurer report was not given last month. Tricia seconded. Motion passed.
1) TREASURER – Ginna provided a full report; ending balance is $4763.03; net of travel
and prudent reserves, we have excess funds of $2463.03. Retreat overview was
provided with a couple of minor changes to be corrected. Very good Literature sales
since July, but only two 7th Traditions received within same time frame. PO Box rent has
been paid for 6 months as well as 4th quarter rent.
2) WEBSITE REPORT: No Report given.
3) LITERATURE: Christy K. reported that a recent order with WSO has been placed and
that Ken S. is helping with ordering and picking up materials from the local AA office. $319
literature sold last month in addition to $210 in literature sales from the retreat.
a) Stories on the Website: More stories needed – a little more in depth. Encourage
your sponsees to write their stories. Remember to announce this at meetings. It was
suggested that the drawings from the retreat be posted as a way of “telling our
stories.” Some of the art work needed no words to depict “what it was like; what
happened; what it’s like now.” It was decided that when the retreat phone list is
distributed we would ask to hear back from anyone who might object to their
drawing(s) being posted.
b) Service opportunities: The IG Treasurer position is OPEN as of October 1, 2014. Two
people were suggested as possible candidates; they will be contacted by Ginna
and/or Christy K.
c) Updated Literature Form: Has been posted on the website. Please make sure the
updated form is the one being used at the meetings you attend.
a) Post Retreat Comments – Feedback overall has been favorable. Brief discussion
regarding keeping the cost (for participants) as low as possible so cost will not be a
deterrent in attendance. Donations of over $700 was both unexpected and greatly
appreciated. Speaker travel costs were far below allowance as well.
b) Holiday Workshop – While we are in favor of a workshop being offered, it would be
great to have some fresh volunteers step up to coordinate it. This would require
securing a location, plan a program and publicize the workshop (via a flyer) and
announcing it at meetings. With the next IG meeting being at the end of this month, it
was decided that having a workshop in November might be too soon. Ginna suggested
that we consider the first Saturday in December. Those present agreed to take this
service need back to our meetings – especially the 3 largest ones – Saturday 11 a.m.,
Sunday evening and Monday p.m., Richardson meeting. Bottom line: IF a Holiday
Workshop happens, we need approximately 4 volunteers to commit by October 15 in
order to have a flyer ready to promote the workshop by our next IG meeting October
25. Ginna presented this recommendation with a motion; Tricia seconded. Motion
c) New Treasurer – See Treasurer Report above.
d) New Meditation Meeting – Plans are in place to move forward. Katrina has secured
Room 2-A in the gymnasium building of the First United Methodist Church at Arapaho
and Custer in Richardson (the gym is across the street from the Monday night meeting
location). The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday, October 25 and each Saturday
thereafter at the same time. Zinda will contact WSO to secure proper procedures in
establishing this meeting.
Christy K. made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Ginna seconded. Motion passed.
Zinda adjourned the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.
Next Meeting: October 25, 2014