Information Guide for Incoming Erasmus Students 2014-15 Welcome to Liverpool Liverpool is a vibrant and internationally renowned city that has something to offer all visitors. Founded in 1207 by King John and given the name ‘Livpul,’ it was not until the seventeenth century that Liverpool began to establish itself as an important shipping trade centre. A massive growth in population and significance to industry saw Liverpool receive its status as a city in 1880. A series of rapid changes affected Liverpool during the Twentieth Century including massive damage during World War II, industrial decline, and of course the birth of the Beatles. The last twenty years have seen the city reestablish itself as a cultural and civic centre, its status as European City of Culture 2008 is only one indication of the continued renaissance of the city. Liverpool has always been an important, vibrant and culturally diverse city and will continue to be relevant throughout the twenty first century. Welcome to Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) The University was originally founded in 1825 as Liverpool Mechanics’ School of Arts. Continued growth during the twentieth century eventually led to the University being granted Polytechnic status leading to University status in 1992. LJMU has over 24,000 students and over 2,000 staff. LJMU is committed to Internationalisation and aims to maximise the benefits of International participation for the institution and the visitor. Our continuing success and popularity with European students is indicative of our commitment to the Erasmus programme and our students. We have international links in 80 countries world wide and we are a UK leader in teaching subjects such as sports sciences, health studies, physics and astronomy. There are five faculties spread out over several campus centres throughout the city centre and one campus centre three miles away.. In terms of variety, vibrancy and creativity, LJMU is a reflection of the city itself. For more information please visit There is a Facebook page for the Erasmus programme at LJMU allowing you to speak to other Erasmus students (including Erasmus students from LJMU) and LJMU staff involved with Erasmus. Please search for the page on Facebook with ‘LJMU Erasmus’ or 2013-2014 Academic Calendar Liverpool John Moores University operates a two semester academic year. Teaching in semester 1 runs from September 19th to December 13th . The enrolment period may be the week before the 19th – the School you are studying with can confirm this for you. Teaching in Semester 2 runs from January 6th to April 11th, followed by the assessment period from 28th April to 14th May. The dates may vary slightly per faculty so please check with the School you are studying with when induction and teaching begins. How to Apply All Erasmus students must: Hold an EU passport, be a permanent resident, or recognised as a refugee in a country eligible to participate in the Erasmus programme. Study at an institution that has an Erasmus exchange agreement with Liverpool John Moores University. Have English language proficiency to understand and participate in classes and lectures. All applications to LJMU must be confirmed by the Erasmus Coordinator at your institution or the by school where you study. The application forms that are needed to apply are located at the end of this guide and include the application form, the learning agreement, and a transcript of records. 1 Module choices will be made available to you through the LJMU Erasmus Coordinator or your School at your University. Please note: The Erasmus guidelines now allow for the mobility of non-European students. Due to UK study visa requirements we must be made aware of any non-EU applications six months before the proposed study begins. Credits The LJMU credit system is fully compatible with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). A conversion rate must be applied as 2 LJMU credits are equal to 1 ECTS credit. A year of study in LJMU is represented by 120 credits, this equals 60 ECTS credits. Erasmus Contact: The details of the Institutional Erasmus Coordinator are below. The Coordinator can help you with your Erasmus queries so please use e-mail for contact. Jayne Kerwin & Michael Harley Erasmus Coordinator Liverpool John Moores University Collaborative Partnerships Kingsway House (2nd Floor) Hatton Garden Liverpool L3 2AJ Tel: +44 151 904 6470 Fax: +44 151 904 6462 Email: University Services Accommodation Liverpool as a city currently has plenty of private student housing available for all students. However, LJMU does not have any University owned Halls of Residence which means the accommodation office (details below) can provide assistance but cannot secure accommodation for you directly. Please contact Liverpool Student Homes to acquire accommodation. Their details are: Liverpool Student Homes 140 Mount Pleasant Liverpool L3 5SR United Kingdom Tel: +44 151 794 3296 Fax: +44 151 3333 E-mail: Website: The accommodation office at LJMU is: Liverpool John Moores University Accommodation office Roscoe Court 4 Rodney Street Liverpool L1 2TZ United Kindgom Tel: 0151 231 4166 E-mail: Website: Specific information on accommodation for Erasmus students can be found here: 2 Alternatively Liverpool Student Homes can help with accommodation searches: You should try to arrange your accommodation before arriving in Liverpool. However, if you do not manage to do this then arrange temporary accommodation in a hotel/hostel until your residence is secured. Library Facilities Liverpool John Moores University has excellent learning facilities. There are three Learning Resource Centres in our three campus areas. Each centre stocks the resources for the Faculties it supports. The available library facilities include books, journals, special collections, and plenty of I.T. equipment. The libraries also include dedicated areas for group study and access to audio/visual equipment. For more information on the resources available please visit Liverpool Students Union The Liverpool Students Union (LSU) is an independent body that represents the students of LJMU. The Union is run by elected students and is involved in many areas of student life. The aim is to provide support for LJMU students and to improve their experiences at University. LSU provides support for social/sports clubs, and provides information and support on a number of issues such as health and finances. The Union has three locations throughout LJMU and provides everything that you need to become part of the student community. More information on the Liverpool Students Union and the support you can expect when you arrive here can be found here: Student Welfare Services The Welfare Advice Service is available to assist students with any problems they may experience whilst at University. The aim of the service is to provide appropriate, confidential and effective advice to students to aid in the resolution process. Students must also take responsibility for their part in this process. The office endeavours to provide practical assistance where possible. However, advice will be given where necessary if other departments or outside agencies can be of greater assistance. Advice is also available to students with financial difficulties, international students and to those students with disabilities. Welfare staff are available throughout the academic year and can be found at the Campus Centre’s around the University. The Student Welfare website is located here and provides advice on academic issues, health, counselling, and chaplaincy and faith services. The Overseas Student’s Welfare and Liaison Service There are two organisations that plan social events and trips to places such as the Lake District, Shakespeare’s home, and Alton Towers. These are both highly recommended. Please see the following websites for more information: English Language Support English classes are available twice a week for all incoming students. More information can be found here Student Discipline It is essential for a University to create and maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to the academic and social well-being of the University community, and to discourage behaviour from students that will have adverse effects on this well-being. Hence students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that demonstrates respect for the University, its staff, fellow students and property. Students who fail to meet these basic standards will be subject to the disciplinary procedures of the University. These exist to ensure that students are treated fairly and equitably, taking into account their commitment to study. Serious breaches of the disciplinary code constitute gross misconduct and may lead to expulsion from the University. 3 Insurance Please check with your home University regarding what insurance cover you will have whilst you study with us. It is also worth getting the European Health Insurance Card before you arrive. These should offer enough cover but if you want insurance against theft or fire, for example, then you will have to take out an insurance policy when you arrive. If you wish to drive a car in the UK then you must have an insurance policy. Student Services or the Liverpool Students Union will be able to help you with your search. Healthcare The European Health Insurance Card allows you free treatment from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). You are also entitled to medical support at LJMU, however we recommend that all students register with a doctor as soon as they arrive. Please visit for more information. Money, Expenditure, and Tax When you arrive in Liverpool, you should open a bank account as soon as possible. There are many different options available to you, but all the banks offer good student packages. To open a bank account you will need proof of identity and some money to put into the account. There are many banks throughout Liverpool and it will take approximately a week for the account to be opened. It is estimated that a student visiting Liverpool will end up paying between £5,000 and £7,500 per year for food, bills, accommodation etc. If you have concerns about money and budgeting Student Services will be able to advise you. All UK residents are eligible to pay a Council Tax for basic services. Students that are in a Halls of Residence or a house occupied by full time students do not have to pay. This should apply to most incoming Erasmus students. If you would like more information then please visit All students that have their own television must also pay a TV license. Information on that can be found here Enrolling at LJMU To enrol at LJMU you must provide: Proof of Identification (passport). Proof of Home address (in your country of origin – a letter addressed to you). Term time address (if possible). A transcript of records. A transcript should also be sent in with your application – so please keep a copy. Module choices – what you will be studying at LJMU. A letter confirming your acceptance as an Erasmus student, this is available on the final page of this document. Useful Web Addresses University Liverpool John Moores Travel and Tourism Liverpool John Lennon Airport Manchester Airport National Rail Enquiries National Express Coaches Visa Advice 4 Application Forms follow on the next page. Liverpool John Moores University ECTS - EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM STUDENT APPLICATION FORM Photograph ACADEMIC YEAR 20…./20..... FIELD OF STUDY: .................................................................................................... This application should be completed in BLACK ink order to be easily copied and/or faxed. STUDENT’S PERSONAL DATA (to be completed by the student applying) Family name: .................................................... First name (s): .............................................................. Date of birth: ..................................................... Place of Birth:..................................................... Current address:.................................................. ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Current address is valid until: ............................. Tel.: ................................................................... Email address:…………………………………………………… Sex: .................. Nationality.:................................... Permanent address (if different): .................................... ................................................................................................... ......................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... Tel.: .............................................................................. …………………………………………………………….. SENDING INSTITUTION Name and full address: ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... Department coordinator - name, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail ............................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... Institutional coordinator - name, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail .............................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... Name of student: ......................................................................................................................................... Sending institution: ............................................................................................. Country: ........................................................ PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO COMPLETE THIS SECTION: Briefly state the reasons why you wish to study abroad : ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ 5 STATE PERIOD OF STUDY (please tick one box only) Semester 1 Semester 2 Full Academic Year Proposed Dates: Start (month) End (month) LANGUAGE COMPETENCE Mother tongue: .......................................................................................................................................... Language of instruction at home institution (if different): ............................................................................ Other languages .......................... .......................... .......................... I am currently studying this language yes I have sufficient knowledge to follow lectures no yes I would have sufficient knowledge to follow lectures if I had some extra preparation no yes no WORK EXPERIENCE RELATED TO CURRENT STUDY (if relevant) Type of work experience ................................................... ..................................... Firm/organisation ........................................... ......................................... Dates ........................... ........................... Country ...................................... ...................................... PREVIOUS AND CURRENT STUDY Diploma/degree for which you are currently studying: ................................................................................... Number of higher education study years prior to departure abroad: ............................................................... Have you already been studying abroad ? Yes No If Yes, when at which institution ? .............................................................................................................. The attached Transcript of records includes full details of previous and current higher education study. Details not known at the time of application will provided be at a later stage. Do you wish to apply for a mobility grant to assist towards the additional costs of your study period abroad? Yes No RECEIVING INSTITUTION We hereby acknowledge receipt of the application, the proposed learning agreement and the candidate’s Transcript of records. The above-mentioned student is provisionally accepted at our institution not accepted at our institution Departmental coordinator’s signature ........................................................................... Date: ................................................................ 6 Liverpool John Moores University ECTS - EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM LEARNING AGREEMENT ACADEMIC YEAR 20…./20…. - FIELD OFSTUDY:................................... Name of student: .................................................................................................................................................................. Sending institution:......................................................................................... Country: .......................................... DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME ABROAD/LEARNING AGREEMENT Receiving institution: ............................................................................................................................................... Country: ..................................................................................................................................................... Course unit code Course unit title Number of ECTS credits * (and page no. of the Information (as indicated in the Information Pack) ....................................................... Pack) ...................................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ...................................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ...................................................................... ................................. ........................................................ ...................................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ...................................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ...................................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ...................................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ...................................................................... ....................................................... ........................................ ...................................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ...................................................................... .................................. ........................................................ .......................... .................................................. if necessary, continue the list on a separate sheet The courses are offered subject to their availability at the receiving institution * To convert JMU credit values to ECTS credit values, you must divide the JMU credits by 2 (e.g. 120 JMU credits = 60 ECTS credits) Student’s signature:.......................................................................................... Date: ............................................ SENDING INSTITUTION We confirm that the proposed programme of study/learning agreement is approved. Departmental co-ordinator’s signature Institutional co-ordinator’s signature .......................................................................... ............................................................................................ Date: ................................................................. Date: ........................................................................... RECEIVING INSTITUTION We confirm that this proposed programme of study/learning agreement is approved. Departmental co-ordinator’s signature Institutional co-ordinator’s signature ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Date: ................................................................. Date: ................................................................... 7 CHANGES TO ORIGINAL PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME/LEARNING AGREEMENT (to be filled in ONLY if appropriate) Name of student: ..................................................................................................................................................... Sending institution: ....................................................................................................... Country: ..................................................... Course unit code (if any) and page no. of the information package Course unit title (as indicated in the information package) Deleted course unit Added course unit Number of ECTS credits ............................... ............................................... ........................ ............................... ............................................... ........................ ............................... ............................................... ........................ ............................... ............................................... ........................ ............................... ............................................... ........................ ............................... ............................................... ........................ if necessary, continue this list on a separate sheet Student’s signature: ................................................................................................................... Date: ...................................... SENDING INSTITUTION We confirm that the above-listed changes to the initially agreed programme of study/learning agreement are approved. Departmental co-ordinator’s signature Institutional co-ordinator’s signature ................................................................................. ............................................................................................ Date: .......................................................................... Date: .................................................................................... RECEIVING INSTITUTION We confirm by the above-listed changes to the initially agreed programme of study/learning agreement are approved. Departmental co-ordinator’s signature. ............................................................................... Institutional co-ordinator’s signature ............................................................................................ Date: ............................................................... Date: ........................................................................... 8 Liverpool John Moores University ECTS - EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS NAME OF SENDING INSTITUTION: ....................................................................................................................... Faculty/Department of ..................................................................................................................................................... ECTS departmental coordinator: ..................................................................................................................................... Tel.: .......................................................... Fax: ............................................................ e-mail : ..................................... NAME OF STUDENT: ................................................................... First name: ........................................................... Date and place of birth: ....................................................................................... (sex) :................................................. Registration date: ..................................................... Registration number: ............................................................... NAME OF RECEIVING INSTITUTION: ................................................................................................................... Faculty/Department of .................................................................................................................................................... ECTS departmental coordinator: .................................................................................................................................... Tel.: ......................................................... Fax: ............................................................ e-mail : ...................................... Course Unit code (1) Title of the course unit Duration of course unit (2) Local grade (3) ECTS grade (4) ECTS credits (5) .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ .......................................................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. Total: ............. to be continued on a separate sheet (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) see explanation on back page Diploma/degree awarded:...................................................................................................................... Date Signature of registrar/dean/administration officer ...................... ........................................................................................ Institution Stamp 9 (1) Course unit code: Refer to the ECTS information Package (2) Duration of course unit: Y = 1 full academic year 1S = 1 semester 1T = 1 term/trimester (3) 2S = 2 semesters 2T = 2 terms/trimesters Description of the institutional grading system: 120 credits (JMU credits) must be obtained at each of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 for an undergraduate programme. A Level is one year of study. This means that 120 credits represent the workload of a year of study. In ECTS 60 credits (ECTS credits) represent the workload of a year of study. Therefore to convert JMU credits to ECTS credits, you must divide the JMU credits by 2. ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... (4) ECTS grading scale: ECTS Grade % of successful students normally achieving the grade A 10 EXCELLENT - outstanding performance with only minor errors B 25 VERY GOOD - above the average standard but with some errors C 30 GOOD - generally sound work with a number of notable errors D 25 SATISFACTORY - fair but with significant shortcomings E 10 SUFFICIENT - performance meets the minimum criteria FX - FAIL - some more work required before the credit can be awarded F - FAIL - considerable further work is required (5) Definition ECTS credits: 1 full academic year 1 semester 1 term/trimester = = = 60 credits 30 credits 20 credits NB: This document is not valid without the signature of the Registrar/Dean/Administration Officer and the official stamp of the institution 10 Confirmation of Erasmus placement for Enrolment This form is to be completed and brought to LJMU on arrival (with official proof of identification and home address) to be signed by a staff member (usually the academic Erasmus coordinator) in the School where you are studying. To whom it may concern, Please accept this letter as proof of Erasmus status for the student detailed below. Erasmus status means that the student is studying at Liverpool john Moores University (LJMU) as part of an organised exchange programme with our European partners. The student is NOT eligible to pay fees whilst registered at LJMU and must be given access to the same support as that of a fee paying LJMU student. The student must provide: proof of i.d. and proof of home address Student Name: Name of Course & School: Duration of stay: From to Student Home Address (country of origin): Term-time Address (if known): Telephone number (including country code): Programme of study (list of modules/classes taken): Confirmation by LJMU Staff of students’ Erasmus status: Staff name (print): Position: Telephone: Email: Signature: Date: 11