COVER PAGE: English Language Development (ELD) Plan & Evaluation School Name: School Leader: School EL Contact: Date of EL Plan Update/Review: EL Plan Reviewers: Signature of School EL Representative and Date: Section I, A: Introduction Provide a response to each of the following prompts. 1. The size of the school (grade span, student population, etc.) 2. The school’s total enrollment 3. The school’s ethnic diversity 4. The number of limited English proficient students (NEP and LEP enrolled in the school) 5. The number and percent of EL Students in special education 6. The number and percent of EL students in the Gifted and Talented program English Language proficiency assessment results including: 7. The number and percent of students progressing to a higher proficiency level on ACCESS for ELLs 8. The number and percent of students attaining English Proficiency on ACCESS for ELLs 9. The number and percent of students on monitoring status year 1 10. The number and percent of students on monitoring status year 2 11. The number and percent of students who have been re-entered into the program from monitoring status 12. The number and percent of students who have been exited from an ESL or Bilingual Program 13. CMAS or state-required summative assessment results for LEP students Section I, B: Introduction Provide a response to each of the following prompts. 14. Describe the charter school’s education approach (e.g. ESL, transitional bilingual education, structured English immersion, dual language, etc.) for educating ELL students. 15. Describe how the education approach chosen by the charter school is recognized as a sound approach by experts in the field, or recognized as a legitimate educational strategy to ensure that ELLs acquire English language proficiency and are provided meaningful access to the education program. Describe the how the education program is research based. 16. Describe the educational goals of the charter school’s program of services for ELs. 17. Describe the measurable goals for English language proficiency based on AMAOs targets. 18. Describe the measurable goal for mastery of subject matter content. Section II: Identification of the Primary Language other than English (PHLOTE): OCR Step 2 1. Describe the charter school’s established procedures for identifying PHLOTE students. Provide identification procedures (ex. Decision tree) for instances where there is conflicting identification information (Home Language Survey conflicts with Body of Evidence). 2. Describe your charter school’s procedure for administering a home language survey to all students and maintaining record of the Home Language Survey for every student. Include or insert your home language survey. 3. Describe your charter school’s procedures to identify PHLOTE students within 30 days of the beginning of the school year or within 2 weeks throughout the school year. Describe your charter school’s procedures for administering the W-APT Test for students identified as PHLOTE within 30 days of the first day of school; or within 2 weeks for students thereafter. 4. Describe your procedures to identify Native American students that may need language development services. 5. Describe your procedures to identify Migrant students who may need support in addition to language development services. 6. Describe your procedures for providing written notification to parents that is an understandable format within 30 days of the first day of school; or within 2 weeks for students thereafter. This notification should indicate enrollment in EL services and include a method for refusing services if desired by the parents. Include or Insert your notification template/s here. 7. Describe your procedure for placing students into a Language Instruction Education Program service for students identified as EL. Describe the process used to notify teachers of designated students at the beginning of the year and throughout the year. Describe your procedure for updating your School Information System to reflect the language background and language status (required for Oct. Count and ACCESS Testing) in a timely manner. Section III, A: Assessment of EL Students: OCR Step 3 1. Describe the test(s) used to assess English proficiency. If the charter school uses assessments in addition to ACCESS for ELs, describe them here. 2. Identify the staff that administers the tests and the process used to administer proficiency test(s). 3. Provide the timeline for administering the ACCESS for ELLs. Note: This timeline is state mandated and will by communicated to each school by CSI. Please note that your school follows the state mandated timelines. 4. Describe the procedures to collect and disseminate the ACCESS for ELLs test data/results to teachers and parents. 5. Identify where the ACCESS for ELLs test data will be located. Schools must input EL information (Identification, W-APT score, program placement) into their School Information System. This is also a requirement for October Count reporting to CDE. Section III, B: Assessment of EL Students: OCR Step 3 6. Describe how the school will set standards and objectives for raising the level of English proficiency. 7. Describe the procedures that ensure that ACCESS for ELLs assessment data will be used to make decisions about instruction so the ELL students meet Annual Measurable Objectives. 8. Identify that the school has adopted the single state-approved language assessment system (ACCESS) and that students will be assessed on the entire instrument (oral, reading, listening, writing) at least annually. Section IV: Instructional Program and Education Approaches for EL students: OCR Step 4 1. Describe how the schools programs and services are consistent with the educational theory(ies) (e.g. ESL, structured immersions, transitional bilingual education, dual language, etc.) selected by the school. 2. Identify how the described program of services for ELs reflects the methods and services the charter school uses to teach ELs English Language skills. 3. Identify how the description of the program of services for ELs reflects the method and the services the charter school uses to ensure that ELs can meaningfully access and participate in the academic and special programs (e.g. English language arts history, science, social studies, music, vocational education, etc.) offered by the school. 4. Describe how, by whom, and where the English language development services will be delivered. Indicate the person(s) responsible for providing services to EL students. 5. If ELs are in the regular classroom for academic subjects (English language arts, history, science, etc.), describe how the ELs will be able to participate in these academic subjects. For example, will the charter school provide training for teachers so that ELs can effectively participate in classroom activities and comprehend the academic material being presented? 6. Describe the guidelines and standards for providing ELs each of the services in the charter school’s EL program. 7. Provide the standards and criteria for the amount and type of services to be provided. Include a process to decide the appropriate amount and type of services to be provided. Indicate how provided services are differentiated based on student ability. 8. Describe any program variations between schools and grade levels. 9. Describe procedures for notification to parents of newly enrolled students, in a language that the parents understand, of the availability and type of program of services and other options for EL students. 10. Describe the provisions made for language appropriate notice to the parents of ELs regarding school activities that are communicate to other parents (e.g. student progress reports, school schedules, information provided in student handbooks, extracurricular activities, special meetings and events such as PTA meetings and fund raising events, etc.) 11. Describe how the notification procedures are sufficient so that parents can make wellinformed educational decisions about the participation of their children in the charter school’s EL program and other service options that are provided to the parents. 12. Describe the supplemental services/programs available for identified Migrant and Immigrant students. Section V: Staffing and Professional Development: OCR Step 5 1. Describe the methods and criteria the charter school utilizes to ensure that staff is qualified to provide services to EL students. 2. Describe the steps taken by the charter school to recruit and hire qualified staff for its EL program. 3. Describe the professional development for paraprofessionals who work with EL students. 4. Describe the process used to identify the professional development needs of the staff. 5. Describe the staff development program that is of sufficient intensity and duration to have a positive and lasting impact on the teachers and performance in the classroom. 6. Describe the process to evaluate (including a description of the tools to be used in the evaluation) the professional development program is having a lasting impact on the teachers performance in the classroom. Section VI: Reassessment, Reclassification, and Exiting: OCR Step 6 1. Describe the procedures for re-assessment, reclassification, and exiting of ELL students. It is expected that all school have identified processes for transitioning students from NEP to LEP as well as for re-designation from LEP to FEP. Additionally, describe how each student’s designation is annually reviewed. 2. Describe the procedures to notify classroom teachers of the reclassification and the exiting of students from the charter school’s EL program. 3. Describe the procedures for monitoring students who have been reclassified from ELD services. 4. Describe the procedures for re-admitting monitored students into the charter school’s ELD program. Section VII: Equal Access to Other Charter School Programs: OCR Step 7 1. Describe the charter school’s methods for identifying special education and Gifted and Talented students who are also English Learners 2. Describe the process and steps taken by the charter school to ensure that ELs have an equal opportunity to participate in extracurricular and non-academic activities. 3. Describe the procedures for monitoring students who have exited from ESL or Bilingual services. 4. Describe the procedures for monitoring students who have been identified as Migrant and/or immigrant students. Section VIII: Parent and Community Involvement. 1. Describe the process that is used to communicate NCLB related information to parents. 2. Describe the process and procedures that are used to inform parents of their child’s placement and progress in the EL program. Schools must provide written notification to parents that is an understandable format within 30 days of the first day of school; or within 2 week for students thereafter. The notification should indicate enrollment in EL services and include a method for refusing services if desired by the parents. Provide a sample notification letter. 3. Describe the process used to ensure parents of ELs and community members play a role in program decisions. Section IX-A: Program Evaluation, Review and Improvement: OCR Step 8 1. Describe how the program evaluation focuses on overall as well as specific program goals. Explain how the goals address expected progress in English language development and subject matter instruction. (AMAOS Criteria 1, 2, and 3). 2. Identify and describe any factors that prevented the charter school from achieving the AMAOs. 3. Describe the process the charter school will use to address the factors that prevented the charter school from achieving the AMAOs. 4. Comprehensive Scope; Demonstrate the evaluations covers all elements of an EL program, including; Program Implementation practices (such as identification of potential ELLs, assessment of English language proficiency, serving all eligible students, providing appropriate resources consistent with program design and student’s needs, implementing transition criteria, number of years in the EL program, etc.)/ Student performance (such as progress in English language development and academic progress consistent with the charter school’s own goals). 5. Information Collection Method: Demonstrate that the information collection practices support a valid and objective appraisal of program success. Is the use of observational information as well as a review of records considered? Is appropriate data maintained so that success of charter school programs can be measured in terms of student performance? Is the data organized and arrayed in a manner that enables the charter school to evaluate student performance outcomes over time and to follow the performance of students after they have transitioned from ESL or Bilingual programs? 6. Review of Results: Demonstrate that the evaluation process results in sufficient information to enable the charter school to determine whether the program is working, and to identify any program implementation or student outcome concerns that require improvement. 7. Plan for Modification/Improvement: Describe the process for designing and implementing program modifications in response to concerns identified through the evaluation process. Indicate how this process takes into account information provided by stake-holders and persons responsible for implementing recommended changes. 8. Implementing Program Changes: Describe how modifications are scheduled to promptly be implemented. 9. Ongoing Review: Describe how the program evaluation is ongoing and sufficiently frequent to allow the charter school to promptly identify and address concerns with the charter school’s EL program. 10. Alignment of evaluation with Goals and Objectives: Describe how the information collected permits an assessment of performance in comparison to any specific goals of measures of progress that have been established by the charter school’s ELD program, and whether ELs are meeting those goals. Section IX-B: Program Evaluation, Review and Improvement: OCR Step 8 1. Provide a list of the activities of practices that have been dismissed because they were not effective. 2. Provide a list of reasons those activities were not effective. 3. Provide a list of new activities or practices based on research that are expected to be effective. 4. Provide a list of the research supporting the new activities.