Emergency Response Plan template

Document Name: Emergency Response Plan
Document Reference:
Relating documents:
COSHH Sheets, Site
Drainage Plan
Creation date:
Approved by:
Revision date:
Person responsible:
Location of document:
Revision #:
Name and address of company/location of site:
Overview of the activities on site:
(include number of people at different times)
Description of surrounding environment:
Objectives of plan:
- To define circumstance when this plan should be activated (see Identification of
incidents/risks below)
- To detail actions that need to be taken in the event of an incident occurring
- To develop staff evacuation procedures (see Site Plan of evacuation route and
meeting points)
- To train staff in the use of emergency response equipment
- To communicate the plan to relevant staff
Identification of incidents/risks:
The organisation has assessed the potential risks/incidents that could occur. These incidents
could be (but are not limited to):
 Fire or explosion(premises or vehicle)
 Oil or chemical spillage to land or surface water drains
 Discharge of chemicals, oils or food slurry to foul sewer(without a water discharge
 Pollution of water arising from flooding of premises or land
 Pollution of land and/or water due to waste
Emergency Response Plan
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External contacts
Emergency services
Office hours
Out of hours
Local police
Local hospital
Environmental regulator
Environmental regulator
local contact
Local Authority Emergency
Planning contact
Local water company
Electricity company
Gas company
Waste management
Specialist advice
Specialist clean-up
Internal contacts: Nominate an Emergency Operations Coordinator (EOC)
The EOC is the person who serves as the main contact person for the company in an
emergency. They make decisions, following the steps described in this emergency response
plan. In the event of an emergency occurring within or affecting the worksite, the primary
contact will serve as the EOC. If the primary contact is unable to fulfil the EOC duties, the
secondary contact will take on this role.
Primary contact
Alternate tel:
Secondary contact
Alternate tel:
Emergency Response Plan
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Chemicals and waste inventory
List all chemicals, hazardous products and waste that you store on site together with
maximum quantities. Mark these locations on Site Plan.
Product name/waste
Maximum quantity stored
COSHH sheet available and
Pollution Prevention Equipment Inventory
Staff contact (i.e.
trained individual)
Fire extinguishers
Spill kits
Pipe blockers
First aid kit
Emergency Response Plan
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Site plan
Include access routes, evacuation routes, meeting points for emergencies, site drainage (runoff, interceptors, drains), location of processing areas, areas of porous or unmade land, any
watercourse, storage areas, bunded areas, etc.
Emergency Response Plan
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Emergency response plan of action
In the event of the discovery of a spillage of hazardous liquids e.g. diesel, petrol, chemicals,
fuel/engine oil, etc. the following action will be taken:
1. Isolate the source of the spillage if possible.
2. Wear suitable P.P.E. protection if appropriate.
3. Do not hose the spillage down or use any detergents.
4. Try to contain the spillage by placing absorbent materials such as granules, pads, sand,
earth and booms around the edge of the spillage, in order to prevent it spreading.
5. Place rubber mats or proprietary flexible drain covers over gullies, in order to prevent
spilt contaminants entering drainage system.
6. Continue to apply absorbent products until liquid is absorbed and contained.
7. Inform your immediate superior and the appropriate external contact.
Remember: all waste products from a spill needs to be treated as hazardous waste and
disposed of appropriately.
We will communicate our emergency plans to employees in the following way:
All new employees will be given a copy of this emergency plan. A copy of the emergency plan
can be found in the kitchen. At monthly meetings, the EOC will remind staff of this
emergency response plan. Evacuation drills will take place at least every 6 months, as coordinated by the EOC.
In the event of a disaster, we will communicate with employees in the following way:
The EOC will sound the fire alarm for all staff onsite. For all staff off-site, they will be
contacted by phone using the emergency contact details below.
Emergency Response Plan
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Employee emergency contact information
Employee name:
Contact person and number: Alternate contact person
and number:
Emergency Response Plan
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Study collections