Grade Level: 9-10 Standard (Subject): Language Arts Topic/Strand: Reading for Informational Text Standard Statement/Content Statement: 9. Analyze seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g., Washington’s Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech, King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”), including how they address related themes and concepts. Grade Level: 9-10 Standard (Subject): Language Arts Topic/Strand: Reading for Literacy in History/Social Studies Standard Statement/Content Statement: 2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text. Grade Level: 9-10 Standard (Subject): Language Arts Topic/Strand: Writing Standard Statement/Content Statement: 6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. Grade Level: 9 Standard (Subject): Technology Topic/Strand: Technology and Communication Applications Standard Statement/Content Statement: 1. Demonstrate communication clarity and use elements and formats of email to communicate with others (e.g., discussion lists, message boards, chat, instant messaging). Grade Level: High School Standard (Subject): Social Studies Topic/Strand: American History Standard Statement/Content Statement: 28. Following World War II, the United States experienced a struggle for racial and gender equality and the extension of civil rights. Grade Level: High School Standard(Subject): Language Arts Topic/Strand: Writing: Processes and Concepts Standard Statement/Content Statement: 4.4.9 Use a computer to draft, revise, and publish writing, demonstrating basic keyboarding skills and familiarity with common computer terminology. Civil Rights Wikispace Knowledge of Content: The teacher should have prior knowledge on the civil rights vocabulary as well as the civil rights movement. Teacher should have prior knowledge on MLK JR’s “I Have a Dream” Speech as well as “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Teacher will have read news articles from Eleanor Roosevelt Teacher will have read Interview with Walter White Teacher will have read articles on Brown vs. Board of Education Teacher will have knowledge of use and capabilities of Wikispaces Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to analyze U.S. documents in a Wikispace and explain how they relate to the themes and concepts of the Civil Rights movement. Students will be able to summarize the key events in the documents and explain how they develop through the course of the text. Students will be able to demonstrate use of the Wikispace to communicate through an electronic format with other students. Students will be able to use technology to produce, publish, and update shared writing projects through linking to other’s writing products. Materials/Resources: – Civil Rights video Wikispace at – MLK JR’s I have a Dream speech The items below can be students specific or level specific Intensive Modification Some Scaffolds Least Accommodation PreAssessment Work samplewith list, rubric or notes Captioned photo(s) Observation w/notes Video tape – with documentation Audio tape – with documentation Test/Quiz list Rubric Other Differentiate d Materials/ Technology (List All) Quiz with picture supports Students analyze MLK’s speech and pick between two pictures. Students pick which article interests them the most and copies article name into comment space with partner. Graded with a checklist. Leveled reading material Large screen computers Picture cues Video on MLK Speech and civil rights. Instructiona l Strategies/ Learning Styles PostAssessment (Same options as above) Written quiz with two answer options. Exit slip graded with checklist. Students pick which article interests them the most and writes two sentences on why into comment space with partner. Graded with a checklist. Written quiz. Exit slip graded with checklist. Students pick which article interests them the most and writes a paragraph on why and inputs into comment space with partner. Graded with a checklist. Highlighted reading Text material with Computers audio. Video on MLK Computers Speech and civil Video on MLK rights. Speech and civil rights. Demonstration with slideshow Small group Modeling Video Individual Students will checkmark someone else’s comment about favorite article with partner. Graded with observation and notes. Sequence of pictures graded off a rubric. Demonstration with slideshow Small group Modeling Video Individual Students will leave one comment on one other student’s comment about favorite article with partner. Graded with observation and notes. Bulleted list graded with Demonstration with slideshow Small group Modeling Video Individual Students will leave one comment on one other student’s comment about favorite article. Graded with observation and notes. Paper graded off a rubric. rubric. All-Procedures Day 1 1. Play southern civil rights song ( 2. Introduce Vocabulary through demonstration with slideshow 3. Test prior knowledge of civil rights with quiz (pre-assessment of Social Studies standard) Day 2 4. Number students by 4 and have students get into groups 5. Students receive handouts on their specific roles 6. Students go to different stations and act according to role 7. Have class reflection of lesson and what they thought about it Day 3 8. Show video on civil rights 9. Whole group goes over MLK JR’s “I Have a Dream” speech through video and paper copy 10. Students write about impact of speech (pre-assessment for 1st Language Arts standard)( Evaluation) Day 4 11. Introduce students to wikispace and place in groups 12. .Whole group begins analyzing wikispace(Analysis/Analyzing) 13. Students pick one article that interests them the most with partner(pre-assessment of technology standard) 14. Students summarize one article of their choice (pre-assessment of 2nd Language Arts standard) 15. Students write comments on articles in wikispace with partner (pre-assessment of 2nd Language Arts standard and writing standard) Day 5 16. Students comment on one other student’s comment about favorite article (postassessment of technology standard) 17. Students reply to at least one comment made by peer 18. Students work on papers in class Day 5 19. Students work on papers in class Day 6 20. Final assessment is turned in on wikispace 21. Closure- Have class discussion on their views and knowledge of the fight for civil rights