RESOURCES TO HELP WITH ORIENTATION OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS AND VOLUNTEERS Available through the CSAE Bookstore ( By Sandi L. Humphrey, CAE PUBLICATION Making Your Mark as a Not-for-Profit Board Member, 2013. Sandi L. Humphrey, CAE Guide to Effective Committees for Directors of Not-for-Profit Organizations (2nd Edition), 2013. Sandi L. Humphrey, CAE and Signe Holstein, CAE Best Practices and Tools for Not-for-Profit Boards (2nd Edition), 2013. James B. Pealow, CAE and Sandi L. Humphrey, CAE The Complementary Model of Board Governance, 2012. Tom Abbott Guide to Positive Staff-Board Relations for Directors of Not-for-Profit Organizations (3rd Edition), 2012. Sandi L. Humphrey, CAE and Donald G. Evans COMMENTS An orientation guide for new members of not-forprofit boards with paid staff. Makes the Board’s job clear, sets out what Board members need to know, and how they should (and should not) act. This publication was designed to be part of an orientation guide for new board members. Sets out guidelines for orientation for committees and proposed contents for committee member reference manual. Identifies best practices in Board orientation and contains tools such as: director’s guide essentials, elements of a volunteer management program, and board member competencies. Contains a chapter dealing specifically with the Director’s Manual and the staff manual, and sets out the distinction between the two. Contains a section on Board orientation, recommends that orientation be a condition of attaining office, and recommends that the Chair of the Board lead the in-person orientation session.