Syllabus - California State University, Long Beach

Contact Info:
Office Hours:
Class Time:
Jeffrey A. Perlman, lecturer
Sloan, The Media in America: A History (2014), Ninth Edition
Streitmatter, Mightier Than The Sword: How the News Media Have Shaped
American History (2012), Third Edition
562-985-5361 (no messages); e-mail is
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Monday and Wednesday, or by appointment
3:30 pm to 4:45 pm Monday and Wednesday
(Adapted From Dr. Christopher Burnett’s syllabus from Fall, 2014)
We’ll learn the importance of mass communication to America’s past and future. Also, we’ll
tackle the purpose and nature of history and gain a deeper appreciation of the rigorous thinking
and work practices required in research in mass communication. The field of media history
changes because society changes, and over the years people of all races, ethnicities, physical
disabilities, sexuality, and sexual orientation have played a role in shaping media content. We’ll
touch on technology’s impact. But we will focus on how media content changes as result of the
background and experiences of participants.
Also, we’ll focus on the 20th century, a time of rapid technological and social change. Those
changes had an impact that reverberates today, well into the second decade of the 21st
century. This is a seminar, with a mix of lectures and discussion. You are a vital participant! The
overall theme of the class, as indicated by the title, is to examine how the news media have
shaped American history and how the media can perpetuate “myths” about certain issues.
You’ll examine how you react to these changes, and how they continue to shape our lives.
Course Requirements
1) Readings from the textbook and class materials. Several quizzes (generally, but not always,
on Wednesdays) will be given on the material in the readings and class materials passed out in
class or, more commonly, posted on Beachboard. Quizzes will consist of a mix of multiple
choice and fill in the blank questions. They cannot be made up. 50 points on five quizzes.
2) Midterm Examination, to be given on October 16. This exam will cover all material, including
texts, presentations, and videos/CDs presented in the class in the first two months. It will
consist of multiple-choice, fill in the blank, and short answer questions. 20 points.
3) Successful performance on a final exam, to be given Wednesday, Dec. 16 from 2:45 pm4:45 pm. This exam will be cumulative. I will discuss prospective test questions at our final
regular class session.
4) Writing Assignments. There are three. The first is a critique of a particularly fascinating
period of American media history – the yellow journalism era of the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. In the second assignment, you will write a profile on the contribution to journalism
by an ethnic, religious, sexual or racial minority. In the third assignment, you will explore a
“myth” of American media history that displays the role the news media play in elevating issues
to prominence. All three assignments are detailed below. 80 points.
5) The “Daily” Afternoon Report. A lot of you probably are fans of Comedy Central’s the Daily
Show, in which comedian Jon Stewart pillories the foibles of America’s politicians and American
popular culture. He’s now moved on, but he’s still a cultural icon. Once in the semester you and
two classmates will look at the morning’s newspapers and report on the news of the day in an
unconventional way. Feel free to use video from YouTube or a major media website to
illustrate the story to the class. By the end of the week in which you’ve presented your report,
you and your classmate will jointly submit via e-mail a written report that summarizes your oral
presentation. I will assign dates for each team’s report. I’ll also name the members of your
team. 20 points.
6) Attendance. Coming to class is necessary and mandatory. Since most instruction will come
from class lecture and discussion, absences will be counted in determining your grade. I will
circulate a sign-in sheet on most class days. If you are not signed in for the class, you are not
there – period. I am sympathetic to other university and personal obligations that might make it
necessary for you to miss class. However, you have to make the decision whether those
obligations are more important than being in class. I am not very good at making decisions on
what reasonable reasons to miss class are. For one person, it might be a family trip or tending
to the needs of a grandparent, parent or child. For another, it might be a work obligation. For
yet another, it might be participation in a university-sponsored event. Any student who
accumulates 10 absences or more will receive an automatic “F” for the course. 10 points.
“Daily” Afternoon Report
Once during the semester, you and two other classmates will team up to prepare and present a
report drawn from the contents of the morning’s newspapers. These newspapers—the New
York Times, USAToday, and Los Angeles Times—are freely available to you through subscription
or online.
The “Afternoon Report” assignment requires each three-person team to make an in-class
presentation and submit a written report based on that presentation. This assignment seeks to
encourage a measure of collaborative work in our seminar, and offers a periodic opportunity to
assess and even deconstruct news content—and to direct attention to what could be mediadriven myths in their embryonic phase.
We’ll begin selecting “afternoon report” teams during our second class on Aug. 26. In all, 13
“afternoon reports” will be delivered during the semester (provided the class enrollment
remains at 39). They will be scheduled throughout the semester on dates listed in the syllabus.
Here’s what you’ll want to do in completing this assignment:
• Get together with your teammates before class on the day you’re to present the “Afternoon
Report” and pick up copies of the New York Times, USA Today, and the Los Angeles Times.
You’re welcome to retrieve copies of the newspapers in the basement of the library.
• You and your teammates should review each newspaper, looking for:
a. The day’s best-written story: That is, which single story, in your collective
view, was most appealing or engaging in its writing—a story so good that
everyone in class should not fail to read it? What specific aspects of the
article made it so appealing? Be prepared to explain and justify your choice.
b. The day’s myth candidate: Which single article seems to possess the
potential of becoming a full-blown media-driven myth, and why? In other
words, which story longer than a few paragraphs fails the “sniff test,” in that
it doesn’t seem altogether sound or plausible? This could be a story that
seems thinly sourced or superficially researched. It could be one based on
the dubious data. Please note that identifying the myth candidate will
require you to read fairly closely each of the newspapers that morning.
c. The daily wildcard: The day before you are to deliver your report, I will ask
you and your teammates to look for another kind of article to include in your
presentation and written report. This “wildcard” may be the day’s most
gossipy story, the day’s most underplayed story, the day’s best sports story,
the day’s most misleading graphic illustration. The “wildcard” will vary by
week, in attempt to be sure the daily reports remain lively, diverse, and even
• Jointly prepare a verbal report to be presented during the opening portion of that
afternoon’s class. The verbal report should not exceed 15–20 minutes, during which you and
your teammates will each take the floor. Your presentation will be the starting point for a
somewhat broader discussion of the content of that morning’s newspapers. Everyone in class
will be expected to contribute to those discussions.
• After class, jointly write a paper of three to four pages that:
a. summarizes the content of your verbal report;
b. recounts, briefly, how you and your teammate worked together in reaching
your decisions;
c. revisits the myth candidate identified in the verbal report and explores why
that topic or story appears to have the potential to become a full-blown
media-driven myth;
d. discusses, briefly, how you felt the class received your verbal report, and
e. includes an online link to the myth-candidate story.
The paper is due to me as email attachment no later than 5 p.m. on the Friday following your
in-class presentation.
The “Myths” Paper
This assignment will allow you to research in some detail interesting aspects of a media-related
myth that displays the role the news media has played in elevating issues to prominence. Your
research paper should run six to eight full pages and will be due at the start of class on
December 7.
Please review the list below of several prospective research topics. You are welcome to
propose a pertinent idea (on a topic, say, that you’ve been interested in researching; this could
be the occasion to pursue that interest). We’ll want to agree on that topic before you may
proceed, of course. In any event, I will ask you in class on Sept. 30 to rank and briefly describe
your three top research preferences. Assignments of research topics will be based on those
Whatever topic you research, it’s essential that we meet to discuss the project’s scope and
other parameters, including resource materials. In any event, please do not research a topic
that you have previously investigated (in another class, for example).
Here are descriptions of several prospective research topics; this by no means is an exhaustive
□ The American divorce rate: Some reports and research say the divorce rate is
nowhere near 50 percent, as is often mentioned in the news media. So what is the country’s
divorce rate, if not 50 percent? How did this misunderstanding take hold? Who has promoted
the notion that half of all marriages in the United States fail? If this is a media myth, then what
does it tell us?
□ “Crack babies” today: How has the loathsome term “crack baby” morphed since the
1980s? How does it appear these days in contemporary popular culture? (As we’ll see, it’s the
name of a vodka-based cocktail favored by Prince Henry of England.) Has “crack baby” shed
some of its stigma and notoriety? If so, what does that tell us?
□ Poverty and terrorism: What explains the misleading linkage of poverty and
terrorism? You’re welcome to revisit this topic, with an eye toward explaining in detail how the
misunderstanding took hold. Why is the poverty-terrorism linkage so often invoked? Is there
any evidence supporting the link? In taking on this topic, you might consider reading Krueger’s
book, What Makes a Terrorist, in its entirety.
□ Road rage: We hear a lot about this form of bad behavior on the highways, but is
there really such a syndrome? A detailed report 12 years ago in USAToday suggested “road
rage” is a myth, stating: “Contrary to popular notions about mounting mayhem on the
highways, aggressive driving is neither a new nor a worsening problem.” Revisit the USAToday
reporting on this topic and try to interview one of the authors, Scott Bowles and Paul Overberg.
How do they feel about their research these days? Check databases for other studies and
reports about the purported “road rage” phenomenon. Does this topic qualify as a media
□ The Iwo Jima flag-raising myth: It’s sometimes said that the famous—indeed, iconic—
photograph of the flag raising at Iwo Jima during World War II was staged. That’s apparently
not the case. In pursuing this topic, you’ll want to consult databases such as LexisNexis to
determine whether that misleading interpretation is widely reported. Also, what factors
account for the tenacity of this myth? Is it because the flag-raising image somehow seems too
perfect? Does a mistrust of the military account for the myth’s tenacity, at least in part? Is the
account Joe Rosenthal, the photographer who snapped the image, persuasive in your view?
□ Nixon’s “secret plan”: Did Richard Nixon really say during his campaign for the
presidency in 1968 that he had a “secret plan” to end the war in Vietnam? Or, rather, were the
news media intimating that he had such a plan? What is the derivation of this anecdote and
how widely has it circulated? Does the evidence suggest that the “secret plan” story is
apocryphal? And why does this matter nowadays? Because the “secret plan” anecdote stands
as additional evidence of Nixon’s guile and deceit, perhaps?
□ The “wacko vet” myth: The notion is fairly tenacious that many Vietnam War veterans
(or, more recently, Iraq War veterans) returned home to the United States as dysfunctional and
mentally unstable. How have media reports fed this stereotype? (See a New York Times article
in January 2008.) Is there evidence to support the notion of a “wacko vet” syndrome? What do
veterans’ organizations have to say about this?
□ Oil-price hikes and recessions: Are they related? Or is the notion that they are related
a media myth? Robert Samuelson, a nationally syndicated columnist for the Washington Post,
has said the correlation is a myth. (He wrote in 2006, for example: “It is conventional wisdom
that big increases in oil prices usually trigger a recession—or at least a sharp downtown.”) Is he
correct about conventional wisdom? Does this suggest that many journalists have only a
tenuous grasp of the relationship of commodity prices and economic downturns?
□ The “March madness” myth: Claims have been made over the years that productivity
suffers when the NCAA men’s basketball tournament gets underway in mid-March. The
argument is that office workers shirk their duties to follow the first-round games on workplace
computers or televisions, so keen they are to learn how their predictions are holding up. But is
there much evidence to support such claims? The consulting firm Challenger, Gray suggested a
few years ago that there was such a linkage. But can this really be so, especially in hard
economic times when job security is fragile? In the end, is this a myth—simply more “March
madness”? The article at this URL might be useful:
We’ll discuss in class ways of organizing the “more myths” paper. But be sure that your research
paper includes these elements:
 A brief description, preferably in the methodology section, about how
you conducted your research.
 A detailed discussion of the findings of your research, including proper
citations of source material. This section probably will be the largest
single portion of your paper.
 A concluding section in which you present an analytical discussion of the
topic and suggest further avenues of research.
You are welcome to attach photocopies of articles to the final version of your research
memorandum. Doing so is optional, and the attachments do not count toward the required
page length.
Please keep me posted as you pursue this assignment, which is meant to be an opportunity to
conduct substantive and revealing research using primary source materials—on a topic that
really interests you.
Media History Life Profile
The history of the mass media in the United States is too often told through the eyes of white
Americans, in particular through the eyes of white men. The purpose of this four-page, doublespaced paper is to explore the life and contributions to journalism of someone who was not
part of the dominant system. This should be a profile of an individual whose minority voice,
whether they were a woman, ethnic, racial, sexual or religious minority, made a significant
contribution to journalism in the period leading up to 2000. I will give you a list of individuals
you may choose for your report. In addition to the written report, you will share your report
orally with other class members. You may choose someone not on my list, but you will need to
get my approval in advance. Only one person may report on any historic figure. This paper is
due in class on Wednesday, November 18.
Yellow Journalism Paper
“Yellow journalism” still has an unenviable reputation. But as practiced more than 100 years
ago, “yellow journalism” wasn’t all awful or execrable. The evocative, detail-rich article by
Richard Harding Davis, later titled “Death of Rodriguez,” is evidence that “yellow journalism”
could and did publish high-quality writing. I will post this article on BeachBoard.
Davis—a preeminent war correspondent of the late nineteenth century—wrote the article in
early 1897, while on assignment to Cuba for William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal. The
article tells of the firing-squad execution of a Cuban insurgent captured during the rebellion
against Spanish rule. The Cuban uprising led to the Spanish-American War in 1898.
Please closely read the article and write a four-page reaction paper that briefly summarizes the
storyline, discusses what was so notable and exemplary about “Death of Rodriguez,” points to
flaws in Davis’ article, and considers why the article had little or no long-term influence (it
certainly did not hasten the war between the United States and Spain over Cuba). Also offer
your view whether “Death of Rodriguez” has contemporary relevance as, say, an article that
journalists ought to read and even emulate. Your three- to four-page reaction papers are due at
the start of class on Sept. 30.
Final Exam
The final exam will be given Wednesday, Dec. 16,from 2:45 pm to 4:45 pm. It will cover material
from the beginning of class. You will be asked to write two detailed, analytical essays about
topics drawn from assigned readings and class discussions.
Tentative Semester Schedule of Topics (Subject to Change)
M Aug 24
Introduction to course
W Aug 26
Why Study Media History? Reading: Introduction to Sloan and Streitmatter
books; Set up Daily Report teams.
M Aug 31
The Revolutionary Press (Chapter 4 in Sloan); Sowing the Seeds of Revolution
(Chapter 1 in Streitmatter)
W Sept 2
Lecture on the early American Republic – Party Press and Penny Press eras.
(Chapters 5 and 7 in Sloan)
M Sept 7
Labor Day (No Class)
W Sept 9
Quiz 1 – Revolutionary Press, Party Press, and Penny Press from Tuesday.
The Antebellum and Civil War Press. (Chapters 8 and 9 in Sloan) Abolition:
Turning America’s Conscience Against the Sins of Slavery (Chapter 2 in
Streitmatter) Afternoon Report #1 Due
M Sept 14
American Magazines and Women’s Role in Journalism. (Chapter 13 in Sloan);
Slowing the Momentum for Women’s Rights (Chapter 3 in Streitmatter)
W Sept 16
Library Research Presentation – Using Records in Historical Research (tentative)
M Sept 21
Quiz 2 – Antebellum, Civil War, Early Magazines and Women’s Role. Attacking
Municipal Corruption: The Tweed Ring (Chapter 4 in Streitmatter); The Press and
Industrial America (Chapter 11 in Sloan) Afternoon Report #2 Due
W Sept 23
The Age of New Journalism (Chapter 12 in Sloan). Journalism as Warmonger
(Chapter 5 in Streitmatter).
M Sept 28
The Media and Reform (Chapter 16 in Sloan); Muckraking: The Golden Age of
Reform Journalism (Chapter 6 in Streitmatter) Afternoon Report #3
W Sept 30
Quiz 3 on post-Civil War era through Reform Era. The Emergence of Modern
Media (Chapter 15 in Sloan) and Defying the Ku Klux Klan (Chapter 7 in
Streitmatter) Yellow Journalism paper due. Discuss topic for media myth paper.
M Oct 5
Radio Comes of Age (Chapter 18 in Sloan); Father Coughlin: Fomenting AntiSemitism Via Radio (Chapter 8 in Streitmatter) Afternoon Report #4
W Oct 7
Quiz 4 on early 20th century media, including emergence of modern media,
radio coming of age, Father Coughlin and Defying the Ku Klux Klan.
M Oct 14
The Media and National Crises (Chapter 17 in Sloan). Creating Rosie the Riveter:
Propelling the American Woman into the Workforce (Chapter 9 in Streitmatter).
Afternoon Report #5
W Oct 16
Midterm Exam. A mix of multiple choice, short answer and fill in the blank
questions on material covered thus far.
M Oct 19
Media History Life Profile assignments discussed and assigned.
W Oct 21
Morning Report #6. The Media in Transition (Chapter 23 in Sloan). Exposing Joe
McCarthy: Journalism’s Finest Hour (Chapter 10 in Streitmatter)
M Oct 26
Pushing the Civil Rights Movement into the National Agenda (Chapter 11 in
Streitmatter) Morning Report #7
W Oct 28
Vietnam War: Bringing the Battlefield into the American Living Room (Chapter 12
in Streitmatter)
M Nov 2
Morning Report #8. Watergate Forces the President to His Knees (Chapter 13 in
W Nov 4
The News Media: 1974-2000 (Chapter 24 in Sloan)
M Nov 9
Rush Limbaugh: Leading the Republican Revolution ( Chapter 14 in Streitmatter)
Afternoon Report #9
W Nov 11
Veterans Day (No Class)
M Nov 16
Quiz 5 on post-World War II journalism to 2000. The Contemporary Media
(Chapter 25 in Streitmatter) Media History Life Profile Reports Due.
W Nov 18
Media History Life Profile Reports Presented (1).
M Nov 23
Media History Life Profile Reports Presented (2) 9/11: Failing the American
Public (Chapter 15 in Streitmatter) Afternoon Report #10
W Nov 25
No Class – Fall Break-Thanksgiving Holiday
M Nov 30
Media History Life Profile Reports Presented (3) The 21st Century’s Legacy to the
Past. Electing an African-American President: A Case Study in Media Bias
(Chapter 16 in Streitmatter) Afternoon Report #11
W Dec 2
Research Day – No Class. Mr. Perlman available for meetings with students on
Media Myth papers, or to discuss other issues. Sign up for a set appointment.
Drop ins are also welcome, but appointments get priority.
M Dec 7
Media Myth Paper due. Media History Life Profile Reports Presented (4)
Discussion of Media Myth Papers Afternoon Report #12
W Dec 9
Discussion of Media Myth Papers. Prepare for Final Exam. How the News Media
Have Shaped American History (Chapter 17 in Streitmatter) Afternoon Report
W Dec 16
Final Exam – Essay Format. Cumulative with an emphasis on the last half of the
course. From 2:45 pm to 4:45 pm.
Final grades in How the News Media Shape History will be determined according to these
• “A” -- represents superior work (written and oral) in fulfilling requirements for the
course; improvement during the course will be considered.
• “B” -- represents good to very good work (written and oral) in fulfilling course
requirements; improvement during the course will be considered.
• “C” -- represents satisfactory work (written and oral) in fulfilling requirements.
• “D” -- represents unsatisfactory performance.
• “F” -- represents failure to meet minimum course objectives.
Course grades will be calculated in this manner:
Chapter Quizzes (5 worth 10 points each)
Morning Report and Team Paper
Yellow Journalism Paper
Minority Journalism Profile
Myths Paper
Midterm Exam
Final exam
Bonus points (See the explanation below under “CLASS PARTICIPATION.”)
WRITING PROFICIENCY: As an elementary aspect of good writing, mechanical correctness is
essential. In mass communication, correct language usage is especially critical. To encourage
you to pay particular attention to language, points will be deducted from every assignment for
each mechanical error (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.). If you need assistance with
language usage, please confer with your instructor for advice.
TYPING: All assignments must be typed, not handwritten, unless it’s an in-class assignment.
CLASS PARTICIPATION: Bonus points may be given for superior contributions to the class.
The quality of your participation in the class will be determined by your positive
contributions. While evaluating them will be subjective, they will include such things as
asking insightful questions, participating in class discussion in an informed manner, and
attending class without absence. Similarly, points may be deducted from the final course
grade for failure to make positive contributions to the class. Do not count on any other
extra credit.
LATE WORK: You will receive NO credit for work turned in late. Work is late if it is not turned in
at the time that the instructor collects it. Daily quizzes will be given at the beginning of the
class. Any student arriving after a quiz has begun will get a grade of “0” for the quiz.
CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY: My experience with in-class computers has convinced me that they
are a distraction in a seminar setting. Therefore, I’m NOT allowing use of personal computers in
the classroom. You’re welcome to bring them, however, as I might ask you to log on to look up
something in class. Also, please turn off (not just leave on vibrate) your cellphones and pagers
while in class. It’s easy to forget you have left it on. I know – it happens to me in class or at
public meetings all the time.
About Me:
You deserve to know who is standing in front of you twice a week. I’m a 23-year veteran of
print journalism, a 10-year veteran of online journalism, and I’ve been a lecturer off and on at
UCLA, UCLA, Cal State Long Beach, Cal Poly Pomona and University of Redlands. I hold a
bachelor’s in political science from UCLA and a master’s in journalism from Columbia University
in NYC, where I was awarded a Pulitzer Traveling Fellowship. During my career I’ve covered
politics, urban affairs, legal affairs, and science. I was a founder of the Los Angeles Times’ online
effort. Along the way, I served as board member of a major non-profit here in Long Beach. My
hobbies include digital videography, travel and participating in online discussions. My wife I live
in Irvine. She’s a well-known psychologist and author.
Addendum to Course Syllabus: Department of Journalism
Policies on Grading, Conduct of Classes, Drops, Absences and Cheating
Grading: The grading policies and practices in this class are explained elsewhere in the syllabus.
It is the student’s responsibility to read them and to seek clarification if necessary. The student
should be fully aware of what is required for success in the course, such as group participation,
writing, speaking, completing assigned readings, etc.
Seat in Class: An enrolled student may lose his/her seat in class if he/she misses the first class
meeting without notifying the instructor. At the instructor’s discretion, a student who attends
the first class but not subsequent classes may also be dropped from the course.
Withdrawal from Class: Students may withdraw from a class from the third to the 12 th week for
“serious and compelling reasons.” Normally these are defined as anything of import that is
beyond the control of the student. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, death or
serious illness in a student’s immediate family or a documented change in a student’s work
schedule. Poor performance, tardiness and unexcused absences are not considered a serious or
compelling reason beyond the student’s control for purposes of withdrawal.
Absences from Class: Grades in a course may be adversely affected by absences, and students
should seek clarification from the instructor regarding the course absence policy. Make-ups
usually are granted in strict accordance with CSULB policy, which defines excused absences as
(1) illness or injury to the student; (2) death, injury or serious illness of an immediate family
member or the like; (3) religious reasons; (4) jury duty or government obligation; (5) CSULBsanctioned or approved activities [2002-03 Catalog, p. 75]. These and any other requests for an
excused absence must be documented.
CSULB Cheating/Plagiarism/Fabrication Policy: CSULB takes issues of academic dishonesty very
seriously. If you use any deceptive or dishonest method to complete an assignment, take an
exam, or gain credit in a course in any other way, or if you help someone else to do so, you are
guilty of cheating. If you use someone else’s ideas or work and represent it as your own without
giving credit to the source, you are guilty of plagiarism. This does not apply if the ideas are
recognized as common knowledge, or if you can show that you honestly developed the ideas
through your own work. Any instructor can show you the correct ways of citing your sources,
and you should use quotation marks, footnotes or endnotes and bibliographic references to
give credit to your sources according to the format recommended by your instructor.
Responses, Penalties and Student Rights: Students should consult the appropriate sections of
the Catalog for examples of cheating, fabrication and plagiarism, and instructor and/or CSULB
response options in such circumstances. The Catalog also outlines student rights. Any instance
of academic dishonesty may result in your immediate expulsion from the class with a grade of
“F” and/or other sanctions, as the instructor deems appropriate.
Academic Honesty: You should be familiar with University regulations regarding academic
honesty. Violations of academic honesty will not be tolerated. A student guilty of violations will
receive an automatic grade of “F” for the class and will be subject to other penalties, including
suspension from the University.
Accommodation of Students With Disabilities in Journalism Courses
Students with disabilities who need assistant or accommodation to participate in or benefit
from university programs, services, and/or activities should inform the instructor and then
contact Disabled Student Services. Students needing support services or accommodations
should contact the instructor of the course within the first week of class. In addition, students
should establish their eligibility for assistance by contacting the Disabled Student Services Office
(Brotman Hall 270) at 562-985-5401.
Students are to provide to the instructor verification of their disability from Disabled Student
Services. Typical accommodations available from Disabled Student Services, working with the
journalism instructor, includes extended time for tests, test proctoring, private test rooms, note
taking, Braille transcriptions, and referral for tutoring.
If the service offered is insufficient or inadequate, the student should confer with the instructor
and the director of Disabled Student Services. If these efforts are unsuccessful, students have
the option of directing their concerns to the Office of Equity and Diversity (University Student
Union 301) at 562-985-8256. Responsibility for oversight and implementation of the Americans
with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act has been delegated to the campus director for
disability support and accommodation.
Department Information
Advising: If you are a journalism major or minor, the department recommends that you see
one of our advisers at least once a year. We have two experienced advisers – Professor
Jennifer Fleming ( and Professor Danny Paskin
( – to assist you with your course selection, answer questions about
requirements, help you stay focused on your chosen path to graduation, and offer other
relevant advice. Their information and advising hours are posted around the department and
available in the department office (LA4-106).
Internships: The department recommends that you pursue internships, service-learning
experiences, and extra-curricular activities to enhance your career preparedness and
marketability when you graduate. Employers will expect to see examples of your work; they
prefer applicants with experience. Therefore, you will find all internships and job opportunities
that come to the department posted on the department’s BeachBoard site. A binder with hard
copies of all internships is also kept in the department office for your review. In addition,
internship postings are available online through the CSULB Career Development Center.
Students pursuing opportunities through our BeachBoard or CDC sites should be aware that the
department and CDC do not screen these opportunities for JOUR 498 credit. If you are seeking
JOUR 498 credit, you must attend one of the mandatory orientations conducted the semester
prior to your enrollment in JOUR 498. Students enrolled in a section of JOUR 498 will also
receive advance notice of the orientations from their instructor.
Student Media: The department is home to the Daily 49er and Dig Magazine and closely tied
to KBeach Radio and College Beat TV. Getting involved in student media will help you hone
your skills and give you real-life experiences. Stop by the Daily 49er and Dig Magazine offices in
LA4-201 and talk to the staff. Introduce yourself to the faculty advisers – Professor Barbara
Kingsley-Wilson (Daily 49er,, Professor Gary Metzker
(Daily 49er and Dig Magazine,, and Professor John Shrader (KBeach
Radio and College Beat TV, – who can answer any questions you may
Bateman Case Study Competition: Consider joining the Bateman Case Study Competition
Team. The Bateman Competition (
is a prestigious inter-collegiate contest, often called the Super Bowl of collegiate public
relations competitions. It is one of the most intense and rewarding experiences for our
students. Participants on the Bateman Team receive JOUR 485 credit. See Professor Joni
Ramirez (, our Bateman coach, for more information.
Student Organizations: The department is home to three active student organizations – the
National Association of Hispanic Journalists, Public Relations Student Society of America, and
Society of Professional Journalists. Each group has its own leaders and sponsors a variety of
activities, including esteemed professionals as guest speakers. These three groups also work
closely with the department to co-sponsor special events, such as Journalism and Public
Relations Day. Get involved and have a blast with your classmates! Contact the respective
faculty advisers for more information: Professor Danny Paskin ( for
NAHJ, Professor Holly Ferris ( for PRSSA, and Professor Chris Karadjov
( for SPJ.
Social Media: Be sure to get connected to the department’s Facebook page
( and website
( for photos and information about
department happenings.
Office Hours: Each faculty member holds office hours to help you perform well in your classes,
answer any of your questions, and offer advice. Take advantage of office hours and get to
know your faculty.
Accreditation: The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at California State
University, Long Beach is accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and
Mass Communications (ACEJMC, Accreditation by ACEJMC is
an assurance of quality in professional education in journalism and mass communication.
Students in an accredited program can expect to find a challenging curriculum, good facilities,
and a competent faculty.
ACEJMC lists 12 professional values and competencies that must be part of the education of
all journalism, public relations, and mass communication students. Each one of your required
courses in the journalism major addresses at least one of the 12 professional competencies.
Therefore, graduates who majored in journalism and public relations should be able to do the
understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press in the
United States, as well as receive instruction in and understand the range of systems of
freedom of expression around the world, including the right to dissent, to monitor and
criticize power, and to assemble and petition for redress of grievances;
demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions
in shaping communications;
demonstrate an understanding of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and, as
appropriate, other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass
demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of peoples and cultures and of the
significance and impact of mass communication in a global society;
understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and
demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in
pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity;
think critically, creatively and independently;
conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the
communications professions in which they work;
write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications
professions, audiences and purposes they serve;
critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity,
appropriate style and grammatical correctness;
apply basic numerical and statistical concepts;
apply tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which
they work.