College of Health Sciences College Core Values, Mission and Vision Statements Core Values: Chicago State University (CSU), College of Health Sciences faculty and staff values: Student Learning and Development Life-long learning Diversity Accountability and Responsibility Community Service Critical Thinking Interdisciplinary Education Empowerment and Social Justice Transformative Leadership Professional Integrity Mission: The College of Health Sciences at CSU educates a caring and competent, nontraditional student body, many of whom are underrepresented in the healthcare professions. Through innovative teaching strategies and interdisciplinary educational experiences, we empower our graduates to be critical thinkers, lifelong learners, advocates for reducing health disparities, and providers of quality health care services. Vision: The College of Health Sciences at CSU strives to be recognized as a national leader in interdisciplinary healthcare education and excellence in teaching, research and service. We strive to inspire and prepare our students to seek and create innovative healthcare opportunities locally, nationally and globally. ___________ Drafted, 8/26/2011 – College Annual Retreat Revised, 9/22/2011 – Executive Council Meeting Revised, 9/26/2011 – Executive Council Meeting Approved at the College Assembly on 10/6/2011 1 DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS Vision Statement The vision of the Department of Occupational Therapy is to be widely recognized as a dynamic, community-oriented program that trains competent, diverse occupational therapists and enhances the health of underserved communities through research and service. Mission Statement The mission of the Department of Occupational Therapy is to provide education designed to prepare diverse, competent and effective occupational therapists skilled at meeting the demands of rapidly changing service delivery systems. The program seeks to develop therapists who possess foundational skills in the principles of the occupational therapy profession and the ability to integrate knowledge into practice while using the critical thinking and reflective abilities necessary to address the multiple roles of practitioner, consultant, educator, manager, researcher and advocate within traditional and emerging service delivery systems. The Department of Occupational Therapy mission is consistent with the University and College of Health Sciences mission and upholds the commitment to the recruitment and education of candidates from diverse backgrounds underrepresented in the practice of occupational therapy. The program’s purpose is to develop graduates that are compassionate and dedicated to implementing contextually relevant occupation centered services that promote and enhance the health, participation and quality of life for individuals and populations. 2 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STUDIES MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS The mission of the Department of Health Studies is to provide educational opportunities to a culturally diverse, non-traditional and traditional student body, many of whom are underrepresented in the healthcare professions. Our programs utilize interdisciplinary education, community and service learning opportunities to develop students’ critical thinking skills, to empower graduates who will advocate for reduction in health disparities, are service oriented practitioners of quality healthcare, and informed global citizens. Vision Statement The Department of Health Studies at CSU seeks national recognition as a leader in health education and excellence in teaching, research and service. We strive to inspire and prepare our students to seek and create innovative healthcare opportunities locally, nationally and globally. 3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS The mission of the Department of Health Information Administration is to prepare confident, competent, and contributing professionals, many of whom are underrepresented in the health care professions, to function in ever-changing health information management and technology systems. Graduates will be equipped through engaging in life-long learning, and will serve as advocates for patient and consumer health privacy and confidentiality. Our vision is to be recognized as a leader in health information and informatics education and to empower individuals to serve as leaders in the health information management profession. 4 DEPARTMENT OF NURSING MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS 5 COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Department of Occupational Therapy The graduates of the Master of Occupational Therapy (M.O.T.) program will demonstrate: 1. The skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary to utilize the principles supporting theories of occupation, and human development in the practice of occupational therapy. This includes planning, evaluation, and interventions that demonstrate an understanding of occupation as central to human development and performance and an understanding of the importance of occupation to the achievement of health and wellness. 2. The skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary to be proficient in all aspects of the occupational therapy process and, to assist individuals and selected populations in achieving optimal occupational function within diverse physical, social and cultural environments. This includes the use of evidence-based practice to ensure the use of best practice as defined by the profession. 3. The skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary to work within a variety of service delivery systems. Graduates will identify and respond to opportunities to deliver best practice that meets the needs of individuals and groups for occupationally centered interventions. This will require the graduate to be flexible and responsive to changing delivery systems and practice areas. 4. Competence in the role of advocate, particularly with regards to issues of urban health and the environment. The graduate will recognize opportunities to intervene on behalf of diverse individuals, organizations, communities, and social systems. Graduates will argue effectively and ethically on behalf of those individuals and populations to whom we provide service within the context of the economic, political and social issues encountered. 5. Respect for and identify with roles required by the profession and will incorporate a continually evolving self-development plan for themselves. They will demonstrate their appreciation of AOTA, ILOTA and other professional organizations through their ongoing membership in and support of such organizations. 6 COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Department of Health Studies Community Health Program Following completion of the community health program, the graduates will: 1. Be able to apply psychological and sociological theories in explaining human behaviors in different clinical scenarios. 2. Be able to articulate the social, cultural, economic, and political factors that influence health and well being. 3. Demonstrate competence in promoting health and prevent disease by positively influencing the behavior of clients, as well as their quality of life and working environments. 4. Be able to evaluate individual and community health needs by using valid sources of data, computerized sources of health related information, appropriate data gathering instruments, and applied survey of techniques. 5. Be knowledgeable of the US health care system and the ethical dilemmas in health care. 6. Be a knowledgeable and discerning consumer of published research in public health. Pre-Physical Therapy Program The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in pre-physical therapy is not a professional degree and the degree cannot be used to seek employment as a physical therapist. Following completion of the BS degree in pre-physical therapy, students will have acquired the qualification needed for admission into an entry-level Master’s or doctoral (professional) degree program at an accredited institution. Upon successful completion of the BS degree in pre-physical therapy, the graduates will: 1. Demonstrate excellent writing skills needed to convey his/her own ideas and documentation of patients history and progress notes. 2. Be able to apply psychological and sociological theories in explaining human behaviors in different clinical scenarios. 3. Be able to apply the theoretical knowledge from the physical and medical sciences in the context of disease pathology, physical therapy diagnosis and intervention. 4. Acquire foundation knowledge about physical therapy as a profession. 5. Be able to articulate the roles and responsibilities of the physical therapist and the other members of the health care team. 6. Be a knowledgeable and discerning consumer of published research in allied health. 7 Following completion of the Master of Public Health program, the graduates will be able to: 1. Apply knowledge theoretical constructs from related social and behavioral sciences needed to plan and implement acceptable evidence-based intervention strategies for preventive health practices. 2. Demonstrate skills and competencies needed to define the human health effects of exposure to hazardous and toxic substances and to integrate these results with engineering, social, economic and political concerns to reach decisions. 3. Demonstrate educational instructions in the recognition of community health indicators and evaluation of factors in the home and workplace that may cause disease, dysfunction, human suffering and premature death. 4. Demonstrate skills and competencies needed to distinguish the relative effectiveness of different public health interventions utilizing appropriate principles and methods from health, the social and behavioral sciences. 5. Demonstrate skills and capacity to effectively plan, manage, implement, and evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs as well as advocacy related to behavioral, social, environmental and cultural factors that affect health and health-related behaviors. 6. Apply instructional and research skills in the technical and scientific disciplines that have direct or indirect impact on the prevention of disease and the promotion of health and wellness through the control of environment. 8 COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Department of Health Information Administration The Health Information Administration program will prepare graduates to: 1. Demonstrate health information management (HIM) entry-level competencies for Health Information Administration (HIA)programs as defined by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Domains and Sub-domains: health data management; health statistics, biomedical research and quality management; health services organization and delivery; information technology and systems; and organization and management. 2. Demonstrate appropriate professional knowledge, skills, and demeanor as well as ethical conduct in all practice settings. 3. Secure traditional or nontraditional positions in the health care delivery system. 4. Function as a member of the health team by development and acceptance of his/her responsibilities in the total health care of the patient. 5. Serve as advocates for patient and consumer health privacy and confidentiality. 6. Appreciate the role of the American Health Information Management Association, Illinois Health Information Management Association, Chicago Area Health Information Management Association and other professional organizations through membership, service and leadership. 9 COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Department of Nursing Program Objectives The graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program will be able to: 1. Utilize critical thinking skills when applying knowledge from the biophysical and behavioral sciences, humanities and nursing, to the care of individuals and aggregates. 2. Utilize evidence-based nursing interventions through the nursing process. 3. Demonstrate leadership skills in collaboration with consumers and other members of the health care team in a variety of settings to effect change that promotes delivery of quality health care in a multicultural society. 4. Evaluate research findings in nursing and other fields for their applicability to the improvement of nursing practice. 5. Assume responsibility for personal and professional growth through lifelong learning. 6. Assume responsibility for professional practice that reflects the standards of professional and regulatory bodies. 7. Utilize technology in managing information in meeting the healthcare needs of clients in a variety of healthcare settings. The graduates of the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program will be able to: 1. Critically examine and synthesize theories, advanced knowledge, and current research findings for nursing, other health care disciplines and health care organizations. 2. Demonstrate competence in improving the delivery of nursing and health care by influencing social and health policy development. 3. Demonstrate the capacity to plan, merge, implement, and evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs. 4. Design and evaluate systems that support evidence-based standards of nursing practice in education and in a variety of health care settings. 5. Integrate research-based problem solving and decision making when designing nursing care modalities. 6. Apply research and instructional skills in program evaluation and administration. 7. Demonstrate professional growth that contributes to the advancement of the nursing profession. 10 11