
5 Components of Reading Notebook
ED 481/581
Dr. Lawley
Fluency – Component #3
1. What is it? – 5 pts
When a person reads fluently, it means that he or she is able to read text accurately,
quickly, and with expression. Fluency bridges the gap between word recognition and
comprehending the meaning the text conveys. Reading with expression includes noting
punctuation, using proper phrasing, and understanding when to use appropriate inflection
when reading aloud.
2. Why is this component beneficial to students? – 5pts
Since we read to gain meaning from text, fluency is one of the most beneficial components
of reading. Being able to read accurately and with appropriate expression gives students
more confidence when reading aloud and enriches the listening experience for everyone
else. Readers who struggle with fluency are likely to become discouraged and frustrated
when reading even if they are able to recognize individual words. Fluency allows for
readers to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for rich, more sophisticated
writing styles as well.
3. List and explain five strategies for teaching fluency – 10 pts
Name of Strategy or
Description of
Materials needed for
Strategy or Activity strategy or activity
1. Improve high
The teacher can
Large word wall;
frequency/sight word
create a large word
paper; markers
wall in front of the
class which displays
commonly used
words and phrases.
Students should
contribute to the
content of the wall
and can refer to it
when needed. This
should help students
5 Components of Reading Notebook
ED 481/581
Dr. Lawley
become more
automatic in
recalling these words
when encountered
in text.
2. Practice self-monitoring
and rereading for
comprehension and
The teacher will
Different passages for
model how fluent
each student
readers encounter a
difficult text.
Students will listen
and observe while
the teacher reads a
passage aloud and
orally expresses how
students should
monitor their own
comprehension. The
teacher will also
model how to reread
and use context
clues to find
meaning. After
modeling, the
students will do the
same with a
different passage as
they read aloud to a
3. Practice proper
First, the teacher will
phrasing, tone, and
model how it sounds
understanding punctuation when punctuation is
ignored, and follow
with a brief class
discussion about
Reading material for
each student;
Sensation” chart for
each student (see
5 Components of Reading Notebook
ED 481/581
Dr. Lawley
why it didn’t sound
right. Volunteers
can quickly model
how to red
punctuation and/or
the teacher will
model the correct
way. The students
will then be given a
poem to read aloud
with a buddy.
Before they begin
reading, students
will circle each
punctuation mark
they find and discuss
what they think it
means. (Students
can refer to the
Sensation” chart as
4. Read dramatic text as a
class to encourage
expressionistic reading
Students will be
given a script
(preferably one
slightly below grade
level with
lines so all students
feel comfortable
participating) and
they will read their
lines as dramatically
as possible. This
activity should be
Copies of the script for
each student;
highlighters (helps
recognize parts)
5 Components of Reading Notebook
ED 481/581
Dr. Lawley
enjoyable and focus
more on expression
than vocabulary
expansion or
5. Whole group choral
reading of a familiar poem
or song
The class will read a Copies of the familiar
familiar song or
text for each student
poem aloud as a
group—each student
should note
punctuation and
phrasing. This
should help shy
and/or struggling
students slowly
become more
comfortable reading
what it’s called
what to do
question mark
stop to end the sentence
make your voice say “huh?”
exclamation mark
short pause
quotation marks
sound like the person talking in the
pause to take a breath
5 Components of Reading Notebook
ED 481/581
Dr. Lawley