Mind Mapping Instructions

Mind Mapping Instructions
To produce great Mind Maps that improve your powers of recall, just follow these
simple steps:
1. Decide the important information you want to map.
2. Draw a representative picture/image at the centre of the page
3. Create thick branches outwards for the centre & label them.
4. From each branch create smaller branches (less thick!) and label them,
avoiding phrases.
5. Use dotted lines and arrows to show links between branches.
6. Use images and colours throughout
7. Draw quickly and uncritically allowing the mind to flow.
8. Have fun and make them as beautiful as possible!!
Mind Mapping Instructions
To produce great Mind Maps that improve your powers of recall, just follow these
simple steps:
1. Decide the important information you want to map.
2. Draw a representative picture/image at the centre of the page
3. Create thick branches outwards for the centre & label them.
4. From each branch create smaller branches (less thick!) and label them,
avoiding phrases.
5. Use dotted lines and arrows to show links between branches.
6. Use images and colours throughout
7. Draw quickly and uncritically allowing the mind to flow.
8. Have fun and make them as beautiful as possible!!