26 August 2013
Dear Parent/Guardian & Student:
The summer has come to an end and our entire team is extremely excited about
the start of another school year. During the summer months our staff spent
considerable time and energy developing our plans to have the 2013-2014
school year be our best ever. The student performance data associated with our
school demonstrates that we have made progress, but still have a considerable
way to go in order to reach our goals.
Please read the information enclosed in this handbook very carefully. You will
find very important information related to school rules, expectations, programs,
policies and procedures. It is very important that all stakeholders clearly
understand how our school will function and how the task of educating our
children will take place. We look forward to working with all of our students, their
families, and our business/community partners to create the best learning
environment possible.
Federico R. Adams
School Vision
We will work to foster a community of learners through an enriched
instructional program, diverse cultural activities, and cutting-edge practices. We
will strive to achieve high standards with an interactive learning community that
incorporates a dedicated staff, parents and community partners, a rigorous
curriculum, and a safe and orderly environment.
Mission Statement
We will empower our students to become leaders and by providing quality
instruction in a nurturing environment and equip students with the necessary
knowledge and skills to be productive citizens in society.
We believe that:
Learning is an ongoing process that extends beyond the
classroom to include family, home, and community.
Learning requires active, productive, and meaningful student
Student Entry & Dismissal
7:15 a.m. – 7:35 a.m.
7:40 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
Free breakfast served in school cafeteria
Official start of school, instruction begins
Students participating in the free breakfast program are required to enter
the building using the café entrance located on the corner of Gold and N. Carey
streets at 7:15 a.m. At 7:35 a.m. the main front and rear doors will open for
students to enter the building for the official start of the school day. Please do not
send students to the school prior to 7:15 a.m. because staff members will not be
available to receive them.
In the event of an absence, students are required to provide a signed and
dated note from their parent/guardian explaining the reason for the absence on
the day they return to school. Failure to immediately provide a note will result in
the absence being classified as unlawful.
No single factor contributes as much to a student’s academic success or
failure as absenteeism. School attendance is essential to school success.
Students must make a total commitment to daily and punctual attendance,
thereby establishing a pattern of responsible behavior, which will also make them
successful in their adult lives. Parents are legally responsible for the daily and
punctual attendance of their children. State law requires that every student attend
school each day that school is in session unless due to illness, injury or some
other legitimate reason. Students who fail to maintain a monthly attendance rate
of 95% or better will be subject to the following consequences:
Exclusion from field trips, assemblies and extracurricular activities.
Mandatory school based attendance hearing for the parent/guardian.
Referral to the BCPSS Office of Attendance & Truancy.
Mandatory district level attendance hearing for the parent/guardian.
Referral for court based intervention for the parent/guardian.
Students are expected to be seated in their designated homeroom
classroom no later than 7:45 a.m. Students arriving to school at 7:45 a.m.
or later are considered late for school, must obtain a late pass and will be
marked accordingly. It is very important that students who arrive late to school
receive a late pass in order to make certain that they are given credit for
attending school..
For the safety of your child please arrange for them to be picked up at
2:30 p.m. when school is dismissed. Parents are respectfully asked to avoid
removing students from school prior to 2:30 p.m. In order to preserve the integrity
of the school day no early dismissal will be issued after 2:00 p.m. School
personnel will be not available to assume parental supervision after the close of
the school day. In the event that a parent/guardian is unexpectedly delayed
arriving for dismissal they are asked to contact the school and advise office
personnel of the situation.
Dress Code & School Uniforms
William Pinderhuges Elementary-Middle School is a designated uniform
school. This means that students are expected to report to school daily attired in
their mandatory school uniform. The school uniform guidelines are as follows:
Khaki pants, jumper, shorts or skirts. Shorts and skirts must be at least
knee length.
Students wearing pants or shorts are required to also wear a belt.
White collared shirt for elementary students and a navy blue collared shirt
for students in the seventh and eighth grades.
Appropriate shoes and socks.
Pants and shorts must be worn on the waist and underwear must not be
visible. Students will not be permitted to wear t-shirts, any hooded garments,
jackets or other similar items as their outer shirt. Students will also not be
permitted to wear any type of open shoe, sandal, flip-flops or other shoe that
does not completely cover the foot. Failure and/or refusal to adhere to the
mandatory student dress code will result in exclusion from field trips,
assemblies, extracurricular activities and other non-instructional activities.
Eligibility for school transportation services is determined by the BCPSS
Office of Transportation. Questions pertaining to eligibility for transportation
should be directed to (410) 396-7740.
School Breakfast Program
Students are strongly encouraged to participate in or free breakfast
program. Students may report to the school cafeteria to receive a free, nutritious
breakfast at 7:15 a.m. Late students will miss the opportunity to receive breakfast
at school.
Free & Reduced Price Lunch Program
All students are required to submit an application for the federally
subsidized lunch program every year. Parents are required to submit one
application per family to cover all school aged children in the household.
Applications will be mailed to your home, will be available in the main office and
will be sent home by your child’s homeroom teacher. Due to the manner in which
federal funds are allocated to local schools it is extremely important that the
school receive a complete lunch application for every student.
Cafeteria Guidelines
Your homeroom teacher will inform you of the method of seat
selection/assignment in the cafeteria. Upon entering the cafeteria students are
expected to be seated at their assigned table and wait to be called to the serving
Student Responsibilities
 Follow all rules and regulations.
 Be considerate and respectful of yourself and others.
 Talk in conversational tones.
 Properly dispose of all trash.
 Make sure to take all of your personal belongings with you when
you exit the cafeteria.
Students who fail to exhibit appropriate behavior in the cafeteria will be
assigned lunch detention and not be allowed to eat with their peers.
Baltimore City Public School System
Student Code of Conduct
Students, teachers, administrators and citizens have a deep interest in
promoting effective discipline in the schools of Baltimore City. A major
responsibility of the William Pinderhughes Elementary-Middle School is to
promote the growth and development of young men and women in four key
Self respect
Appreciation of the rights of all people, including students and staff
Understanding that responsibilities to others as well as to oneself, go with
these rights
Groups of students, parents, and the school staff have developed the
following code as a guide to behavior that protects the rights and safety to all and
promotes a school environment in which students can live comfortably and learn
the following to:
I respect other and myself. I am kind and courteous. I demonstrate
positive verbal and non-verbal communication and positive behaviors.
I am responsible for my behavior and its consequences.
I come to school on time, focused, and prepared to work.
I demonstrate behaviors that promote a clean, safe, and civil learning
I respect the environment and grounds, school property, and the
property of others.
I represent myself in an appropriate and orderly fashion at all times and
in all settings. I demonstrate personal honor and integrity at all times.
The BCPSS Code of Conduct cites disciplinary actions that may be taken
for infractions that occur in school, in the school community, and on the way to
and from school. Please refer to the BCPSS Student Discipline Code for a
complete explanation of disciplinary policies and procedures.
Students may be assigned after-school and/or Saturday detention as a
result of inappropriate behavior or other infractions that occur in school, in the
community, and/or on the way to and from school. Some examples of offenses
that may result in detention include but are not limited to: insubordination,
disrespect, failure to adhere to school rules/policies, disruptive behavior…
Short-Term Suspensions
Students may be temporarily removed from school for up to five days for a
serious or continued misconduct. Students who are placed on short-term
suspension may not return to school until the administrator who authorized the
short-term has held a satisfactory conference with the parent or guardian. Some
examples of offenses which may result in a short-term suspension are: refusal to
follow directions, theft, possession/use of portable electronic devices, fighting,
profanity, cutting class/AWOL, insubordination, etc…
Long-Term Suspensions
Long-term suspensions are suspensions that temporarily remove students
from school for more than ten days. Long-term suspensions are a severe
disciplinary action brought about as the result of extreme inappropriate conduct
or demonstrate continued pattern of unacceptable behavior. Certain very serious
offenses can lead to permanent suspension from school and a referral to the
BCPSS Office of Suspension Services. Some examples of offenses which may
result in a short-term suspension are: intentional bodily harm to a student or staff
member, verbal threats, vandalism and/or malicious destruction of school
property, chronic disruptive behavior, extortion, possession/use of items to may
endanger the safety and/or health of others, theft, repeated short-term
suspensions, sexual harassment, etc…
The BCPSS Office of Suspension Services may expel a student from
school due to acts that endanger the safety of students and staff members,
repeated patterns of unacceptable behavior, possession/use of illegal
substances, possessions or real or look-alike weapons, etc…When expelled from
school a student is prohibited from attending any regular day school program.
The Board of School Commissioners as established a zero tolerance
policy with regards to students who have weapons in school. BCPSS policy
states that any students found in possession of any weapon will be
Portable Electronic Devices
The Annotated Code of Baltimore City and BCPSS regulations prohibit
students from “carrying and/or using portable electronic devices while in school
and/or participating in school sponsored activities including field trips, programs,
etc. Examples of portable electronic devices include but are not limited to mobile
telephones, video cameras, digital cameras, text messaging devices, music
players, video game units, etc. These devices are to be put away immediately
upon entering the school building and should not be visible during the school day
or while participating in school sponsored activities. The school will not assume
any liability for the theft, damage or destruction of any prohibited devices that our
brought in the school and brought to school sponsored activities such as fields
trips, etc… In the event that a student is seen wearing or using a portable
electronic device he/she is subject to the following disciplinary consequences:
First Offense – School personnel will confiscate the device and it will be returned
to the student after the parent/guardian has been contacted at the conclusion of
the school day.
Second Offense – School personnel will confiscate the device and will notify the
parent/guardian. The device will only be returned to the parent/guardian.
Third Offense – School personnel will confiscate the device, the device will be
held until the parent/guardian who must schedule an appointment to have a
conference with the appropriate administrator, and the student will be subject to
disciplinary consequences.
Students are not permitted to carry any kind of medication during the
school day. This includes over the counter (OTC) medications. If a student must
take a prescribed or over the counter medication the school office must be
notified. The office will issue the parent/guardian a “Parent’s Request and
Authorization to Administer Medication to a Student in School” form, to be
returned to the school office. Failure to adhere to the policy may be result in
disciplinary consequences.
Early Dismissal Procedures
Occasionally a parent/guardian may need to request that their child be
released early from school. In order to guard the safety of our students and to
provide a systemic method of communication between the school and
parent/guardian we have a established a detailed procedure that must be
followed when requesting that a student be released early from school. Students
must come to the office during the homeroom period with a written note from
home. Students should have the room pass from their homeroom teacher before
coming to the office. The note from the home must contain the following
information: student’s name/class, reason for request, date/time,
parent’s/guardian’s name and signature, and a phone number for verification.
When the request has been verified, an early dismissal pass will be written
and logged in the early dismissal book. The student will be given the student
copy of the pass when he/she reports to the office at the indicated time of early
dismissal. Students will only be released to parents, guardians, or persons listed
on the emergency card. For the safety of our children no child will be dismissed
during the school day without an adult signing her/him out in the main office.
Note: Students are expected to remain in school for the duration of the school
day. Please note that no early dismissal will be issued for student after 2:00 p.m.
If a parent or guardian should arrive at the school and request that a student be
released early the office personnel will have the student sent to the main office.
In order to minimize classroom disruptions the school must strongly discourage
parents from going to the student’s classroom to pick up students who are
leaving school before the official dismissal time.
Weather Related Early Dismissal & School Closing
Inclement weather conditions may force the BCPSS to close schools.
During times of inclement weather please listen to your local television, radio
stations and the BCPSS website (www.bcpss.org) for announcements regarding
the delayed opening or closure of Baltimore City Public Schools. Please be
advised that when the opening of school is delayed teachers and staff members
also are delayed in their reporting for duty. For example, if the opening of school
is delayed by two hours staff members will report for duty at 9:20 a.m. followed
by students at 9:40 a.m. When Baltimore City Public Schools are dismissed early
due to inclement weather, hazardous conditions, or excessive heat, the building
will be closed with one hour of the announced closing time. On days when
schools are closed or dismissed early all school related activities including field
trips, after-school programs, etc… will be cancelled. It is important that every
family have a pre-arranged plan of what to do when there is a delayed opening,
schools are closed, or when school is dismissed early.
Change of Address
Parents/guardians are required to notify the school in a timely manner
whenever there is a change of address for a student and parent/guardian
attending our school. Parents/guardians are required to bring in proof of the new
address the main office and are required to provide the school with at least two
working telephone numbers.
Student Emergency Cards
BCPSS policy stipulates that all students have an accurate, up to date
emergency card on file with the child’s teacher and the main office at all times.
The student emergency card must reflect the most current information and must
be updated whenever the required information changes. Student emergency card
are required by law and allow the school t o follow the parent/guardian’s wishes
in the event that the student become ill or is injured while at school or
participating in a school sponsored activity. The student emergency card must be
signed by a parent/guardian and must note any serious medical conditions or
Fire Drills
Local, state and federal law require that every school conduct periodic fire
and emergency evacuation drills in order to practice the save and orderly
evacuation of our building in the event of an emergency. When you hear the
alarm and/or evacuation announcement do as follows:
Stop what you are doing and listen to the directions of the adults in
Listen carefully to the directions of your teacher or staff member.
Evacuate the building in a safe and orderly manner.
When the school has given permission to re-enter the building your
teacher will be notified. Please follow their directions in order to re-enter the
building in a safe and orderly manner.
Field Trips
Field trips are periodically used as part of the curriculum and help
enhance the educational experience of students. Teachers, under the guidance
of members of the leadership team, will develop field trips in accordance with the
established policies of the BCPSS. Students are required to wear their
mandatory school uniforms on all field trips as a measure of safety and security
unless otherwise stated. Prior to any field trip parents/guardians will receive
detailed notice explaining all details regarding the proposed trip. In order to
participate students must:
Have exhibited appropriate school behavior prior to the trip.
Have returned a signed permission slip at least 72 hours (3 schools days)
prior to the date of the trip.
Submit any required payment at least 72 hours (3 schools days) prior to
the date of the trip.
Report to school attired in their mandatory school uniform on the day of
the trip.
Participation in school sponsored field trips is strictly limited to students
currently enrolled at William Pinderhuges Elementary-Middle School, their
parent/guardian and school personnel authorized by the Principal or
designee. Siblings, both older and younger than the student participating in
the school sponsored filed trip are prohibited from participating in this school
sponsored activities. All chaperones must be at 21 years of age and must be
the parent/guardian of a child participating in the field trip.
School & Classroom Visits
The positive involvement of parents and guardians is vital to the success
of any educational institution. Registration of Visitors as stated in Baltimore City
Code Article 24, Section 21 “it shall be unlawful for any person to enter any
public school building without immediately registering at the office of the
principal. Such registrant shall be required to furnish his/her name, address, and
occupation, and shall state the reason for his/her presence in the building. In
addition, he/she shall furnish positive identification.” Upon registering at the main
office visitors will be given a pass stating their name, the date and time, and
approved destination. All visitors must prominently display their pass while in the
William Pinderhuges Elementary-Middle School strongly encourages
parents/guardians to stay actively involved in their child’s educational
activities, but make certain that disruptions to the educational program are
minimized. As per the official policy of the Board of School Commissioners,
“the principal is authorized to set reasonable limitations on school and
classroom visits, including length and frequency of any visits, and the number
of visits. The principal must ensure that teachers receive advance notice prior
to visitors being sent to the classroom/office and make efforts to have visitors
escorted to the classroom/office when appropriate.”
When visiting the classroom parents are required to adhere to the following
 Visits to a child’s classroom are limited to the child’s parent and/or
legal guardian.
 All visitors must register at the main office and must receive a visitor’s
badge. The visitor’s badge must be visible and must be worn at all
 Visitors must register at the main office every time the visitor enters the
building. For example, if a parent/guardian registers in the main office,
receives a visitor’s badge at 8:30 a.m., leaves at 9:15 a.m. and returns
at 1:00 p.m. he/she must re-register at the main office and will be given
another visitor’s badge.
 While visiting classrooms parents/guardians must refrain from using
mobile communication devices, should remain quiet and orderly, and
should not attempt to hold a conference with the teacher.
Homework Policy
It is the expectation of the school’s leadership team that all teachers are to
assign homework on a daily basis. It is the responsibility of all students and
parents/guardians to make certain that all homework assignments are
completed by the students, reviewed for completion and checked for accuracy
by the parent/guardian. Homework is a vital part of the educational process
and provides opportunities for students to reinforce skills, gain a better
understanding of the subject matter, and extend their thinking through
research and application. Homework helps students hone their work habits
and organizational and study skills; it helps them to increase independence
and responsibility. In addition, homework connects parents/guardians with
what their children are learning in school. Educational research shows that
students who complete appropriate homework assignments demonstrate
significant gains in academic achievement. In the event that a parent believes
that their child is not receiving homework they are asked to contact a member
of the leader team to discuss their concerns.
General Homework Expectations and Policy
 Students are expected to complete homework assignment nightly.
Although daily assignments will not necessarily require students to
produce a written product, teachers will be expected to assign
homework every day school is in session. Depending on the students’
grade level, home assignments may include extended research,
vocabulary review, studying for test and/or quizzes, reading assigned
texts or related subject matter, or preparing reports. Primary grade
assignments may include handwriting practice, story reading,
vocabulary practice, practice worksheets, book reports, etc. Formal
home assignments for kindergarten students may involve practicing
skills, designing projects, etc.
Teachers will check homework for completion and accuracy. Written
homework will be corrected with appropriate feedback given to
students. Teachers are encouraged to require a parent signature on
written homework assignments.
Homework will be factored in as a percentage of the total grade.
Although grading criteria may vary depending on the content area and
grade level, no more than 10% of the quarterly grade may be based on
daily homework. This does not include extended projects, which may
be additional 10%-20% of the quarterly grade.
Students are expected to attend available coach class sessions if they
need assistance with class work, homework, or projects.
The Students’ Responsibility:
- Students are expected to record all homework assignment in an
agenda or assignment book and take home all books and materials
needed to complete the assigned work. Note: In the lower elementary
grades, students are given assignments in their take home folders.)
- Students are responsible for completing their homework on time and in
the required format.
- Students are responsible for requesting make-up work when they
return to school from a lawful absence.
- In order to increase reading fluency, students are responsible for
reading for at least 30 minutes outside of school on a daily basis.
- Students will attend available coach class sessions.
The Teachers’ Responsibility:
- Teachers will assign relevant homework that complies with
professional standards on a daily basis.
- Teachers will check homework for completion and accuracy.
- Teachers will make available the work missed by students due to
lawful absences.
- Teachers will notify parents of students who chronically fail to complete
homework assignments and will maintain written documentation of this
The Parents’ Responsibility:
- Parents should make the completion of homework a priority in the
home by expecting the completion homework and providing an
appropriate work environment in the home.
- It is appropriate to assist children with homework when they are getting
started and when they have questions. However, parents should
promote independence in their children by allowing them to complete
homework and projects independently.
Make-Up Work
In the event that a student misses assignments to absenteeism they are to
adhere to the following guidelines:
Short Term Illness
Upon returning from a short term absence (one- three days) due to illness
students are to meet with their teacher(s) to obtain misses class work and home
assignments. All make-up work must be completed and submitted to the
teacher(s) within three days of the students return to school unless a specific
extension is granted by a teacher due to extenuating circumstances. When
make-up work has been successfully completed and returned, the student’s
grade shall reflect the completion of the missed assignments.
Extended Illness
During the extended illness (more than three days), parents are strongly
encouraged to contact the school and request work for their children to complete
at home before returning to school. Parents should contact their child’s
teacher9s) to assemble work packets. The work packets may be picked up in the
main office by the parent/guardian.
Suspensions/Disciplinary Removals
If a child is suspended the parent may request and will be provided with
work packets to be completed and returned to the teacher(s) within two days of
the students return to school.
Students must have a pass issued by their teacher in order to use a
lavatory during school. Students should use the facilities as quickly as possible
and leave after washing their hands. All students share the responsibility of
keeping the lavatories in a clean and orderly condition. Any student found not
using the lavatories appropriately will be referred to an administrator in order to
receive an appropriate consequence and may be required to make restitution for
any damage done. Under normal circumstances students will not be permitted to
use the restroom during the first and last 15 minutes of a class period.
Student Lockers
Every student will be assigned a locker located in close proximity to their
classroom. Students in grades 4-8 are required to secure their locker with a
combination lock. Students are reminded that they should not give their lock
combination to anyone and are not permitted to share a locker with a classmate
and/or friend. Students may use their lockers in the morning prior to the start of
class and at the conclusion of school day.
Lost & Found
The main office maintains a lost and found area for items found in the
school. It is the student’s responsibility to check in the main office periodically if
he/she has lost something. Student clothing and other items of value should be
clearly labeled.
Parent Involvement & Participation
Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to become actively involved in
their child’s education. There are several ways to participate:
Parents/guardians are invited to school wide functions throughout the
school year.
Parent volunteers may be partnered with teachers to facilitate special
classroom events.
Parents can serve as approved volunteers providing support in
classrooms, as hall monitors, tutoring students, serving a lunch aides,
and assisting with school based initiatives.
Parents are strongly encouraged to join and actively participate in the
school based Parent Teacher Organization.
Parents are strongly encouraged to attend School-Family Council
(formerly known as the School Improvement Team) meetings.
Parent Volunteers
School volunteers continue to fill a variety of needs in the school: assisting
in the library, helping in the office, photocopying materials, assisting with special
project and committees, and working with students. Volunteers are utilized at
staff request. Respect for all school rules, policies and confidentiality remains
essential in all volunteer roles. City Schools policy states that all volunteers must
complete a mandatory background check at no cost. Please contact the school to
discuss volunteer opportunities
Parent-Teacher Student Organization
The William Pinderhuges Elementary-Middle School PTSO meets
approximately 5 times per year. The mission of the PTSO is to serve as a
resource to the parents, teachers and students of the school and to work in
conjunction with the School-Family Council (formerly known as the School
Improvement Team) and the school’s leadership team to improve student
achievement, increase parent/community involvement, and work to improve t o
overall condition and performance of the school, it’s students and their families.
Parents interested in holding elected office in the PTSO should contact the
school office for more information. The tentative PTSO meeting calendar is as
October 14, 2013
January 13, 2014
March 10, 2014
May 12, 2014
5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Personal Emergencies
Accidents: Occasionally accidents will happen to students while in school.
Should a student have an accident, he/she should tell their teacher or nearest
adult. The parent/guardian will be immediately contacted. It is very important to
have an up to date emergency card on file in the main office.
Illness: Should a student become ill while in school, he/she should tell
their teacher or the nearest adult. The child will be sent to our school-based
health clinic to be evaluated and the parent/guardian will be immediately
contacted. All students must have an up to date emergency card on file in the
main office.
Report Cards and Progress Reports
Formal report cards are issued four times during each school year.
Progress reports are also issued in the middle of each grading period.
Parents/guardians are asked to contact the school if there is an indication that
the parent-teacher conference is desired. Report cards and progress reports will
be issued as follows:
September 26, 2013
November 1, 2013
December 6, 2013
January 23, 2014
February 21, 2014
1st Student Progress Report
1st Student Report Card
2nd Student Progress Report
2nd Student Report Card
3 Student Progress Report
April 2, 2014
May 8, 2014
June 12, 2014
3rd Student Report Card
4th Student Progress Report
4th Student Report Card
8th Grade Promotional Ceremony
The school hosts a special 8th Grade Promotional Ceremony at the
conclusion of every school year for 8th grade students who have completed the
requirements for promotion to the 9th grade and are transitioning to high school.
In order to participate in this special activity student must meet the following
Have completed all requirements necessary for promotion to the 9th grade.
Had no long-term suspensions or expulsion during the course of the
school year.
Maintained an attendance rating of 90% or better for the school year.
Earned a grade of 60% or above in all classes for the third and fourth
quarters, as well as the a year end grade of 60% or above.
Students who fail to meet these standards will not be permitted to participate in
our promotional ceremony. Parents are able to request an appeal conference
with the principal to discuss the circumstances involving any student who is not
permitted to participate. This ceremony has been tentatively scheduled for
June 5, 2012 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Druid Heights CDC Community Resource Center
The Druid Heights CDC Community Resource Center is a comprehensive
family support service provider located in the library of the school. Headed by
Ms. Shekita Wilkins, this resource center provides services to students, their
families and community members including GED classes, technology workshops,
positive parenting classes, health care referrals, and many other direct services
and referrals for services. These services are offered absolutely free of charge to
any member William Pinderhuges Elementary-Middle School community. The
resource center at be contacted at (410) 728-0638.
HIPPY Program
HIPPY was initiated in 1969 as a research project by professor Avima D.
Lombard at the National Council of Jewish Women Research Institute for
Innovation in the School of Education at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem,
Israel. HIPPY empowers parents as the primary educators of their children in the
home and community in order to maximize a child’s success in pre-kindergarten
and kindergarten. Families who enrolled in and participate in HIPPY receive free
educational supplies including books, crayons, scissors, colorful shapes, weekly
lesson packs and assistance from a home educator. You will also have the
opportunity to participate in fun family meetings and field trips. The HIPPY Family
Center at be contacted at (410) 383-0288.
Textbooks & Other School Issued Materials/Supplies
Students may be assigned individual textbooks or other related
materials/supplies. These items remain the property of the school and the
BCPSS and should be used and handled with care. If any student should lose or
damage school issued equipment or supplies (including library materials, gym
equipment and/or musical instruments) he/she will be responsible for pay for the
replacement of the item(s).
Registration of Visitors
As stated in Baltimore City Code Article 24, Section 21 “it shall be unlawful
for any person to enter any public school building without immediately registering
at the office of the principal. Such registrant shall be required to furnish his/her
name, address, and occupation, and shall state the reason for his/her presence
in the building. In addition, he/she shall furnish positive identification.” Upon
registering at the main office visitors will be given a pass stating their name, the
date and time, and approved destination. All visitors must prominently display
their pass while in the building.
It is the policy of the Baltimore City Public School System to maintain a
learning environment that is free from harassment. It shall be a violation of this
policy for students to harass other students or staff through conduct of a sexual
nature or conduct designed to dignity of that individual with respect to race, color,
creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability or parental status.
Violations of this policy will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including
expulsion. Students who believe they have suffered harassment shall report such
matters in a timely manner to a teacher, counselor, or administrator.
2012-2013 School Year Calendar At-A-Glance
Schools open for students
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Last Day of School
Monday, August 26, 2013
End Dates
Ends on October 31, 2013
Ends on January 17, 2014
Ends on March 28, 2014
Ends on June 9, 2014
Friday, June 16, 2014 TENATIVE
Professional Development Days
10 whole days (contractual)
June 11, 2014 will be the last day of
school if there are NO weather-related
emergency closings
September 27, 2013
October 17 & 18, 2013
November 15, 2013
January 31, 2014
April 4, 2014
Note: Schools closed for students
Early Release Days
Two (2) early-release days for ALL students
PK-12 for Parent/Teacher Conference.
Progress reports issued on these dates.
December 13, 2014
February 28, 2014
Major Holidays
Independence Day
July 4, 2013
Labor day
September 2, 2013
November 28 & 29, 2013
Winter Holiday
December 23, 2013 – January 1, 2014
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
Monday, January 20, 2014
President’s Day
February 17, 2014
Spring Break
April 14 – April 21, 2014
Memorial Day
May 26, 2014
Major Student Assessments
MSA Reading & Mathematics
March 3 - 21, 2014
MSA Science
April 1 – April 11, 2014
School Family Council Meeting Tentative Schedule
September 9, 2013
October 14, 2013
November 11, 2013
March 3, 2014
April 7, 2014
May 12, 2014
2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.