Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Map Skills activities 3 Longitude and Latitude Skills http://www.jeffreyrbrown.info/qiblih/latlong_us.html Use the above link to identify the latitude and longitude of the capital cities in the Coastal Range region. State Capital Latitude Longitude 1. Washington Olympia 2. Oregon Salem 3. Idaho Boise 4. California Sacramento 5. Nevada Carson City 6. Utah Salt Lake City 7. New Mexico Santa Fe 8. Arizona Phoenix 9. Colorado Denver 10. Alaska Anchorage Road To Nowhere Using the link below and map below, create a road map of Route 66 through the Basin and Range. Include a title, compass rose, scale and the cities that Route 66 passes through. In each state, draw symbol to represent something of interest on that section of Route 66. http://www.roadtripusa.com/routes/route66/route66.html Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Bodies of Water Activities 2 Using the links below, fill in the Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the 3 major rivers of the Basin and Range. Be sure to include which states the rivers run through, what function they provide the region and what resources they provide the region. Rio Grande http://kids.britannica.com/comptons/article-9276735/Rio-Grande Columbia River http://kids.britannica.com/elementary/article-390240/Columbia-River Colorado River http://www.bobspixels.com/kaibab.org/misc/gc_coriv.htm Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Climate Characteristics 2 Deserts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_Arizona#Deserts The Basin and Range region is made up of four different deserts. Create a poster that shows the differences between each desert. Your poster should be divided up into four different sections and each section should tell you what area of Arizona that desert covers, a map of the area, the altitude, precipitation, wildlife and terrain of the desert. Include pictures to help show the differences. The four deserts are: The Sonoran Desert http://www.pima.gov/cmo/sdcp/kids.html The Mojave Desert http://www.academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Mojave_desert The Painted Desert http://www.2coollizards.com/painted_desert/painted_desert.html The Chihuahan Desert http://www.nps.gov/cave/naturescience/deserts.htm Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Name that State 2 State Flag Foldable Choose any 5 states from the Basin and Range Region and design a foldable with a picture of the flag and a description/explanation. Be creative!! Example: Arizona State Flag The 13 rays of red and gold on the top half of the flag represent both the 13 original colonies of the Union, and the rays of the Western setting sun. Red and gold were also the colors carried by Coronado's Spanish expedition in search of the Seven Cities of Cibola in 1540. The bottom half of the flag has the same Liberty blue as the United States flag. Since Arizona was the largest producer of copper in the nation, a copper star was placed in the flag's center. Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Make That Money!! 4 Choose two states from the Basin and Range region. Create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the major sources of revenue for each state. Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Physical Processes 2 Flash Floods Using the below resources, create a Safety Brochure for someone moving into a high flood area. The brochure must describe what a flash flood is, how to recognize when a flash flood might occur, the dangers of a flash flood, and safety measures to take in a flash food. Be sure to include pictures. http://www.kcet.org/updaily/the_back_forty/weather/rain-in-the-desert.html http://www.in-the-desert.com/safety.html Sequence of events leading up to a Flash Flood. Upstream flooding starts - not raining here. Water just approaching the road. The wash is starting to fill. Water just approaching the road. Water has now crossed the road. Road is no longer passable. 4 minutes elapsed. Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Scavenger Hunt 3 Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Alaska Directions: Match the correct state to the description provided each state can be used more than once. If you need help use an atlas or use www.50states.com Dog mushing is my official state sport. I am the home of Smokey the Bear. I have the deepest lake in the U.S. I am home of the world’s largest building. In my state, it is illegal to give someone a box of candy that weighs more than 50 lbs. My official state fossil is the ichthyosaur. I am home to Death Valley, the hottest and driest place in the U.S. I am the leader of Copper Production. I am home of the world’s largest flat top mountain. I am home of the Grand Canyon. My name means the color “red” My original name was Columbia from the Columbia River. ¾ of my roads are unpaved. My official state mineral is gold. I have more mountain ranges than any other state. I have the highest literacy rate in the U.S. Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Answer Key Dog mushing is my official state sport. I am the home of Smokey the Bear. New Mexico Alaska I have the deepest lake in the U.S. Oregon In my state, it is illegal to give someone a box of candy that weighs more than 50 lbs. Idaho My official state fossil is the ichthyosaur. Nevada I am the leader of Copper Production. Arizona I am home of the world’s largest building. Washington I am home to Death Valley, the hottest and driest place in the U.S. California I have the highest literacy rate in the U.S. Utah I am home of the world’s largest flat top mountain. Colorado I am home of the Grand Canyon. My name means the color “red” Arizona My original name was Columbia from the Columbia River. Colorado ¾ of my roads are unpaved. New Mexico Washington My official state mineral is gold. Alaska I have more mountain ranges than any other state. Nevada Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Color by state 3 Directions: Locate all of the states that belong to the Basin and Range region using the link below. If the state is Democratic color it BLUE, if the state is Republican color it RED. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/2012_elections_electoral_coll ege_map.html Extension Activity: Using the link below, create a campaign poster about what you would do if you were president. Be sure to answer each question carefully, record your answers on a separate piece of paper and print out the newspaper review of yourself to turn in with your answers. Be ready to defend your choices. http://www.scholastic.com/kids/president/ Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Scouting Report 4 http://www.collegeswimming.com/poll1/ Use the above links to identify the logo of 5 college swimming teams. Choose your favorite from the Basin and Range region and create an advertisement to encourage an athlete to join the team. Be careful to identify which state in the Basin and Range region the team comes from. Your advertisement should include 3 reasons why an athlete should join the team. For example you may choose to identify tourist attractions in the area, the major industry in the area, and possible family activities. Activity Extension If you are not a swimming fan you can use the same link and choose a sport of interest to complete this activity. Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Presentation 4 Power Point Presentation Instructions o Your travel agency has been selected to give a presentation about the Basin and Range Region. Design a presentation that would encourage tourists to take a tour of this region. Your presentation should include all 19 states of this region, the major bodies of water, sources of revenue, and popular attractions. A sample slide is shown below: Come visit Minnesota Although Minnesota is known as the” gopher state”, it is the leading state in the computer industry. It is also home to the headquarters of several popular brands like Nabisco and Pillsbury. Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Weather Phenomenon 2 Tornado Watch Each year about a thousand tornadoes touch down in the US. Only a small percentage actually strike occupied buildings, but every year a number of people are killed or injured. The chances that a tornado will strike a building that you are in are very small, however, and you can greatly reduce the chance of injury by doing a few simple things. –From the Tornado Project Online You will research the safety precautions for surviving a tornado. You will then create a classroom Tornado kit that contains the supplies we will need to prepare our classroom in case of a tornado (see teacher for supply needs). You must also make a safety awareness poster that could be posted in the school. The poster must tell students how to recognize if a tornado is possible, where to go and what to do if they are inside, outside or at home. http://www.tornadoproject.com/ http://www.weather.com/life/safety/homesafety/article/disaster-supply-kit_2011-1010 http://www.redcross.org/portal/site/en/menuitem.86f46a12f382290517a8f210b80f78a 0/?vgnextoid=62a7da30df3ea110VgnVCM10000030f3870aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Creative Writing Prompts 4 Choose 2 of the following writing prompts Imagine your family is going to drive on US-83 from Texas to North Dakota. Using your map resources, create a journal recording each day of your trip, what you needed to bring, what you see, where you went and how you got there. Write a story from the viewpoint of a capital city located in this region (“I am the capital city of ____________”). Write the story of how this city became important enough to be chosen as the capital. Be sure to include specific examples. Imagine that you are a member of one of the Native American nations of the Basin and Range. Europeans have recently arrived in your territory and your tribal leaders are holding meeting to decide whether to help, hurt, or ignore these new people. Prepare an oral presentation to forward your opinion at tonight. The Dust Bowl: Now and then Using the pictures from the 1930’s Dust Bowl and the 2012 drought below discuss the impact the Dust bowl and drought had on the lives of the people and the economy. Colorado was engulfed in fires this last year due to the lack of rainfall and the ensuing drought. Pretend you are a resident in Colorado Springs and you have just been told you need to evacuate your home. You have only 30 minutes to pack and don’t know where you are going to stay. Write a letter to your friends telling them what happened, how you felt, and what you decided to take with you. Unit 9: The Basin and Range Activities Slide Rocket 3 Required Task Directions: View the SlideRocket Presentation using the link below. Then you must choose from one of the activities at the end. http://portal.sliderocket.com/CCNAT/GreatPlains The activities are as follows: Visit at least 5 of the links that provide more information about each state. Read the section on their major industries carefully. Pick a product that is common to most of the states in this region. Create an advertisement for this product or service. You may use technology or art supplies to create your ad. Explore the link about the Missouri River. Consider a body of water in our area of Virginia. Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the 2 bodies of water. Choose one of the interesting landmarks in this region and research it. Create a brochure for this landmark. View this “commercial for the Interior Lowlands. Create your own commercial with a partner using what you’ve learned in this presentation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dp4Vf__CgU Complete one or more of the Microsoft Word Templates Located in your Hand Out folder. You will need to revisit several links in the presentation. The templates are: o Economy Template o Geography Template o Cultural Template