Academic Services Instructional Visit Look For Checklist Content Area: ____________________ Time: _____________________________ Teacher: ____________________ Date: ________________________ Room #: _________________________ Observer: ________________________ DA Element I: Classroom Culture and Environment: DA Element II: Rigorous Tasks and Assessments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Marzano Model Learning Segment: DQ6: Establishing Rules and Procedures DQ7: Recognizing Adherence to Rules and Procedures and Behaviors ____Common Board Configuration (aligned, elements evident) ____Print Rich Environment ____Environment Conducive to learning ____Clutter free environment ____Organized physical layout ____NGSSS/Benchmark-measurable/student friendly, date, benchmark, objective, agenda, bell work, homework 7. ____Displays- student work, posters, word walls, classroom libraries, projects, graphic organizers w/ feedback 8. ____Bell-to-bell instruction and orderly transitions 9. ____Withitness 10. ____ Students on task 11. ____Expectations for behavior clear 12. ____ Adherence to rules and procedures 13. ____Established classroom routines DA Element I: Student Engagement: Marzano Model Learning Segment: DQ5: Engaging Students DQ8: Establishing and Maintaining Effective Relationships with Students 1. _____Teacher actively engages students through a variety of learning strategies: Visual____ Auditory____ Kinesthetic____ 2. _____ Students interact and participate in the learning process 3. _____ Teachers make adjustment in instruction and structures to engage students 4. _____ Engaging activity to peak interest 5. _____ Inquiry-based activities 6. _____ Hands-on 7. _____ Collaborative structure during guided practice 8. _____ Lively pace, intensity and enthusiasm 9. _____ Opportunities for student discourse 10. _____ Relevant and intriguing 11. _____ Students engaged in “accountable talk” DA Element II: Higher Order Questioning & Discourse Marzano Model Learning Segment: DQ4: Helping Students Generate and Test Hypotheses 1. _____Questioning strategies and techniques promote higher order thinking Overall: ____Low _____Moderate ____High 2. _____Teacher uses, models, scaffolds and elicits higher order thinking. 3. _____Students demonstrate higher order thinking 4. _____Think aloud 5. _____Compare, Contrast, Clarify 6. _____Bloom’s Levels 7. _____Webb’s DOK 8. _____Cognitively complex tasks 9. _____Testing and generating hypothesis 10. _____Scaffolding, Pacing, and Wait time Evident 11. _____Student responses demonstrate understanding 12. _____Providing resources and guidance 10/10/12 Marzano Model Learning Segment: DQ3: Helping Students Practice and Deepen New Knowledge DQ9: Communicating High Expectations for All Students _____ High level of cognitive complexity is evident _____ Appropriate progression of Webb’s DOK _____Reviewing Content _____Opportunities to practice and deepen knowledge _____Opportunities to revise knowledge _____Checks for understanding _____Assignment on grade level _____Refers to Essential Question _____Uses appropriate terminology ______Higher-order thinking is evident ______Appropriate, purposeful homework ______Authentic student samples (projects, research, debates) ______Practicing acquired skills, strategies, and processes ______Data driving instruction (Scaffolding, Intervention) ______Rubrics and scales shared with students ______Sample papers of exemplary work ______Teacher clarifies expectations ______Probing of incorrect answers ______ Communication of high expectations DA Element II: Lesson Planning and Delivery Marzano Model Learning Segment: DQ1: Communicating Learning Goals and Feedback DQ2: Helping Students Interact with New Knowledge Domain 2: Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ______Standard/Benchmark/Learning Goal/Scale ______Objective/Essential Question/Summarizing Activity ______Vocabulary Development/Bellwork/Homework ______Instruction aligned to standards ______Gradual Release: ____I Do ____We Do ____You Do ______Lesson plans current & include multiple strategies ______Essential Question utilized ______Objective (Measurable, Clearly Stated) ______Accesses prior knowledge ______Identifying Critical Information _____Appropriately paced _____Allows for questioning _____Lecture, whole group, small group, student led _____Provides opportunities for feedback _____Chunking content _____Scaffolding information within lesson _____Providing opportunities for reflection DA Element II: Differentiated Instruction Marzano Model Learning Segment: Planning and Preparing for the Special Needs of Students (ELL, Special Education, Students Lacking Support) 1. _____Instructional delivery is student specific (addresses needs, learning styles and abilities of students) 2. _____Small group and center activities are planned to meet varied needs Intensive ____Proficient _____Enrichment _____ 3. _____Teacher scaffolds on-grade level instruction to meet the needs of all students 4. _____Individualized instruction 5. _____Varied partner activities _____Small group ____Centers 6. _____Varied modalities addressed 7. _____Technology utilized (Research-based programs) 8. _____Leveled/ and tiered tasks DA Element II: Instructional Tools & Materials DA Element V: School & District Leadership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. Marzano Model Learning Segment: Planning and Preparing for Use of Resources and Technology _____Textbook (Current state-adopted, One per student) _____Available & appropriate materials _____Core instructional materials are utilized _____Supplemental Materials _____Manipulative _____Lab equipment _____Reading resource program kits _____Intervention product _____Computers, doc cameras, interactive white board, overhead, calculators 10. _____Use of available resources and technology DA Element III: Cross Content Reading and Writing Instruction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. _____Students summarizing concepts in written form _____Teachers provide instruction in comprehension and vocabulary strategies _____Students use reading and writing in multiple content areas _____Student writing is posted _____Interactive word walls _____Graphic organizers _____Thinking Maps _____Notebooks/Journals _____Picture notes _____Word mapping _____Literacy Strategies _____Cornell Notes _____Models context clues _____Before, during, and after reading strategies _____Real-world (meaningful) connections DA Element IV: Florida’s Continuous Improvement Model Marzano Model Learning Segment: Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Domain 3: Reflection on Teaching 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. _____FAIR and Benchmark Assessments _____Ongoing Progress Monitoring Data _____Utilization of curriculum blueprints, task cards, instructional focus calendars, and instructional focus lessons _____FCIM Benchmarks (LBAs) and Mini Assessments _____Tutorial, Maintenance, and Enrichment Groups _____Data Driven Instruction _____Data Chats _____Data Binders _____Student ______Teacher _____Student Portfolios _____RtI/MTSSS _____Evaluating Lesson Effectiveness _____Evaluating Strategy Effectiveness _____Identifying Areas of Strength and Weaknesses _____Deliberate practice aligned to SIP and student data Marzano Model Learning Segment: Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism ______School and district leadership provide teachers with guidance and modeling in the classroom designed to improve instruction 2. ______School’s master schedule shows opportunity for common planning periods amongst instructional staff to promote Lesson Study, PLCs, and data chats. 3. ______Demonstration Classrooms 4. ______Professional Learning Communities 5. ______Lesson Study Teams 6. ______SAC Involvement 7. ______Student Clubs and Activities 8. ______Mentoring and Coaching 9. ______Support of School and District Initiatives 10. ______Systems for shared leadership CCSS: Common Core State Standards Implementation C² Ready Non Negotiables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ______ Use of Learning Targets/Goals ______ High Levels of Cognitive Demand ______ Increased Use of Complex Text ______ Increased Use of Non-Fiction Informational Text ______ Incorporation of Project-based learning ______ Incorporation of 21st Century Skills ______ Use of a range of writing for a variety of purposes across all content areas Additional Observations/Comments: