
Magna Carta joint programme of events 2015
Middle Temple, Inner Temple and Temple Church
Friday 26 June
Inner Temple Evensong and Bar Guest Night
Temple Church and Inner Temple
Bookings here
Wednesday 8 July
Pre-conference dinner for
British Academy Conference with Leeds University
Inner Temple
Bookings here
Thursday 9 – Friday 10 July
British Academy Conference with Leeds University
The Race Relations Act at 50
British Academy
Bookings here
Monday 13 July
Parliament and Temple Lecture and Panel Discussion
Introductory speakers TBC - "Who makes the law?"
Portcullis House, Westminster
Bookings here
Saturday 19 – Sunday 20 September
Open House London
Daily, 10-17:00hrs
Temple Estate and the Royal Courts of Justice
Free of charge
Monday 12 October (event TBC)
Anniversary: 1297 Statute Roll
Temple Church
To note:
Monday 12 October
American Bar Association International Law Meeting
Monday 19 October
Inns of Court Magna Carta Lecture Series (III)
Speaker: The Rt Hon The Baroness Hale of Richmond DBE, Deputy President of the Supreme Court “Magna Carta – Did She Die in Vain?”
Inn: Gray’s Inn
Bookings here
Monday 26 October
English Speaking Union and Inner Temple Magna Carta Moot
Inner Temple
Bookings here
Monday 23 November
Inns of Court Magna Carta Lecture Series (IV)
Speaker: Professor Sir John Baker QC, FBA - “Magna Carta and the Templars 1215-1628”
Inn: Inner Temple
Booking from September
Monday 30 November
Advent Service
Temple Church
Thursday 3 December
Temple Church Christmas Fair & Festive Food Market
Middle Temple Hall
Tickets on the door
Monday 7 December
Inner Temple Magna Carta Book Prize Awards Ceremony
Inner Temple
Wednesday 9 December
Carol Service
Temple Church
Date TBC
Sing along lunch time
Temple Church
Sunday 13 December
Main Carol Service
Temple Church
Booking: From October
Sunday 13 December
Children’s Nativity Play
Temple Church at 1500 hrs
followed by tea at Inner Temple
To book: Bookings from September
Contact Inner Temple Treasury Office
020 7797 8250
Thursday 24 December
Midnight Choral Communion
Temple Church
Friday 24 December
Christmas Day Choral Mattins
Temple Church
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Useful links:
The Temple Church website gives further details of all the above events by date; the Inner Temple
website also references events for the current term.
The Magna Carta 800th website hosts a 2015 events page where you can find out about events both
national and local.
Professor Vincent Nichols’ Magna Carta Project offers a wonderful Feature of the Month page with a
special feature which throws light upon the events of the council held in the New Temple at London
after 6 January 1215.
The British Library’s Law Liberty and Legacy exhibition displays…
Parliament in the Making celebrates 750 years since the first Simon de Montfort Parliament and
provides brilliant ideas of how to get involved in this and Magna Carta celebrations in 2015 from
hosting a Liberteas event to planning in the classroom.